Will Gittens
Nashville, Tennessee, United States
The best kept secret in music
’m back with my new column 15 seconds of fame, the traditional 15 minutes having been reduced by some Instagram magic! Every month, I’ll feature one talented anonymous bird from this social media, allowing you to discover that person thanks to a little quiz and my favorite video (and as I’ve always had issues sorting things out, I’ll even add two extra links). But please note that even if I’m offering 15 seconds of fame to these music-loving users, it’s actually YEARS of success that I wish and presage with this column! Without further ado, I’ll invite you to get to know Will Gittens: this man OWNS every single song he decides to cover and what I love the most about him is probably how he keeps it so simple and casual, not feeling the need to show off his incredible runs and falsetto all the time. Hip hop, Christian music, pop, folk: he makes everything sounds like this delicious rnb syrup we used to get back in the early 2000s. Besides, before I came across his Instagram account, I had no idea I was all about that bass and you might come to the same realization while checking some of his instrumental covers/arrangements (can we please just jam out to Thong Song all night?).
And if you think you have what it takes to give me goosebumps too, send me your link to alison@urbansoul.be or @urbansoulmag on Twitter (and by the way, let’s follow each other on Instagram as well, shall we?)
Artist name: Will Gittens
Age: 22
City: Nashville, USA
I’m a: singer-songwriter.
Instruments: I play guitar, bass and drums.
I fell in love with music… : I’ve always been in love with it. My father is a singer/songwriter and musician; I grew up hearing so many styles that my dad introduced to me to. Even though I was involved in sports and other activities, I still found myself doing music in the end.
I sing because… : It gives me a natural high that makes me feel superhuman, I also love how my voice affects people.
My musical pet peeve: When people sing off pitch for a long period of time during a performance.
The song that represents me the best: I Just Called To Say I Love You by Stevie Wonder.
3 words to describe my own music: unique, catchy, smooth.
Dream collaboration: Drake.
Upcoming projects: I’m working on completing my first album this year.
Where to find me: Instagram ● Twitter ● Soundcloud ● Facebook ● Vine ● YouTube - Urban Soul
Will Gittens is not your average musician.
Coming all the way from Port of Spain, Trinidad this Berklee College of Music graduate is also a vocalist, guitar, bass, and drum player. He is the real definition of a one man band. What makes Will Gittens so captivating as a musician is his ability to create music that makes everyone want to come back for more. As you might see by his Vine page Will seems to be growing at a fairly fast pace. Only having created his vine in September of 2014 Will has managed to build his following to about 54,300 people on Vine so far. What’s amazing is not that he has that many followers, it’s actually the fact that he reached this following in the span of only seven months. Now that is what you call true determination. Everyday Will Gittens catches the attention of more and more people. There is no doubt that he will soon be recognized all around the country. Check out some of his music you’ll be sure to get hooked! - Verge Campus
Here at Love Recording we like to share all kinds of talent; whether it’s UK based or across the globe we are always happy to shine a light on what we think deserves to be noticed!
So after stumbling across Will Gittens the singer/songwriter who studies at the infamous Berklee College of Music in Boston USA, we made sure we contacted him to find out a little bit more about his ambitions, music and what makes him so passionate about what he does.
When was the moment you knew that music was what you wanted to pursue?
The moment I knew I wanted to pursue music was when I was 17. Vince Gill allowed me to shadow him backstage at a sold out show at the Ryman auditorium. He then asked me to sing a song, performing in front of 3000, after that experience I knew music was my calling.
How long have you been performing for?
I’ve been performing for about 4 years now
Who are your biggest musical inspirations?
I have so many! I really admire Sam Cooke, Micheal Jackson, John Mayer, John Legend, Mali Music, Stevie Wonder, Derek Trucks.
What inspires you to write songs? Do you have any favourite poets/songwriters?
I do write my own songs. What inspires me to write songs are beautiful environments/atmospheres. But the biggest inspiration to write songs for me is relationships. My father is one of my favorite songwriters.
I also really like how John Mayer writes, as well as John Legend, Stevie Wonder is probably my favourite songwriter.
What track/album are you listening to at the moment?
I’m really digging Mali music’s album “Mali Is” I’m listening to that a lot, and I really love the new D’angelo album “Black Mesiah”
If you had to take 3 songs with you to a desert island what would they be and why?
I would take I just called to say I love you by Stevie Wonder
Slow Dancing In A Burning Room by John Mayer
Oceans by Hillsong
What are your thoughts on the current music scene?
I think the current music scene is struggling. I say that because real talent is not appreciated as much anymore. All the new social media platforms such as Vine, Instagram, Youtube, etc. are leveling out the playing field to where, regular people can become “famous.” Back then it was about your raw talent and uniqueness. These days, an average joe, with little to no talent can “go viral,” and have just as big, or a bigger following than a “signed artist”. You can be the best singer, but labels don’t want to “risk” anything with you unless you have a substantial social media following already. The music scene is in great need of total reconstruction.
Could you explain a little bit more about where you are currently and what’s next for you in terms of your music?
I am currently in Nashville, I am currently working on growing my fanbase through social media. That is going to be one of my biggest focuses this year, hopefully something I create goes viral. I have Vine, Instagram, and Youtube to try and make it happen.
What Is next for me is getting my original material out there, and that is something I plan to do this year 2015.
3 words to describe your musical style?
Thoughts on talent shows like The Voice/ X Factor/ American Idol? Would you ever go on a show like that?
A lot of people tell me I should audition for one of those shows, I might give it a try. I’ve never experienced “television,” I heard it’s a whole different beast. For now it’s a maybe!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself married and with beautiful children living in a nice house, and living a fruitful life. I see myself having won a couple Grammy’s, been on world tours. I see myself being one of the most respected artists of our generation. I see myself being a giver, spreading love and positivity. - Love Recording
Check website for videos - Buzz Feed
Meet Will Gittens: from “Port Of Spain” Trinidad and Tobago. He currently lives in Nashville, TN and has been singing for about 5 years. This dude has covered some very popular songs that the people of social media are falling in love with. Take a look at how much talent this boy has below and then follow him @WillGittens. Tell Him @TheAmirDiamond sent ya! - 97.9 The Box Houston
A 22 year old Berklee student from Nashville is our 15 Seconds of Fame featured artist tonight.
Check out Will Gittens‘ cover of Four Five Seconds by Rhianna, Kanye West & Paul McCartney and let us know what you think!
15 Seconds - Will Gittens
https://youtu.be/lV9_hRFuntQ - Radio Mix 104.1
Will Gittens has become one of my favorite people to follow on instagram, on twitter, on vine, period! He takes the most popular songs and makes them his own. It’s gotten to the point that once I hear his versions, I don’t wanna jam the original! Follow him @WillGittens and take a look at his most recent cover of Fetty Wap’s “Trap Queen” here:
https://youtu.be/NeT4a5OSRiY - 97.9 The Box Houston
After injuring himself playing football in high school, William Gittens, StarCentral Magazine’s Male YouTube Artist of the Month for July 2013, was forced to re-think his career options.
“I used to be a serious athlete and I thought that would be my career,” Gittens says. However, after joining the high school choir, the ‘Ensworth Singers’, the artist later auditioned and was accepted into the Berklee College of Music during his senior year. Flourishing in college, the RnB/rock/contemporary singer now performs covers by Pharrell Williams, Rihanna, Jay-Z and Justin Timberlake on his YouTube channel and does a few gigs around Boston and Nashville.
“Performing live is where I find my greatest ‘high’ it’s the only thing that can cause me to have out of body experiences. When I’m on stage singing and playing guitar, I don’t know, it’s just the best feeling in the world, the feeling is unexplainable.”
William 1
The artist’s most crazy moment so far has been performing in the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville shadowing the Grammy Award-winning artist Vince Gill. Gittens was taken by surprise when he was asked to play a song for the sell-out crowd.
“I was pretty nervous! But after I finished that sealed the deal for me wanting to become a performer.”
Growing up on music, Gittens’ inspiration comes from artists like John Legend, Michael Jackson, Usher and David Ryan Harris. He says it’s his family and the thought of becoming a well-known and respected artist that keeps him motivated and determined to pursue his dream.
“My family has struggled financially so the thought of me being able to change that circumstance drives me every day. Just the thought of that makes me want to do my best and put my all into my music.”
Gittens knows what he wants. He is currently in the process of completing an EP and is planning to release two singles within the next couple of months. With one year left of college you can be sure this soul singer will burst onto the scene for total world domination.
“I want to be on tour performing my music, writing songs for other artists and producing small projects and tracks for artists. I want to win a Grammy, that is something I want to win. I want my songs in movies and to be played worldwide.”
During his down time, the Boston-based singer and performer finds solace in watching movies and taking a stroll down the street.
“I love watching movies, it allows my mind to rest from my music. I also just go for a walk…whether day or night, when I feel stressed, it’s usually a result of me needing to breathe some fresh, outside air.”
An athlete at heart with a love for basketball and high jump, Gittens still holds the record at his high school in high jump, jumping a height of 6’6.
“I’m pretty athletic, that’s my secret talent.”
With his mesmerising vocals and unabashed good looks, Gittens is on a fast track to stardom. Injecting each cover song with feeling and emotion, we can’t wait to hear the artist’s soon-to-be-released singles ’1000 miles away’ and ‘Questions.’ Watch out Frank Ocean!
YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/gittensw10
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/william.gittens.1?fref=ts - Star Central Entertainment Magazine
As you may know by now, each month we feature a Berklee student who is truly epitomizing what Berklee is all about – working hard to turn your dreams into a reality. After winning a You Generation contest granting him the opportunity to fly to L.A. to meet Demi Lovato, 7th semester vocal principal William Gittens is doing just that. Complete with one of the most effortlessly smooth voices at Berklee and performance skills that can be compared to a seasoned professional, we couldn’t be more excited to bring you our artist of the month for October!
Check out our interview with William Gittens below.
Berklee Groove: One of our favorite things about Berklee is how diverse the student body is. Where are you originally from?
William Gittens: My hometown is Tunapuna, Trinidad and Tobago, and Nashville, TN, as well for about 12 years now.
BG: How did you originally get started in music?
WG: Sterling Gittens, my father, is an incredible musician and songwriter, so I grew up around a wide variety of musical styles. I actually didn’t really start pursuing music I got accepted into Berklee.
BG: What is the most important thing you’ve learned as a student at Berklee?
WG: I would say the most important thing I’ve learned is to never do what “the majority” does. I feel like a lot of Berklee students are coming to the school thinking that just the Berklee name will bring them success in the music industry, but I learned quickly that I needed to use the environment to the best of my ability and benefit. I learned to gain relationships through just by actually being friends with great musicians and learning from them. Placing myself in an atmosphere with passionate, hungry musicians has driven my ambition.
BG: Who are your biggest influences?
WG: I would say Usher, John Legend, John Mayer, David Ryan Harris, Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Sterling Gittens, Sterling Gittens Jr, and all of my friends at Berklee.
BG: How did you hear about the You Generation contest? How did the contest work?
WG: I honestly did not know what You Generation was, until they sent a message to my YouTube account describing what it was about and asking me to audition for the contest. When I saw that it was actually legit, I said, “Why not?” and auditioned. They said that the winner would be flown to L.A. to meet with Demi Lovato, Savan Kotecha, and others. They gave me about five songs to choose from and said that I could sing to the tracks they provided, or accompany myself. There were thousands of video submissions for the contest, they let me know that I made the top two, then they had a Skype session with me and the other finalist, and then they let me know I won. I then had to wait until the video was posted on the You Generation page to tell anyone the news.
BG: What was the experience like winning the contest? Did you expect to win?
WG: It was a great experience! I’ve never won a singing competition before. No, I did not expect to win. I thought I definitely had a great shot at winning — I didn’t look at all of the other submissions, but I knew there were many very talented people auditioning that I didn’t get a chance to see.
BG: What happens next? Are you stoked to meet Demi Lovato? We love her!
WG: I’ll know the final details on my trip to L.A. soon. I am very excited to meet her! I like her voice a lot and I look forward to talking with her and getting as much knowledge I can from her and her team.
BG: Where do you see yourself in five years?
WG: I see myself being a well-known and respected artist in the industry, and writing and producing records for other artists, close friends, and myself. I also see myself winning a Grammy, and other honorable music awards.
BG: What else do you want our readers to know about you?
WG: For the readers that know who I am and that support me – thank you! I also want the readers to know that you shouldn’t come to a school like Berklee and waste any time while you’re here. I put in a lot of hard work into working on my music, managing myself, and promoting myself, and that’s all led to the rewards and blessings that I have been receiving. For about a year and a half, I didn’t see where all my hard work was going, but with hard work, rewards are bound to come your way. Always look for ways to grow and become better a musician – and more importantly, a better person. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel, follow me on Instagram, “like” my Facebook fan page, and follow me on Twitter! - The Berklee Groove
The Red Room at Cafe 939 presents Fresh Prospects, a showcase of the best up-and-coming Berklee artists reworking their favorite songs into intimate acoustic performances.
Southern California singer-songwriter Tori Kelly self-released Handmade Songs by Tori Kelly last May, a collection of songs that perfectly blend the accessibility of the girl next door with the depth and skill of a world-class artist.
Kelly credits Michael Jackson, Jill Scott, John Mayer, Jeff Buckley, and gospel artists such as Crystal Lewis and J. Moss as her musical influences, which are reflected in her soulful pop/rock blend. It is her clear and uncompromising vision for her craft and career that has helped her build a YouTube channel that has garnered more than 30,000,000 views and a following that spans the globe.
Kaylee Bugg and William Gittens are the supporting acts.
Admission: Free - Radio WICN
Still working on that hot first release.
Feeling a bit camera shy
Currently at a loss for words...
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