The Slick Skillet Serenaders
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | SELF
“The music of the Slick Skillet Serenaders comes from that long-ago era that for many people only lives on in the dusty and scratchy seventy-eight shellac discs one might find at a yardsale or in a grandparent's basement. The bluesy jug band from New Orleans, however, would beg to differ. Not only is their hometown of New Orleans teeming with like-minded ragtime virtuosos, but seeing the band perform live, or even seeing a video performance online, illustrates that while their music harks to the past, the Slick Skillet Serenaders (like local ragtime revivalists Hobo Knife) are a band to ring in a new era. Jobydiah Hudson III, singer and washboard and kazoo player for the Serenaders, says that he and his band's love of pre-World War II blues and jazz led to the creation of the Slick Skillet Serenaders, which also includes singer and banjo player Joseph Faison, singer and guitarist Jason Lawrence, singer and upright bassist Corey MacGillivary, and harmonica player Ready Freddy.” - T.J. Jones
“The Slick Skillet Serenaders have crafted a unique style most reminiscent of old jug band and ragtime music. Complete with a washboard percussionist (and watch that washboard solo – aiiieee! It’s got some kick to it!), the Serenaders bring back the old-time groove with style and New Orleans flavor. But the Serenaders stand out as a truly unique group by virtue of their musical ability. There are no weak links, and 5 Ball really brings home the show with his percussion genius. This recording could never match the quality of seeing them live on the streets of New Orleans, but even digitally, the SSS proves to be a fantastic band. The band members take turn singing on a one-song basis and occasionally takes harmonies. The CD case says that 5 Ball and Freddy play washboard, but when my brother and I saw them, only 5 Ball played. Freddy kept to harmonica Furthermore, there was a magnificent singing fiddler playing with them.” - Unknown
The Slick Skillet Serenaders are a New Orleans based 20's and 30's ragtime blues, and jazz band, with many more influences then just that. We classify our music as "goodtime music". The Slick Skillet Serenaders play some original tunes, along with our originally arranged covers. We've been an established band since 2011, playing in venues around the US and on the streets. The Slick Skillet Serenaders have a repertoire of 4 to 5 hours of music with no repetition. At times, we may repeat a song or two because some songs are just that much fun to play. Our antics between songs are influenced by bad jokes good times and old vaudeville. We think of our selves as more then just musicians, we're performers. As the #1 self proclaimed ADM band (acoustic dance music) in the world. Thank you for your time, " Team Drink ".
Band Members