State Line Syndicate
Sherman Oaks, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | SELF
"The initial crack with "Borrowed Time", "This Bleeding Heart" and "The Truth" transport you to the years when the Warped Tour was the coolest tour the world. 9/10" - WeLiveInHell.com
"State Line Syndicate come to us from Los Angeles and the title of their upcoming debut is a very good indication of what you can expect from their sound." - DyingScene.com
"The party is set free in the fast paced energy of “Sweet Tales Of Revenge”. The sped up drum beat will have you bouncing along in no time." - Indieguru.com
Score - 7.8/10
These guys exemplify the inherent strength of the rock trio–an uncluttered, noisefree attack. We hear a bit of Blink-182 in “The Truth,” whose singalong chorus, start/stop dynamics and jackhammer propulsion are a fitting ride for singer Makeshift Mike, who proves to be a solid shouter. He also delivers a convincing heart-on-sleeve vulnerability on the deftly arranged “Amor,” conveying the pain and futility in a busted relationship. Best of the batch is “Love Me So.” With its bouncing beat and adrenalized jubilation, the song proclaims “my baby loves me so!” A cinch to put the crazy into any mosh pit, we could easily hear this song setting the tone for a raunchy teen-flick party scene. These guys are formulaic yet formidable. - Music Connection
Los Angeles pop-punk trio, State Line Syndicate, are breathing new life into the genre that was a radio staple in the late ‘90s and early 2000s.
The band, formed in 2013 by singer/guitarist Makeshift Mike, drummer Mikey Virgin and Joe E on bass, make its intentions clear with the title of its debut LP, “Go Back to the 90s.” Tracks like “March 10th” and “Loves Me So” have bass lines that sound like they could have come from ‘90s bands like Choking Victim or early Green Day. Makeshift Mike’s vocal delivery is very reminiscent of Tomas Kalnoky from Streetlight Manifesto and Catch 22 fame.
“Borrowed Time” and “This Bleeding Heart,” the first two songs on the album, hit you like a 1-2-punch as they blend together seamlessly to hit the ground running. Other tracks on the album break from the formulaic feel that pop-punk can have. “Amor” is like something from the angst-filled days of being a teenager trying to get the attention of a crush. “The Distance” is another track about angst and youth, but the verses have a certain pop sense and charm to make it one of the standout songs of the album.
“Go Back to the 90s” undoubtedly lives up to the name not only in style but in production as well. There’s definite realness to these tracks, nothing feels as if it was mass produced by an engineer, which makes the album carry a tangible weight. It’s a strange feeling to be nostalgic about a band that’s only been around two years, but that’s the kind of sound and mood State Line Syndicate is able to emit from “Go Back to the 90s.” - Creative Control
3) State Line Syndicate – “Go Back To The 90′s”
State Line Syndicate are another band on this list that I wasn’t aware of at the start of the year but when I first listened to Go Back To The 90′s I was hooked by it’s sheer immediacy. As the title suggests the album is laced with that classic Epi-Fat pop punk sound but it’s all more a loving tip of the cap than pastiche. If you’re like me and still yearn for that 90′s style pop punk or are simply searching for hook laden punk that will swim around in your head for days then you have found what you’re looking for! - Dying Scene
Eagerly awaited every December, the Music Connection Hot 100 puts the spotlight on superior live performers who caught our eyes and ears over the past 12 months. Contributors to this list are not only MC staffers and freelance writers, but club bookers and other industry pro’s nationwide. Music Connection currently has reviewers in Los Angeles, New York, Austin, Nashville, Chicago, Boston and Detroit. If you’d like to put yourself in the running for a live review, go to musicconnection.com/reviews/get-reviewed. It’s always free and always easy.
State Line Syndicate
Pop Punk
Los Angeles, CA
statelinesyndicate.com - Music Connection
Go Back To The 90s
Released: April 1, 2015
Mixed and Recorded by Andrew Berlin at The Blasting Room, Fort Collins, CO
Mastered by Jason Livermore at The Blasting Room, Fort Collins, CO

With an upbeat blend of millennial pop punk and emo sensibilities, State Line Syndicate (SLS) creates music for a new generation. Retro in style and subversive in nature, this power pop trio honors the past but looks to the future.
Harboring no gimmicks or pretense SLS simply seek the truth. Loaded with punk rock bravado, their songs offer memorable melodies on top of racing rhythms. Lyrically dense, intense and fervent, the tunes cover human behavior at its best, and worst.
Considered neither old school nor new school, SLS are forging their own way in a new music scene. Their dedication and hard work are so strong they embody the DIY spirit fully.
Consisting of Makeshift Mike (lead vocals and guitar), Mikey Virgin (drums) and Joe E (bass and backing vocals), the band’s fierce live shows are becoming infamous at legendary venues in Hollywood, Silver Lake and Echo Park.
But, keeping it real is what’s most important to this band of brothers. Accordingly, they recorded their full-length debut at The Blasting Room, a punk rock mecca in Fort Collins, CO. The album, Go Back to the 90s, offers ten tracks of thrills for anyone who relishes punk, rock or power pop. And, based on this act’s Social Media numbers and Internet traffic (almost 7,000 Likes, 100,000+ Plays and over 20,000 Fans), the audience for this style of music is considerable.
The band’s leader, Makeshift Mike notes, “We’re willing to do whatever it takes to be true to the music and make our fans happy.” Happy, indeed… this is a band on a mission. “We hope to inspire people the way our influences inspired us. This is the music we grew up on, it’s the music we love, and we want to share it with everyone.”
Those sentiments reveal the essence of State Line Syndicate, and an authenticity that’s hard to find in today’s music industry. As such, anyone inclined might want to check out this up and coming act while they’re accessible.
So, get real, stay real… Hit it with State Line Syndicate.
Go Back to the 90s is available at all major online music sites
Band Members