Gig Seeker Pro
Sammy Strings & The Can of Bliss
Minneapolis, MN | Established. Jan 01, 2018 | INDIE
Minneapolis, MN
Established on Jan, 2018
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Still working on that hot first release.

Sammy Strings & The Can of Bliss
Twin Cities Punk and Jam Music
SS CoB began in August 2016. The whole journey started when Sammy Strings performed a show, called "Homegrown Heroes." This was a nationwide event, hitting all of the continental U.S. major cities; in hope of recruiting talent to record at Standby Records, in Cleveland, OH.
Sammy was the only solo artist performing, among a sea of bands. It was a two day event at The Pourhouse in Downtown Minneapolis. After seeing Sammy's performance, the talent seeker immediately pulled him aside. This is where the magic began.
Accompanied by a dear comrade, Ricardo (Romie) Romero, Sammy hit the road to Cleveland, to record at the Standby Records Studio. This is where they recorded 5 tracks of their debut, self-titled album, "The Can of Bliss." An interesting sound was created, from slower jams, to bluegrass, to fast/shreddy punk, the compliments of Romie's hand percussion set developed unique sound, only to be found on this one album.
A few months went by, the band trained in their new bassist, Adam Smith, and began plans to finish recording their first album. The album was finished with Bryce Tuitt, of Psychotropic Sounds LLC, at Cloverleaf Audio-Visual Studios.
On May 5, 2017, the debut album was released at The Nomad World Pub in Minneapolis. The venue was packed, the records sold, the pit opened up, glasses were smashed, and half the crowd wound up on stage by their last song. After the release, the band continued their first mini-tour, which brought them through Duluth, Mankato, St. Cloud, and many other college towns around the state of Minnesota. The final destination was Shangri-La Music Festival 2017, at Harmony Park Music Garden.
After playing numerous gigs throughout 2018, and training in new band members, (Bryce Tuitt on Drums/Vocals, Forres Rassmussen on Guitar/Vocals), the boys are getting ready to hit the scene again, in full-swing Sunday, March 31, 2019. Most recently, the fellas have released their Anti-Commercialized Christmas song, "Burning Down Christmas," released a music video for the new single, and are in the works of recording their 2nd album.
With the change in members, the sound is reflecting the new additions. The music has gotten harder, faster, thrashier, screamier, louder, and punk rockier. Don't be fooled though, the band has always had a very diverse selection. Some songs will make you open up the pit, and throw down, whereas other songs will make you trip out, and some even make you want to call your parents to tell them you love them.
Get ready to be entertained! New album coming soon!
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