Soul of the River
Riverside, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2004
Soulful. And Funky. And Rockin'.
Soul Of The River (Independent)
Soul Of The River
By Leslie Ritchie
"Oh to think Mr. McDoodle / What will happen if there's no music for your noodle? / Don't you fret, the funky rock grooves I will deliver / I will bring forth, The Soul Of the River."
Formed in 2002 in Southern California, these funk rockers create one unusual sound that will grab your attention in a second. The band consists of three effective guys: Brett Dawson, the man who brings the melodic vocals and guitar playing to this single. Rene Felix is the drummer, while Steve Hansen rocks out on bass.
This self-titled release has three very upbeat, blood-pumping tunes, so the music scene can get prepared for their upcoming album.
The first song, "B-side to the Honky Tonk Woman," put a smile on my face. It's a different sound that cannot be explained. The sound is one of a kind, that could make everyone from hard rockers to country fans rock out and get down.
"Daylight Honey" would have to be the most outstanding song listened to. It's not your everyday love song, with the tune's higher beat and the more passionate lyrics. "They Just Don't Get It," the last track on the CD, is a little different then the others, reminding me of an upbeat remix of a television theme song.
Soul of the River has created an unusual blend of songs that will immediately grab the attention of all listeners. The music on this CD is highly addicting and recommended, because of the different sound and passion throughout the CD.
You can listen to the funky grooves of Soul Of the River online at http://www.myspace.com/souloftheriver.
- Louisville Music News
BAND PROFILE: Soul of the River
The Press-Enterprise
Who: Brett Dawson, vocals and guitar; Steve Hansen, bass; and Rene Felix, drums.
From: Riverside
Formed: 2002
Sounds like: Fans of bands including Jimmie's Chicken Shack, the Black Keys and the Red
Hot Chili Peppers can dig these guys. Throw in a touch of jam band-ness (in a Jack Johnson
way, not in a bad way), and there you have it. Listen to "BSide to Honky Tonk Woman," and
be sure to check out "We've Gone Crazy" -- it includes a lyric about Wheat Thins.
Soul of the River is made up of, from left, Steve Hansen, bass; Brett Dawson, guitar and
vocals; and Rene Felix, drums. (Special to The Press-Enterprise)
Releases: A full-length album is coming in 2008.
Sample the music: www.myspace.com/souloftheriver
Web site: www.souloftheriver.com
Riverside's Soul of the River has its roots in parties, which makes sense when you hear the
groove-laden rock sound of the band.
"We would always jam -- just goof around at parties and stuff," said singer-guitarist Brett
Sitting around the fire, the friends would just play songs and try to get everybody to join in.
Those impromptu jams turned into Soul of the River.
The band has been working on its full-length album at Sound Sanctuary Recording Studio in
Dawson said the plan is to have 16 tracks when it's finished. The band has been saving up
money and recording a couple of songs at a time.
Whenever the band finishes some songs, it will put together a CD to hand out for free at
shows and pretty much wherever it goes.
"Most of the songs I think I just write on my own -- a bare-bones sort of thing," Dawson said.
The band then works it out in practice.
"We're really, really good at jamming," he said, quickly adding that Soul of the River is not the
typical jam band.
"It's more like if a Beastie Boys DJ were to play a set and go from song to song," he said.
"There aren't 15-minute guitar solos."
Reach Vanessa Franko at 951-368-9575, at vfranko@PE.com or
Posted by Vanessa Franko at 9:28 AM, November 21 - Press Enterprise
BAND PROFILE: Soul of the River
The Press-Enterprise
Who: Brett Dawson, vocals and guitar; Steve Hansen, bass; and Rene Felix, drums.
From: Riverside
Formed: 2002
Sounds like: Fans of bands including Jimmie's Chicken Shack, the Black Keys and the Red
Hot Chili Peppers can dig these guys. Throw in a touch of jam band-ness (in a Jack Johnson
way, not in a bad way), and there you have it. Listen to "BSide to Honky Tonk Woman," and
be sure to check out "We've Gone Crazy" -- it includes a lyric about Wheat Thins.
Soul of the River is made up of, from left, Steve Hansen, bass; Brett Dawson, guitar and
vocals; and Rene Felix, drums. (Special to The Press-Enterprise)
Releases: A full-length album is coming in 2008.
Sample the music: www.myspace.com/souloftheriver
Web site: www.souloftheriver.com
Riverside's Soul of the River has its roots in parties, which makes sense when you hear the
groove-laden rock sound of the band.
"We would always jam -- just goof around at parties and stuff," said singer-guitarist Brett
Sitting around the fire, the friends would just play songs and try to get everybody to join in.
Those impromptu jams turned into Soul of the River.
The band has been working on its full-length album at Sound Sanctuary Recording Studio in
Dawson said the plan is to have 16 tracks when it's finished. The band has been saving up
money and recording a couple of songs at a time.
Whenever the band finishes some songs, it will put together a CD to hand out for free at
shows and pretty much wherever it goes.
"Most of the songs I think I just write on my own -- a bare-bones sort of thing," Dawson said.
The band then works it out in practice.
"We're really, really good at jamming," he said, quickly adding that Soul of the River is not the
typical jam band.
"It's more like if a Beastie Boys DJ were to play a set and go from song to song," he said.
"There aren't 15-minute guitar solos."
Reach Vanessa Franko at 951-368-9575, at vfranko@PE.com or
Posted by Vanessa Franko at 9:28 AM, November 21 - Press Enterprise
Empire Music
Up to 11
Buy ‘em by the sack: hot tasty nuggets of sonic goodness you need to crank up/link to/check out/gawk at, in the IE and beyond….
See what happens when you advertise in the Weekly? The editor finds out about you, clicks up your myspace, and kinda likes you and your funky backbeats, spry guitars and spiritual, er, spiritualness. Any band into Zeppelin and the Minutemen are fine by us (not sure about that Dave Matthews Band name drop on the resume’ though). Huge in Louisville! (Louisville?) But why the godawful time slot? Turns out it’s the finals for the Best Live Band category at this year’s Inland Empire Music Awards, slated for January 26 at the casino Morongo Key Club (look for a big article in a few weeks). Is drinking even allowed at 3 p.m.? www.myspace.com/souloftheriver - Inland Empire Weekly 1/4/07
Wir nehmen Hilfe in jeder Form entgegen, schreiben Soul of the River auf ihrer Homepage. Die Band aus dem kalifornischen Riverside meint, sie wären komplett pleite. Ich weiß noch nicht, wie ernst sie das meinen. Denn an ihrer Musik kann es nicht liegen. Die dürfte nicht nur kalifornischen Surfern gefallen.
Das Trio, das irgendwann im Juni 2004 aus einer wilden songwriting-session entstand, kann man grob gesagt in die Funkrock/Jam-Band-Schublade einsortieren. Du weißt schon: treibende Basslinien, ein Schlagzeug, dass zwar deutlich vom Rock herkommt, aber gleichzeitig auch treibend einen Schuffle hinlegen kann. Und dazu ein Gitarrist und Sänger, der dem ganzen die emotionale Krone aufsetzt. Live muss diese Band der absolute Hammer sein, wenn man von ihren Studioproduktionen darauf schließen kann.
Wenn ich auch nicht verstehen kann, wieso manche schreibenden Kollegen auf die Idee kommen, sie würden klingen wie Pearl Jam bei einer Strandparty nachdem Eddie Vedder zum Surfer geworden ist. Da fehlt mir ein wenig das Verständnis für die ganze gegenwärtige Surferszene. Anklänge an Jack Johnson kann man in diversen Reggea-Anklängen wohl vernehmen. Doch man könnte sie genauso gut auf den Einfluss von The Police oder auch von The Clash zurückführen. Denn hier ist keine Hippieseligkeit zu spüren in Liedern wie Sweet as the Sky oder Sex In The Morning. Das ist treibende groovende Funkrockmucke vom Feinsten.
Wer Soul of the River helfen will, dem bietet die Band eine ganze Reihe von Hilfsmöglichkeiten an. Das geht vom kostenlosen Verteilen ihrer Songs an Freunde über das Drehen von Videos zu ihren Liedern bis hin zum Nerven von Journalisten und anderen Leuten, die die Gruppe bekannter machen könnten. Auf jeden Fall sollte man sich aber die Zeit nehmen, und sich die 19 Lieder anhören, die sie bislang im Netz stehen haben. Denn die sind es definitiv wert.
- Wasser-Prawda
Soul of the River, Funk The Band, The Chain at Java Joz Nov 3 2006
January 6, 2007 by Bill Gould, Publisher.
Soul of the River:
"Rock n' Soul" is a pretty radical combination of music. It is even better when it is coming from Soul of the River. SOTR play very easy listening when they are live and on CD. You can get yourself a free copy of their self made CD at any show that you attend to, also. They also offer free stickers too. Soul of the River sounds similar to Counting Crows, with the same kind of beat and all that jazz.
- Full Value Entertainment (www.fullvaluereview.com)
Soul of the River, Funk The Band, The Chain at Java Joz Nov 3 2006
January 6, 2007 by Bill Gould, Publisher.
Soul of the River:
"Rock n' Soul" is a pretty radical combination of music. It is even better when it is coming from Soul of the River. SOTR play very easy listening when they are live and on CD. You can get yourself a free copy of their self made CD at any show that you attend to, also. They also offer free stickers too. Soul of the River sounds similar to Counting Crows, with the same kind of beat and all that jazz.
- Full Value Entertainment (www.fullvaluereview.com)
4 song self titled EP
Full Length Album available on Spotify, Amazon, CD Baby, Itunes

Making listeners slap themselves black and blue out of pure eargasmic joy since your momma was born.
Created around freestyle songwriting sessions around a fire pit, Soul of the River was formed in June 2002, out of Southern California, Soul of the River has a unique sound coupled with great songwriting is guaranteed to make even the harshest critic get down with the get down.
Soul of the River have released their first full length album, 15 songs, available on Tunes, CD Baby, or Amazon.com. Soul of the River were voted "Best Roots" at the 2010 Inland Empire Music Awards and "Best Classic Rock" band at the 2009 Inland Empire Music Awards. Soul of the River have been featured on X-103.9 Alternative Radio, KUCR Good Morning San Diego, and the Internationally syndicated "On the Horizon" Radio Show. Soul of the River provide free downloads here on "Music and Videos".
Soul of the River has recently added Mike Doyle to the lineup as lead guitarist.
"A three-piece progressive (yet chill) rock band, with sounds best heard with a drink in hand (whether it's a diet coke or a margarita) gets the hips swaying and the feet tapping"
Band Members