Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
Es la única banda de Latinoamérica en el evento, que será en marzo en Estados Unidos.
La banda caraqueña de metal alternativo Sifting representará a Venezuela en el Heart of Texas Rockfest, que se celebrará del 12 al 17 de marzo en el estado de Texas, en Estados Unidos.
El grupo conformado por Rubén Limas (batería), Luis Farías (guitarra líder), Victor Ladines (bajo) y Eduardo Gil (voz y guitarra), fué seleccionado de un amplio número de bandas. Es la única que participará por Latinoamérica.
Se hizo debido a que la banda fué telonera de la agrupación "Bullet for my Valentine", que se presentó en Venezuela el 27 de noviembre, en el estacionamiento de la Casa del Artista.
Las presentaciones serán el 13 y 15 de marzo, el Heart of Texas Rockfest es un festival en el que se reúnen bandas de todo el mundo durante varios días de presentaciones y conferencias. Asisten empresarios, gerentes de disqueras y personas influyentes del medio artístico y del género del rock. el año pasado asistieron más de 40.000 personas.
En Rockband
El sencillo promocional "All the Hated", de Sifting, que interpreta canciones en Inglés, fue elegido por los ejecutivos de la cadena Rockband para ser incluído en el juego de Rock Band Blitz y en el portal Rockband Network, para las principales cónsolas de videojuegos en el mundo.
El tema es el nombre de su primer disco, que contiene 10 canciones y que se puede descargar en Itunes, Amazon.com, Last Fm, Zunemusic. Napster, Tunecore, entre otros. El arte del disco fué inspirado en la escultura "Yellow" construida por el artista Lego Nathan Sawaya.
La banda grabará el videoclip del sencillo y espera promocionarlo en marzo. Es protagonizado por el actor venezolano radicado en Nueva York Alejandro Fumero Gil.
Sifting fue fundada en 2008. Se ha presentado con Viniloversus y estuvo de gira con Zapato 3 y la banda argentina D-Mente.
El baterista Rubén Limas fue elegido por la marca norteamericana DDRUM para ser patrocinado, debido a su performance con 21 años de edad. - Diario Primera Hora (1890)- 2013
De una gran cantidad de demos de bandas nacionales que fueron enviados a la agencia que maneja a BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE solo uno fue seleccionado…
SIFTING, banda proveniente de Caracas, ha sido seleccionada de una larga lista de bandas por parte del management de la banda Galesa para dar inicio al concierto de la misma en Venezuela.
SIFTING, altamente influenciados por el Hard Rock y el Metal Progresivo, se fundó en septiembre de 2007 en Puerto Ordaz, Edo. Bolívar. Pero no fue sino hasta octubre de 2008 que la agrupación se hizo de una alineación consolidada con Carlos Osuna en las voces y guitarras rítmicas, Abelardo Bolaños en la batería, Luis Farías en las guitarras principales y Víctor Ladines en el bajo.
Cuentan con un disco titulado “All The Hated” lanzado en enero de 2010 y está constituido por un Intro y cinco temas (“All The Hated”, “Never Met”, “Vanished”, “Lost Mind” y “Mess It”)
Aleindigo Booking Agency quiere dar sus más sinceras felicitaciones a los chicos de SIFTING por obtener esta gigantesca responsabilidad de dejar el nombre de Venezuela por todo lo alto al compartir escenario con BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE en el Estacionamiento de La Casa del Artista el próximo domingo 27 de noviembre. - Rocktambulos
"We’ve announced many things lately, but we’ve not had some hard rock for a while. I think it’s time to fix that. We’re proud to announce that we’re bringing Venezuelan rock band Sifting to Rock Band Network with the title track to their upcoming LP, “All the Hated,” as their first song on Rock Band! Sifting is a Venezuelan rock band, but their songs are in English. Formed in 2007, the band has already shared the stage with acts such as Bullet for My Valentine, and has recorded an EP titled “All the Hated,” which is being expanded into an LP. Their material is very diverse; Rock Band players will get a taste of their hard rock side, but Sifting also wanders into progressive metal territory. They combine powerful vocal harmonies with multiple active guitars backed by an aggressive rhythm section, creating a unique sound each time they combine these elements. This results in music that ends up being extremely fun to play on Rock Band. " - Chart Toppers Authoring
All The Hated (EP) - 2011
All The Hated (LP) - 2013
Blurry Paintings (EP) - October 2015

SIFTING are a progressive metal band based in Los Angeles, CA who are strongly influenced by modern active rock. Their new album Not From Here was recorded and produced by award-winning producer Ryan Williams (Velvet Revolver, Pearl Jam, Rage Against The Machine). Not From Here will be released worldwide on September 29, 2017 via Eclipse Records.
Sifting was founded in 2010 by front man Eduardo 'Edu' Gil while originally living in Caracas, Venezuela. After suffering the loss of his mother and grandmother in a tragic plane crash, Edu began writing original material to cope with the loss of his family. He gathered some friends from the local music scene and entered the studio to record their debut album. The band quickly gained popularity throughout Venezuela and when Bullet for My Valentine was seeking support on their Latin American Tour in 2011, Sifting was the obvious choice. In 2012, the band completed a series of tours around the country, and finally released the album All the Hated in late 2013. Shortly thereafter, the band toured with Zapato 3, one of Venezuela’s most popular classic rock bands. Around the same time, their single “All The Hated” was chosen for the insanely popular Rock Band videogame. It was at this time after the success of their debut album, that Edu and his band received a significant influx of fans from the United States. They quickly realized that if they wanted to get the band recognized on a worldwide stage, they would need to relocate to the United States of America.
In early 2014, Edu and Abelardo Bolano (the drummer) left everything behind, and moved to Los Angeles, CA – the rock capital of the world. It wasn’t that difficult for them, as they had some help from several fans which were anxiously awaiting their arrival. Edu and Abelardo quickly brought in Wins Jarquin on bass, and Richard Garcia on guitar. The band was now reborn. Their American fans were thrilled at the band’s arrival stateside, and Sifting started doing what they do best... gigging and writing new material for a second full-length album.
Things started happening quickly for the band. They were able to line up endorsement deals with ESP Guitars, Engl Amplification, and Spector Guitars (just to name a few). In 2015, they caught the attention of producer Steve Evetts (Suicide Silence, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Sense’s Fail) and recorded a three song EP entitled Blurry Paintings. From there, the band was approached by Ryan Williams, who recorded and produced their debut full-length album Not From Here in late 2016. Immediately afterwards, the band hit the road for a thirty-date North American tour. They have consistently performed up and down the West Coast since.
The band signed with Eclipse Records in the Spring of 2017, and are planning to finally release their debut full length album Not From Here on September 29, 2017.
Band Members