Ros Schwartz
Kingston, Ontario, Canada
This band has no press
Publications: Her songs have been included in:
Manginot 2 - Transcontinental Music Publications
The Complete Chanukah Songbook - Transcontinental Music Publications
Nigun Anthology Volume I (Songbook/CD Set) - Transcontinental Music Publications
Now Let Us Sing! - Kingston Unitarian Press
Recordings and transcriptions are available at www.dancinginthewind.ca

Ros Schwartz grew up in Montreal, Quebec, and presently lives in Kingston, Ontario. The first poem that she wrote, at age 3, eventually became the chorus of the song Wind Wind Beautiful Wind. Over the years she has studied piano, guitar, trumpet, percussion, music theory, voice, acting, songwriting and songleading. She began songwriting intensively in 2000, and has performed for adults and children in many venues since that time. She was on the founding board of the Kingston Open Voices Community Choir. She founded and co-directs the Kingston Jewish Community Choir, has given a talk to the Queen's University Jewish Studies Program about "Singing to the Jewish Soul", and leads musical services at home and out-of-town. She is a member of the Songwriters Association of Canada; the Society of Composers, Authors, & Music Publishers of Canada; the Children’s Music Network; the Women Cantor’s Network; and the Ontario Council of Folk Festivals.
Ros Schwartz has been in practice as a family physician for many years. Music and medicine flow from the same healing source.
Quotes ...
"Ros Schwartz brings dynamic energy into any group through her music. Fun, meaningful, alive, thoughtful – often all in one song! Ros shares with a generous spirit and uses music and its story potential to draw all present into the circle of life."
- Rev. Kathy Sage, Minister, Kingston Unitarian Fellowship
"Ros does such beautiful work with words."
- Cantor Jan Morrison, Columbia Jewish Congregation
"Ros captures the spirit of kids with her soulful melodies and engaging style."
- Leonard Harris, Youth Group Co-ordinator,
Beth Israel Synagogue
Band Members