Hamilton, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2013
Hamilton’s Prismind are here with their full-length debut and some quality heavy/power/progressive metal. Put early Queensrÿche, Crimson Glory, and Mike Howe-era Metal Church in a blender, and out comes Prismind.
The most memorable moments come with the thrashy “Last Breath”, politically-charged opener “Pawns Of The Damned”, the galloping “Time Unforgiving”, and the technical gymnastics of “Diamond Eye” doesn’t hurt either. In fact, I like when Prismind keeps the tempo fast and racing as it’s what they do best. Stompers like “Palace Of The Mighty And The High” and “Slaves To The Machine” just don’t work to the band’s advantage.
Vocalist John Mamone possess a strong timbre to his voice and gives an ominous feeling to “Void 5:14” (cue a cool bass solo there too) and I like when he shows a more aggressive tone to the faster numbers. He sounds like a doomsday preacher warning society on the political infused numbers (“Pawns Of The Damned”, “Slaves To The Machine”, “Our Broken Fate”). Overall, Disciples By Design is an enjoyable, headbanging listen and worth 45 minutes of a metalhead’s time. Support! - Bravewords
With 80 some odd years of experience between these apt, able and astute musicians, I don’t even know what I’m doing here. I have at least 40 years on this planet of notable experience in being a fan, spending hard earned money buying pre formed plastic that contains “grooves” and that’s about it; these lads have written part of the book of “Encyclopedia Rockicka”.
11/10. There. I’m done with this review.
Possibly one of the most astounding albums I’ve heard this year, combined with strength and a societal soul lacking in most humans, this record needs to be shelved everywhere, in all homes as a substitute for The Internet, perhaps as the new Encyclopedia Rockicka, recording musical talent and knowledge in one volume.
As most every song hyper-extends the current state of the human condition and the lyrical quality mirrors that of greats such as Rush, Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Annihilator, (well what did you expect) Blue Oyster Cult and many other lyrical talents, I cannot have a favourite song.
Actually ‘Slaves to the Machine’ is my favourite! Listen to the words, we’re there people. …”THE RAIN IS NOW THE POISON IN OUR MINDS” Yes! Great song and we do NOT have time to reconsider. If only wisdom, love and being a good person could come to us via osmosis. If you don’t listen to politicians listen to Prismind, they can educate you. I wouldn’t listen to rock stars, politicians or actors, normally but these lads have transcended conventional knowledge through a distinct blend of society, creative content and deep insight.
Of note is ‘Last Breath’ which exhaustingly sounds like what it might be like; a frenzied attack on your system and is sure to hammer the body when heard live. The frenetic drumbeats and highly intricate arrangement is reminiscent of early Yes and Metallica, superbly balanced all through.
Each song rocks equally, with frenetic beats, face-melter riffs and intricate arrangements. Beautiful musicianship and the heavy riffing at the outset of ‘Palace of the Mighty and the High’ pounds nicely and the sweeping full strums are a breath of fresh music.
Masterfully produced with crisp, sharp sound and all elements equally balanced, this is an absolute must for any prog-rock/metal aficionado’s collection.
Again 11/10 easy…and there will be more favourites from this album to come!
Written by Alessandro - Dutch Metal Maniac
Prismind at the Rivoli
Posted on June 16, 2017 by horrormetalsounds
Prismind/Driftglass/Slyde at the Rivoli, Toronto ON.
Thursday, June 8 2017
One of the hottest shows to take place last week in Toronto was tearing it up big time when Prismind, Driftglass and Slyde got together for a night of unbridled rock goodness. The show started promptly at 9pm and it was Prismind that took to the stage first, unleashing songs from the debut CD Disciples By Design.
Prismind performed about 8 songs in the set, giving the crowd a taste of what this band can offer in a live setting. I’ve long admired the progress Prismind has made with these songs over the course of three years, and to finally hear the album played so expertly by 4 guys devoted to their craft – well it all comes up smelling like roses.
They began the set with “Slaves to the Machine” and let the festivities roar into action. The song is a pure foot stomper and arguably the catchiest chorus you will find on any album of this magnitude. From there they played “Dagger” which I have a close affinity to, since the band was gracious enough to allow us usage of this track for a video package promoting an upcoming project being helmed at HMS. Dagger exhibits superb lyrics, allowing singer John Mamone a chance to really shine on stage.
The next few numbers show how diverse this progressive Canadian Metal act swiftly enthralls an audience with the power of their sound. The beefy bass tones of “Our Broken Fate” perk up my ears and I have to give it up to bassist Justin Faragher on this one. Then, “Palace of the Mighty” drives the show with Mamone’s impassioned vocals and the razor sharp riffing provided from guitarist Kelly Kereliuk illustrates how good this band is live. Of course we can’t forget the splendid “Diamond Eye” performed here to thrashy perfection and getting the hairs on the back of my neck to stand up!
The band closed the set with a pair of my favorite tracks from the album. First up we got a total thrasher in “Last Breath” – galloping to life with burning speed and bombastic riffs guaranteed to blow your head off. This track showcases the strength of both Kereliuk and Faragher; a surefire tandem if I ever heard one; not to mention Mike Harshaw’s rousing back support on the drums. The last number closing the set “Pawns of the Damned” soars into a musical flourish of synergy and energy proving that Prismind are a force to be reckoned with on any stage they play.
As a musical entity, Prismind deliver on every level, bringing together a sound from four devoted musicians with lofty goals and ideals. Having seen them play live on a number of occasions I will go on record and say the bar has been raised high and Prismind is here to take that brass ring to great heights.
Just don’t take my word for it, go and see them live! - Horror Metal Sounds
Straight out of Hamilton, Ontario, Canadian metallers Prismind are bringing an old school British heavy metal style combined with progressive details in their new album Disciples By Design. The album starts off fast and smooth, keeping a steady pace throughout the track list so that you don’t miss a single headbangable moment.
Starting off with “Pawns Of The Damned,” Prismind immediately shows off some tasty beats created by drum master Mike Harshaw, who has played on stages worldwide from 70,000 Tons Of Metal to Wacken. Accompanying with some progressive and groovalicious bass arrangements is Justin Faragher and shredding his way through every tune is solo is Kelly Kereliuk. Completing this four piece ensemble is the most recent addition to Prismind, vocalist John Mamone whose style reminds me of Falconer’s Mathias Bland with a little more power. Though Bland doesn’t seem to be able to reach those super high ball crushing heavy metal cries to often, except for some falsetto cries in “Void”, he makes up for it with a beautiful vibrato.
I found that each song played off the same stylistic themes of old school metal structures, but with progressive twists that made each song fresh and interesting. From beginning to end, I found myself humming along to each tune, something which I both love and hate. It’s great to listen to songs you simply want to join along into, but it also means that the vocals at times were a bit predictable. Breaking up that predictability were constant changes in beats and intermittent solos as Prismind kicked into their progressive arrangement.
“Time Unforgiving” goes heavier with a faster thrash-like pace and even a touch of grunginess added to the vocals, which was a nice surprise. All in all, Prismind has created a fantastic album that is easy listening for classic, progressive and thrash fans alike. Give Disciples By Design a listen for yourself and support some good ol’ Canadian metal! - Metal Master Kingdom
PRISMIND - Disciples by Design - 2017

PRISMIND is a Canadian metal band based out of Hamilton, Ontario. Formed in 2013, the group is known for its intricate guitar solos, amazing rhythm section and soaring vocals. Their sound is reminiscent of traditional British heavy metal with a strong modern progressive metal influence.
To say Kelly Kereliuk is a highly-skilled guitarist is an understatement. In addition to being an instructor and session player, he is a versatile guitarist, capable of playing in all styles and all genres. In particular, his finesse, speed and accuracy make him an outstanding guitarist amongst his peers. Kereliuk's riffs are the driving force behind the band's style and repertoire. His work can also be found on Steve Negus's (formerly of SAGA) solo recordings.
Bassist Justin Faragher is a virtuoso on his instrument. He has a meticulous knack for detail in his melodic, and often lead-style bass playing. Influenced by the best rock and metal bass players in the world, Faragher’s individual and rapid-accurate technique gives the band it’s low-end power. He is a respected and well-rounded session musician who has performed/recorded with numerous acts including Mike Portnoy, Greg Bissonette, Dave Martone and Daniel Adair.
Drummer Mike Harshaw is an accomplished master of the drum kit. Nicknamed, “The Machine”, his sophistication and intricacy in his approach to drumming make him a force to be reckoned with. As the drummer for Prismind, Harshaw brings a unique and aggressive edge to the band’s live show. Harshaw was also the drummer for the established Canadian metal band ANNIHILATOR. He has toured the world and played to sold-out audiences everywhere.
John Mamone is a veteran musician, songwriter and producer. His vocal skills are second to none with powerful, perfectly controlled melody and harmonies. Possessing a wealth of over twenty years of live theatre experience, Mamone’s vocals are performed with dynamic delivery and prowess. He has shared the stage with big-name acts such as Big Sugar, Pete Best, The Trews, and performed with members from I Mother Earth and Finger Eleven.
Prismind has recently released their debut album, "Disciples By Design" and produced their first video, "Our Broken Fate", to accompany it.
The group’s popularity is steadily growing amongst metal fans across the globe.
email: prismindband@gmail.com