Lady Steph ft. Bruh Chris & Ms. Monica
Dayton, Ohio, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2020 | SELF | AFTRA
" You Don't Have the Luxury" is the song Lady Steph wrote, directed, and produced because of her mother. Her mother would tell her and her siblings that, " People don't have the luxury to sit around and eat bon bons all day; they need to find their purpose in life and make a positive difference."
When she started teaching, she would let her students know that they don't have the luxury to bully, be disrespectful, unkind to their parents and people in general, or get suspended because someone is going to take their spot on obtaining a successful life that they could've had, if only treated others as they would want to be treated.
Her brother, Christopher( pictured to the right), is her support, and lead hip hop choreographer. - Beautiful And Dauntless Magazine with Cover
Despite mainstream views of commercialized rap and other mass media stereotypical portrayals of the culture, Hip Hop is at its strongest and most influential peak of positivity. From Christopher Edmin, Tricia Rose, Marc Lamont Hill, Jocelyn Wilson and a plethora of more Hip Hop educational juggernauts on all levels, there are many in the field today spreading Hip Hop Education in the most transformative ways. The 5th and secret element of Hip Hop, Knowledge, is alive and well. This article focuses on a community woman making great strides within her own community.
The powers of polished decorum, artistry and education do not have to always be segregated in order to make immeasurable impacts in the community. Educator and community activist Stephanie Chambers is such an example. This past June, her and I would have the esteemed pleasure of being introduced to one another. In our time, I was able to learn about her masterfully juggling the lessons from her upbringing, love of academia and power of God in all that she does.
Stephanie Chambers hails from Ohio, and was brought up in a strong sense of family, togetherness and presentation. Her mother and father would stress to Chambers and her siblings the importance of academia, putting Chambers and her other two siblings through higher education. Stephanie’s mother would also be meticulously intentional in teaching her children dining etiquette, taking them to local theater productions like the Nutcracker, and training them diligently how to be global players in the world.
Now, in her tenure of spreading positivity, her love for art and her love for the community, and keeping true with her God sent mission, Stephanie Chambers (under the name Lady Steph) releases her newest song funneling her beliefs and mission into one. - Speed On The Beat Magazine
Songs Performed to a LIVE audience to encourage peopl -
The group Lady Steph feat. Bruh Chris and Ms. Monica, whom are siblings, released their first single and video, an educational hip hop song, on May 2019 titled, You Don't Have the Luxury. The second single, an inspirational song titled, This Is God House, was released the following year in June 2020.
They recently finished recording another cool dance song about Love; announcement of release TBD. They are excited about finishing their Freshmen EP , possibly by the end of 2021.

We are a group made up of siblings whose focus and mission is to sing songs that will edify and encourage people's hearts and minds to do and be better for themselves and for others. Our belief is that God created all of us with at least one talent. Some people may have five, ten or more or less of talents but EVERYONE has at least one talent. We are all here for a purpose and there is something unique and special about each and everyone of us but it starts with cleaning out the negativity, sadness, and disappointments n our hearts; that we have all faced throughout our lives. Once we put positive, healthy and good thoughts in our hearts and mind, we will be an asset for the betterment of mankind. Our songs reflect that.
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