Ellis Meek
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF | AFM
Jordan Paul – “Archetype X” – Single Review
WhatEVER! Is this for real?
Here’s a guy that should truly find himself in a lifelong music-career…I know there’s certainly a place on my playlist for songs like “Archetype X” from Jordan Paul…this is absolutely outstanding. Like…’picking the ol’ jaw up off the ground’ kind of outstanding – this brand-new single is STUNNING. If I was to make a comparison, it would be something akin to like…Queen, Mimicking Birds, Radiohead and Led Zeppelin all had a beautiful love-child…and thy name would be Jordan Paul.
Seriously…what’s NOT amazing about this track? I love the way “Archetype X” floats into the beginning with golden-tones from the guitar melody forming a dreamlike scene for the vocals, which are sparkling, sweet and flat-out incredible. This WHOLE SONG is gonna move right through you in so many ways as it shifts and changes throughout – but this opening is quite a remarkable start to the song. The vocal-flow & style match the mood & atmosphere beyond-perfectly, but probably comes on in a whole approach you wouldn’t typically expect. I have the feeling…that maybe, just maybe…maybe Jordan Paul is a musician that can truly execute and bring the vision and music in his mind to vibrant life through his recordings; you won’t hear a single note out of place – “Archetype X” does everything exactly as it is supposed to do…as intended by Jordan Paul. I’d be astonished if this new single didn’t come out sounding precisely how he’s always wanted this song to sound.
It’s the kind of song I feel like I could write an entire essay around…so I’ll have to be careful – but you get the point – GO AND LISTEN TO THIS SONG! The opening guitar style and melodies are so similar to the beauty you’ll find in the music of Mimicking Birds…the vocals start out in a pop-style Freddie Mercury singing a toned-down, heartfelt melody; the talent displayed right from the outset is honestly kinda staggering…this is a completely verifiable artist in the purest-sense of the word as applied to music. The chorus is beautiful…the lyrics are right there on display and fully echo the sentiment of the instruments…and the enthusiasm & passion driving the song begin to increase as the song finds a complete second life from it’s third-minute and forward.
Bursting into a combination of Radiohead-meets-Led Zeppelin…the music remains enchanting, charismatic and inventive as Jordan switches gears entirely from the sweet pop sound to a full-on dead-ringer for Robert Plant in his prime. The end of “Archetype X” was something I pretty much had assumed couldn’t possibly be any better than how the song began when I very first started to listen…and MAN did Jordan Paul prove me wrong! THAT my friends…dear readers, dear pals…THAT is how you end a song!
Even the change to get to this sound is as subtle as it gets…with a crash of the cymbals and a slight change in direction for the guitars…the drums begin to let loose and Jordan takes the microphone for an adventure straight into the rock-fantastic. I honestly cannot get enough of “Archetype X” – to me a single like this is such a massive indication of an artist putting everything they’ve got into their art in such a successful way that it is able to grasp firmly onto a natural feel & confident sound while breaking all kinds of genre-boundaries. Impressive from the first moment to the last – I’m a big, big fan of what Jordan Paul has put together here…he’s got me excited enough through this incredible new single that I’d look forward to anything he puts out in the future.
Not just look forward to it – it would become an instant top-priority to my ears.
And for real peoples…go and support talent like this…find more about Jordan Paul here: http://www.jordanpaul.ca/ - Sleeping Bag Studios
“I believe music is the single-greatest catalyst of human love, and the connection we all share between us. It is a powerful position we hold as songwriters. My hope is that my music can touch as many people as possible–and that they can find solace in my song.” – Jordan Paul
The philosophy written above comes across in all of Jordan Paul’s music. I believe that the reason the Toronto-based singer/songwriter continues to find great success is not due only to the fantastic songs that he writes, but the incredible passion and emotion that can be felt when you listen to them. His new LP Snacks is a collection of self-published tracks which take influence from ambient, Eastern, folk, and psychedelic music alike. The LP is interesting because it’s kind of like a taster plate of everything that makes Paul’s music so unique. On one track you will hear a fairly straightforward folk track (Archetype X) then later on you might hear a sitar instrumental (A Dream) and finally a spoken word interlude (Sunlight). Although the tracks are quite varied there is an overarching atmosphere found through the entire work. I find that when I listen to this album I feel similar emotions to when I hear post-rock LPs like Sigur Ros’ Agaetis Byrjun or Godspeed You! Black Emperor’s F#A#∞. These albums evoke feelings of incredible sadness and introspection but also somehow bring forth feelings of hope and possibility.
If there’s one reason why I continue listening to and reviewing music it is because every now and then I stumble upon a body of work that touches me at the core and makes me connect with something within myself that nothing else can. It takes special music to do that to me, and this my friends is special music.
Best Track: Rain
Quincy Tejani is the co-founder of The Violet Wave and is also editor of music. When he’s not listening to or writing about music you can probably find him walking through the forests of Ontario or questioning the inner workings of the universe. He also never turns down a cold Pabst… never.
Twitter: @thevioletwave - The Violet Wave - Quincy Tejani
–by Quincy Tejani, Music Connoisseur–
Any song that features a sitar will grab my attention. It doesn’t hurt that Jordan Paul not only features this fantastic instrument on his track “A Dream” but he has also released what I consider to be one of my favorite EP’s I’ve heard this year (Snacks). A review on this EP will be coming shortly, but meantime here is a short taste of what Mr. Paul can accomplish, on an instrumental track. - The Violet Wave
Social Media Morning had the pleasure to catch up with an artist that, in our opinion, should already be hitting the charts at number one.
And why the heck isn’t he ? Have you heard of Jordan Paul ? HELLO ??
According to his bio, Jordan Paul isn’t coy to artistic experimentation. A clever songwriter and multi-instrumentalist at only 23, Paul has a voice and ghostly style all his own. Citing Nina Simone, Dylan Thomas, and Indian Raga among his creative influences–his style is as eclectic as it is spiritually intelligent. Born in Kingston, Ontario, Paul now lives in Toronto–where he is recording his debut studio release, projected for early 2016.
Paul began playing the piano when he was eleven, shortly thereafter picking up the guitar and beginning to write original material.
Formally fronting the band Fairview, he had some success touring and licensing his compositions. At 19, he received his first international television placement with a song featured in a Warner television series called, “The Secret Circle”.
Since migrating to Toronto, Ontario Canada, at 20, he has spent three years perfecting his craft and gaining accolades. In 2012, he attended Coalition’s Artist Entrepreneur Program. Paul has played shows at Hugh’s Room, The Mod Club, NXNE and Canadian Music Week. He has opened for artists such as Austin Gibbs, Emm Gryner and Gord Deppe.
Paul says he feels honoured to be the recipient of the 2015 SHINE Music Bursary, which went towards recording the demo of his song, Archetype X (listen below). In July the song appeared in the Top 100 Alternative on ITunes and is in rotation on 150 college radio stations across North America.
Paul’s musical influences are The Beatles, David Bowie, Nick Drake, Mimicking Birds, Radiohead, Elliott Smith, Sun Kil Moon, Queen.
Write for Rights Campaign – Paul had the honour of performing at Amnesty International WriteAthon of the centre for Social Innovation in Toronto, Ontario Canada.
In 2014 Paul won Songstudio Most ‘Pitchable’ Song and in 2015 he was awarded The Jim Fay Music Bursary.
SMM – How much time does it take you to write a complete song?
J.P – I don’t think we (songwriters) ever feel a song is truly complete. That being said, it’s usually in the best interest of the composition to move it along quickly in order to avoid unhealthy attachment.
SMM – Is there someone/partner who helps you in writing?
J.P – I’m private with my songs in the beginning, but I have a few friends that I admire writing with when we get together. Notably David Sutherland, Neil Bennett, Aidan Vickery, and Shannon Roszell.
SMM – Are you writing based on what you have experienced?
J.P – Most of my writing is directly derivative of my experience–but I find more often than not–my songs take on greater meaning to me as I sit on them. I see influence I wasn’t aware of upon first inspection. In other words–sometimes I have to get out of the song to get it in it.
SMM – Where do you usually write your songs?
J.P –I do the majority of my writing at home, but I always jump at the opportunity to write in a place with less distraction. I live in Toronto, and often an escape from the city is invaluable to my writing. Connecting with nature has an important place in harbouring creativity for me. For instance, Rain was written in an unheated cabin I was renting on Rice lake in the winter of 2013.
SMM – When did you start writing songs?
J.P – About as soon as I gained enough proficiency on the guitar to fake as though I knew what I was doing. I was about 11 or 12 I believe.
22 Mind Blowing Secrets about the Essential Jordan Paul - Singer, Songwriter and Musician
Jordan Paul at Black Bird Bistro. Toronto Ontario Canada
SMM – Who or what influenced you into being a song writer?
J.P –Writing songs always seemed like a natural progression when I began playing. I was always a writer of prose and poetry, when I learned an instrument–music just became another dimension of my work.
SMM – When and why did you start playing?
J.P – I always had a special connection with music—my parents played it often in the house, exposing me to classic artists at a young age. I remember a lot of Bowie and Neil Young playing while they would cook dinner. From my earliest memories I had a deep appreciation for music but can’t pinpoint a direct influence. Some of my most meaningful memories are of a family friend who used to bring out the guitar when I would visit. He was ever-encouraging and I was mesmerized by his performances of folk and Country & Western music.
SMM – Which instruments do you play?
J.P – I generally write on the piano or the guitar. I have a love for world instruments and am very fascinated by the sitar, it’s a beautifully crafted instrument.
SMM – Is your family musical?
J.P –My grandfather played the piano when he was young, but never in my lifetime. Beyond that, I’m not aware of any musicians in my family.
SMM – Which famous musicians do you admire? Why?
J.P –Lately I’ve been blown away by Sun Kil Moon. Mark’s honesty and intimacy is otherworldly. I admire his ability to get inside a song and own it.
SMM – Who was your first teacher? Other teachers?
J.P – My first music teacher was a beacon of hope in a dismal environment. I attended a non-secular school without much room for self-expression outside of a narrow viewpoint. Though her and I had a love/hate relationship at times, she encouraged me when no others would.
SMM – Describe your first instrument. Other instruments.
J.P – I currently play a Canadian Breed J-Series guitar with Lollar Regal pickups–I love it.
SMM – Who are your favourite musicians? Groups? CD’s?
J.P – As a devotee of of pop songwriting, I am a Beatles nut. Anyone who knows me can confirm that. I love Rubber Soul and Revolver specifically. The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust is enough to make any musician question the validity of their efforts.
SMM – Do you perform in public? Describe those occasions? Concerts, radio, TV?
J.P – Absolutely. I’ll be performing at the Tennessee in Toronto on February 19th with my good friend Shannon Roszell. On March 1st I’m appearing on CIUT Radio to play some new music.
SMM – How do you handle mistakes during a performance?
J.P – It’s hard to deem anything a mistake in an art form that is devoid of rules. I like to be somewhat improvisational during public performance–I find it bodes well to keep myself excited and in turn relay that to an audience.
SMM – Do you get nervous before a performance or a competition?
J.P – I find nerves inevitable and natural. When I reflect on nervousness, it seems a bit silly to worry in such an ephemeral existence. We tell ourselves such silly stories.
SMM – What advice would you give to beginners who are nervous?
J.P – Play live often and be well-practiced. Be in the moment, be vulnerable. You may never squash your nerves but you’ll play great.
SMM – How often and for how long do you practice?
J.P – I don’t typically stick to a regimen but I end up playing virtually every day.
SMM – When did you realize you could sing?
J.P – At 13 I started a band with a friend and long-time neighbour, Brendan Kennedy. I had written a number of songs–lyric and melody included–but was far too shy to perform them. I had no confidence in my vocal ability whatsoever. The vocalist we had in the band failed to attend our first gig—not wanting to flounder the opportunity and let down the band–I stepped up and sang the songs. I had crippling nerves but was immediately approached by an older musician we all highly-respected in the local scene. He told me to keep up the singing and to forget about our vocalist–that instilled enough confidence to bring me here ten years down the road.
SMM – What’s your personal mantra, and how do you live by it?
J.P – Love. I try to increase my capacity to love unconditionally everyday. There are slip ups but it’s constant balancing act.
SMM – What do you think about when you’re performing?
J.P – I tend to enter a trance-like state if I’m on my game that night.
SMM – What else can we expect from you in the future?
J.P – I’m in the midst of recording my new material and am incredibly stoked by the band I’ve put together for this recording. We can’t wait to share it. - Social Media Morning
... Jordan Paul (pictured) who really has an extraordinary voice and a really unique songwriting style that was a bit of a highlight for me. - Jowi Taylor - Six String Nation
Archetype X - Digital Single (Top 100 Alternative iTunes Canada; SHINE Music Award; Songstudio's 'Most Pitch-able Song')
Night Moon - EP - Released June 28th 2019 - Co-produced and Mixed/Engineered by Jon Anderson (Said The Whale, Aidan Knight); Mastered by Noah Mintz (Marcy Playground, Broken Social Scene)
Already Gone - Full-Length LP - Coming early 2019 - Co-produced and Mixed/Engineered by Jon Anderson (Said The Whale, Aidan Knight); Mastered by Noah Mintz (Marcy Playground, Broken Social Scene)

Award-winning Canadian alt. folk/rock singer/songwriter Jordan Paul takes to the far-out skies, releasing his new single, “Night Moon” — available now!With symbolic inspiration from English poet William Blake’s late 18th century works — including The Four Zoas — “Night Moon” is Paul’s self-professed sonic probe into the seemingly opposing yet harmonious forces that encompass all things ‘human nature.’
“Night Moon is about the nature of every being,” he reflects, “and the complex interplay of elements that fuse together to form the whole of all that is within and without us.
“It is the contrast of dark and light… Of life and death… Of every opposing force that must exist in twisted harmony as all things seek homeostasis and balance at all times.”
So far, “Night Moon” has proven ultimate evolution in Jordan Paul’s distinctive style. His music boasts notes of delicate, spacious, exploratory alt. folk/rock — all with a shadowy edge — and he has been dubbed “Canada’s Jeff Buckley” by three-time GRAMMY Award-winning producer Chris Birkett (Led Zeppelin, Talking Heads). Sleeping Bag Studios’ Jer has mused he’d be the result “if Queen, Mimicking Birds, Radiohead and Led Zeppelin had a beautiful love child.”
Paul’s premiere single, ‘Archetype X,’ debuted in the Top 100 Alternative charts on iTunes, received widespread international online and college radio play, and earned Songstudio’s ‘Most Pitch-able Song’ and the SHINE Music Award.
In early 2017, Paul was a featured songwriter by the Songwriters Association of Canada, and chosen to represent Canada at the Texas Songwriters Symposium in Austin, TX. He performed alongside The Strumbellas, The Sheepdogs, Ron Sexsmith, Andy Kim, and others at Andy Kim’s Christmas Concert, selling out the Queen Elizabeth Theatre.
As a songwriter, he has worked with the 18 GRAMMY Award-winning producer James Sanger (U2, Dido, Phil Collins), Darryl James of The Strumbellas (Double Platinum in Canada; Gold in USA and Australia), Matt Lipscombe (Lily Frost, Bran Van 3000), Amanda Mabro (Ron Sexsmith), Martin Kerr (#1 in Canada), Khalid Yassein (Wild Rivers), Chris Cargnello, and more. His music has received notable sync placements with The CW’s ‘The Secret Circle,’ Shaw TV’s ‘When Paintings Come Alive,’ MTV's 'Real World,' and LaJoie De Vie's short-film ‘Best Budz.’
Paul's forthcoming studio record will ultimately feature 11 original songs, including “Night Moon.” The album was recorded at Jon Anderson’s (Aidan Knight, Andy Shauf, Said The Whale) Protection Island Studios in Maple Ridge, BC and mastered by Noah Mintz (Marcy Playground, Broken Social Scene, Matt Mays).
“Music is the fabric that ties our human emotionality together,” he shares. “It weaves the bond between us and lessens the distance we feel from our counterparts.
“For me, it’s the very essence of my communication.”
“Night Moon” is available now.
“If Queen, Mimicking Birds, Radiohead and Led Zeppelin all had a beautiful love-child, thy name would be Jordan Paul.— Jer, Sleeping Bag Studios; Music Journalist
“Canada’s Jeff Buckley... one of the best singers I’ve ever heard— Chris Birkett; Producer (Led Zeppelin, Sinéad O'Connor, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Talking Heads)
“Jordan Paul really has an extraordinary voice and a really unique songwriting style.— Jowi Taylor, Six String Nation originator; radio personality
“If there's one reason why I continue listening to and reviewing music it is because every now and then I stumble upon a body of work that touches me at the core and makes me connect with something within myself that nothing else can. It takes special music to do that to me, and this, my friends, is special music.— Quincy Tejani, The Violet Wave; music journalist
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