Portland, OR | Established. Jan 01, 2007
Sexywaterspiders' name is almost good enough to carry them, but with their slow and seductive way of drumming, strumming and singing, the moniker need only be the lure. Meanwhile, local rock gem Someday Tricycle's first album, Mystic Knights of the Pretty Sun, packs together a pretty slew of finely constructed, solid songs—and another record is already on the way. While they sound a little something like most of their laundry list of influences (Air, the Beatles, Elliott Smith), there's something purely Someday Tricycle in there as well, and that distinction makes them a very happy listen. KJ - The Portland Mercury
The true origins of the Sexywaterspiders is a mystery. It is said that they are three brothers separated at birth, and reunited by the coincidence of matching t-shirts among strangers at Venice Beach, when they looked at eachother and like a message from god they simultaneously heard a voice say: sexy. music. sexy money. At one time they called themselves Nodding Tree Remedies, after that name was passed to them by the mighty singing swinging willow trees of eastern Oregon. They developed a cult following of hippies, drop-outs and starry eyed kids who burned out before reaching adulthood. In a flash of neon, rainbow, sequined madness, you can see this dark trio in the dark basements of the Portland, the glowing fields of Yachatz, and the mossy forests of California. They will play your show until dawn, when all the girlfriends and boyfriends wake up naked, confused and wanting more. Read more on Last.fm. User-contributed text is available under the Creative Commons By-SA License; additional terms may apply. - WoOWmp3
You may know of the Sexy Water Spiders as some of the key members that made up Salem band Nodding Tree Remedies. Since splitting off and heading to Portland, the Sexy Water Spiders have been creating some of the weirdest 60s-esque garage pop around and gaining a reputation as an excellent and over-the-top live band. As unpredictable as they are great, you can never expect what antics, what songs, or even what genres the Spiders will tap into. What would you expect from a band whose stage names are Mongoose Thompson, Parsley Feenix, China Star Shine and Zia McCabe? -JS - SalemWeeklyNews.com
This has rather inadvertently turned into another Rock 'n Roll marathon for yrs truly, as Portland is teeming with interesting, free music, at the moment. I shall persevere, and continuously plunge into the bush, throwing myself out into the night, into the concrete jungle, and report what i find, to tell you who's worth a damn, and who isn't.
Was gonna go to Ella St Social Club last night, as there was something of interest going down, and i love that spot, but i noticed this show, instead. Tagged on pc-pdx under Noise and Riffs, and one of the bands was compared to YOB, i was sold, hook line and sinker. Besides, i'd never been to Dante's, and they have torches outside!
Dante's is a proper sleazy rock 'n roll den, it just makes you think of cocaine and hot hot sex. Lit up like an ocean of blood on the inside, with enormous chinese lanterns, they even have platforms for strippers and go go dancers to gyrate. After years of polite indie rock concerts, it is refreshing to dive into the belly of the beast. I was glad to be out, in the surprisingly temperate Portland nighttime air.
Ex-Girlfriend's Club up first: the singer was like some frankenstein's hodge podge of joey ramone, mick jagger, and iggy pop. He's about 9 feet tall, and he was the best performer i've seen in a minute. They tore up a homage to the early to mid 60s, at times extremely reminiscent of the Brian Jonestown Massacre, but laced with amphetamines and booze, to conjure the true theater of the absurd and dangerous. It was like some shamanic invocation, to tear a whole through time, space, and history, to that meta-reality where everything is happening simultaneously, and the spirit of cynicism, 'been there, done that.' has no room to breathe and breed. They ended with one of the most excellent stage dives i've ever seen, with the singer than running around the infernal theater, knocking over beers and singing into people's eyes. Tremendous. Highly Recommended! (They were also handing out free CDs that night, so expect to see that reviewed, sometime in the nearish future).
Sexy Water Spiders continued the Garage homage, this time focused on the herky jerky mutant blues of John Spencer, circa Pussy Galore. True fucking punk spirit, these guys were like animated marionettes, shambolic but somehow razor sharp. The singer had the finest, operatic sound check i've seen to date, before launching into some throat singing, and then into a rockabilly number. The mutants will always be my favorite, the spazzes, the ones that don't give a fuck. Last time i checked, rock 'n roll was not about looking good and fitting in. I seem to remember some rigamorale about 'revolution', and its nice to know that exists somewhere, even if there is pretty much a precedent for just about anything you could think to do, at this point. They ended up with a song dedicated to people high on resin, the singer and guitarist stumbling around the stage like a drunken zombie, or Pinnochio on Treasure Island. Again, highly recommended.
The last band i saw was Di Di Mau! who was the one i was most jazzed about. I had listened to a track online, and it was full of rumblings and ominous squeaks. It was oddball, murky, and opaque, and i was fucking drooling. Ooh, free noise weirdness on a Wed.! Even more confused and excited when they turned out to be a muscular, intense post-punk/glam band. I love having my expectations dashed. Especially when it comes to music. The singer was wearing an ian curtis shirt, and it was impossible to not let that cultural signifier color my impression of their performance. However, i was TRIPLY stoked when it seemed that these guys were focusing on the earliest aspects of Joy Division, when they were a loud, fast, aggressive band, before the cold and the despair took over, and then took everything. This singer was nearly so fragile and damaged as Ian, these guys were warriors. At one point, they kept fucking up the beginning of a song, the guitarist couldn't hear anything in the monitors. The audience was getting rowdy, starting to throw shit. They shrugged it off, and tore through the rest of the set with renewed fury. The drummer blasted out a funky disco beat, in triple time, like Stephen Morris on Unknown Pleasures, giving the whole thing a nice, danceable edge, and the bassist was pure punk rock speed, holding down the bottom end, playing to the audience. Everyone i saw that night were all excellent performers.
I headed out into the night, elated, to find an all night Kinko's, my faith and fervor for rock 'n roll, punk rock, post-punk, metal, and my fellow denizens of the night, in full bloom. - J'S heaven
When I moved to Portland, Oregon, one of the first things I noticed were the bumper stickers and signs everywhere that read "Keep Portland Weird". Over the course of that first year, Portland's weirdness revealed itself in many ways, usually in the form of costumed pub crawls and costumed (or naked) bike rides. At first I was intrigued by the weirdness; then proud. I even participated in a pub crawl dressed as a lumberjack in hot pants. But everyone gets to the point where Portland's weirdness becomes embarrassing and/or annoying, as it has for me 6 years later.
Listening to SexyWaterSpiders, though, I've become intrigued again.
A Portland by way of Salem trio, SexyWaterSpiders play an adolescent, bluesy psych rock. They don't take themselves too seriously, and they don't want you to take them too seriously, either. This point is made evident by their 10 minute forays into new age psych pop and cheesy power metal. Actually, all the songs on Black Gold have a tongue in cheek sneer through which the tongue is more directed at the listener …almost to test your patience and ask "why so serious?"
First listen aside, they aren't just a weird Portland band. They're a breath of fresh air in a city that's nearly choking to death with conventional rock bands uninterested in testing the boundaries of their own "coolness". That said, there is something undeniably cool about them. Their songs are good and at times evoke the likes of Jon Spencer, Royal Trux, Railroad Jerk …even The Fugs. And while they may not be as garage or punk as those groups, the SexyWaterSpiders approach their music with a similar playfulness that escapes a lot of musicians these days.
Loosen your buttons. - Space Rock Mountain
Finies les vacances. Retour à la grisaille. « Il me semble que la misère serait moins pénible au soleil », disait si bien Aznavour. Faites venir le soleil, François, Nicolas, et je voterai pour vous. Celui qui installera durablement l’astre solaire sur notre hexagone, qui remettra le rêve au goût du jour, qui revendiquera le droit à la beauté, recueillera tous mes suffrages. J’ai regardé le débat de l’entre-deux-tours. Elle est belle, quand même, Laurence Ferrari, non? François et Nicolas s’interpellent, s’invectivent, s’admonestent, s’insurgent, se rengorgent…et, elle, au beau milieu de ce combat de coqs, elle sourit. De ce sourire émane une bienveillance et une tendresse quasi maternelles. Allons, les enfants, cessez donc de vous chamailler, semble-t-elle signifier du regard. Maman vous aime tous les deux. Mais l’empoignade continue jusqu’à la surenchère finale. C’est là le drame de notre société. Le laid l’emporte le plus souvent sur le beau. La culture, dans le débat présidentiel? Nulle part. Et, moi, ce que j’en pense? A tous ceux qui m’ont soutenu, je veux exprimer mon respect le plus sincère et ma plus profonde gratitude. Alors que, demain, les Français seront face à un choix historique et éliront, en leur âme et conscience, leur nouveau président, j’appelle celles et ceux qui m’ont fait l’immense honneur de m’accorder leurs suffrages à voter…pour Laurence Ferrari. Qu’as-tu fait, Laurence, la nuit suivant le débat, lorsque, lassée de toutes leurs simagrées, tu as quitté le plateau? T’es-tu allongée, nue, sur un matelas douillet pour t’endormir d’un sommeil paisible? As-tu fait l’amour, gémissante, entre les mains expertes d’un amant entreprenant? Le plus excitant, c’est ce qu’on ne voit pas, ce qu’on ne sait pas, ce qu’on ne dit pas. « The Holysexyness cannot be seen », proclament les psychédéliques et farouchement addictifs SexyWaterSpiders…
Mais, me direz-vous, qu’est-ce que c’est que ces bêtes-là? Comprenne qui pourra leur biographie sur le Net ou les réponses qu’ils donnent en interview. Les araignées d’eau vivent à la surface de l’eau, là où l’eau et la lumière se rencontrent. Elles communiquent en faisant des vagues. On ressent dans le son des SexyWaterSpiders cette attirance pour l’eau. Un titre comme Spirit Dome, avec ses multiples couches sonores sexy et aqueuses, donne l’impression d’avoir été enregistré à vingt mille lieues sous les mers, au milieu de bancs de poissons multicolores et pourrait bien déclencher chez l’auditeur une irrépressible envie de faire l’amour dans la piscine la plus proche. Une bande-son qu’on ne saurait trop conseiller aux producteurs de télé-réalité soucieux de pimenter une émission un peu sage. Les trois araignées, Parsley Phoenix, Mongoose Thompson et China Starshine, déploient leurs innombrables pattes pour tisser une toile sonore protéiforme et intrigante. Au petit jeu des comparaisons, je dirais que c’est un mélange de Beck première période, du Jon Spencer Blues Explosion et des Dandy Warhols. Une chose est sûre, ces garçons-là ne se prennent pas au sérieux, leur univers qui relève plus du trip sous acides que la gentille promenade digestive du dimanche après-midi rebutera probablement les bienpensants et les oreilles chastes. Ce serait oublier que le rock n’est pas une musique sérieuse. C’est un style fait par des branleurs pour des branleurs, où la morale et le bon goût n’ont pas leur place. Ça fait tellement de bien, parfois, de tomber sur un de ces groupes imprévisibles, outsiders géniaux, qui font la légende du rock. Alors qu’Anton Newcombe et son Brian Jonestown Massacre semblent s’enfoncer, d’album en album, plus profond dans la dépression, les SexyWaterSpiders offrent une version rigolarde et fantasque du psych-rock des années 60 sans, pour autant, mettre de côté la qualité et l’exigence musicale. Leur premier album Black Gold est un véritable trésor caché du genre, à mettre entre toutes les oreilles. Alors, n’hésitez plus, jetez-vous à l’eau et laissez vous emporter… - Zic Zag
Interesting bands search to find their musical vortex. It could be the Crossroads in Mississippi? Perhaps it’s in big cities like Los Angeles, London, N.Y.C., Austin or Nashville.
The neo-psychedelic moment happens to be in Portland, OR. . I have a sincere love of Portland since I’ve been there so many times on business and pleasure. Great food , art and has of course rich music roots.
The movie by Gus Van Sant, “ Drug Store Cowboy” really showed the city as I always saw it. Not the drug contact, rather the romance that film provided about how bohemian the city really is.
I owe a lot of it to Dandy Warhols’, Zia McCabe being the musical maestro/mastermind of Portland.
This time a band SexyWaterSpiders (for ease I’ll refer to them a SWS) are pursuing musical ground that hasn’t been imitated since the days of Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band. The Beefheart featured “The Captain”, Don Glen Vliet as vocalist and centerpiece of the band. Vliet died in 2010 of multiple sclerosis but left a legacy of “beat poetry” put to music. His music puzzled and disturbed most rock listeners but he left a legacy as one of rocks avant-guard visionaries. In addition, Captain Beefheart was an accomplished painter. The album “Trout Mask Replica” was ranked # 58 by Rolling Stone’s top 500 rock albums of all time. As I wrote earlier Vliet was an accomplished artist and received many accolades for his work. His paintings were never dull and his work was often called “post-impressionist-modern”.
My interview with members China Starshine and Parsely Phoenix proved that bands are not adhering to the methods of doing business of the “Old School”. They are extremely proficient on how they develop their fan base and they play their hearts out so as to broaden their base. Plus, major use of the internet connection appears to be their best marketing tool. They have no problem connecting “one on one” with their disciples.
They grew up in Christian households which when they got older they rejected. Their musical acumen of the past is unfortunately limited compared to other artists.
Today they are festooned with many alternatives, which range from religion to politics.
I found them overtly suspicious and defiant of the system. They feel that Sir Paul McCartney murdered Michael Jackson while Brian Jones untimely death was a conspiracy devised by the other members of the Rolling Stones. They included other convoluted reasons of deceit for John Lennon’s and George Harrison’s passing while they spoke to me. Makes good for campfire banter.
You’d think that they’ve done a lot of drugs but when questioned they denied it.
The band met in August of 2007 Venice, CA. in, the same “vortex” where Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek of The Doors had met and traded stories of poetry and music. Perhaps history just repeats itself when it comes to the synergy of artistic meetings.
Frankly they are a quirky band. However, their music is quite sophisticated and lyrically they are reciting “back-beat” poetry. Almost using wordage famous from beat writers from back in the 60’s; like Charles Bukowski, Hunter Thompson, William J. Burroughs and Jack Kerouac. Their fave movies are the “Lion King” and “Aladdin”; which I presume was from their generations’ popularity and their parent’s censorship of entertainment. Yet Parsley Parsley stated his first concert was Primus, mine was Jimi Hendrix Experience which changed my life forever.
Their knowledge of their surroundings resonates of being different yet cognoscente of backbeat art. Their juxtaposition of words almost reminds me of my discussions with Jerry Garcia from the Grateful Dead. Honestly, it made absolutely no sense.
They have a compulsion to visit and perhaps perform at Area 51 in Nevada. I’ve made that trek before and there’s nothing their but barren desert. So let it be.
Musically my favorite song is Black Gold, which epitomizes their diversity. This Video montage really shows their musical diversity. If they had a dream come true they would perform at every psychic vortex in the world.
Support their first nationwide tour by contributing to their IndieGoGo campaign at www.indiegogo.com/jesusausage2012
All donations are greatly appreciated and you’ll be thanked with super sicky, tight prizes. Including a free download of their most recent and blessed recording Kenny Geezus just for visiting the site, I just love that song and it doesn’t sound like anything they write.
Navigate to this website and you will grasp the musical insights of S.W.S.
Listen the SexyWaterSpiders’ first full length album Black Gold at www.soundcloud.com/sexywaterspiders and enjoy true alternative music.
Jeff Laufer @ 20.08.2012 - Jeff Laufer
There is something undeniably uplifting about a band like Sexy Water Spiders. The funk element infused with rock and roll is something we have really been missing lately. Also the weird as fuck element has been missing as well. And these guys definitely bring a heft portion of each into their crazy stylings.
Sexy Water Spiders have been rocking out the city of Portland, Oregon for quite some time now. They’ve been known to run amuck with likes of The Dandy Warhols, 1776, and The Upsidedown. Needless to say, the gang is in good hands. And like their fellow brethren, they are known to be insane showmen, another element that seems to get lost in the shuffle lately. They are pure guitar wielding entertainment at it’s finest. When the apocalypse surely comes upon us, these are the sort of curators of the weird that you are going to want to have around when the world goes mad.
Even without knowing these cats personally, it seems perfectly reasonable to assume that these are the types of souls that live to rock. They want to perform for you, and make you lose all sense of being (and possibly your bowels) and the worry of being another senseless hack amidst the millions of other senseless hacks on this bloody and sometimes disgusting earth. The screaming may surprise you. The funk may guide you. And let it be known, while you are fixated upon the circus of rock before you, all the fucks you used to give will surely be the furthest thing from your mind when you let Sexy Water Spiders take over.
Head on over to the band’s website to find out what they are up to these days. - Trainwreck'd Society
Kenny Geezus, single, 2012
Never 4get, single, 2012

SexyWaterSpiders is an avant-garde musical project with an extensive catalogue (mostly unreleased) which is comprised of original pieces and several spin-off projects.
The Portland-based band blends experimental sounds with all the traditional American musical heritage of the last 60 years, making music that combines soul and funk-infused rock and roll with seemingly infinite neo-psychedelic influences. The result is an impressive array of multifaceted songs that range from heart-rending Motown-inspired chants to groovy instrumental pieces that hit the listeners' senses.
The band's name recalls the spiders that weave on the water's surface where water and light blend in ever-changing sinuous waves and shapes; similarly, their repertoire is an intriguing musical wonderland of creativity and defiance.
The band is made up of talented quirky personalities who have put up edgy highly-entertaining performances which made them gain a devoted fan base which has consolidated during the years spent touring nationwide.
From their musicianship stem monumental songs with soaring guitars, back-beat lyrics and catchy hooks, wild improv, cinematic soundscapes, and dreamy ambience.
In 2010 they released their first LP BLACK GOLD, and in 2012 the singles Kenny Geezus and Neva 4 Get!
Currently SWS is working on The Book of HOLYSEXYNESS, a complilation of themed genre albums accompanied with mythological, sci-fi operatic music videos and theatrical live performances.
Band Members