Kingston, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2018
Bands from other lands
These lads hail from Kingston, Ontario, and they're probably some of the coolest guys there. Their sound punches convention in the face with a fistful of indie cred and Radiohead-meets-Modest Mouse-meets-Godspeed You.
Plus, they sings songs about things such as how mind-numbing the daily grind can be. Who can't relate to that? Check them out at www.infotourist.org. - The Patriot-News
"Hello, Helpdesk!" by infotourist
From north of the border (that’s Kingston, Ontario) comes infotourist and this jaunty, quirkily witty take on being a working drone buried in a cubicle in the world of big business. It might be a bit long, but the highly observant lyrics are brilliantly pointed. - The Patriot-News
2006: Selected Case Studies (3 songs)
2006: America Will Hide Me From The World (Single)

Headquartered in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, infotourist makes freewheeling rock-and-roll with quotable, acerbic satirical-essay-style lyrics evoking:
- Presidential photo-ops.
- Beta males.
- Election correction.
- Flickering fluorescent strip lights.
- Day traders and despots.
- Holy highways.
- Bulleted feature lists.
After having been on hiatus for a decade due to other projects (including The Gertrudes), Infotourist has reunited to restore justice to the world.
On Infotourist's first coming:
"Their sound punches convention in the face with a fistful of indie cred and Radiohead-meets-Modest Mouse-meets-Godspeed You." - Alexis Dow, Harrisburg Patriot-News
"All I can really add is that the above quote might undersell them a bit." - Justin Beach, Canadian Music Spotlight
Their first single, “Hello, Helpdesk!”, an emancipation proclamation for cubicle dwellers, was chosen to represent Canada on the Millennium Music Conference Compilation CD, on which it was designated as one of the best tracks by Barry Fox and Kira L. Schlechter of the Harrisburg Patriot-News, writing that “the highly observant lyrics are brilliantly pointed”. The Unisong International Songwriting Contest also awarded the song with an Honourable Mention.
Infotourist’s subsequent musical war-on-war-on-terror, entitled “America Will Hide Me From The World”, earned an Honourable Mention in the international “We Are Listening” 2006 Singer/ Songwriter Awards, and was chosen as a Finalist in the renowned Independent Music Awards by judges including Peter Gabriel and Suzanne Vega. It was also listed on the “Justice Through Music” website, and on Neil Young's “Living With War Today” songs page.
After releasing their EP, “Selected Case Studies”, Infotourist took their captivating live show to North By Northeast, the Millennium Music Conference in Harrisburg PA, and the main stage of Kingston's legendary Skeleton Park Arts Festival. Infotourist was selected, along with only three other Canadian bands, to perform in the “Canada Rocks” showcase, sponsored by Billboard magazine, as part of “City Showcase - Spotlight London 2007”, at The Metro in London, England.
On Infotourist's second coming:
Infotourist has completed recording an EP tentatively entitled The Employee that will be released imminently. Their current project, tentatively entitled The Election and slated for LP release later this year, is a rock opera featuring the rise of a fictional bloviating orange tyrant. You really ought to invite them to your festival, bar, or bunker to perform it for you.