Vaughan, Ontario, Canada | SELF
I Know U Know - Alan Cross
I Know U Know - Alan Cross
Who Else Is In Your Band?
We are four musicians who have been perfecting our craft from a young age - Scenzi (Drums), Porretta (Lead Singer), Gian (Lead Guitar) and Stevie (Bass).
- Real Sounds ok
Who Else Is In Your Band?
We are four musicians who have been perfecting our craft from a young age - Scenzi (Drums), Porretta (Lead Singer), Gian (Lead Guitar) and Stevie (Bass).
- Real Sounds ok
In fact, lead singer Steve Porretta’s voice kinda sounds similar to Chris Cornell. My favorite song on the EP is “Most Deadliest Man Alive,” - Lobos en Bilos
In fact, lead singer Steve Porretta’s voice kinda sounds similar to Chris Cornell. My favorite song on the EP is “Most Deadliest Man Alive,” - Lobos en Bilos
Set for release in a few days, but this track by Glass Ampp is great to get you through the looong and almost endless Wednesday - Plug In Baby
Glass Ampp is a four-piece band out of Toronto. - Lobos en Bilos
“They are very excited and they can’t wait,” said Eugene Mauro, manager of Glass Ampp.
The band name stems from the initials of the first and last names of all members beginning with Gianluca Mauro, lead guitarist, Anthony Ascenzi on drums, Steve Poretta lead singer and Steve Persanti on bass.
Click the link to view full (Press) from The Daily Planet. - The Daily Planet
Glass Ampp Demo
1- Ain't got Time
2- Could it be
4-Time Flies
5- Mad
Glass Ampp Ep "Half EmPty"
6-I know you know
7-Most Deadliest Man Alive
9-Just Fly
10-The Life

Glass Ampp is a Canadian rock and blues band who truly knows the meaning of rock and roll. Their sound is electric and their soulfulness is undeniable. Their EP, Half Empty, was produced by Matthew Von Wagner, the producer of USS, Crystal Castles, Most Non-Heinous and The Dunes, Along with engineering by the lead singer of Marcy Playground, John Wozniak, notoriously known for his single Sex and Candy. The songs off their EP demonstrate the bands undeniable talent; their distinctive sound separates them from other indie bands. Alan Cross, a Canadian radio broadcaster, described their original song I Know You Know as a slow moving blues-rock song with soul. Despite their ability to write unforgettable music, their rarity is particularly seen through live performances. The bands chemistry with one another is electrifying and when they hit the stage the audience cannot help but feel a connection through the music.
The four members Porretta (Lead Vocalist), Gianluca (Lead Guitar) Scenzi (Drums) and Steve (Bass) have kept the spirit of rock and roll alive. Their stage presence is captivating and real, which has led to appearances during TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival), in 2009 and 2012, Junofest 2012, Southern Ontario Tours in 2013, and shows during Canadian Music Week. When Glass Ampp does a show, they deliver a sound that cannot be mimicked, gaining audiences from all different ages along the way. They have caught the attention of endless fans for one big reason; they have raw-talent that cannot be taught. Having the support of their fans is what drives the band to work as hard as they do. Their songs are innovative and refreshing, all while keeping the classic sound of rock and roll alive.
Glass Ampp has had the opportunity to play at Vaughan Canada Day Festival 2013 where they shared the stage with well- renowned singer Mia Martina and These Kids Wear Crowns. One of their biggest supporters is Farley Flex, an entrepreneur of musical talent across the country. He has managed multiplatinum artists and is currently working with Glass Ampp to book upcoming North American tours. Stay tuned, Glass Ampp is a name youll want to remember!