Forest Sun
Mill Valley, CA | Established. Jan 01, 1999 | INDIE
"Whether he's channeling laid-back acoustic surfer rock ala Jack Johnson on "Tumbleweed" and "Lay Me Down," Randy Newman's slurred and mellow piano pop on "Sing Me to Sleep" or just flirting with Latin music on "Down" and bluegrass on "Come Round Again," Forest Sun proves himself a writer and performer of startling and diverse vision on For the Story. This is the Bay Area artist's third release and he demonstrates a well-rounded ability to capture simple, plainspoken emotions and frame them in a number of genres all well-played and deeply understood. Forest Sun is at his strongest on sweet, falling melancholy numbers like "Twenty Toes in the Sand" where the depth of his rich voice and delicate placement of his lyrics are showcased. He's even self-possessed and accomplished enough as a vocalist to hold his own with the formidable, Jolie Holland on the Andrew Bird-tinged standout track "Always." - Performing Songwriter
"From the intimate folk sound of acoustic guitar, voice, and fiddle through full-blown gospel- and R&B-driven arrangements, irresistible rock-steady reggae, and the unclassifiably eclectic hybrids on For the Story, Forest Sun rises up with an authentic, original voice." - —Derk Richardson
"Instantly accessible, "Tumbleweed" gets curiosity calls every time I play it. Most folks are a little surprised it's by a local artist; it sounds so professionally mixed and recorded. I wish the major label releases I'm constantly bombarded with would sound this good. "For the Story" is easily one of my favorite releases—indy OR major-label—of 2003." - —Rosalie Howarth
"I'd say the future of quality folkie-acoustic-singer-songwriters-type music are in good hands. I highly recommend Forest Sun and his band!"
— Kevin Vance, 91.7 fm KALW San Francisco, and 94.1 KPFA Berkeley - — Kevin Vance
.."gorgeously orchestrated hybrids of bluegrass,
gospel, and folk, all in support of Sun's rich throwback croon."
\ - —Portland Mercury
The folksy, soulful approach of this Northern California singer-songwriter has drawn comparisons to the early work of Van Morrison. This Sun seems likely to shine on a path of his own.
- —The Oregonian
"Forest Sun is the real thing. His songs are life affirming and joyful and you can only do that as a songwriter when it's a genuine expression of your heart."
- Mark Eitzel
"...a true vagabond - carrying the heart of music in his knapsack - roots, jazz, folk, gospel, soul and speakeasy blues."
- Hipfish, Asland oregegon
The Local Planet Weekly
There are times when one positively reels at the gross injustices in the world --- poverty, hunger, Middle Eastern tomfoolery, war, reality TV, natural disasters, and the fact that Dave Matthews gets gobs of fawning press and the adoration of fans everywhere while Foreest Sun toils under relative obscurity.
Who? Exactly. But you read it here first: PLENTY, Sun's newest album, is on eof the best CDs of 2002, and no, it really doesn't matter that we're only halfway through the year.
Forest Sun (his real name) is a San Francisco based singer/songwriter who others in the press have compared favorably to Jack Johnson, Ben Harper, and Van Morrison. But the comparisons generally end there, as if that were enough. It's not. Sun is all that and a bowl of gravy.
By blending soul, blues, jazz, gospel, and a touch of 20th centure "Americana," Forest Sun has managed to carve out a niche that is uniquely his, one which sounds remarkably like all of the above (and a little Keb'Mo' added to the mix) without the unsettling feeling that he's copping others' licks. His is a style of naked, earnest sincerity, with the kind of soul-baring lyrics one expects of someone at least a generation older.
What's more, Forest Sun is the consumate musician. Sophomore effort PLENTY features him on -- among other instruments-- both acoustic and electric guitars, mandolin, harmonica, and organ; meanwhile, sidemen perform on upright bass, tabla, and sarod. It's an album that simultaneously explores and bends -- and ultimately blurs the lines between -- seemingly disparate genres with ease.
But PLENTY isn't just fodder for music geeks (though one could spend hours dissecting it)/ nor is it merely a vehicle for jam-based virtuosity. Rather, it's a singular marriage of lyric beauty and inimitable craftsmanship; a wholly organic work of musical art.
If you can't catch Forest Sun and his band live (and, quite frankly, some sort of invasive surgery might be the only legitimate excuse), then at the very least buy PLENTY. Right now. Then immediately drop to your knees and thank the good Lord that musicians like Sun still exist.
-Aaron Bragg - Aaron Bragg
"Five stars! As festival promotors, one of top three CD's we've received in 5 years! Even with dozens of demo CD's and promotional packages coming in from all over the country, this one stood out so prominently that we both knew immediately that we'd be willing to pay Forest Sun and his band to fly across the country to play at our little music festival in the Pine Barrens of South Jersey. We ordered 9 more CD's and distributed them to family, friends and a couple of local DJ's, because we're so sure of his universal appeal.
-Lori Dean & John Facchinei , Camp Jam in the Pines - Lori Dean & John Facchinei
Just Begun (2012)
Just For Fun (2009)
So Nice (2008)
Harlequin Goodnight (2008)
Walk Through Walls (2005)
Dancing Again (2005)
For The Story (2003)
Plenty (2001)
No Afraid (2000)

Hailing from the San Francisco Bay Area, singer/songwriter Forest Sun combines storytelling lyrics along with such varied musical genres as folk, rock, country, and even funk. A self-proclaimed vagabond at heart, Sun has made fans in both Europe and the U.S. (touring both countries throughout 1999 through 2008). Forest Sun has issued a plethora of albums thus far on Sun's own indie label, Painted Sun Records, drawing comparisons to such acclaimed artists as Paul Simon, Ricki Lee Jones, Lyle Lovett, and perhaps most chiefly, Van Morrison. - Greg Prato, All Music Guide