Dion Price
Southfield, Michigan, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | INDIE
Detroit, MI., August 8, 2014 – Grand Slamm Records Pop/R&B Soul artist, Dion Price will take the stage at the Ribs and R&B Music Festival in Downtown Detroit. The 2014 Ribs RnB Music Festival promises to be the hottest event of the summer. This highly anticipated family event attracts consumers by the carload. They flock to taste the latest grilled sensations prepared by our featured “Ribbers”. They eat, drink, shop and revel in the festive atmosphere created by the summer’s hottest entertainment line-up with popular national acts like the Temptations, The Dramatics, Al B Sure, Con Funk Shun and more!! 2014 will be just as star studded. Dion ignites an already lit flame of excitement into an atomic bomb of fun. Dion Price brings a sense of infectious energy to his craft and he transports that out of the audience. This will be an epic event that you do not want to miss. http://www.ribsrnbjazzfest.com/ - Kiah Esaw
July 12, 2014
Detroit, MI., July 12, 2014 – Grand Slamm Records Pop/R&B Soul artist, Dion Price takes the stage and steals the show at the Paradise Valley Music Festival in Downtown Detroit. The show started at 3pm July 12, 2014. During Dion’s performance with his amazing band, there were fans in the audience singing along with Price’s hit single “What If”. Dion ignites an already lit flame of excitement into an atomic bomb of fun. Dion Price brings a sense of infectious energy to his craft and he transports that out of the audience. The people attending the music festival are truly new dedicated fans/friends of Dion Price. - Kiah Esaw
May 17, 2014
Orlando, FL., May 17, 2014 – It’s the moment you have all been waiting for; Grand Slamm Records Presents “Chess Moves” a compilation mix tape released May 13, 2014. The album can be downloaded on datpiff.com and other mix-tape avenues. On May 17th in Orlando, Florida at Parallel night club Grand Slamm Records’ A&R Chester Williams V., celebrates his birthday by presenting the Official Compilation album, featuring A&R Chester Williams V himself, Pop/R&B artist Dion Price, Samuel Shabazz, Big J, Bria Zhanae, Tamara Jewel, Brit Trees, LB, William Zillions, Obhm Jew, Smoove G. Money, Nino, and Man Bandz. The album release party provides only a ten dollar entry to drink all night, one-hundred dollar bottles, and ladies are free until 11:30pm. The name of the compilation mix-tape “Chess Moves” identifies the movement of the Record Label and their team to a game of skilled chessmen and “chesswomen” moved, which have different types of moves according to the “chess” game of the music industries kind. The object is to checkmate the opponent's King. This event embodies that skill and talent in musical “Chess Moves”. Special guest, sponsors and media will be in this events attendance, you don’t want to miss it!!! - Kiah Esaw
April 16, 2014
Grand Slamm Records Pop/R&B Soul artist, Dion Price does a guest star performance at Plymouth Educational Center Preparatory High School http://www.plymouthed.org/index.html. There were sold out tickets in one day prior to the talent show scheduled date. Student, faculty and parents attended the school talent show right before good Friday and Easter holiday weekend. The Sigma Beta Club Step Team and Zeta Archonette Step Team also graced the stage as guest performances, yet Dion seemed to steal the show. During Dion’s performance with his amazing band, the students rushed to the stage beside the judges of the talent show and sang along with Price’s hit single “What If”. Dion turns the talent show into a true party by pulling some of the students and parents (now devoted fans) on stage with him; he ignites an already lit flame of excitement into an atomic bomb of fun. Dion Price brings a sense of infectious energy to his craft and he transports that out of the audience. The students of Pymouth Educational Center are truly dedicated fans/friends of Dion Price. You can catch “Dion Price Journey” part 3 on YOUTUBE to see the first appearance Price made at the PECP High School. Check it out here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWyF7QCpiF . Stay tuned to “ Dion Price Journey” part 4, Its Crazy! - Kiah Esaw
Online PR News – 08-March-2014 – Detroit, MI – Detroit, MI., March 11, 2014 – Grand Slamm Records Pop/R&B Soul artist, Dion Price will take you and the stage by storm Tuesday March 11, 2014. Dion Price performs as a “Man of Soul” along with other artist; (Javon, Pato and Bobbi J) in the historic Music Hall’s Jazz Café http://www.jazzcafedetroit.com/ celebrating Detroit Music Week (DMW) March 10th-16th. DMW reaches a multitude of music genre by providing various showcases and features throughout Downtown Detroit and across the state of Michigan to attain the diverse demographics http://id313music.net/. Dion is an amazing contribution to DMW this year; he is definitely setting the quality of an inviting, enthusiastic energy in the indie music industry. As Grand Slamm Records would describe it “Talent has no color, just energy!” Last year Price performed to a sold-out crowd in the same venue, Jazz Café at Music Hall to which he was delightedly asked to perform again March 11, 2014. This will be one event you don’t want to miss!
Twitter: twitter.com/dionpriceis Facebook: facebook.com/DionPriceis Instagram: instagram.com/iamdionprice1 - Kiah Esaw
Still working on that hot first release.

Dion Price
He may be fresh on the scene to some, but his infusion of R&B and Pop music prove him to be a much greater than the average artist. Newly signed with Grand Slamm Records, what once was just a dream for Dion Price, has now become reality.
Maybe it was that standing ovation he received at his first live stage performance in high school.
Or the overwhelming, invigorating feeling he walked away with that night.
Nevertheless, his charismatic flow and captivating sounds has catapulted him into a neo-soul genius. And it wasn’t just his high school classmates who realized Price’s talent.
In 2010, he headlined in front of a sold-out audience at the Swag On Fundraiser, an organized Haiti Relief effort, at the Vision Tech Center on the campus of Livonia Schoolcraft College. When he’s not gracing the stage, he’s working hard to grind and shine. Authoring most of his own music, Price also choreographs his own dance moves and models.
His creativity and positive attitude sets the tone for his music long before he grabs the mic. Combined with his ambition and showmanship, his vocal ability inspires local and national audiences long after the curtains have closed. In the summer of 2013, Price performed at The Paradise Valley Festival and The Rib, R&B and Jazz Festival in Downtown Detroit at Hart Plaza. In November of that same year, he performed to another sold-out crowd at the Jazz Café inside The Music Hall.
While many use their struggles, obstacles and mishaps as reasons to fail, he uses them as stepping stones to his next level of success. The steps to the ladder of success are too many to be numbered for Dion Price. You are sure to see and hear him in a café, a theater, a stage near you.
For booking or business inquiries, please email grandslammrecords@gmail.com. For media interviews and inquiries, please email Publicist Kiah Esaw Mel at koesaw@gmail.com.