Deborah Stephens, Minister of Music
Woodstock, Georgia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2000
Evangelist Deborah Stephens your musical gift was such a blessing to me personally and to the Congregation and I know that God was honored and glorified through your effort. It is such a pleasure as the Director to see God's gifts used in such wonderful ways during our times together.
This is on behalf of the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Staff and myself for the wonderful gift of your services in making our Gospel Christmas Concerts a great success. May God continue to bless and keep you in His care as you go forth spreading His Word in song. Evangelist Stephens truly has the heart of God and will help bring the least and the lost to the light and the awareness of God. Again, thank you, thank you, thank you!!! - Jarvis R. Wilson, Director ASO Gospel Choir
Prophetess Deborah Stephens has proven to be a woman of great character and strength. I am the Dean of "The School of the Prophets Bible College" where Minister Deborah successfully completed the course to earn an Ordination to the Office of the Prophet.
Prophetess Deborah has appeared on many Christian TV shows and I have personally interviewed her on Atlanta's most watched prime time Christian TV show "Atlanta Live". Prophetess Deborah is a wonderful person and would be a positive addition to any organization. - Dr. Deborah Harrell Isom, D.Div., Apostle/Prophet
Deborah Stephens is a precious gift to the Body of Christ. I have witnessed and assessed her abilities and found her sensitivity to the Spirit of God displayed in keyboard mastery and vocal excellence. More important than the impressive display of her gift was the effect of peace and praise that those gifts had on the people ministered to.
Their deliverance was evident.
As a Radio Broadcaster and Host of the morning show on the Sheridan Gospel Network (The Light), I broadcast to the largest gospel radio audience in the United States. Our network is composed of over 50 stations throughout the country, in which I have had the pleasure to meet many of the leaders of the gospel music industry and Deborah Stephens measures up to the best of them. When she ministers you will receive the excellence of Christ. - Sidney M. Wood, Jr., Radio Broadcaster/Host
Greetings in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am writing on behalf of Rev. Deborah Stephens. We have been truly blessed by her Leadership, Partnership, and Anointed Worship while serving with and ministering to the Greater Fair Hill Church family. It's evident this mighty woman of God has a love and passion for the Lord, as she ministers through hymns, psalms and contemporary pieces alike. We have called upon Rev. Stephens to serve on numerous occasions, to include banquets, worship services, funerals and special celebrations. We were tremendously blessed each time.
Additionally, Rev. Stephens is not only a phenomenal musician, but she is also a devoted student of God's Word a compassionate leader of God's people, and a catalyst for ushering the congregation into God's presence. Her commitment to excellence before the Lord is unequaled. Rev. Stephens will be a great addition to any ministry at the local church as well as the universal Body of Christ. May the peace and blessings of God be with you! - Dr. Patrick K. Latimore, Th.D., Pastor
The Music Ministry of Deborah Stephens has been a blessing to the Crusade for Christ Ministries for several years. Whenever her busy schedule would allow Minister Deborah was my special guest on both, my TV and Radio Programs. She has shared her musical gift with thousands of viewers and listeners. The Crusade for Christ Ministries loves you and we pray God will take your ministry to higher heights and deeper depths in Christ Jesus. Minister Deborah really deserves all of the blessings that the Lord has enstore for her. I bid God's speed in her Ministry as she presses forward to the mark of the high calling in Christ Jesus. - Rev. Diane Williams Bowden, Pastor
Deborah Stephens has lovingly and faithfully shared her music ministry and prayers with the patients here at Shepherd Center at our Sunday Worship Service.
Shepherd Center is a Catastrophic Injury Hospital in Atlanta, Georgia serving those with recent spinal cord injuries. Deborah attentively prays with the patients after her masterful sharing of her music ministry.
In addition, she visits and sings at each of our nurse stations bringing the Word of our Lord to the staff and shut-in patients. - Rev. Kenneth P. Grosch, Chaplain
Deborah Stephens has proven to be a woman of God with a divine calling upon her life that is evident in her countenance, her appearance and her anointed voice. Her feminine and graceful aura permeates any room she graces. Since I have known her, I have found Deborah to be a woman of impeccable integrity and indomitable patience.
The message that is delivered in her song through praise and worship taps deep into the inner sanctum of the soul.Thank God that Deborah has heard the voice of the Lord and desires so much to remain in his perfect and divine will. Upon hearing his beckoning call on her life, she realizes he has endowed her with a ministry of compassion that extends beyond the keyboard, podium, and pulpit. This fact is radiated in her entire persona.
We here at Tabernacle of Refuge Ministries are so grateful for the times that Deborah has allowd herself to become a fountain from which we were able to draw upon a spiritual refreshing and renewed strength for our inner being. It is our sincere prayer that the Lord will open new doors and re-open closed doors by which this vessel of honor may be used to help to tear down Satan's kingdom in this last day revival. - Rev. Ann McKibbons, Pastor
Deborah Stephens is very talented and highly anointed as well as accomplished soloist and pianist. On various occasions, she has ministered in song before I had to stand and preach the Word of God. Her anointed voice coupled with her humble and amiable spirit helped set the atmosphere and contributed to the effective delivery of the Gospel message.
Deborah your gift will make room for you. As you go forth and do expoits, know that I am standing in the gap praying for you. Deborah Stephens would be a blessing to any church service, conference, concert, prayer breakfast, luncheon or any other social or spiritual event. - Rev. Permetrice Milroe Jackson, Pastor
Deborah Stephens is a very spirited singer. She has a humbleness to the Word of God. I have contracted her on several concerts and have found her and the music she sings to be God-Filled, God-Fearing, and God-Respecting and she is definitely on a mission for God. - Rev. Clarence Anderson, CEO/Owner
Deborah Stephens is an Anointed Psalmist that is in tune with the flow of the Holy Spirit. She is a true Worshiper of the Lord. When she ministers in song, she maintains her attitude of Worship, which causes the listener to enter into Worshiping the Lord.
Deborah is an Accomplished Pianist, which compliments her singing as well as when she is playing for others. Deborah has the ability to adapt and flow with the pastor and is able to discern what is needed for that particular service. This provides an awesome atmosphere for the Holy Spirit to move, as He desires. Deborah is very diversed in teaching others about Praise and Worship. - Rev. Harriet Bradley, CEO/Prophet
Deborah Stephens is a Godly, Holy and Anointed Woman of God. Her gift of singing and music is evidence that the Holy Spirit of God is resident in her being. Deborah has a very generous but wise spirit and the "gifts" and the "fruit" of the Spirit are in excellent working operation in her life. We all have the opportunity to go from Glory to Glory, and Deborah is no exception, however, this area of opportunity does not prohibit her from availing the already ripe and precious gifting the Lord has blessed her with, in ministry.
Deborah is a perfect example of the "saints of old" who did not wait until man said "go"... she proceeds by the leading of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to order her steps, giving pleasure and healing to the Body of Christ and ultimate Glory to God. Her voice has been compared to many great singers... however, I believe, she is exquisite and unique, her skill honed in to the voice and whispers of God. A very rare ability. Her character is pointed upward to God and has now entered the part of her life and maturity in Christ where nothing else matters. She breathes the same atmosphere as the Holy Spirit. It has been my pleasure to stand beside her as a friend and I am humbled by the Divine Favor God has placed on her life. This is only an introduction. - Kirsten Alexis McKenley, CEO/Owner
I have personally witnessed her ministry at Headquarters, U. S. Fort McPherson and within the Headquarters of the Georgia Army National Guard. Deborah has a quiet Christian demeanor, character, witness and she has a strong desire to serve God. She is anointed and I can confirm that she has been called of the Lord to not only sing, but preach the Gospel.
I contracted Deborah to present Christian and Patriotic music to our "Building Strong and Ready Families" Conference held in Savannah, GA, which was the first pilot model held in the United States. More than 77 couples, along with Chaplains and Pastors attended. Deborah gave Christian presence, music and testimony literally every day, she gave a music presentation and testimony which assisted to inspire 35 couples in the re-dedication of their marriage together as husband and wife. - Colonel John M. Owing, State Chaplain GAARNG
My Life Will Be Sweeter Someday
by Deborah Stephens
© Copyright - Focused Productions, LLC/BMI/MRP/All Rights Reserved. / Focused Productions, LLC/BMI/MRP (634479907821)This Soul Stirring Traditional Gospel song is a message of the World's defeated promises, but God's Victorious Promises.Genre: Spiritual: Traditional Gospel
Release Date: 2004
Life Symphony
by Deborah Stephens
© Copyright - Focused Productions, LLC/BMI/MRP/All Rights Reserved. / Focused Productions, LLC (634479829529)The Anointed Sounds of Deborah Stephens will evoke the atmosphere of Worship with this powerful Gospel CD.Genre: Spiritual: Contemporary Gospel
Release Date: 2004

Deborah Stephens, Owner/CEO is an Anointed accomplished vocalist, pianist and songwriter. She is a true Intercessor and worshiper, her powerful Mezzo-Soprano voice will evoke the presence of the Lord and prepare any listener for God's sweet embrace, which completes her progressive style of playing the piano grabbing hold of your soul.
Deborah's very challenging music career began as a church pianist while still attending high school. She followed through by majoring in Voice with a minor in Piano at Albany State College in Albany, Georgia. Deborah received many Honors and Awards upon her 22 year Retirement from the U.S. Department of Army. Deborah graduated Magna Cum Laude from Walden University with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice; she graduated Cum Laude from Grantham University with an Associates Degree in Criminal Justice, as well as an Associate of Science Degree in Special Studies from Georgia Military College with numerous President and Dean's List Certificates from these Colleges. She is currently pursuing a Masters in Criminal Justice from Walden University, expected graduation date of Nov 2022, where she is a member of The National Society of Leadership and Success; Alpha Phi Sigma Criminal Justice Honor Society; Alpha Sigma Lambda National Honor Society; The Golden Key International Honor Society; The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); The Innocence Project, as well as an Advocate for World Human Rights Organization (WHO).
Deborah's first gospel recording entitled, "My Life Will Be Sweeter Someday", encouraged her to want to record even more after dealing with and overcoming so many family tragedies to try and encourage others. Her second album, "Life Symphony" is one she desires to minister to the world. It includes a blend of Praise, Gospel Jazz, Traditional, Love and Contemporary Gospel pieces demonstrating some of her unique vocal ranges and powerful forms of vocal delivery through the anointing of Jesus Christ.
Deborah has heard and has answered to the call of the Lord. She is a Licensed and Ordained Minister and a Graduate from School of the Prophets Bible College. In addition, Deborah considers one of her greatest assignments was to Minister Music and provide Intercessory Prayer at Shepherd Center Hospital for Outreach Ministry to the patients and staff, where she was humbled to serve.
Deborah is a high spirited, energetic singer and musician. She has worked quite intensely for many years training voices for various churches, choirs, and gospel groups through her unique spiritual and graceful representation.
Deborah Stephens was featured in "Rolling Out", the largest Urban Style Magazine in the world. Her music was selected and featured on "Women of Substance Radio" and she has been favored to be a featured Soloist with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Gospel Choir for 4 years, under the Dynamic Direction of Jarvis R. Wilson, what a great honor!
***Check Out Videos at: http://www.youtube.com/TheDeborahAnn
Guest Vocalist "1996 Centennial Olympic Games"
International Television Show "Praise The Lord"
Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN)
Guest Vocalist Bishop T.D. Jakes "Mega Fest"
WATC TV 57 "The Atlanta Live Show"
Featured Vocalist "116th U.S. Army Band"
Guest Artist - "National Guard BSRF Conference"
National Television Show "Bobby Jones Gospel"
"Atlanta International Broadcasting Network"
Opened for International Artist "Karen Clark-Sheard"
16th District Family Summit AME News Interview
with "Vicki Winans"
Debut Artist "National Renown Gospel Caravan"
Back to Holiness Concert "Donnie McClurkin"
National Black Arts Festival Sankofa Celebration
"Apex Museum"
Guest Artist - Theatrical Production of " A Tribute
To Jesus"
Opened for Nat'l Artist "The Bolton Brothers"
Opened for Nat'l Artist "The Jackson Southernaires"
Guest Artist "Nashville New Music Conference"
Guest Artist "Atlanta Festival of Trees"
Guest Artist "Cherry Blossom Festival"
Guest Artist "Christian Equippers" Albany Civic Center
Music Ministry "Shepherd Spinal Center"
Music Ministry "McDonald's Gospel Fest"
Music Ministry "Festival of Lofts"
Guest Artist "Atlanta Downtown Festival"
Guest Artist "Underground Atlanta"
Guest Recording Artist "Full Sail University"
Featured Soloist "Atlanta Symphony Orchestra"
Featured Artist "Women of Substance Radio Broadcast"
Band Members