London, Ontario, Canada | SELF
"A solid display of catchy choruses, quick rhythms and a strong essence of punk music"
"The band is structurally sound, especially for their genre"
"It's a relief to see that true punk music is still around" - Breakdown Magazine
"A solid display of catchy choruses, quick rhythms and a strong essence of punk music"
"The band is structurally sound, especially for their genre"
"It's a relief to see that true punk music is still around" - Breakdown Magazine
Still working on that hot first release.

Clumsy is a four piece band from London, Ontario Canada. For over a decade the members of Clumsy achieved success in seperate projects. Then in 2011 joined together to start a band with one main goal; to do it THEIR way!
Blurring the lines between punk, pop, rock and alternative, Clumsy effectively creates a refreshing sound that has a little something for everyone!
For the past 2 years Clumsy has been playing countless shows in southern Ontario spreading their brand of punk rock. With two album releases under their belt, Clumsy is gaining momentum.
With their newest release, Clumsy is getting rave reviews and countless invites to play with bigger names. Clumsy is on a mission to get their music out there and will not stop until their goals are reached!
Band Members