Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2015
Continuing the night were party thrashers Chainfall. I had the opportunity to see them at Coalition a few weeks back as part of the second round of the competition. It might be just me, but their performance at the Rivoli seemed to surpass their previous performance at Coalition. I'm not saying they didn't sound great at Coalition because they certainly were very tight and well rehearsed the first time around, but they sounded a lot more rehearsed and a lot tighter this time than the previous. Drummer Liam Williams was an absolute animal behind the kit, to the point where he ended up breaking his snare drum. Frontman Mike Cowan knows how to entertain a crowd, as he pulled a few dance moves to some of the riffs, and he even joked with the fans moshing at the front, saying that it was getting too dangerous due to the intense levels of mosh activity going on. - Metal Masters Kingdom
Next up, Chainfall - the thrash kings of the night. In a slew of catchy, yet complex riffs, they brought an impeccably professional performance to the stage. Not a detail was missed. Even the moments they spent between songs were organized and rehearsed. It’s no surprise that they won, and made it to the next battle rounds. Eager to see how far they will go in the competition, I look forward to following their journey both online and in person. - Metal Masters Kingdom
Just when you felt satisfied, local Toronto band, Chainfall hit the stage and the singer was in a rocking mood. He went off into the audience right away on the first song.
This is the kind of band that brings their own special style of Mayhem! The one image that kept running through my mind was that of an out of control freight train on fire and eventually riding off the rails. They promoted their new song, “The State”, which seemed a much more polished thrash song than their earlier stuff.
This is a truly seasoned Thrash band that brings its own hammer to bash your brains in. The singer has very strong vocals and can still produce a banshee wail to add to the effect of their madness. Throughout the show they kept asking us if we wanted some more. With a resounding “YES” we agreed. You couldn’t slow the singer down, because many times you would lose him as he walked through the crowd as if he were connecting and concentrating the potency of the room.
The band finished off the evening with a great cover of Motorhead’s Ace of Spades. The crowd did not want to leave and they came back to truly finish off the night with another cover. This one was Iron Maiden’s Run to the Hills. The room was giving their all with fists pumping the air and a sing along to finalize a great evening of pure heaviness. I found out later from the singer this was their first attempt at Iron Maiden, but it surely won’t be their last. - Blast Toronto
Still working on that hot first release.

In 2015, four dudes took it upon themselves to come together to jam out covers, and have a blast doing so.
But in no time, songs were starting to form, which pushed them to go further. Within a few months, they landed their first gig at the legendary El Mocambo in Toronto. That was all it took. The band then began to crave entertaining an audience, banging heads, and kicking asses.
Through out the next 3 years the band grew and became stronger musicians, writing faster and catchier riffs and playing every venue that would let them in. The Opera House, Sneaky Dees, Bovine Sex Club, Coaltion, Hard Luck... and at every gig was a whole new Chainfall, as there was an obvious progression in their ability.
Now in 2018 with a few line up changes Chainfall is the strongest it's ever been! (and still getting stronger) Their high energy sets have been leaving fans breathless and wanting more!
In the winter months of 2019 Chainfall will be entering the studio to record their first full length CD and tour in the summer.
Band Members