Cathy Ritter
Gig Seeker Pro

Cathy Ritter

Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2022

Allentown, Pennsylvania, United States
Established on Jan, 2022
Solo Pop Rock




This band has no press


Still working on that hot first release.



I'm a singer and songwriter from Macungie, PA. I was raised by two musicians who infused a deep love for music in my life at young age. My dad is an amazing guitarist and my mom is a truly gifted singer. They performed at venues around the area, so of course I told everyone at school that my parents were rock stars.

The pandemic created a seismic shift for my post-college plans and forced me to rethink my path. I decided to take the first office job I could find and just get to work. This was a really challenging time because suddenly all the theatre, art, and music that my world revolved around was gone. I struggled with this, but somehow trying to connect with music during this time made me even more sad. I didn't touch a guitar or write music for two years.

By the spring of 2022, I was desperate for music to come back into my life in a bigger way. I had a story to tell and I wanted to get it out of my head. I wrote "Strong Hands" in 45 minutes in my childhood bedroom, recorded it in two days in my parents' basement, and released it three weeks later on June 10th. This turned into a frenzy of writing.

I have been learning that your twenties are not always about just growing "up". It's about growing "through". . . Every experience, big or small, has shaped me in some capacity. At 25 years old, I am feeling very fulfilled while taking this time to reflect on how I got here. Who's to say how far I've really gotten, but I know the growing isn't over yet.

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