Cab Ellis
Gig Seeker Pro

Cab Ellis

Brooklyn, New York, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2024

Brooklyn, New York, United States
Established on Jan, 2024
Band Alternative Classic Rock




This band has no press


Still working on that hot first release.



One hundred and fifty New York twenty-somethings of all shapes and sizes are packed like sardines into the ground floor of a 2-story apartment building on the Brooklyn/ Queens border. It's already past midnight, but the crowd stands their ground diligently in anticipation. Outside it’s frigid, but inside everyone is shedding layers and stashing coats in corners. They are inside the home of Cab Ellis, an electrifying Alternative Rock band consisting of 8 members including three guitars, a section of horns, and a lead vocalist who will, in just a few minutes, capture the crowd with his intensely and feverishly passionate performance.

All at once, Cab Ellis will rumble down the stairs, take the living room stage, and perform an hour of frantic rock music to a mosh pit of the sweaty and ecstatic fans they have built in New York.

As hundreds of sneakers and boots pound the linoleum floor to the beat, Cab Ellis performs songs from their recently released sophomore record, The East Coast Hold On, recorded in 2021 with Strokes producer Gordon Raphael. They also play a selection of favorites from their debut album, Nighttime OCD, which was recorded and released in Los Angeles in 2020.

In 2023, Cab Ellis completed their first US tour and are set to release their third studio album later this year. 

Band Members