Beast Killer
Gig Seeker Pro

Beast Killer

Cleveland, Ohio, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2021 | SELF

Cleveland, Ohio, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2021
Duo Rock Punk




"Rustbelt Rock Review (Album review and Interview)"

click link for full review and interview - ZM Delgado

"Rustbelt Rock Review (Live Show Review)"

click link for full debut release party Live Show Review - ZM Delgado

"Cleveland Scene Magazine"

Click link for full article details - Jeff Niesel


Beast Killer - Beast Killer - July 29th 2022

Beast Killer - Dystopian Now/Dystopian Me - April 5th 2024



   Beast Killer is a two piece whirlwind of controlled chaotic and pummeling intensity who ride the line between punk/noise/metal and rock. With two albums now under their belt, they have been undeniably captivating the attention of live audiences and slowly earning a reputation of being a must see live band in just the few short years they've been around. 

   Chris Wright(Vocals/Guitar) and Kris Monroe(Drums) started playing together over a decade ago in a few Cleveland,OH punk and rock and roll bands. Following the pandemic, like many bands, the hunger to play live again could no longer be ignored.... and so began, Beast Killer. Within their first two months they wrote their entire first album, played their first show and a year from that show released the self titled debut in July of 2022. By fall of 2023, their next album was already set for recording. During the session, the band managed to sneak in a fuzzed out punk version of Jimi Hendrix's "Manic Depression" , while tracking at Chris Wright's home studio, Rubber Lizard Records. They released the single as a teaser to their upcoming sophomore album titled, "Dystopian Now/Dystopian Me. DNDM is described as somewhat of a Sci-Fi concept album using the ominous terror of the emptiness of space as an analogous background carrying the listener through the darkest self reflective moments of the opening tracks to an eventual calm place of acceptance and contentment floating through the cosmos by the end.

Band Members