St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
We’ve been pulling the heavens into us for some time now. Every passing day brings us closer to infinity than we’ve ever been before. There will always be new dusty rocks and frozen surfaces to set foot upon, turn our gaze towards, train telescopes on. As long as we continue to dream, our hopes will float through the heavens and whisper through the silent vacuum of space the way WindfallFound‘s graceful, glacier-like music does.
“Floating (Pulling For The Heavens Pt. 2)” is from the St. Catharines, ON-based band’s latest release, Pulling For The Heavens. Bubbling with texture, bursting with atmosphere, it’s the kind of playlist NASA should have sent through space instead of this one. Fortunately for us, we can have Pulling For The Heavens playing in our personal space with just one click. - Quick Before It Melts
Over the pond now, and a visit to St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, where possibly the most optimistic band to ever feature on Musically Fresh have released a new track and video.
WindfallFound are a five-piece, Soundtrack group, that describe themselves as ‘best friends who sit around and talk about the future’.
Their first album - 63 Views Of The Day & Night Sky – was released in 2013, and since then, the guys have gone on to form their own identity of ambition in the arts. Let’s just say, it sounds like it’s well worth catching a live gig.
Here’s the new track and video from the up-coming album, Pulling for the Heavens, titled, ‘Soaring – Pulling for the Heavens Pt. 1’ – Your “Soundtrack of possibility”.
Firstly, let’s just congratulate the world’s most stimulating and heartening track title ever. Looking back at 63 Views Of The Day & Night Sky, and their creativity behind “titles” makes me wonder just what they could do if they if they attached lyrics. Seriously, you had me at ‘Soaring’.
To steal a direct quite from the band, ‘It’s hopeful and exciting because we are hopeful and excited.’
And now I am…
It’s a track that is three and a half minutes of peace and tranquillity, which calmly embeds a feeling of promise and content with our world.
Gentle guitar work, a nice beat of the drums, and synth that seems to have come through the window on a gentle spring breeze, everything just screams – In fact, nothing “screams”, it just quietly discusses with you over a beer when you’re ready to talk about it.
Perhaps – for the majority – this track will never be on repeat, or a favourite on the playlists. But for the moments where it plays and you listen, you take that time to yourself and realise just how okay everything really is.
‘Technology can point the way to a future of limitless promise, as it improves the wellbeing of mankind’.
It’s nice to hear words like those and not feel an overwhelming sense of irony or sarcasm. This is a group that is remaining uncompromised – and hopes to pass that positivity onto their listeners… if only for a moment.
I’m looking forward to Part 2, WindfallFound.
If you’re looking for a group to write the soundtrack to your life, as perhaps you feel like living a life as blissfully unaware and carefree like Truman from The Truman Show, then get involved at the following links: - Musically Fresh
WindfallFound made their Dusty Organ debut with their first single “Soaring (Pulling for the Heavens Pt.1)“. The ethereal/futuristic-rock band create dramatic, dynamic tracks that delve into shoegaze and ambient-rock, but also push the boundaries of alternative rock into something massive and creative.
Their second single “Views” is being released hand-in-hand with the free stream/download of their debut full-length “Pulling for the Heavens”.
Reaching a wide range of influences – from alternative rock, to post-rock and even the subtle power of chorus hymns, “Views” is a majestic performance from the St.Catherine’s, Ontario garage act. Experimental and progressive in all the right ways, they continue their mission and desire “to unite imagination and ingenuity; to see dreams as the beginnings of realities”. - The Dusty Organ
When: 02/07/2013
Outof10: 7.5/10 (LOVED)
Windfall Foundation is a five piece band from Ontario, Canada and this is their debut album 63 Views of the Day and Night Sky. These guys have been reported to bare the same ambitious qualities as Godspeed! You Black Emperor and Neutral Milk Hotel, so this could either sound really good or not that really good. Either way nature is pretty.
We begin with ‘Arrived at Sunrise’ which slowly introduces the listener to the organic, natural sounds that Windfall Foundation have perfected. The intro formed with bird song and folky instruments like the acoustic guitar and whistling create a very nice sound that eases the listener into the album. The subtle additions of melodies and various noises adds a little creativity to a sound that already sounds varied before turning into a piano-driven ballad of sorts to cap off what has been a great start to the album.
The band go a little heavier with second track ‘Stick To Air’ which sees the bird song replaced with distorted guitars that sound as if they had sparrows for breakfast. The tone on these guitars sound great and with the decision not to mix 63 Views of the Day… like the mainstream guys it really helps the band stand out from the crowd.
Considering the lightness of the opening track it’s surprising to hear the amount of heavy moments on this album. The perfect, almost utopian sound of ‘Arrived at Sunrise’ definitely led me to believe the rest of the material would be kind of cutesy, Fleet Foxes-esque but tracks such as the crazy, stoner rock-ish intro of Bad Metacatin immediately tore a hole through that first impression. Things got even heavier with eight minute epic Theaf knocking us on our toes in glorious disbelief. These two tracks in particular showcase why Windfall Foundation have similar traits to the aforementioned bands as they continuously deliver hard hitting vocals akin to The Microphones while also bringing forth hard hitting instrumental moments with as much grandeur as Godspeed! You Black Emperor. With as much talent as this it’s astonishing to believe that we’re only just getting introduced to the band.
63 Views of the Day and Night Sky is a phenomenal debut album and one that definitely places Windfall Foundation up there as bands to keep an eye on in future. The way they’ve managed to capture such great moments using traditional instruments is astounding, and every single section of it continues to sound great with every listen. Tracks such as ‘Views…’ and ‘Warm Nights’ are definitely going to be played every single chance I get, though I certainly wouldn’t mind just hearing this record over and over again. It’s fantastic. Once again Canada delivers another fantastic album that makes me want to live there forever. If you don’t check out this album then there’s something wrong with you. Stream the entirety of the album below, and look out for it to purchase on July 2nd - Elusive Little Comments - Adam Reeve
Being a relatively unknown local band on a bill of much larger acts is not always the most enviable of positions to be in. You usually either play well enough to draw people away from the bar to stand in front of the stage for a few minutes or play to a mostly-empty room of your close friends who are there to see whoever is coming on later. Rarely, you end up playing to a rather large crowd that is unfamiliar with your music and gain some new fans. Luckily for Windfall Foundation (made up from ex-Tyganda band member), a tight live performance with a staggering level of professionalism for a young unestablished band as well as solid songwriting landed them squarely in the third category. Opening the evening for local heavyweights Cardinals as well as The Years and Vancouver’s Said The Whale, Windfall Foundation kicked the night off spectacularly and with a relentless energy. Their sound is best described as spacey third-wave post-rock soundscapes and textures to give the music depth with the angular guitar rock sensibility of Bloc Party to keep things in motion. The instrumentation is paired with the lyrical sincerity and emotion of bands like Touche Amore and Brand New. Lead vocalist Can Kilic [Authors note: yes, Can. Not “Cam”] engaged with the audience mid-set to inform them that their next song, Thief (unfortunately not up on their Bandcamp page yet) was his favourite in the whole world. By the end of the chilling and emotional number, I’m sure he wasn’t the only one who felt the same way. Sounding very much unlike the acts that followed them, the quintet was a bright spot in a bill jam-packed with talent and big names. It remains to be seen if Windfall Foundation is a band that will be one to watch in 2013, but they’ve stolen a crowd before and there’s nothing indicating they can’t again. - Hittsville U.K. - Jimmy Hatcher
WindfallFound's newest project, Pulling For The Heavens, was released in June of 2015.
This album is a follow-up to 2013 release, 63 Views Of The Day And Night Sky.
Both albums are available at: http://windfallfound.com/

WindfallFound’s music has been described as “dramatic, dynamic tracks that delve into shoegaze and ambient-rock, [that] also push the boundaries of alternative rock into something massive and creative” (The Dusty Organ). The cover art for their latest release, Pulling For The Heavens, depicts a student-made rocket launching up and away from Earth’s gravitational confines; an image that speaks directly to the inspiration of a humble band fascinated by impossibly large frontiers.
Originating from St. Catharines, Ontario, the earliest days of the group saw five high school friends meeting up in their free time to write songs, demo recordings, and bond over a shared love for ambitious, forward-thinking music. In 2012, their pastime became their passion, and they formed the band Windfall Foundation with the intent of writing and producing a full-length concept album. Following the completion and release of their debut 63 Views Of The Day And Night Sky, the band entered a reflective period of discussion concerning their personal and collective outlooks. From this, a new aspiration arose: to use music as a catalyst for self-actualization and an inspired, optimistic view toward the future.
2015 release Pulling For the Heavens, captures an “infectious and powerful originality, which is compelling only the way true innovation can be” (Floorshime Zipper Boots), while also providing “peace and tranquility, which calmly embeds a feeling of promise and content with our world” (Musically Fresh). In that way, WindfallFound have begun to realize their inspiration; but as a band whose outlook speaks to a future of limitless potential, there’s no telling where upcoming recordings and live performances will take them. It should be safe to assume, however, that place will be as unexpected as it is exciting and heartfelt.
Band Members