Way To Go Radio
West Chicago, Illinois, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2019
AUTHOR: Chloe Ferrell
What was the writing process like for the album?
Tom ( lead vocals) and Dave (drums) are brothers. They had been in a prior band since 15. They worked together in that band and had six albums under their belt. So it started there. Then because they wanted to do something different sonically, they sought out Jason Jefferson ( piano, synths, samples). He and Tom took the arranged songs and started to experiment with the demos. Tom and Dave did so much pre-production that the arrangements didn't change. But there was definitely freedom as far as creating the sonic landscapes. Then Justin came on board and really crafted those Bass lines. Very Melodic but the lines move. It fit perfectly. We were lucky Justin came on board.
There was a ton of stuff going on around us at the time. Anything that could go wrong did. It was long and exhausting. Everything was exploding around us personally and we just kept working. But we had never had an album be so difficult to get done. That's why the title of the album is "Barriers". The writing was easy because it was just a heavy, hard time. There were members that, went to jail, and battled their own demons until they ultimately left. Tom caught viral meningitis, had a leaked spinal tap that caused him a ton of serious issues. After just starting to feel better, he was rear ended by a semi truck in May. lol Tom and Dave found Jason and Justin and basically started over. There were times it seemed like the album was never coming out. It was definitely an exercise in Discipline. But things worked out. Justin's Bass playing was perfect for these songs. Jason brought a much needed new perspective and set of skills.
What was the most memorable part of the recording process?
I would say hitting a groove with Jason and finding that "sound". It was pretty organic. Dave wrote all of his drum parts without a Bass player. That was very different from the way the brothers worked in the past. It was necessary, but not a welcome change. But it was a blessing in disguise as Dave had to take the pressure of the rhythm section and take over. It was like there were no rules or anything to run by anyone because he and Tom had the trust and chemistry. Besides the tempo and feel of the song, they were his decisions to make. To think Dave didn't hear anything except scratch guitars when he rehearsed for months and ultimately recorded his parts ..is nuts. They were all recorded in one take, to a guitar and click track. It all sits in the pocket and was built around the drums. That initial challenge turned into a blessing. There was a freedom in it.
Which song are you most proud of?
That's tough. Every song on here was written from experiences we had. They were very autobiographical. Almost painfully so. But if we had to choose I'd say "Dustin". We had a friend pass away after fighting skin cancer. Tom went to visit him in hospice to say goodbye. He was pretty medicated. It was a pet-friendly center. His husky was there. There was a moment where Tom was watching Dustin pet his husky while laying down. The Husky moved, Dustin was petting the air. A tear rolled down Tom's cheek and he went home and wrote the song in 5 minutes. Tom and Dave had just watched their aunt die of cancer. Dustin's younger brother, Jason, had a tumor they found. He had to have brain surgery. He told Tom but kept it quiet as he didn't want his brother to know he had his own battle coming up. Jason lost his brother and went in for surgery shortly after. Jason made it and is ok. When out for beers one evening, Tom asked Jason how he was coping. He said he rode his bike and painted a ton. So we made a video for the song "Dustin" with his brother in it. Very proud of it. It's for them. It's our next video release.
Any songs that didn’t make the album?
There are always tunes that don't. But Tom usually gets those out of the stack before he even shows Dave. Then if one slips through, they usually give each other a look in pre-production. Then it quickly finds it's way out. You just know. The good ones flow and the great ones are effortless. The ones that require a ton of extra work are usually just bad songs. We'd rather take that time writing a new one or getting inspired instead of trying to "save" one.
Favorite lyric(s) from the album?
I'm a hologram impervious to pain, bending light and lies till the reflection stays the same. I'll blind your eyes till you forget my name. Truth is..I want it that way. ---"Definition Of Close"
Was the album inspired by anything?
Trials. I know we all tapped into something new. Something that was always in us. But when you're up against it, there's a freedom. Nothing more could have gone wrong. So if you may go down, might as well do it swinging as the best version of yourself. I hear it in the tracks. The album was delayed so many times that we figured might as well take even longer and make it worth the trials. The record is honest. If you don't dig the songs or the style they're presented in...that's fair. Art is subjective. But it's an honest account of what we were going through. It's not fake. I know we will get reviewers saying "Letters To S. California" is a basic California song. But those who live in Chicago will know that is the street the jail is off of. It's meant to be a metaphor. But if they miss it, they'll say it lacks depth, when in reality they're not looking deep enough. Sometimes that is the fun in it.
Which song are you looking forward to playing live?
I think "Chase This Moment" has been going great in rehearsals. The string arrangements in the Chorus lift that song. Especially the last Chorus. It's not the banger, but right now that energy has been special live.
What do you think will be a fan favorite?
It's Not Enough. I think that it is pretty raw. It's pretty straight forward but you can feel that chorus. I think the first vocal note, drums and bass line make it almost danceable. Even though you don't think it's headed there. But there is a raw feeling in there. It sounds desperate.
What would you rate your album out of 5?
Wow, that's insanely tough. I'd say in terms of trying to capture what we were going through, experimenting with a new sound, and trying to be craftsman at it, we are happy. There are layers that show tremendous growth for us personally. But there is always room for more growth and we are never satisfied. So 4. There will never be a 5. Or at least never a 5 given by us lol. We are too tough on ourselves. But we are proud we got an honest album out and think you can hear the work. Now it's time to see if the tracks are relatable to the public. It's exciting.
Keep up with Way To Go Radio at these links!
Twitter: @waytogoradio1
Instagram: @waytogoradio
Website: http://www.waytogoradio.com/ - Mainstream Magazine
Barriers - released November 1st 2019.

Way To Go Radio is a new band from Chicago. They prefer to keep the focus on their music and performances. Listen to their full length debut here https://soundcloud.com/waytogoradio/sets/barriers
Band Members