Gig Seeker Pro


Atlanta, Georgia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2022

Atlanta, Georgia, United States
Established on Jan, 2022
Band Rock Psychedelic


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This band has not uploaded any videos



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Still working on that hot first release.



They say music is what brings unlike souls together. This is exactly the goal of budding rock band Villarreal: bringing people together. Through their unique yet familiar sound, these four young musicians hope to bring the spirit of rock back to the forefront of music.

Born in December of 2022, Villarreal abandoned their idea of being a cover band and quickly adapted to writing their own material. Over the course of their time together, they have spent time nurturing and developing their own sound: psychedelic blues. While each member finds common ground in rock n' roll, their personal influences range from a wide variety.

Band Members