Handsome John Pruitt
Gig Seeker Pro

Handsome John Pruitt

Pottsville, Pennsylvania, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | SELF

Pottsville, Pennsylvania, United States | SELF
Established on Jan, 2008
Band Rock Folk




"Holiday Hoot"

Several local rock ’n’ roll acts will showcase their talents Saturday at the Holiday Hootenanny at Hucklebuck’s in Pottsville.

Hosted by Blind Pigeon Records, an independent record label, the show will feature four solo acts and three bands, starting at 6 p.m. with singer-songwriter Kate Assiran.

The show will celebrate the release of the label’s “Compilation No. 20,” the latest in a series of annual compilation albums featuring one-off songs from Blind Pigeon artists.

Formed about 20 years ago in Pottsville, Blind Pigeon Records signs artists from around the region, including in Schuylkill, Berks, Dauphin and Lehigh counties.

The Holiday Hootenanny is a tradition that dates to the 1990s, before the record label was founded.

“(The Holiday Hootenanny) has become part of the whole rock ’n’ roll community,” said Bill Whalen, co-founder of Blind Pigeon Records. “It’s a celebration of our scene and what went on through the year.”

Whalen and his band, Gleasons Drift, will close the concert with a performance from 10:15 to 11 p.m.

Entry to the show is $10, and CD copies of “Compilation No. 20” will be available for purchase at the venue. Whalen is also hoping to make the album available on Blind Pigeon Records’ Bandcamp page by Saturday.

Aside from Gleasons Drift, the other bands slated to perform are Handsome John Pruitt and Leisure Living, at 7:05 and 8:40 p.m., respectively.

Following Assiran’s performance are solo performers A. Parker, of the country-punk band Dead Belly; Evan Dresser, lead singer of the Shouldas; and Shane Hellerweed, of Crop Circle. - Republican Herald

"Band Jam"

https://www.republicanherald.com/news/all-day-band-jam-in-pottsville-to-feature-local-talent-entertainment/article_79eeb2e6-766d-530f-ac73-6d41fdf562a7.html - Republican Herald


Still working on that hot first release.



Born from the Anthracite Coal Region of Pennsylvania, veteran musicians of the alt-rock genre combine with violin, sax, mandolin and more to bring about a soundtrack that soothes the soul. 

It's an original jukebox band playing endlessly at an exit off the expressway that you stumble upon but cant get away from. 

There's original ballads, punk songs, alt-rock, country, whatever you want to hear - but somehow exactly when you're supposed to hear it. 

With a name derived from a side character in an 80's movie with a hook for a hand - they pull you in. 

Band Members