The Mighty D-Risha
Winters, Texas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
D-Risha, “Lesson 1”
Any astute Houston rap fan will tell you that he or she prefers a certain style of rapper. Either he’s street, he’s flashy, he enjoys creating music for your escape or a call back to the golden era mix of East Coast boom-bap and countrified Southern twang. There’s no real in-between; doesn’t matter if said rapper could even climb on a beat properly. If it appeals to a certain sensibility, it will eventually win. D-Risha, more capable a prizefighter-rapper rather than song creator, has no qualms about being a bit “different." His “different” earned him a victory in Houston’s Jackin’ 4 Beats competition and has given him the chance of earning $10,000 and something or other with DJ Khaled. “Lesson 1” is his first release of any kind since that moment, and while it's going to be a footnote in regards to Escape From Houston Texas , it's also going to serve as a healthy reminder that D-Risha gives a shit about normalcy in local rap. - Houston Press
Houston has alot of talented Mc's Check out the road the top 5 traveled! - Jackin 4 Beats
The A3C Hip Hop Festival swiftly approaches in Atlanta, Georgia which is touted as the biggest hip-hop festival in the country. Our friends at Solonia Media and The soundCLASH have combined efforts to deliver an official showcase titled S.U.S.H.I. which breaks down to Shit U Should Hear Immediately. Featuring a plethora of emerging talent from all over the region from New Orleans, Kansas City, Arkansas, Atlanta, OKC and of course Houston. Spread the word and support. - Day And A Dream
The 6 Demon Bag: The experimental hip-hop group, featuring the Mighty D-Risha and Purple B, is influenced by Italian horror films "and an undying love for and influence of Three 6 Mafia." "It isn't your typical swanging and banging Texas sound," D-Risha says of forthcoming EP "GIALLO." (themighty d-risha.bandcamp.com) - Houston Chronicle (Joey Guerra)
6 Demon Bag, GIALLO
Here's how it worked. Purple Bastard, who has now relocated to Los Angeles, and the Mighty D-Risha, he of a rather nasty EP last summer, had a small project in a vein similar vein to Killer Mike and El-P's Run the Jewels. Their off-kilter love for Italian horror flicks, continued references to Big Trouble In Little China and Risha's ability to pull any type of battle-rap barb out of his ass made the 6 Demon Bag EP, their Hypnotize Minds Three 6 Mafia-meets-Houston traditionalism tape, enjoyable. Its proper followup, GIALLO, is supposedly coming this year. - Houston Press
6 Demon Bag, Giallo The Mighty D-Risha and Purple Bastard reside in that area of Houston rap where you'll forever consider them underdogs. They don't stick out in hipster-rap periodicals because they don't really adhere to traditional Houston rap formats. D-Risha can talk the slang; Purple Bastard can morph his production from sludgey H-Town bass to psychedelic takes on Yarborough & Peoples. Still, neither aspect will grant them the kind of access they deserve because of two key components.
One, D-Risha raps in a rather unorthodox fashion. Not in a Silkk Tha Shocker sort of way but one where he'll be right on the beat then drop out for an aside or multi-syllabic catch-all and then come back. He'll be there but not completely there, and it always makes for an interesting listen. Secondly, Purple Bastard's production elicits more positive response from those outside city limits than within. It completely sucks, but that's why they're a fun pair together. Think Run The Jewels, but D-Risha could literally talk to you about Phase 3 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as opposed to jacking you for your necklace.
On Halloween two weeks ago, the duo came back together for their long-awaited Giallo EP. For those not in the know, a giallo is an Italian thriller and Giallo in the EP sense finds D-Risha comparing himself to Casey Anthony and stringing a bunch of lyrical-miracle type bars together on opener "6 Demon Terror".
Even if the show is supposed to be about how many rhymes D-Risha can fit into a 16-bar verse, the real winner in this horror picture on wax is Purple Bastard. You can't loathe anything that sounds like Vincent Price on a mean acid trip, which is what we get on "Final Girl" and a percussion massacre on the super posse cut "Street Thunder." He could be Madlib digging into sparse production and sawed-off vocal chops a la Madvillainy, but here he'd rather strike fear in a FlyLo sort of way -- and it's beautiful.
Best Track: "Street Thunder" feat. Rob Gullatte, Fullmetal F Dot, Noon OneHunnidt & John Dew This is the longest track on the tape at five-plus minutes, and takes five different flows from a whole heap of artists in order to fully round into shape. Fullmetal F Dot does his best to think it's '93 Memphis with his Three 6 Mafia homage, OneHunnidt and Rob Gullatte just seem pissed off for the pure sake of it and John Dew, the most all-around member of T.H.E.M., makes good and certain that you realize where he is and where he exits. Buy Giallo here. - The Houston Press
Indeed, D-Risha continued rippling through what makes him a figure in Houston rap without necessarily living in the traditional realm of Houston rap. He battled through the crowd, mostly stale faces with a few supporters scattered throughout, to perform his own version of "Ebonics" and Houston slang. He kept making sure to yell "FUCK D-RISHA" at every opportunity. - Houston Press
One phrase to describe D-Risha would be "Houston Hip Hop In The Flesh. The artist mix of introspection, humor, and aggression set him apart from any stereotype you can name. On stage he wows crowds with brutally honest lyrics and primal fury that is destined to leave a lasting impression - A3C Hip Hop Festival
Supastition – The Blackboard EP
Marcel P. Black – Trap Hop
Homeboy Sandman – Kool Herc: Fertile Crescent
Binary Star – Binary Star EP
Skyzoo – An Ode To Reasonable Doubt
Sean Born & Dunc – Organic
Dillon & H2O – The New Blues Brothers
James Jackson – Work In Progress
D-Risha – Gauntlet EP
Homeboy Sandman – All That I Hold Dear - Kevin Nottingham
Editor’s Note] Today, KN is proud to bring you a new feature called Rapper Reviews. Basically, we’re letting some of our favorite rhymers share their opinions on subjects outside of the realm of Hip Hop. And with it being Halloween on Friday, what better way to kick off this new feature than some great horror films to watch on All Hallows’ Eve. We had to go to D-Risha with this topic in mind as he’s a true connoisseur of the genre. While Houston emcee prepares for the release of his GIALLO EP with his 6 Demon Bag cohort That Purple Bastard, he took the time to break down 10 must-see horror movies for your Halloween viewing.
Check out the debut of Rapper Reviews below and make sure you grab D-Risha & That Purple Bastard’s GIALLO EP, which drops on Halloween!
Words by D-Risha
1. The Burning
This film is what I would consider a top tier selection in the “slasher movie” sub-genre of horror. It came out after Halloween and the first Friday The 13th, but has a strong cult following long after its release. In the same way that Three 6 Mafia rarely gets credit for creating the crunk era of southern rap, The Burning contains a hulking serial killer long before Jason was ever introduced, make up effects from the great Tom Savini, and the first on screen appearance of Seinfeld’s Jason Alexander. A true American ’80s slasher diamond in the rough.
2. Suspiria
If you don’t know who Dario Argento is and you claim to be a horror buff, I implore you to do more research. This is arguably the best “Giallo” (Italian horror) film ever made and he is pretty much the go to guy of the genre. The way he mixes extreme violence/gore with beautiful set pieces and colorful backdrops is unparalleled. The soundtrack by the rock band Goblin is haunting and just as memorable as the scenes itself. Myself and That Purple Bastard used this template as inspiration big time in making our new EP. A timeless, instant classic.
3. The Beyond
If Dario Argento had a director as an equal, it would be Lucio Fulci. He is widely known as the “Godfather of Gore,” which is very prevalent in all his films. This one has it all: teleporting zombies, evil German shepherds and seven doorways to hell! This film is part of a trilogy with this film being the strongest with tons of gore and a great soundtrack. Another Italian horror masterpiece.
4. Day Of The Dead
At this point, zombies are overrated and blown out of proportion in pop culture, but look no further than Day Of The Dead. Directed by the father of the zombie genre himself, George Romero, it literally chronicles a day in the life of a zombie apocalypes with alot of shock, twists, and gore. If you’re looking for an original take on a sub-genre that is done to death, please check this one out because it does not disappoint.
5. Inside
My list so far features a heavy mix of Italian and American films, but the most brutal films come from a place you wouldn’t expect: France. It starts off as a home invasion suspense, but when you find out what the antagonist is after. it takes a much darker turn that will stay with you after the credits roll. In a medium full of remakes and over done ideas, this is one of the best modern horror films I’ve seen in recent memory.
6. I Saw The Devil
This is a South Korean film that doesn’t contain any ghouls or ghosts, but what happens in between the lines is just as terrifying as any horror film on the shelf. It’s about a special agent who’s on a quest for revenge after a serial killer has murdered his wife, but the best part about the film is the special agent’s descent into the mind and actions of the killer. One of the most intense films I’ve ever seen horror or otherwise, please see the original now before the US remake they’re planning comes out.
7. Trick r Treat
If you want to watch something really cool on Halloween night, find this gem released in 2007. It’s the best modern horror anthology film you can find that doesn’t disappoint. Anthologies are films that tell 3-4 different stories in one sitting and the way the director ties all the stories together is brilliant. Creepshow and V/H/S are also great anthologies you should check out.
8. You’re Next
You know how in most slasher films everyone dies and there’s one female left at the end flailing around defenseless? This movie turns that idea on its head with a bad ass, take no prisoners female lead who has no fear throughout the film no matter what danger is put in front of her. This is a must-see as it’s one of the better horror films of 2013.
9. Kill List
If you need something great to watch on Netflix this month, watch Kill List. It’s about 2 retired hit men who get asked to do one last job that get more than what they bargained for in their targets. Very nice twists and turns throughout and the main character does a great job as you’ll feel for him at the end. Fearless film-making from the UK side of the genre.
10. Stake Land
Not since Bram Stoker’s Dracula have I seen a vampire movie this good. It features a post-apocalyptic waste land with satanic cults and unsociable vamps that will creep you out. Best part about the film is the anti-hero “Mister” who is a kick ass vampire hunter that you’ll instantly root for as soon as he appears on screen. Twilight can suck it! - Kevin Nottingham
It’s Halloween and that means 6 Demon Bag is here to celebrate with the release of their new EP titled GIALLO. D-Risha & That Purple Bastard’s latest collaboration sees the duo embracing the style of such artists as the Gravediggaz & Three 6 Mafia for their own brand of horrorcore. The concept behind GIALLO is inspired by the Italian horror film genre of the same name and seeks to bring that imagery into the music. The Houston duo’s 6 track EP is produced entirely by That Purple Bastard and features guest appearances by Hollywood FLOSS, Kidd The Great, John Dew, Rob Gullatte, Onehunnidt, Fullmetal F Dot & Noon. You can cop 6 Demon Bag’s project for just $6 digitally or grab a special deluxe edition cassette with movie poster for $18. Tracklist & stream are below. And if you haven’t already, make sure you check out D-Risha’s horror movie recommendations for Halloween as part of our new Rapper Reviews feature! - Kevin Nottingham
At first listen I had to really step back and get my mind right. GIALLO‘s new EP ‘6 Demon Bag’ has a distinct vibe to it, and it makes perfect sense that they dropped it on Halloween a few weeks back. GIALLO is comprised of Houston emcee D-Risha, and LA based producer That Purple Bastard. ‘6 Demon Bag’ is a good audio trip start to finish, and features some of Houston’s best from the independent artist sector. - Rappers I Know
Tandems in Houston rap may mosey and walk around but they have to deal with D-Risha & Purple Bastard. One of the few that stick to the producer/emcee combination, the 6 Demon Bag duo are back for GIALLO, a brand new EP featuring the likes of Hollywood FLOSS, Rob Gullatte, Fullmetal FDot, John Dew, Noon, OneHunnidt & Kidd The Great.
Purple Bastard’s production has always been about psychadelia and slices of tried and true Houston soul. Now it gets morphed into something sinister, dark and morbid while D-Risha pushes his voice around every beat and creation regardless of meter or timing. He knows his flow pattern, unorthodox in the sort of classic sense but 6 Demon Bag’s latest effort is tied together thanks to two records, the heavy posse cut “Street Thunder” and the finale, “The Last Man” where Kidd The Great’s chorus stands out like CeeLo waxing and waning about the struggle of being a lone survivor. Horror story on wax, that’s what 6 Demon Bag want to produce with GIALLO. Stream it below. - Day And A Dream
Earlier this week while scanning over what I missed at A3C this year, I had one of those epiphany moments you only hear about in cheesy TV shows and watershed blogs. For me personally, A3C was mostly a trip to Atlanta to catch up with some of the friends I had made seven months prior at SXSW. Their growth and expansion has definitely been noted, both good and bad because their ambition to be the hip-hop version of SXSW is too large to ignore.
But for someone making their initial trip to A3C or hell, Atlanta in general — whatever I may have to hold in my heart takes a backseat. It’s their moment, their time and their opportunity.
For years now, D-Risha has built a critical fan base who appreciates what he does as a flat out rapper. There’s a charm but it’s not completely overbearing. In a way, he’s the perfectly acceptable Houston rapper who will sadly be relegated to being one of those pretty great rappers you barely hear about thanks to overcrowding.
In Atlanta however, none of those prognostications mattered. D-Risha stepped onto the stage for Kevin Notthingham’s yearly showcase and acted as if he completely owned the place. Being the only Houston rapper on the bill thanks to some technicalities, his performance not only commanded a more than gracious crowd response, it also forced the DJ to reach into his own selection of Houston-centric tracks and play 15 records in a row, all in some weird praise of what D-Risha gave the crowd. “This trip showed me that its wide open for me so that’s where my head is at going forward,” he told me. It might have been bluster or him running on complete energy and excitement but I believed him.
People often ask what happens with a person’s buzz following these massive festival arrangements. You know, if it changes anything once they get back home and have to deal with local politics, real life matters and of course the dream of simply thinking one freestyle, one song or one tale to the right person will start kicking down every door imaginable. D-Risha felt he made so many connections in Atlanta on his first time out that he figured it would be smart to shoot his “Rare Form” video from Gauntlet EP with Red Warrior Global. He completely understand that he may not have the same amount of buzz as some of his contemporaries and that’s fine with him.
All moments aren’t destined to give the same effect. They’re fluid really. And for D-Risha, one week in Atlanta gave him what he wanted and then some.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2n-csWFD1eQ - Day And A Dream
I’m a huge fan of the EP since it’s a great way to be introduced to a new emcee or a perfect way to hold you over until one of your favorite artists drops a new full-length project. Sadly, 2012 saw the end of G-Side as ST 2 Lettaz & Yung Clova decide to go their seperate ways. 2 Lettaz showed us why there’s plenty to be excited about with his solo career though by releasing the R.E.B.E.L. EP. Ohini Jonez and Lyrikill had been off the map for a minute, but the two talented lyricists came back strongly with their respective EP’s. Illogic & Blockhead created a sequel to their Preparing For Capture EP and managed to top its predecessor in quality. DIEMON crew representer John Anthony earned a new fan with his outstanding, yet brief, debut titled JXHN. Rounding out my top 10 were some dope collaborations – FDR, Ethereal & Kosherbeets and C Plus & Lee Bannon – as well as solo works by Hawdwerk and Bavu Blakes.
1.ST 2 Lettaz – R.E.B.E.L. EP
2.Ohini Jonez – The Prelude EP
3.John Anthony – JXHN
4.Illogic & Blockhead – Preparing For Capture 2
5.Lyrikill – RETRO EP
6.FDR (Hollywood FLOSS, D-Risha & Rob Jay) – The Inauguration EP
7.Ethereal & Kosherbeets – Etherbeets (Extended Bump)
8.Hawdwerk – Call In Sick EP
9.Bavu Blakes – Sanct EP
10.C Plus & Lee Bannon – Young Champions - Kevin Nottingham
Best Year – The Mighty D Risha
This is an honor given to the artist that started at one place in January and ended in another in December. The artist that made the most of the 365 days allowed in 2013. An artist that made the most of the opportunities in front of him and created the most for himself. Its hard to argue against D Risha, but surely many will. Always relishing the role of the underdog Risha took no prisoners in 2013. Demanding his respect and calling out those still in refusal to offer that which he has earned. Risha was 1 of 7 Houston artists featured on the world renown A3C music conference in Atlanta Georgia, an opportunity he created for himself when he got the inside scoop that some artist booked wouldn’t be able to attend. Risha rushed to put himself into those slots, while receiving the go ahead from the artist who’s role he would be filling. He would chronicle that experience and turn it into consistent press coverage. His project “Gauntlet” would be named a top release of the week by the Houston Press and his show resume was second to none, including Immortal Technique, Raekwon and Riff Raff to name a few. He also took a step up in his video game releasing videos that finally brought the D Risha message home. Perhaps its best D Risha was left off of so many of the other best of 2013 list. From what we see, The Mighty performs best with a chip on his shoulder. He kicks off 2014 booked to tour with Def Jam/ MMG recording artist Gunplay so it looks like there will be no slowing down. By the way its completely okay to read this and say… Fuck D Risha! - Optimo Radio
We here at KevinNottingham.com are proud to announce the official lineup for the latest edition of our Underground Express showcase at October’s A3c Festival. We’ve been lucky enough to be apart of this amazing Hip Hop festival for the past few years and are excited to be involved once again. We’ll be kicking the festival off in style as our 2013 showcase will be headlined by none other than the legendary New York duo Cannibal Ox!
In addition to Vast Aire & Vordul Mega, we’ve put together a bill that truly represents what A3C (All 3 Coasts) is about. Our stacked lineup for this year’s event includes New Orleans emcees Dee-1, Truth Universal & Lyriqs Da Lyraciss; Minneapolis’ own Greg Grease; Bay Area spitter Locksmith, New Jersey & Atlanta repping MarQ Spekt; Baton Rouge buzzmaker Marcel P. Black, and Houston’s Killa Kyleon & FDR (Hollywood FLOSS, D-Risha & Rob Jay).
You won’t want to miss this epic night of Hip Hop which takes place Wednesday, October 2nd at the 529 Bar in East Atlanta Village. The great Fort Knox will be hosting the festivities while DJ Kerosene handles the 1's & 2's for the night. So if you haven’t already, make sure you purchase a pass to the now 5-day extravaganza which is sure to be the biggest A3C Festival yet. We’ll see you in Atlanta!
- Kevin Nottingham
02. Texas Invasion, Pt. II
Last year, the Welcome To Texas showcase was easily one of the far more enjoyable moments of the entire week. This year, Texas and Houston in particular jettison a major flux of talent over to the Peach State for some rap action including D-Risha who’s making his A3C debut, Doughbeezy, Propain, Killa Kyleon, Houston native turned ATL transplant Lecrae, League of Extraordinary Gz, The Outfit TX, The Niceguys, Worldwide & Yung Nation. That’s not even counting some of the media members from the city and others who are figuring out that Altanta in October is the move, much like Austin in March is a no brainer decision for musicians.
- Day And A Dream
D-Risha took the stage at the Kevin Nottingham stage at 529 bar the opening night of A3C 2013 to perform various songs that gave ATL a little taste of what Houston is all about. - SCKNOWS
There was no need for tears with The Mighty D-Risha. Rage Against The Machine covers, employment of Dirty & Nasty as his hypemen along with a live drummer – almost seemed like he was overcompensating for things. As great a straightforward rapper he is, being memorable is what he was going for here. So much chaos usually turns into a shit performance. Yet, D-Risha flipped “Whoo!” and “Ebonics” to cheers and once more sticking to his own idea of Houston authenticity. - Day And A Dream
Nevertheless, everyone seemed to enjoy the undercard, which featured a nice slate of MCs and DJs whose local scene cred (and connection to reality) are unquestionable. Late in the evening, the mighty D-Risha and Fat Tony both turned in characteristically strong sets, and the night's partying seemed to be off to a good start. - Houston Press
D-Risha - 'Gauntlet' EP
As Houston rap's version of a vocal yo-yo, D-Risha already knows how to pack enough of his feelings and rapping for the sake of rapping ethos into a project. The same applies here with Gauntlet where "Coolin" refocuses laid back party rhymes over an amplified glaze created by That Purple Bastard. They're like a far more lyrics only version of Juicy J and DJ Paul in that regard, purposefully letting the producer be barbaric behind the boards while the rapper totes on about physicality towards invisible bullies. There's tons of that on Gauntlet, even when he compares himself to Magneto -- despite Killa Kyleon having the best Magneto bar in Houston rap back on Big K.R.I.T.'s "Moon & Stars" remix. Download here. - The Houston Press
The second reason would be D-Risha. You see, D-Risha already has people who are his supporters no less that absolutely hate him. Well, not hate but they scream “Fuck D-Risha!” at every show he’s on the bill. A quick strike freestyle entitled “Unleashed” should serve the people wanting more and willing to shell out a few bucks to see what Houston can offer in terms of a warm up before Bronselinho. - Day And A Dream
"There’s minor drama seemingly always behind D-Risha, and we’re not talking about how his meta version of love, those guile “fuck D-Risha” chants follow him at every live show or performance. No, we’re talking about the giant weight of aspirations and hopes that a man who conveys bars and nothing but them. He can open for the world, new fans and old ones alike. To him, it’s just supply them with enough witty punchlines that are buffed with traces of rap history, locality and to a small extent, traces of geek and comic book mythology. They’re all him really. As quickly as he moved past the idea that he cribbed a few battle rap lyrics, he continued to release new material — some of it great, some of it a bit lacking. But he never quite gave up on what made him engaging in the first place.
His latest EP Gauntlet doesn’t run in a thematic way that 2011's Big Trouble In Houston Texas did or last year’s 6 Demon Bag with his closest ally behind the boards in That Purple Bastard. It runs in an eight track format where punchlines are here in spades and the few times he shouldn’t have to toss alliteration and other literary forms of rhyme into the equation, he just flat out chills. “Coolin” with George Young & Hollywood Floss plans on grabbing a few Coronas and enjoying life while punctuating everything with a heavy handed metaphor or simile. As much of a Marvel nerd he is, Gauntlet makes small hints towards comic book ideology with “Sebastian Shaw”, a homage to the energy absorbing villain and leader of the Hellfire Club. Risha’s made tons of minor moves like this, not in a sweeping motion of taking over an entire character wholesale like RiFF RaFF or Lil B but just reminding people of certain comic book nerd moments.
Gauntlet is littered with socio-politicla moments, nothing that will raise a complete call to arms but attempt to raise awareness. There are slips where Risha overpowers the track all together instead of working within it but that’s typical of him. He wants to be heard flat out, live or not. And he won’t be behind anything and would rather let everything catch up to him."
- Day And A Dream
An EP from Houston bearing hardly any stereotypical Houston signifiers. Instead D-Risha channels the best elements of late 90s-early 00s underground rap and connects them to the present, with Kendrick’s specter looming somewhere just out of view. There is much wordy dexterous rapping; the writing is focused and topical, with several tracks devoted to ruminating on specific personal or social matters. Offhand references to Ras Kass and KRS-One are presented as bona fides of the author’s influences, ‘Sebastian Shaw’ is in the very least a subconscious (and maybe even overt) homage to MF Doom. To his credit, D-Risha manages to avoid most of the pitfalls of the dreaded backpacker tag – his raps are never long-winded nor monotonous nor sanctimonious nor pretentious, his beat choices are never boring. He doesn’t forget where he is from either, ‘Bring It Back’ is an homage to Houston tinged with a lament on the current widespread appropriation of the styles which the city originated.
D-Risha’s EP isn’t the first recent release to remind me of the Rawkus days, but it is one of the best to do so. If that type of rap is going to make some kind of comeback, this is a good shape for it to take.
EDIT: One small but cool detail I forgot to mention – somewhere on here D-Risha drops the first Heisenberg/Breaking Bad reference I’ve heard (or at least noticed) in a rap song. - Steady Bloggin
D-Risha continues to step his game up with each record he drops and the Houston emcee has released what I’d consider his best work to date in the Gauntlet EP. The Mighty D-Risha’s latest project includes 10 dope tracks with guest appearances by the likes of Hollywood FLOSS, George Young & EDF. Production on the EP is handled by the stellar lineup of Jett I Masstyr, That Purple Bastard, Peace Of Mind, Alexander Spit, Track Bangas & Dirt McGirt. Tracklist & link/stream are below. - Kevin Nottingham
Yesterday afternoon I headed down to #’s on Westheimer to check out the Fly Fest music festival that featured some of the cities best upcoming acts as well as Jackie Chain, Guilty Simpson, and Sean Price. Even though I didn't shoot every act that performed (I think there were around 20-25 acts) I covered what I feel was the cream of the crop of the day and I present these artists to you in all of their photographic glory. - SCKNOWS
Honorable Mentions
¦Laws – Yesterday’s Future
¦Money Making Jam Boys – The Prestige
¦Fiend – Life Behind Limo Glass
¦K. Gates – The Shaikdown
¦Locksmith – I Am LOCK
¦School Of Sharks – Blood In The Water Vol. 1
¦D-Risha – Big Trouble In Houston Texas
¦The Rap Pack – Suit Music Vol. 1
¦Nio Tha Gift – Rebel With A Cause
¦Mistah F.A.B. – I Found My Backpack
- Kevin Nottingham
Honorable Mentions
¦Devine Carama
¦ScHoolboy Q
¦Marcel P. Black
¦P. Dukes
- Kevin Nottingham
20. D-Risha, "Ebonics"
A four-minute dissertation on the Houston rap lexicon. They should make elementary kids learn this song instead of the Pledge of Allegiance
- Houston Press
If D-Risha can be for you, who can be against you? Risha exists somewhere near the middle of Houston rap's rankings, even if only a handful of people have noticed him there. BTiHT is a bright, meta tape that will likely face the same fate. For shame, fuckers. - Houston Press
The "If You're Paying Attention, This Song Is So Much Fun" Award
Lots of sirs have rapped about Houston this year, but nobody has done so as creatively and enjoyably as the mostly invisible D-Risha did on "Ebonics," a four-minute soliloquy that explains what every bit of Houston slang ever has meant. Did you know that "unit" is another way to say "outfit"? Do you know what it means to "bar plex" or have something "sowed" or what it means to look "hulled out"?
- The Houston Press
Big Trouble In Houston, Texas (Self-released, 2011)
D-Risha: Rapper.
Allegiance: North Houston.
Human: Clever.
Rapping: Can be smart. Can be funny. Can be cool. Can be preachy. Can be ostentatious.
Big Trouble in Houston, Texas: Second tape.
First tape: The Last Dragon.
Hashtag motto: #FuckDRisha
Possible likes: Fun kung-fu movies; Laura Charles; comics
Possible Dislikes: Himself; Sho-Nuff; David Lo Pan
Y'allmustaforgotability: 96 percent
Read what Y'allmustaforgotability means.
An Exactly 216 Word Album Synopsis: On BTIHT, D-Risha focuses much of his kinetic energy into being clever. He raps things like "Seeing me record is like watching Leatherface redecorate" or "I could give two fucks like Siamese prostitutes" or "The industry is flash and it's hollow, 'cause it's designed to fuck MCs like Erykah Badu" without warning. That fosters one small effect that unfurls into a grander one:
The smaller thing: It makes him interesting. You have to, at least once, give him your attention. You don't want to miss anything. Good, astute writing is fun for everyone regardless of the context. You become invested, same as you would into a good book. And once you fully do...
The grander thing: D-Risha does not shake the Earth. His voice is does not grab you by the jugular and force you to pay attention. You will not notice him walk into a room. And he seems to understand these things. More importantly, though, his wit, which he flexes, flexes, flexes shows that he understand LOTS of things. And that means him smart. And that squares the competition. Plenty of guys are louder and immediately cooler than D-Risha is or looks, but he can match brains with just about anyone in town that you want to name.
That's what makes BTIHT a success.
Best Song on the Album: Three choices here:
The reflexive pick is "Choices," mostly because he says some pretty candid (and brutal) things about his relationship with his mother, and that will poke you right in your heart.
The nerdo pick is "Save The Day," wherein Risha walks through a comicbookization of sorts, ebbing with the croon, croon, croon production, fireballing all sorts of superhero metaphors and euphemisms. (The best line: "Lyrically, your ass'll get capped in America." Captain America. Get it? That's the type of shit we're talking about.)
The correct pick, though, is "Ebonics." Usually, gimmicky tracks don't rate critically, but this one, where Risha explains what very nearly every piece of Houston slang means, is done to perfection. Listen to it. If you can make it through the entire thing without smiling at least once, you'll need to schedule a doctor's appointment quick and get that lump of coal removed from your chest where your heart should be.
The Possible Concern: In the middle of Risha's thicket of bamboo spear punch lines, there are two that stick out. First, in "The Essence," he raps "When your bitch on top is the only time I fuck up." It's a funny line, but it's been used elsewhere by a few different guys. On account of the fact that it's appeared multiple other places (it's even one of those Chuck Norris facts), you can argue it away as simply being a cliché.
However, in the album's second track, "Smoke In The City (So Cold)," Risha, threatening folks, says he'll "leave your ass down for the count like Dracula's people." That's a line from an underground battle between Iron Solomon and Math Hoffa that happened in 2007. And since there's no clear hat-tip to Solomon for it, it's a lift. And if what you want is to set yourself apart from those who have a bolder presence than you and show how smart and witty and original you are, that absolutely cannot happen.
The Part of the Album You Won't Appreciate Until You've Listened To It Entirely At Least Three Times: The production. It's good, invisible when it needs to be and in charge otherwise. Ooh, speaking of...
The "Yeah, You Might've Wanted To Not Try That" Moment: The "Watcha Want" (Beastie Boys) beat is amazing. Amazing. It is also monstrous. And it proves to be a tad to rebellious when Risha tries to ride it into submission here.
At the end of the song, he runs around shouting, "I'ma fuck up somebody's year tonight." It is a fantastic assertion, and in that moment, he is the big dick. But it is a tad too little a tad too late. He totally J.R. Smiths* that shit.
*J.R. Smith is the fiery of-the-bench gunner for the Denver Nuggets. He's an emotional player. And he is not above coming into a game, draining two quick threes, dunking it on someone's head, then pounding his chest like a madman, only for you to look up at the scoreboard and see that the Nuggets are down by 17 with 0:40 to go in the fourth quarter. That's a J.R. Smith. That's how you J.R. Smith something.
Obscure Fact(s) You Can Pawn Off As Your Own To Make Yourself Look Smart:
There are four guest features here (Herney the Great, hasHBrown, - The Houston Press
Each Wednesday, Rocks Off arbitrarily appoints one lucky local performer or group "Artist of the Week," bestowing upon them all the fame and grandeur such a lofty title implies. Know a band or artist that isn't awful? Email their particulars to sheaserrano@gmail.com.
This past Saturday night, a purple bastard named Cole (who is neither very purple, nor that much of a bastard) hosted the first annual Fly Fest at Walter's on Washington. It was a show meant to highlight the city's prospering underground hip-hop scene.
Fly Fest featured nearly 30 acts over the course of 14 hours. We picked out the
strongest three-hour block, 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. featuring Hollywood FLOSS, D-Risha, Kyle Hubbard, hasHBrown, Simple Success and Fat Tony, and sat in on that.
The names in bold, were the ones we specifically set out to see. We had only heard about the other two in passing. Our bad, apparently, because they were both pretty boss. (More on Simple Success later.)
D-Risha, "Save the Day"
D-Risha is a new-age throwback MC - we're aware that's a bit of an oxymoron, but there's really no other way to describe him; he's all boom-bap cadences and snare snaps - yet another performer to keep an eye in Houston's sudden underground hip-hop explosion.
As soon as he stepped offstage, we set up an interview with him to talk about 2010's Top 10 rap heroes thus far (The first half ran yesterday.). Read D-Risha's 10-6 picks here, and hit the jump to see who (and what) made the Top 5.
5. The Houston Underground: I kind of touched on this with my mention of Purple Bastard, but I don't know if anyone has noticed but Houston is in the middle of a renaissance right under its nose. Showcases like One Mic Houston and Turning Headz has given birth to an ever-growing group of eclectic MCs who push the boundaries beyond the screw-influenced vibe of its predecessors like the SUC or Swishahouse.
You have collectives like the Rogue Scholars (Dirty-N-Nasty, Crazy 8, Ensane, The Forces and D-Risha) and T.H.E.M.(HasHBrown, Hollywood FLOSS and John Dew) with young vets such as Fat Tony and B L A C K I E, who are making headway in a scene draped in purple [and] poised to make an uprising with every passing moment. Hopefully the city doesn't sleep.
4. Eminem: Honestly, I feel like he is the comeback story of the year, from dealing with drug usage and rehab to coming back with his guest verse on "Forever," the Mariah Carey diss track, to his best effort do date (Recovery). I thought Relapse wasn't that bad, but it didn't get the shine it deserved. His story is one of redemption that has seen him get back into the spotlight while showing the new jacks that they cannot see him on a microphone.
3. J. Cole: In my opinion, this would be my Most Anticipated New Artist pick. He can flat-out rap. What I just said was a simple statement, but 80 percent of what is played on radio stations worldwide lacks this simple ability. He can create songs, has wordplay and delivery and it keeps you on your toes thinking about what he's gonna say next; what a true MC should stand for.
His ascension should sound the next coming of MCs, seeing that it is turning into a young man's game. In addition, a co-sign from Jay-Z isn't bad either. Add to the fact every verse he has spit, whether it be his or someone else's, has been fire, which stands out in this day and time.
2. Trae tha Truth: Trae's decision to take on an entire radio station is the boldest move I've seen from an artist since you had groups like Public Enemy and N.W.A. who would buck the system if they didn't like it and not conform. He is essentially alone in this quest, and I haven't seen any big-time Houston artist come to his aid.
Whether he wins or loses the case isn't a question; it's his bravery that will be commended for years to come. And most real artists would never take a chance in risking his entire career to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone in the future.
1. Wiz Khalifa: I'm just starting to get into his music - and I think it's solid - but the reason why he is No. 1 on my list is because of his decision to not sign to Rick Ross's label or go on tour with Drake to further his own brand and do it on his own. That decision is unheard of in this day and age, where artists and labels are trying to cash in quick on a small buzz and left without much success at the end of the day.
If more artists followed this trend, the fans would be getting a lot of quality music to consume.
- The Houston Press
The hip-hop world is a less than sensible place - lots of times, you're even required to clarify when bad means bad and when bad means good - so once a week we're going to get with a rapper and ask them to explain things. Have something you always wanted to ask a rapper? Email it to introducingliston@gmail.com.
This Week's Rapper: D-Risha
This Week's Subject: The rap heroes of 2010 thus far
Rocks Off: Ludacris apparently has joined CNN to help award the network's "Top 10 Heroes of 2010," awards given out to everyday people they feel have done extraordinary things. So the question for you is simple: Thus far, who have been rap's Top 10 heroes of 2010 and why?
D. Risha: Okay, I'll put 'em down here in descending order, starting from ten to one.
10. The Roots: The reason they would be my first choice is because as a group they have stood the test of time and with there release of How I Got Over, they prove that their music is timeless.
This is one of the first CDs in a while that I can put in any time or place and I get that good feeling I used to have when multiple artists would put out quality like this all the time and I had a hard time making a decision at Soundwaves [laughs]. I don't even know if any of those are around anymore.
9. Kanye West: What Kanye has done (I think), or is trying to do, is change his image and a few months ago a lot of people - including myself - though this was far-fetched. It's almost like he knew Taylor Swift was gonna throw a jab at him because he telepathically rebuttled it with "Runaway," a song admitting that he can be a douchebag sometimes and that's the first step to turning over a new leaf.
Also, with his Good Friday series, the one thing he has in common with giving away good free music is the fans. It seems like a lot of rappers have forgot to keep us in mind when they are recording, but Kanye hasn't.
8. Purple Bastard: This next entry is a local guy who I have to mention because sometimes I feel like the underdog doesn't get the shine he deserves. Purple Bastard has climbed the ranks in the underground hip hop scene to become one the top promoters.
His "Turning Headz" showcase has opened the doors for a lot of MCs to get their first start. This culminating in one of the biggest festivals I've performed and been a part of (Fly Fest) has opened the floodgates to reopen the once -closed doors of the Houston underground scene.
7. Big K.R.I.T: This artist is one of the first I've heard in a while to embody what the "Old South" (Eightball & MJG,UGK, Goodie Mob) used to sound like as far as it having soul in the music and hunger in his voice. He's a producer as well, and all signs in his production style - such as church organs, 808s, and rolling hi-hats - scream out where the South has been musically and where it's going, and the message is to not forget the roots. His Krit Was Here mixtape is another gem that continues to get play from all regions, and it seems he is up to bat in the industry with his recent signing to Def Jam.
6. Detroit Hip-Hop: If you're fan of the golden era of hip-hop, pick up any release from Black Milk, Elzhi, Royce Da 5'9, Guilty Simpson and a plethora of others from that region. Every category is covered, from lyrics, beats, creativity, originality, etc. Each void is filled with each album that follows and so forth.
I think this has to do with their economy and crime rate, meaning that a lot of the people in Detroit are struggling to survive and their music reflects that hunger that was represented in the early '90s by artists such as Wu Tang, Kool G Rap, M.O.P and others.
Risha is also featured as this week's Artist of the Week, so come back tomorrow to see 2010's Top Five rap heroes.
- Houston Press
"With rave reviews following his set on the RiFF RaFF bill last month, D-Risha is gearing up to release his next EP Gauntlet thanks to Peace Of Mind who does his best Black Milk impression with thundering horns and drums for “Rare Form”, a metronome rocker from Risha that puts the little things in perspective. True it’s another rap song about being great but since when did rap hate the idea of bravado? It only clocks in around two minutes but Risha is more than game to pack more punches than a Mexican boxing match to give the track justice." - Day And A Dream
There was a show at Jet Lounge last night. I wanted to go for a three reasons:
1. Local rapper D. Risha was performing. He has a brilliant song called "Ebonics" that is a manuscript on Houston slang and I was hoping it'd send whatever crowd was watching him perform it into fits; it'd have been fun to be a part of that. It fell flat last night though. (However, his ending track, , "Fuck D-Risha," a concert-built call and response single from a tape he had in 2008, was well-received.)
- Houston Press
Artist(s): D-Risha x That Purple Bastard
Song: "In The Music"
Director: Indie Slice
The Video: D-Risha rapping is always fun. He's loud and when combined with That Purple Bastard it's overtly loud. Like "All Vocal, No Bass In Your Car So The Shit Sounds Like A Rolling Bullhorn" loud. He and The Bastard have a remix EP coming out called 6 Demon Bag and "In The Music" will be featured on it. Watching the two hang out in a warehouse while Risha just raps without breath control and The Bastard pedals a makeshift tandem bike feels spooky. Then again, look at The Bastard and tell me he doesn't either seem like the guy who would either share a music story or a murder story with you.
- Houston Press
Earlier this year, rapper D-Risha released a mixtape called Big Trouble in Houston, Texas. On it was a song called "Ebonics," the stand alone best track because it somehow managed to be accessible while being meta (which is like being tall and short at the same time). Here's what was written about it in July:
Usually, gimmicky tracks don't rate critically, but this one, where Risha explains what very nearly every piece of Houston slang means, is done to perfection. Listen to it. If you can make it through the entire thing without smiling at least once, you'll need to schedule a doctor's appointment quick and get that lump of coal removed from your chest where your heart should be.
Now, a new version.
Producer/rapper/weirdo That Purple Bastard twisted 20 or so tracks from the Houston Rap Singles Hall of Fame into one five-minute sexing, then set Risha's vocals over the top all of it. It's from TPB's forthcoming project called 6 Demon Bag, already a frontrunner for 2012's Which Album Title Will Inspire Fear In Your Children? contest.
Listen to it. It's neat, and probably the best way possible to spend the next five minutes.
The words sound better in the original context (the production here is so overwhelmingly feel-good nostalgic-y that it's hard to pay attention to both at the same time), but this is still a very entertaining, very creative, substantial amount of fun.
On Twitter at @PurpleBastard and @TheMightyDRisha. - Houston Press
The Mighty D-Risha has scheduled the release of his latest body of work. “Gauntlet,” is expected to drop late July, and will feature Hollywood Floss, and George Young. Risha called in some of Texas up and coming producers for this project. Jett i Masstyr, and Dirt McGirt are listed for production on Gauntlet. Multiple tracks are produced by The Purple Bastard, and a Peace Of Mind has production credits of the EP as well. D-Risha says he chose the title Gauntlet, because it represents the everyday struggle, and “…through my fight with my perception of the scene/music industry or at home I wear a gauntlet to battle everyday with an intent to overcome each one then get ready for the next.” - Drank Epidemic
"Maaayyynnnneeee hold up! I know I’m about a week late on this one, but I been hella busy out of town and got a chance to catch up this week. I’m glad I went back and checked the inbox to see the homie D-Risha from Houston send me something FRESH for the summer. I always been a big fan of his. Dude has his own sound with his own voice. Sometimes the rhymes seem a bit off, but thats what makes it great, his own style. Throw in Hollywood Floss and George Young along with the production of That Purple Bastard and you got something special. The beats is super cool laid back, not something you might not expect from a producer from the H. But thats what I love about a true producer and MC, someone who can do a bit of it all. Salute to you fellas on this one!" - 2 Fresh Productions
The show, in conjunction with Rec Shop, is set for July 7 at the Green Elephant, and features a pretty astounding collection of graffiti artists, DJs, b-boys/girls and performances from Dallas' AwkQuarius, -topic, Mozez Tha Great, Mohicans, A.Dd+, Brain Gang, Playdough, DFW Cypher, Houston's D-Risha, San Antonio's Worldwide and more. - Dallas Observer
D-Risha, one of Houston’s bolder emcees ripped through MF Doom/De La Soul’s “Rock.Co.Kane Flow” with absurd punchlines and a demeanor that made it seem like in his mind this was summer all over again. He asserts through various lines that he has unorthodox wordplay, swinging hard like a Southpaw with lines like “I couldn’t give two fucks like siamese prostitutes”. - Day And A Dream
In life, you meet many people in many places, from all aspects of life. My first Six Degrees of Separation was with the homie, The MIGHTY D-RISHA. So we did a little interview just in time for his up and coming show opening for Immortal Technique this Feb.20 at Fitzgeralds. http://fitzlivemusic.com/. Spread The word. Support Local!
What’s up d-risha? How has the music been?
The music has been going good brother. After releasing Big Trouble In Houston Texas to critical acclaim in 2011 i followed up 2012 with the a Big Trouble Remix EP by Purple Bastard entitled the “6 Demon Bag” and I also recorded a collaborative EP with Houston MC’s Hollywood Floss and Rob Jay entitled “FDR” which won us Top 10 EP’s of 2012 on the prestigious hip hop website Kevin Nottingham. These 2 releases kept the blood pumping and things interesting as i get ready to record my next full length and it got to showcase me in different light coming off a full lenght project. In between that i was graced with the opportunity to rock the stage with some of Hip Hop’s best acts like Action Bronson, Rittz, Sean Price, and Guilty Simpson just to name a few.
Why don’t you make mainstream music?
I once saw an interview with an artist that was quoted as saying “he wanted to be the change that he wanted to see in music”. I think that describes my approach perfectly because instead of bitching and moaning about the current state of affairs in rap i chose to make the music that i would like to hear and what best describes me a person. I was influenced by what i feel is the “golden era” of Hip Hop so it became my first note of expression once i decided that i wanted to be apart of it. Seeing as this type of rap music isn’t what is selling the most units it gives me inspiration to succeed and show that it can be what it once was. This doesn’t mean i want to “bring the 90s back” but it does mean that i can bring parts of it to the forefront with my own twist if that answers your question.
This show coming up with chinoXL and I.T, any special pregame steps?
The only pre-game steps i have are practice, practice, practice lol. The more reps i take with my set the better it’ll be in my opinion. When its time to go on stage it is the closest i get to heaven so when i see a positive reaction that means im giving the crowd what it wants so the better prepared i am the better my show will be and the more potential supporters i can gain. The music will gain ears on its own but a great live performance will secure a lifetime of fans so me acknowledging that goes a long way to me making sure that i can deliver that experience.
The turning point in life to where you knew you were ment to be an emcee?
I have 2 turning points: the first is when i heard Das EFX’s “They Want EFX” video for the first time. It was the first rap song i had ever heard and i was so blown away by it that i asked my dad to buy the tape for me and he said no lmao. I would get it later but i feel that i wanted to participate in this art form in some form or fashion from hearing that song.
The second turning point would be at the first high school house party that i freestyled at. I went to a catholic school for 4 years so in 9th grade i stepped in the party and started freestyling without any idea how it would go. So im cursing up a storm and saying this hoe that hoe blah blah blah and the crowds eyes start getting bigger like ”dam he’s killing it” so in the back of my mind im like really?? I really wasn’t that good at the time but i knew if i got better that i would have that crowd eating out of my hands. That was all it took and i’ve been rapping ever since.
What changes in the Houston scene should be made to help us grow in a proper manner?
To be honest you just have to get out of the city if you want to see real results. I feel like the “being united” is over-rated because all artist are about themselves anyway so the thought that everyone should hold the others hand is outrageous. More Houston MCs/Rappers etc.. should get out of the actual city to make a name for themselves myself included. The crab in the bucket mentality is real out here and most will try to make you feel like there is a conspiracy against one’s success and i would disagree with that entirely. The only person that can hold me back is myself so i fail it is only me to blame no one else. If anyone needs clarification with what im saying look at my great friend and remix extraordinare Purple Bastard he looked at his stock in Houston and made a BIG move to Cali and is doing big things he is a huge inspiration to me.
When will we see new work from d-risha?
Currently im almost done with a EP of all new material with That Purple Bastard that will be released soon. We have a officially formed a group called “6 Demon Bag” and the name of the EP is entitled “GIALLO” we have spent a great deal of time c - SLHTX
This Week's Rapper: D-Risha
This Week's Prompt: In light of Manny Pacquiao getting jobbed in what many are the worst judges decision in boxing history, let's have you respond in kind: List the five worst "decisions" in sports history. It's open to your interpretation. Ready? Go.
D-Risha: Picks:
5. Hakeem Olajuwon Leaves the Houston Rockets for the Raptors: I would say this sums up how a lot of hardcore fans of any city feel about their star players who have served a tenure and won championships for their city. You never want your star player to leave and go to another team -- and not just any team, but a losing one like the Raptors.
Sure, in the draft we could have picked* Michael Jordan and who knows what would have happened, but you want your stars to retire in your city, point-blank period. To be honest, I'm sure the Portland Trail Blazers picking Sam Bowie second in that same draft would probably rank No. 1 [laughs].
*The Rockets had the first pick in the 1984 NBA draft. They chose Hakeem. Jordan was picked third.
4. Canibus Bringing A Notebook To a Battle: Over the weekend, there was one huge screwup with Paquiao and Bradley, but another profound thing happened in the sport of Battle Rap. Canibus, who in the '90s once battled the legendary LL Cool J, made his way into an underground battle circuit and not only lost the battle but conceded his victory to the opponent [and] brought a full-on notepad to read the rest of his rhymes.
Canibus once had a spark but this to me is considered his nail in the coffin. You can't -- I mean CANNOT-- bring your notepad to a rhyme battle. It's a face to face duel where no screw ups or chokes are allowed and this "legend" decides, "Well shit, they paid me to rhyme so let me finish my shit"? I can't make this up. Peep the footage [above].
3. Lebron James' "Decision" to Sign With Miami Over Cleveland: In my opinion, I feel like Lebron copped out so he could win a title, which he hasn't been able to grasp yet. I don't think LeBron will ever have a home the way he had it in Cleveland. The fans treated him like their son and he totally ruined it.
The greatest champions in the NBA (Jordan, Magic, Bird) had teams that were put together by chance and, of course, they made trades to get the best talent they could to accompany that talent where it needed. I don't think these legends would have conspired to all be on the same team because it disrupts the element of true competition.
Let's get our guys vs your guys, not let's get all the "all-stars" and team up. Honestly, I'm rooting for LeBron [in the NBA Finals] because I wan't him to win a ring on his own merit and obviously the last couple of games he has had to will the Heat to victory. In the end, if he would have added a couple more pieces to the puzzle in Cleveland he would have his rings already
2. Michael Jordan's Decision To Be an Owner: I think the last thing that should be in our minds when we think of Michael Jordan should be his push-off of Bryan Russel of the Utah Jazz to win his last title with the Bulls. Unfortunately, its not, from trying his hand a baseball to coming back as a Washington Wizard and finally to becoming a terrible owner of the Charlotte Bobcats.
It seems like one bad decision after another for arguably the greatest NBA player of all-time. Obviously he can't transition his winning ways into other fields and that fine. [But] I think he should know when to fold 'em like John Elway and ride out into the sun instead of looking more like the NBA's version of Frank Lucas who didn't know when to quit when he was up 100 points and six titles.
1. The Judges' "Decision" In The Pacquaio/Bradley Debacle: I would say this decision affects boxing on the worst scale possible. Sure, it is known that there have been fixed fights and this is something that will never change, but when you do it at this level in the game its embarrassing. The entire world is waiting on the possibility of a Mayweather/Pacquaio matchup, and then this happens?
So you mean to tell me we have a boxer that knows he lost in Bradley, a distraught boxer in Paquiao, and a filthy rich promoter in Bob Arum. See what I did there? They are gonna get paid twice for the rematch and Mayweather may or may not get the winner (when he gets out of jail, of course).
This decision makes diehard boxing fans want to leave for the UFC, and they would have a right to when there are lies being thrown in their face.
- Houston Press
Up-and-coming MCs Kyle Hubbard and D-Risha brought enough energy to their sets to entertain much larger crowds than the ones they performed in front of, but audience didn't fill out much until the OGs of the South Park Coalition arrived. - Houston Press
Tonight at Green Elephant, Poor Vida Productions sets off another installment in their Get Your Own series, which brings Houston hip-hop acts to Dallas for one night of synergy. Poor Vida's Joel Salazar says the showcase's aim is simple: "Over the last year I've been traveling down to Houston, working with another Houston promoter, and swapping out bookings. You book our acts, we'll book yours."
In addition to Houston's D-Risha and Kyle Hubbard, Dallas' -topic, Co-Op, BraySonic and
7even:Thirty will all be in attendance.
- Dallas Observer
Fullback: This is our short yardage workhorse. Also, he's in charge of run-blocking and pass-blocking. He should be low to the ground, dense and have a concrete forehead. It'd be neat if he had a heavy brow, but that's only for cosmetic purposes.
Starter: D-Risha
Why: For all of the reasons listed above. He'd be like a little, biracial Vonta Leach.
- Houston Press
Review: D-Risha – Big Trouble in Houston Texas
1. Introduction:
- The introduction sets a nice little feel… a good opening, and it jumps into a good anecdote to open into the first track.
2. Smoke in the City (So Cold):
- Risha opens the album up with a couple nice punchlines as an attention grabber. The beat is nice, especially with the bass turned up. The hook is catchy too, so you can ride with it. But deeper in the lyrical content on this track, Risha makes it known what he’s rapping for… himself, his people, his city… but he’s “So Cold” he’s not attached to shit enough to let it be his downfall.
Track Rating: ****1/2
3. Set Me Free:
- Risha opens this track with an, as he says himself, illy flow. It’s really one of the cleanest flows you’re going to hear. If the first track was the attention grabber… unsheathing his sword… this track is Risha drawing the line in the sand, challenging the world to doubt his talents. Excellent use of multis in this track as well… very good rhyme scheme.
Track Rating: *****
4. Night Ryder (feat. George Young):
- I had the privilege to listen to this track a while ago… Risha gave us this track on WECU Radio and EVERYONE took to it. He and George dropped some amazing content on this track. Great flow, excellent lyrics, the beat is insane… the hook? Everyone will chant “Cuz I’m a Night Ryder” after they listen to this song. Still cool after this month+ of listening to this track.
Track Rating: *****
5. The Essence:
- This track takes on… the essence… a little more old-school feel on the bass and drums… but the style is definitely Houston influenced. I think I’ma stop commenting on Risha’s flow in this review for each track… because it really doesn’t need to be said. The hook is nice too. Loved the way he compared tryna teach these kids 90’s rap to tryna explain color to a blind man.
Track Rating: ****
6. Save The Day:
- Yet another sick beat that captures you immediately. Risha tells a story about how he got interested in Hip Hop… a monster… yet a hero... Batman hears you, Risha. Some awesome references to comics as well. The hook? Same as the others. Catchy, solid… “I’m next to Rule like Irv Gotti”… Risha’s surgical placement of his punchlines really needs to be noted though. He uses them effectively to keep your attention. The guy knows how to form his verses.
Track Rating: ****1/2
7. Shake The Heavens (feat. HashBrown and Bishop Black):
- Risha drops this shit with more insane multis… the rhyme scheme is crazy… and nevermind what I said earlier, his flow is insane… so the way he rides the beat really enhances the rhymes. The hook is nice, yet again. HashBrown carried his verse with a smooth flow, relaxed but assertive. Bishop Black has a nice old-school flow, a lot of energy. This is my kinda verse. Another solid track all the way through.
Track Rating: ***
8. Ebonics (H-Town):
- Risha lets you in on what Houston slang is all about… Another sick beat… and yet another insane flow to ride this beat. Not much more needs to be said other than that Risha exhibits a leadership in every technical aspect on this track, much like the first 6 tracks on the album.
Track Rating: ***1/2
9. We Holding (feat. Herney the Great):
- This beat is smooth, absorbs your attention and draws you in. Then Risha jumps on the track and locks you in on the lyrical content. The hook is… again… catchy. Herney is another artist I’m familiar with from WECU with a nice flow and presence. Great combination… nice track.
Track Rating: ***
10. Pick Up Kids:
- Risha starts this track off talking about where he came from with rap, advancing his story and his journey with us. There’s an assertiveness on this track… Risha is proud of every step of the way… it shows…
Track Rating: ***1/2
11. On A Rampage:
- A callout… this beat is violent as Hell too… not much a “hook” but the chant is cool… the way the beat picks up… crazy! Shit makes you wanna go on a Rampage. The energy picks up more in the final verse.
Track Rating: ***1/2
12. In The Music:
- Yet another tough beat, not quite extreme on the switchup from Rampage, but the transfer is light, bringing you down like those shakes when the adrenaline fades… but the energy is there in Risha, talking about music like you talk about your life… with a passion. You can hear the hunger and desire to make it happen in his voice. He’s banked his life on music… the 9-5’s ain’t shit with what he wants. When the beat is on, all he cares about is displaying his dominance.
Track Rating: ****
13. Redemption:
- Hearing the bass kicking at the beginning gets you pumped up, and there’s a snare similar to a drumline… no Nick Cannon. Once again professing his love for music. There’s a couple personal lines that stick out on this track… but the focus on music overshadows those lines… so you can see his focus and escape has always been writing verses, much the same as those who turn to prayer to escap - Don't Laugh People
Kyle Hubbard and Propain, wow. Welcome back, Nosaprise. Kirko Bangz's"What Yo' Name Iz" showed that what he lacks in sentence structure he makes up for in commercial viability. D-Risha, Lux and Les went wildly underrated and underreported on, as did Eskabel, Thurogood Wordsmith, Young Sensation, John Dew, Dirty & Nasty and Virgo & Montana (the latter is a fantastic videographer, too). hasHBrown is capable of monster production. - The Houston Press
D-RISHA(Born David Richard on March 17, 1984) is an up and coming hip hop artist hailing from Houston TX. His pursuit of music started at the age of 14 in high school where he would freestyle at house parties,local talent shows, and sell underground mixtapes in the Northside Area of the city.D-Risha’s intent is to move the crowd and deliver the most intense performance possible and he does that with brutal honesty and lyrics delivered with primal fury. Currently in 2010 he has become one of the brightest stars in Houstons new Underground Renaissance and in the coming weeks he will open up for artists such as K-Rino, Fat Tony, Hollywood Floss and ESG of the SUC.
D-Risha began his career in 1998 where he released multiple freestyles and mixtapes to create a small buzz in area. He briefly worked with local artist IB3 who put him inside Music World Studios to record material for the “Last Dragon” mixtape. As time went on he gained the attention of local promoters “Purple Bastard” and “Hashbrown” who opened there doors to put him on there big showcases which gained D a great amount of attention and became a “person of interest” in the scene. Even so much that he was offered membership into the Rogue Scholars Alliance featuring the luminaries Dirty N Nasty,the Misfit Crazy 8, and The Forces. His first official mixtape “The Last Dragon” Dj’ed by SpaceCity garnered attention because of his distinct opinion of Houston Rap as a whole plus showed his lyrical dexterity and jaw dropping punchlines. In April of 2009 he performed his first show and and when he performs he has put together what he likes to call “The 5th Element” this consists of his drummer “Sir Mikol” who has played with some the best bands in the city such as Peekaboo Theory, and his hypeman who he calls “Gaspacho” is a breakdancer who embodies the spirit of what true hip hop should be and brings an energy that is second to none,people in attendance have said that D-RISHA’s live show is nothing short of amazing. With a banner year almost under his belt performing at every prestigious venue in the city such as Fitzgerald’s, Numbers, Notsuoh, and Warehouse Live, he is set to release his next mixtape “Big Trouble In Houston Texas” that will catapult him to the next phase in his journey and continue his quest to bring hardcore hip hop to Houston Texas and bring quality music to the masses.
What’s the first thing you would say to someone when they ask you to describe yourself as an artist?
It would be Hardcore Hip Hop in its purest form….if they ask what i do i tell em that i bring the ruckus plain and simple, every time i pick up a mic or anyone who hears me on a song is i want them to say m lyrical, hard hitting, and i set out to amaze every time i spit a bar and that i rep traditional hip hop to the fullest. In words it would Dope,Energetic,Funny, lastly Great
How long have you been in the industry?
I have been rapping/free-styling since 1998 selling underground mix-tapes in high school until 2002 which primed me for the level after….been doing it professionally ever since and i started performing in April of 2009 and now is the time to launch into it full speed
What inspires your music?
Real life experience and the essence of what i believe hip hop should be and its representation in this era of music. I strive to createe the music that real hip hop heads will enjoy to the maximum extent because through my talks with certain people that generation is lost without a voice so i want to speak for them
Where are you from?
I am from the Northside of Houston Texas, Settegast to be exact i lived there until i was 21 then i moved to Acres Home which i stayed there for about 4 years. Theres always this big thing about North vs. South it died down substantially but i have alotta southside homeys now and there still surprised to know where im from cause they say there aren’t any “dope” artist from the northside which i strongly disagree with lol
What artists in the industry inspire you the most today?
First and foremost i would say KRS-One, GangStarr, K-OS, Eightball and MJG, Outkast, Mystikal, Old Rocafella, Beanie Sigel, The Beatnuts, Elzi, Royce Da 5 9, Crooked I, Madlib, EPMD, Redman, Wu Tang, MF Doom, and Eminem
Why is that?
The reason i say KRS-One first is because he is the textbook definition of hip hop “The Return of the Boom Bap” album had a huge influence on me in the way his voice bellowed HIP HOP and made everyone listen, other groups that influenced me are Gangstarr because they appealed to the streets as well as hip hop but still kept it lyrical, anything with substance, creativity, and lyricism will rise to the top of my list of music always. K-OS is one of the most intriguing artist that i have heard in awhile the way he performs so many genres of music perfectly but is a b-boy/mc at heart.
What makes you different from other artist today?
What i want to do different is i want to make anyone who supports me feel li - Alwayz Therro.com
2008-The Last Dragon (Mixed by DJ SpaceCity)
2011-Big Trouble In Houston Texas
2012-6 Demon Bag Remix EP by Purple Bastard
2012-FDR "The Inauguration"

Hailing from Houstons legendary north-side, The Mighty D-Risha began his career by freestyling at school yards, house parties, and local talent shows. In 1998, he released freestyle mix CDs which helped to build buzz around the budding artist. After several years of grinding, he connected with local rap luminaries Purple Bastard and Hash Brown, who put him in their showcases. Several shows and releases later, D-Risha now stands as a force to be reckoned with in Houstons dynamic hip-hop scene.
D-Rishas first release, The Last Dragon, introduced the world to the artists mix of introspection, humor, and aggression. It helped set the stage for 2011s behemoth, Big Trouble in Houston, Texas LP. Big Trouble was a watershed moment, garnering critical acclaim for the artist. One popular blog, Steady Blogging, described Big Trouble as Straight forward lyricism delivered with a laser-precise flow over hard soulful boom-bap that isnt anywhere near as corny as hard soulful boom-bap usually sounds in 2011. Big Trouble received several honors including one of the Top Houston Hip Hop Albums of 2011 by the Houston Press and Honorable Mention for Best Mixtape of 2011 on Kevinnottingham.com. Standout single Ebonics, a primer for Houston slang, was named one of the Top 25 Houston Rap Songs of 2011 by the Houston Press.
D-Risha has rocked numerous stages in the Houston area, wowing crowds with brutally honest lyrics and primal fury. His live sets are a mix of tradition and innovation. When in the progressive spirit, he is backed by Sir Mikol, a live drummer who has played with a number of notable Houston-area bands. Whether rocking solo sets or opening up for legends like Rakim, Raekwon The Chef,Sean Price, Guilty Simpson,Immortal Technique, Chino XL, Action Bronson K-Rino, Killa Kyleon, ., and E.P.M.D., D-Rishas intends to move crowds and deliver the most intense performances possible.
Among the many shouting praise for D-Risha is Houston Press hip hop writer Shea Serrano, who describes him as a new age throwback MC that is all boom-bad cadences and snare snaps. He further notes that Plenty of guys are louder and immediately cooler than D-Risha is or looks, but he can match brains with just about anyone in town that you want to name.
Whether riding solo, or rolling with his Rogue Scholars Collective crew, D-Risha is on a mission to bring true hip hop to the masses. Hes the ultimate every-man MC, seeking to act as a mouthpiece for his generation. Given his talent, drive, and dedication, The Mighty D-Risha is an artist to watch.
2015 Jacking 4 Beats Top 5 Finalist (Houston Texas)
Official A3C 2014 Performer
Official A3C 2013 Performer
Houston Press Artist Of The Week: http://blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2010/09/raps_top_10_heroes_of_2010_so.php
Houston Press Review: blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2011/07/remember_d-rishas_big_trouble.php
Houston Press Underground Rap Awards Vol.3 for Ebonics: blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2011/09/we_are_seventy-five_percent_of.php
Ebonics Named One of Houston Raps Top 25 Best Songs of 2011 by The Houston Press blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2011/12/the_top_25_songs_from_houston.php?page=3
Big Trouble Named One of The Best Houston Rap Albums of 2011 by The Houston Press blogs.houstonpress.com/rocks/2011/12/the_25_best_rap_albums_from_ho.php?page=2
D-Risha given Breakthrough/New Artist of 2011 Honorable Mention On KevinNottingham.com kevinnottingham.com/2012/01/02/top-10-breakthroughnew-artists-2011/
Big Trouble given Honorable Mention for Best Mixtape of 2011 On Kevin Nottingham http://www.kevinnottingham.com/2012/01/03/top-10-mixtapes-2011/
F.D.R. EP gets Top 10 Eps of 2012: http://www.kevinnottingham.com/2013/01/02/top-10-eps-2012/
Band Members