Terry Posthumus
Oshawa, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2007 | SELF
We are excited to have Terry as part of our Artist Collective as he shares his heart of worship and creative platform in communicating stories of hope, redemption, compassion and justice for the children and communities we serve around the world.
Terry has a unique gift and ability to connect in personal and meaningful ways with his audience through captivating story and song. He truly knows how to weave a tapestry of creativity in unique ways that hits directly to the heart of the listener and worshipper bringing to life the creative, compassionate heart of the Father for you and for those around the world. His humility and authenticity creates space to engage and draw close to the Lord in new and refreshing ways.
I highly recommend him to you and have full confidence knowing that he will be an incredible blessing to you and your community. - Sheri McConnell | National Director | Youth, Artists & Volunteer Engagement | World Vision Canada
Dear Friend,
I write to commend to you Terry Posthumus as a musician and worship leader. I had the privilege of working with Terry recently in a week-long engagement focused on engaging the principles of God’s Kingdom to the reality of our world in relevant ways. Over our time together, I grew to deeply appreciate Terry’s sensitivity to the nudging of the Holy Spirit in guiding the people who were gathered in appropriate worship and response.
Terry is an accomplished musician. So much so that he is able to place primary focus on the disposition of worship in himself, his team, and the congregation. I appreciated the joy of learning some of his new songs which he writes in an attempt to touch the hearts of people with thoughtful inspiration.
His own life is a story of walking with Christ on the way of being formed. The wonderful moments as well as the hard ones are all woven together to make a vibrant fabric of sacrifice to God in worship that is free, authentic, and reverent. His responsiveness to me was encouraging and the sense of collaboration in the work of God was evident.
Feel free to write me should you wish to know more about Terry and the wonderful ministry God has given him. As you work with him, I am confident that you too will find a heart that fully focused upon God and thoughtfully considering the mind of the people in coming to worship.
Kevin - Rev. Kevin W. Mannoia, Ph.D. - Chaplain & Professor - Azusa Pacific University
Dear Pastor/Worship Coordinator:
Allow us to introduce ourselves. My wife and I are the executive directors of a faith based camping organization called Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre. The camp was founded by members of the Free Methodist denomination back in 1947 and continues to work at developing camping programs that make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ. I am also a professional vocalist who has traveled extensively in the U.S. and Canada. For the past two summers we have used a very talented worship leader for our Free Methodist Family Camp at Maple Grove. In our introduction to him, Terry Posthumus was called on at the last moment to fill in for a worship leader who had to cancel. Instead of getting a last minute stand-in who could do a credible job, we were blessed with an amazingly gifted musician and worship leader whose professionalism and talent surpassed every expectation.
Terry is a leader’s leader, who is as comfortable with teaching and mentoring as he is with leading and playing in worship. He is an encourager who knows how to get the best out of our amateur players, building their playing skills while building the person up as well. Many of our worship team have commented how easy it is to work with Terry, because he accepts people where they are at in their playing skills and is to be able to make them sound better.
Terry definitely has a passion for worship. In our services Terry has been focused on drawing us into God’s presence through his ability to sense God’s leading and his understanding of what we need as worshipers. He does his homework to make sure a solid worship set is prepared, but Terry is willing to change directions if he senses the need to do so.
I have been as impressed with his personal walk as I have been with his on-stage expertise. I have had many opportunities to sit down with Terry and his family, hear his story, watch him interact with his family and see his heart. I am privileged to call him a friend.
We have already invited Terry to be back with us at Maple Grove next year for a third time at family camp, and are planning to use him at Maple grove and within our own church to conduct worship seminars for our worship teams. I can recommend Terry without reservation for any church or organization seeking help in training worship leaders and leading worship. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my wife, Jayne, if you require any further information.
In His Service,
David and Jayne Randall
Executive Directors
Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre
194936 19th line
Thamesford, ON
519-285-3334 - David & Jayne Randall - Executive Directors - Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre
For the last 4 years I've served as the director at Maple Grove's Family Camp (Free Methodist camp near London, Ontario) and it has been my privilege and responsibility to book everything from special musical groups, our speaker for the week, worship leaders, adult/teen/children/toddler/infant leaders & volunteers, etc. and then evaluate programs through written evaluations, meetings and informal verbal feedback.
My purpose for writing to you is to endorse the worship leader we had at Maple Grove last year and to encourage you to connect with him if you are in need of any support for your family or teen camps for a worship leader. Terry Posthumus is a professional musician who attends the Free Methodist church in Whitby, Ontario and often leads worship there. Though he currently works at Humber College as an instructor in computer animation, he has written and recorded songs, toured, appeared on 100 Huntley Street, is an endorsed artist for World Vision, etc.
For over 10 years I served in four different churches as a pastor's wife and worship leader and I am very familiar with the fact that worship can be a "hot button" for church congregations and Christian groups. It seems nearly impossible to find a middle ground that pleases all. Similarly, in my role as a family camp director, it was often difficult to get worship leaders and teams that could appeal to the wide age and style spread that comes with a family camp. As alluded to, last year Terry led the worship at Maple Grove and I have never had such positive response from all ages and music styles. Teens and seniors alike told me how much they appreciated his talent and his genuine love of Christ. He truly has the gifting of a worship leader - able to help bring a group together into God's presence. He worked with many different people: the college teen team we had booked (Spring Arbor's "Wellspring"), various Maple Grove lot lease holders, and one of the gospel groups (4ONE quartet) that gave a concert, making different teams for the week that were cohesive, professional and Christ-focused. From an administrative perspective, he was organized, responsible, and worked well with everyone from our camp speaker to our kitchen staff.
Also a family man (with 6 children still at home) Terry and his wife, Jessica, loved the Christian atmosphere of camp for their kids while they were with us at Maple Grove. He has talked with me, my husband,Steve, and Bishop Keith about his interest in leading worship at other Free Methodist camps because it is a great fit for his passions and the stage of life of his family. He is booked to be at Maple Grove again this year, but as a college professor, has the rest of the summer to minister at other camps.
If you have any questions regarding the arrangement details we made with Terry (ie: accommodations, honorarium figures, meals, etc.) please do not hesitate to write. He has gifts that can help to build up God's kingdom and I am happy to share this connection with you.
In Christ's service,
Janna Cylka - Janna Cylka - Family Camp Director - Maple Grove Christian Retreat Centre
I would like to introduce Terry Posthumus to all of you. He is a part of the Whitby Free Methodist Church and has led the music part of the worship services at Maple Grove Family Camp for the past two years. (Here is a link to a picture of them in action this summer: https://flic.kr/p/vXkcuj). Jayne Randall who is Maple Grove’s Executive Director (also included in this email) can also speak to the spiritual quality of Terry's ministry.
Though Terry has appeared on 100 Huntley Street, has toured with World Vision and is a songwriter, he comes the ministry of leading worship with authenticity and humility. He's not interested in you seeing him perform but rather in redirecting your attention to the Lord Jesus in your worship. At the Maple Grove Camp this summer, he told me that since he has his summers off (he is a professor at Humber College), he and his wife Jessica would love to help out with worship ministry at any of our camps. - Bishop Keith Elford - Bishop, Free Methodist Church in Canada
Hailing from Oshawa, Ontario, Terry Posthumus is an innovative Canadian artist, activist and speaker. Terry is known for lyrics that are introspective, inspirational and insightful. His gravelly voice and his command of his instrument has captivated audiences near and far - with performances that have been described as “rootsy”, engaging and delightful.His passion for life, love, family, faith and justice is woven into the very fabric of his songs and stories.
Through story and song, Terry delivers a powerful message of grace, hope, mercy, peace and love. He is tapped into the source of creativity that begets engaging stories, soothing melodies and lyrical "hooks", all of which resonate in perfect harmony with dexterous and precise technique.