salvador santana
Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 1999 | INDIE | AFM
Want to indulge in a "Fantasy Reality?" Well, you can with Salvador Santana, as we are premiering his video for "Fantasy Reality" from the album of the same name, out August 21.
That last name isn't a coincident. Yes, Salvador is Carlos Santana's son. Salvador will hit the road on tour with his father, which launches August 14 in NYC! It's a father-son excursion. Nothing is stronger than the bonds of a musical family.
So what's the critical intel on Salvador Santana?
Here is your crash course.
SS is a 32 year-old keyboardist, vocalist, composer and songwriter who began playing the drums at the age of 3; while sitting in his father's lap, he'd control the snare and the tom, while his father worked the hi-hat and kick drum. That's amazing, right? Can't you just visualize it that early kit-minding prowess, huh?
His true love, however, was discovered when he began taking piano lessons at 6. His study, passion, and lineage have turned Santana into a versatile musician, often drawing comparisons to artists such as Herbie Hancock, Common, Macklemore and Ozomatli.
His new album is a collection of 12 tracks that vary in subject matter yet all with the common thread of conscious and uplifting music at their core.
For the keyboardist, making music is never about personal glory, but about lifting people up with humility, love, and positivity on a daily basis. Now that is a cause that we totally and completely back. We love his music and we love his energy and the vibe that he puts forth.
Santana said, "The main ingredient to my inspiration and creative drive is joy. I want to use music in a positive way and give back to people in need. There can never be enough people who do that."
It's time for a little "Fantasy Reality."
Read more at http://www.artistdirect.com/entertainment-news/article/video-premiere-salvador-santana-fantasy-reality/11767352#KmpiAsRfVEKsYs7U.99 - Artist Direct
Grammy award-winner Salvador Santana, the multi-talented, multifaceted and spiritually conscious progeny of Carlos Santana, granted AXS Entertainment an "on tour" interview to share his thoughts on the youthful Santana’s new album Fantasy Reality. The title was inspired by a Walt Disney quote, "When we do fantasy, we must not lose sight of reality," which speaks to the content of his album: rap lyrics on the highest order, soul-stirring music and the affecting vocals of Alex Nester.
AXS: Salvador, Thank you for taking time from your busy tour schedule and interviewing with AXS Entertainment. Your new album “Fantasy Reality” is truly a contemporary and personal experience for the listener. Please tell us about the upcoming release of your album and your upcoming tour.
Salvador Santana: Thank you and sure, I’m very excited and happy to announce that my new album Fantasy Reality is complete and will be available on 8/21 on ITUNES and SalvadorSantana.com. I’m also very honored and grateful that I will be joining my father on the Corazon 2015 Summer Tour across the US, Northeast and Midwest.
AXS: At a time when we are experiencing so much global turmoil and other artists may be oblivious to current events; what was your inspiration to produce “Fantasy Reality” which I found so rich in self- reflection and a universal voice?”
Salvador: I appreciate that. Yes, there is so much fear and negativity that’s constantly being promoted around the world today. I believe that is exactly what helped inspire me to write the music and lyrics to all the songs on my album Fantasy Reality.
AXS: I listened to your album end to end and was moved that there is something for all generations to “get” be it in your distinctive style, the rap lyrics, the vocals. What in your words, is your music is saying in particular to the Youth, many of whom are seeking guidance and who will inherit the future?
Salvador: Thank you for listening. I feel that this album is for everyone but I definitely wrote all the music and lyrics while keeping the youth in mind. Yes, they are the future. When I started the creative process one of my main goals was to make sure the music and lyrics were uplifting and inspiring. Anybody that takes the time to listen will become encouraged to “Be the Change” that we want to see in this world.
AXS: I would be remiss to describe you as a performer/musician following in the footsteps of Carlos Santana. You have carved out your own genre, your own niche, which is so compelling; it really does move the listener to consider a personal transformation. Which of the titles on “Fantasy Reality” is your favorite and why?
Salvador: That’s tough. Every song on the album is very personal to me. It’s like all the songs on the album are my kids. I don’t have a personal favorite….I love them all equally.
AXS: If you could share anything with your fans about your musical journey and Salvador Santana, what would it be?
Salvador: To all my fans out there. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I truly appreciate your support throughout my career so far. And I hope that you can continue to enjoy listening to my music as much as I have fun creating it.
AXS: Thank you again, Salvador, for you precious and wonderful words of encouragement.
There are 12 tracks on the album Fantasy Reality. When you listen, be sure to reserve a window of your time to exclusively absorb it, as the sound of Salvador Santana seizes you, immediately, at “Be the Change.” Upon visiting the track list you realize, this is not your ordinary hip-hop. It is at once compelling and inspirational. Fantasy Reality lives up to its theme, succinctly. It is not an escape from the burdens of global reality; nor is it a fantasy one gets lost in. When you hear the meaningful, applicable lyrics you realize, Fantasy Reality, is a viable alternative to the music produced which oftentimes offends. In fact, Salvador Santana embraces; his music embraces all generations and gives voice to the internal power each of us possesses. One is compelled to be still and listen to the contemporary, conscious and affirmative lyrics. It is an upward mood swing if you are down, and ascension if you are level. Traverse the 12 tracks and you will emerge enriched.
Fantasy Reality Track Listing:
Be the Change
Til the Mornin’ Light
Somethin’ That Is Real
Change Is Gonna Come
Here With You Tonight
Keep Pressin’ On
Let The Wall Down
Love is Peace
Fantasy Reality
Sound Physician
Visualize Strength
I Don’t Want It To End
Tour Dates
Salvador Santana will be the featured special guest on the Corazon Tour, already in progress. It will be historical, with Carlos Santana performing Salvador’s music. The Corazon Tour will run from August 14th through August 30th from Forest Hills, NY to Chicago, IL. Says Carlos Santana, the audience will experience, “…the divine fun and vibrant music of Salvador Santana.” AXS agrees. - AXS.com
While Salvador Santana’s music to date has not played out a total like-father-like-son scenario, Salvador and his guitar god dad do share a taste for psychedelic sounds and spiritual vibes in their songs.
“Fantasy Reality is a marriage between the juxtaposition of gritty and raw music with haunting themes and melodies combined with very positive and empowering lyrics and messages,” Salvador says, giving a description of his new album that sounds very Santana indeed.
The video for the album’s latest single, "I Don't Want It To End,” premieres today on Billboard.
"I Don't Want It To End” is all about making this moment, right now the best time of your life," the artist explains.
The younger Santana, who is 32, started playing piano as a child. By age 21, he had formed a jazz band. As a vocalist, his easy delivery and conscious hip-hop style speaks of the legacy of his native San Francisco, and his mother, poet Deborah Santana.
Carlos Santana's Daughter Stella Shines in 'Switch' Video
Salvador just came off a run of dates as a special guest on Carlos Santana’s Corazon tour, during which, for the first time, his father joined him when he performed his own music on stage. - Billboard.com
GRAMMY®-Award Winner Salvador Santana is set to release his second full length album, Fantasy Reality on August 21, 2015 with a pre-sale available via iTunes HERE. Three tracks are available for immediate download with the pre-sale, including the album’s first single, “Fantasy Reality.” The official video premiered on ArtistDirect. Later this week, Salvador will be hitting the road as a featured guest on his father, Carlos Santana’s “Corazon Tour.” Salvador will be performing songs from his new album, Fantasy Reality, with vocalist Alex Nester, and the Santana Band. The dates run from August 14th-August 30th and will span the northeast starting in Forest Hills, NY and wrapping up with two shows in Chicago. The “Corazon Tour” marks the first time Carlos Santana will be performing Salvador’s music. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch what Carlos Santana enthusiastically states “…the divine fun and vibrant music of Salvador Santana.”
The album, Fantasy Reality, is a collection of 12 tracks that vary in subject matter yet all with the common thread of conscious lyrics and uplifting music at their core. The album and title track were inspired by the Walt Disney quote, “When we do fantasy, we must not lose sight of reality.” For Salvador, “Fantasy Reality is a marriage between the juxtaposition of gritty and raw music with haunting themes and melodies combined with very positive and empowering lyrics and messages.”
The “Fantasy Reality” title track video is the first of three videos to be released this month. Salvador teamed up with Veva Entertainment to create the “Fantasy Reality” video with visuals to match the message of turning a positive into a negative. Working closely with Director Fernando Cordero and Producer Marco DeMolina, Salvador’s first official video from the new release reflects the album’s overall concept alongside showcasing his true passion- performing. Artist Direct premiered Fantasy Reality video and said of the album, “On his new album Fantasy Reality, Salvador Santana brings a new level of consciousness to hip-hop. However, the record out August 21, is a lot more than that. He’s got an indie vibrancy, rock energy, world flavor, and pop palatability, making for a dynamic and diverse experience throughout. Of course, as an MC, his bars stand out, but the music is global enough to make everyone worldwide really listen.”
The 32 year-old keyboardist, vocalist, composer, and songwriter began playing the drums at the age of three; while sitting in his father’s lap he’d control the snare and the tom, while his father worked the hi-hat and kick drum. His true love, however, was discovered when he began taking piano lessons at six years old. His study, passion, and lineage have turned Santana into a versatile musician, often drawing comparisons to artists such as Herbie Hancock, Common, Macklemore and Ozomatli.
Fantasy Reality Track Listing:
Be the Change
Til the Mornin’ Light
Somethin’ That Is Real
Change Is Gonna Come
Here With You Tonight
Keep Pressin’ On
Let The Wall Down
Love is Peace
Fantasy Reality
Sound Physician
Visualize Strength
I Don’t Want It To End
Tour Dates:
8/14 Forest Hills Stadium Forest Hills, NY
8/15 Marvin Sands Performing Arts Center Canandaigua, NY
8/16 Peach Festival Scranton, PA
8/18 Blue Hills Bank Pavilion Boston, MA
8/19 Mohegan Sun Arena Uncasville, CT
8/21 Borgata Spa and Resort Atlantic City, NJ
8/22 Borgata Spa and Resort Atlantic City, NJ
8/23 PNC Bank Arts Center Holmdel, NJ
8/25 Wolf Trap Vienna, VA
8/26 Pier 6 Concert Pavilion Baltimore, MD
8/28 DTE Energy Music Theater Clarkston, MI
8/29 Ravinia Chicago, IL
8/30 Ravinia Chicago, IL - Jam Band News
CHICAGO- Ser el invitado especial de su padre Carlos Santana en su “The Corazón Tour”, le permite al también músico Salvador Santana dar al público una probadita de su más reciente disco “Fantasy Reality”, un material inspirado en múltiples cosas, principalmente en la idea de la dualidad.
“Buscaba juntar cosas que fueran opuestas. Por ejemplo, en la canción que le da nombre al álbum, que fue la primera que escribí, la música es más fuerte y tiene una letra muy positiva, con mensaje”, contó el primogénito de Carlos Santana -de su matrimonio con Deborah Santana- en entrevista telefónica.
Que “Fantasy Reality” esté disponible para el público tanto en iTunes como en el sitio de internet de Salvador, no significa que para él y su banda sea algo nuevo.
“Mi banda y yo estuvimos interpretando las canciones en varias giras y sitios. Desde hace dos o tres años hemos tenido la oportunidad de interpretarlas frente al público porque lo que quería era capturar esa energía. Me parece que hicimos un buen trabajo y estoy muy feliz de anunciar que el disco ya está listo y poder compartirlo con el mundo. Espero que se diviertan escuchándolo tanto como yo me divertí haciéndolo”, aseguró.
Integrado por 12 temas, “Fantasy Reality”, no se puede definir en un sólo género, porque Salvador no es muy asiduo a creer en ellos o etiquetarse.
“No sé cómo tocar un solo estilo. Lo que te puedo decir es que con mi banda trabajamos arduamente en este disco, todos como equipo y disfrutando el viaje. No puedo garantizar que a todos les van a gustar todas canciones del disco, porque hay mucho pasando en la industria de la música. Cubrimos mucho terreno, dando mucho para que disfruten al menos una o dos canciones” aseguró.
La música, parte de su ADN
Que Salvador se dedicara a la música tiene que ver mucho con su herencia genética y no sólo de parte de su padre y su herencia mexicana.
Su abuelo paterno, José Santana, originario de Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco, era un violinista y líder de un conjunto de mariachi, y su abuelo materno, Saunders King, fue un reconocido cantante y guitarrista de blues y R&B.
Aunque ambos fallecieron cuando él era adolescente, de sus abuelos y su herencia se siente orgulloso.
“No tuve realmente la oportunidad de conocerlos tan bien como me hubiese gustado, pero siento que todo el tiempo que pasé con ellos fue grandioso”, comentó.
Las lecciones de su padre
Cuando contaba con tres años, Salvador comenzó a tocar la batería, sentado en el regazo de su padre. Carlos controlaba el pedal y dejaba que su hijo tomara las baquetas. Luego, comenzó a tocar el piano.
“Él quería que entendiera el ritmo, el tempo y la armonía antes de entrar por completo al mundo de la música. Una cosa que él me enseñó a una edad muy temprana, fue que podía ir a escuelas como Juilliard y conocer personas grandiosas, pero que si iba a hacer música en vivo y si no hacía que la gente se sintiera feliz no estaba haciendo mi trabajo como músico. Eso es algo que nunca he olvidado y es en lo que pienso cuando escribo una canción. Como músicos nuestro rol principal es que la gente se sienta feliz”, aseguró.
Y en lo más mínimo se preocupa por las comparaciones ni se siente apabullado por ser el hijo de Carlos Santana. Todo lo contrario. Además su padre también se encargó de darle en ese tema, otra gran lección.
“Todo mundo puede intentar ser como los otros, pero nadie puede ser como tú, lo que hace cada uno con su música, con su sonido, con su voz”, agregó.
En Ravinia
Salvador compartirá durante dos noches el escenario del Festival Ravinia con su padre, al que se unirá junto a la cantante de su banda, Alex Nexter.
“La gira es una maravilla y algo muy diferente. Usualmente somos mi banda y yo los que abrimos los conciertos de mi padre, pero en esta ocasión me invita a tocar a mitad del concierto. Para mí presentarme con él es siempre un honor. Realmente respeto la manera en que me presenta en el escenario todas las noches. Él me dice que soy su maestro, a pesar de que soy yo el que ha aprendido tanto de él. Somos familia, nos apoyamos y el público disfruta ver a un padre e hijo cantando”, aseguró.
Salvador Santana con Carlos Santana en ‘The Corazón Tour’
Cuándo: 29 y 30 de agosto, puertas abren a las 5 p.m., concierto a las 7:30 p.m.
Dónde: Ravinia Festival, 200 Ravinia Park Rd., Highland Park, IL
Admisión: Entradas ya agotadas; reventa www.pavilionhighlandpark.com
Información: www.ravinia.org - Vive Lo Hoy
This was a real treat for me to speak to a musician in the truest sense of the word. By musician I don’t just mean someone who is just a virtuoso on their instrument of choice but also someone who is disciplined in the craft as well as the emotional sense to make a song a lifelong memory and to keep a legacy a family. Family is important and to see Salvador Santana put his family as a family first not only tells me that he is on the right path but that his father, Carlos Santana is every bit as good of a father as he is a guitarist and songwriter.
Salvador has achieved the difficult task of becoming a budding legend in his own right by serving up a number of musical genres and creating a career for himself that any up and coming artist would appreciate.
Today we talk about his rise in the music industry and what it took to get there as well as his new album, “Fantasy Reality” released TODAY on Various Music. Enjoy!
Buy “Fantasy Reality”:
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/fantasy-reality/id1023988029
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Salvador_Santana_Fantasy_Reality?id=Bejib4x7js7lw6i56yp2wzwng6q
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Fantasy-Reality-Salvador-Santana/dp/B012X41NW4/ref=sr_1_5?s=dmusic&ie=UTF8&qid=1440163451&sr=1-5&keywords=Salvador+Santana
About Salvador Santana:
Salvador Santana lives witSAL%20A%20IMG_6704h a vast vocabulary of musical genres. The 31 year-old keyboardist, vocalist, composer, and songwriter began playing the drums at the age of three; while sitting in his father’s lap he’d control the snare and the tom, while his father worked the hi-hat and kick drum. His true love, however, was discovered when he began taking piano lessons at six years old. His multiple musical influences guided him to the heralded Ruth Asawa High School of the Arts and then to Cal Arts as he continued his artistic education. His study, passion, and lineage have turned Santana into a versatile musician, often drawing comparisons to artists such as Common, Macklemore and Ozomatli.
Music truly runs in his veins, evident in the legacy of accomplished musicians that came before him. His maternal grandfather was blues pioneer Saunders King, and his paternal grandfather was the internationally celebrated violinist and mariachi bandleader, Jose Santana. His father, Carlos Santana, is a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee and artistic entrepreneur. Salvador has soaked in as much knowledge as he could from the blessings of his musical background, including co-writing the Grammy-winning “El Farol,” from the 1999 smash album Supernatural – winning his first Grammy in 2000 for that composition was an explosive start to Salvador’s career.
Fantasy Reality
Fantasy Reality
Since Cal Arts, Salvador has performed in clubs, and at venues and outdoor festivals across the United States and Europe. His talents have graced stages from the Montreux Jazz Festival, the Bonaroo Music and Arts Festival, the High Sierra Festival, South by Southwest and the acclaimed New Orleans Jazz Festival. Salvador has participated in projects outside of his own solo aspirations, such as the Hymns for Peace DVD released in 2004 as well as Santana’s 2013 Corazón Live in Guadalajara DVD.
On his solo CD, Keyboard City (released in February 2010), Salvador collaborated with an eclectic mix of artists, including Bay Area MC/producer, Del
the Funky Homosapien, who ended up playing an important part in honing and inspiring Santana’s songwriting abilities. Producer Money Mark inspired Santana in a beautiful way throughout the process of writing the album, while GZA, the legendary founder of the Wu-Tang Clan, was featured on a remix of the title track “Keyboard City” (later remixed by Dan Deacon). It is this diverse meeting of the minds that demonstrates Salvador’s magnetic ability to connect to every kind of artist on a truly dynamic level.
In 2013 Salvador released Rise Up, a six song EP that featured his signature upbeat tempos and encouraging messages strewn throughout. A highlight from the release is the title track, which was featured in the award-winning film, School of My Dreams, a documentary about the Daraja Academy in Kenya, a free all-girls secondary school. In fact, it was a trip to South Africa with Artists for a New South Africa (ANSA), and a meeting with President Nelson Mandela, that triggered Salvador to write the positive message and music of “Rise Up.”
2015 brings the full length release of Fantasy Reality featuring 12 tracks that vary in subject matter yet all with the common thread of his conscious and uplifting music at their core. The title track as well as the album were inspired by Walt Disney’s quote, “When we do fantasy, we must not lose sight of reality.” For Salvador, “Fantasy Reality is a marriage between the juxtaposition of gritty and raw music with haunting themes and melodies combined with very positive and empowering lyrics and messages.”
Although his keyboard playing is front and center throughout, Salvador has teamed up again with female vocalist Alex Nester, solidifying the message delivery on these lyrically driven tracks. The blend of Nester’s smooth soulful voice mixed with Santana’s inspired raps has again delivered a winning combo as they did on Rise Up.
For the keyboardist, making music is never about personal glory, but about lifting people up with humility, love, and positivity on a daily basis. “The main ingredient to my inspiration and creative drive is joy. I want to use music in a positive way and give back to people in need. There can never be enough people who do that.” - Jammerzine
Bringing a new level of consciousness to hip-hop.
Want to indulge in a "Fantasy Reality?" Well, you can with Salvador Santana, as we are premiering his video for "Fantasy Reality" from the album of the same name, out August 21.
That last name isn't a coincident. Yes, Salvador is Carlos Santana's son. Salvador will hit the road on tour with his father, which launches August 14 in NYC! It's a father-son excursion. Nothing is stronger than the bonds of a musical family.
So what's the critical intel on Salvador Santana?
Here is your crash course.
SS is a 32 year-old keyboardist, vocalist, composer and songwriter who began playing the drums at the age of 3; while sitting in his father's lap, he'd control the snare and the tom, while his father worked the hi-hat and kick drum. That's amazing, right? Can't you just visualize it that early kit-minding prowess, huh?
His true love, however, was discovered when he began taking piano lessons at 6. His study, passion, and lineage have turned Santana into a versatile musician, often drawing comparisons to artists such as Herbie Hancock, Common, Macklemore and Ozomatli.
His new album is a collection of 12 tracks that vary in subject matter yet all with the common thread of conscious and uplifting music at their core.
For the keyboardist, making music is never about personal glory, but about lifting people up with humility, love, and positivity on a daily basis. Now that is a cause that we totally and completely back. We love his music and we love his energy and the vibe that he puts forth.
Santana said, "The main ingredient to my inspiration and creative drive is joy. I want to use music in a positive way and give back to people in need. There can never be enough people who do that."
It's time for a little "Fantasy Reality."
Read more at http://www.artistdirect.com/entertainment-news/article/video-premiere-salvador-santana-fantasy-reality/11767352#3iTUP2qlV3aCPreP.99 - Artist Direct
For 32 year old Salvador Santana music has, quite literally, been his life. Both of his grandfathers were either a legendary bluesman (Saunders King) or a mariachi bandleader (Jose Santana). Last but not least, his father Carlos has become an international guitar hero for his five decades as the leader of the band Santana.
Coming from such a diverse heritage, it’s almost no surprise that Salvador has fused numerous influences to create his own unique style that meshes parts of jazz and soul with conscious hip hop. Over the last several years, he has been gaining the attention of the mainstream and has been invited to perform at major festivals like Montreux Jazz Festival, Bonnaroo, and the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival. Along with his live performances, Santana has been turning out studio material, including his latest effort “Fantasy Reality” which drops Aug. 21.
“To me, this record, I really feel like it encapsulates exactly what I’m striving for; which is showcasing all this music that we’ve heard before, the music that’s out nowadays, and maybe where it’s going – it’s all relevant,” he described the album as during an exclusive interview during The Peach Music Festival.
While his music might surprise people who associate his name with the blues rock scene, Santana wants his music to be an uplifting experience where people can feel better about themselves and have a positive outlook on life. It’s something his grandfathers, father, and many contemporaries have done for decades. He takes the stereotypes many hip hop musicians face, and uses the music to show there is a bright side to the scene.
“As a lyricist, I like to inject consciousness into the lyrics,” he said. “I keep it real, but at the same time, you could never have enough positivity, and this world really needs that.”
With “Fantasy Reality,” Santana indeed brings positivity to his fans. As part of his fathers’ current East Coast tour, the band has allotted a portion of their show to Salvador’s material. It’s a part of the show where many people – especially at Peach Fest – enjoyed the meshing of world music and hip-hop the band brought to his unique blend of genres. While the admiration is appreciated by the younger Santana, the music is just him doing what he knows best.
“I, as a musician, don’t look at it like I’m just doing hip-hop or I’m just doing jazz,” he said. “The genre of music I like to play – my dad does it and there’s a lot of other musicians out there that do it too – they just haven’t really pigeonholed the name. For me, I call it life. I play life.”
Ryan O’Malley is music journalist and has been writing for the Times Leader and Weekender for several years. - Times Leader
Salvador Santana’s second full length album titled “Fantasy Reality” drops Friday and it may not be what you expected. In fact the artist himself may not be what you expected.
A brief interview with the long time musician (at 34 he’s been playing since age 5) last week revealed an attitude and aptitude that is just not that common in today’s music industry.
First let’s throw nepotism out the window. There is no sense of entitlement here. Father Carlos Santana is helping promote his son’s new LP by letting him open for dad on his current tour because he genuinely appreciates Salvador’s talent. In reaction he is “grateful and feels truly honored” to be opening for a musician as great as his dad.
Santana says the album picks up where he left off with “Rise UP”, an evolution that is a mixture of all genres and heavily influenced by the culture, sounds, smells and tastes of growing up in the Bay Area.
Salvador says Fantasy Reality “encapsulates duality, the idea that opposites attract” He backs this up with a self-described dark idea of hard rock/rage rhythms mixed with haunting and catchy melodies and a goal of something for everyone on the release.
Having a conversation with Salvador Santana is a breath of fresh air. He is clearly someone on a journey in life. He is “down with everyone and everything” and wants his music to be heard as “what emotions sound like”. He is inspired and wants to “spread the message that we all get through everything together”. - Pittsburgh Music Magazine
Fantasy Reality
Rise Up
2013, EP
Keyboard City
Salvador Santana Band Remixes
Salvador Santana Band

Salvador Santana, keyboardist, vocalist, composer, and songwriter, began
playing the drums at the age of three; while sitting in his father's lap
he'd control the snare and the tom, while his father worked the hi-hat
and kick drum. His true love, however, was
discovered when he began taking piano lessons at six years old. His
study, passion, and lineage have turned Santana into a versatile
musician, often drawing comparisons to artists such as
Herbie Hancock, Common, Macklemore and Ozomatli.
For Salvador, making music is never about personal glory, but about
lifting people up with humility, love, and positivity on a daily basis.
"The main ingredient to my inspiration and creative drive is joy. I want
to use music in a positive way and give back
to people in need. There can never be enough people who do that."
Band Members