Rose Robbins
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, United States | SELF
"Usually I don't listen to what's being said because lyrics often 'date' music. I prefer to just hear the voice as a melody. But I'm mesmerised by your voice & so the words take on meaning for me... Joni Mitchell had the same effect when Hejira came out... "
- - Andrew Austin, ReverbNation
"The last time a female vocalist smacked me this hard on first listen, her name was Baez, and it was back in the early sixties. "
- Bill Quick - Daily Pundit
"When Rose Robbins walked out on the stage and sat down at the piano, the audience could be forgiven for wondering, just for a moment, what kind of music this slender, delicate-looking woman could produce? Then she began to sing and play with such maturity...and in a voice so stunningly rich and deep that I, for one, was quickly transported far away...."
- Peter Marsh, Astoria Review
"Some performers go a lifetime without producing a recording comparable to Close Your Eyes. Rose Robbins starts at the top, and the only way she can go is up."
- Ray Thursby - Robb Report
Rose Robbins composes and performs jazz, blues, R&B, folk, torch songs, ditties of impish whimsy, even the occasional spiritual. But best of all are her love songs.
The love ballads of Rose Robbins are exuberant in their celebration of newfound passion, heartbreaking in their despair about lost love. Songs like "Blue Sky," "Stained Glass Window," and "Pale Yellow Rose" grab you by the throat and refuse to let you go.
She serves them up in a silky, sultry, sexy voice -- a voice that goes down as sweet as a poured mixture of whiskey and honey -- a voice that sometimes reminds me of Diana Krall, at other times of Bette Midler, but better than either and just as unforgettable. In a few passages of "Whisper," I could even swear that she's channeling Karen Carpenter.
All this, and -- as you can see -- she's drop-dead gorgeous, too.
- Robert Bidinotto - Editor, New Individualist Magazine
... you will see that there is something very special about Rose Robbins that goes much deeper than the mystic beauty of her music and the striking beauty of her face.
Hers is a beauty of the soul.
We are looking forward to her full length CD!
- Ken Mowery, Creator's Web, 2004
Luminous (single) - 2003
Whisper (single) - 2004
Close Your Eyes (full length) - 2005
Rain (single) - 2006
Chase the Lonely (single) - 2009
Sleepy Siren (single) - 2010
Don't Say a Word (single) 2011
Divide (single) 2011
Dark Angel (single 2012

With a voice as warm and haunting as a June evening, Rose Robbins mesmerizes with poetic lyrics and tunes that stay with you long after the last note has died away.
Reminscent of Sade, Robbins pens music that is throughly modern but with a vintage feel.
She has won various awards for her music, including "Best Song of 2004" in the International Online Music Awards, and Top 500 in the Billboard World Song Contest three years in a row.
Band Members