Little Rock, Arkansas, United States | Established. Jan 01, 1988
Had many ups and downs and many turn arounds but still around producing sounds, Rootstarformerly known as Mo’B is a versatile singer-songwriter with a relentless passion for music.Like many children growing, he was a Jackson 5 fan who would sing along on the back porchwith a pinecone as his microphone. As he approached his teenage years, he discovered thatsinging music would get him girls so after high school, Rootstar released his first single “What YouSee is What You Get” on a label in Little Rock Ar./Nashville Tennessee. After a few unsuccessful opportunitiesto move the song forward, he met Mike Gilliam of UglyMike’s. Records After conversing, Rootstar known as Mo’B at the time signed a record deal to Cold HeatRecords and released the album called “8 Dayz.”Due to an unforeseeable situation, the label had to shut down and they had to go theirseparate ways. After dealing with the turmoil of the label shutting down, he met his friend andcollaborator Keith Booth and connected with Charles Sampson later on down the road. Aftermany trials and tribulations, he continues to make music that touches all walks of life fromyoung to old with hits such as “Beautiful,” “We,” “Here Kitty Kitty,” “Rooster,” and “Lick,” Bull justto name a few. Overall, Rootstar is just a country boy on a journey to sing the songs that peoplefeel but cannot express, provide laughter when people are trying to mend a broken heart orconfused mind, and to be an influential time traveler storyteller to fans and listeners for manyyears to come.
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