Rime Salmi
Los Angeles, California, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2009 | INDIE | AFM
Montreal singer-songwriter Rime Salmi sheds her traditional upbringing with new single “La2.” The singer joins Global’s Kim Sullivan and Tim Sargeant to perform in studio - Global News
Avec une musique vraiment unique et précis, combinée à un style personnel exotique et sans égal, l’auteur-compositrice-interprète Rime Salmi s’apprête à conquérir le monde en tant que nouvelle reine de la pop et du R & B.
Née de parents marocains mais ayant grandie au Canada, Rime a grandie comme un enfant de nombreuses cultures. Au fur et à mesure que son amour et sa passion pour la musique se développaient, son intérêt pour la beauté unique que l’on trouve dans le monde entier grandissait également. Aujourd’hui interprète et auteur-compositrice accomplie, Rime a créée et interprétée des chansons en français, anglais, espagnol et arabe et s’est distinguée dans des domaines aussi variés que le Japon, le Canada et même le Moyen-Orient, où elle a passée plusieurs semaines à la première place grâce à elle. 2009 collaboration avec Karl Wolf, « Yalla Habibi. ».
Depuis lors, Rime a pour objectif de devenir un phénomène mondial. Après que ses chansons “Stop” et “Crazy Times” aient fait sensation en gagnant des succès dans plus de cinq pays (dont le Canada et l’Italie), Rime a sortie son très attendu EP Flaw’d.Le premier single, “Just Cuz I Can”, a figuré sur la liste des plus grandes stations canadiennes de son pays.
Rime Salmi a canalisée sa lutte de déchirure entre deux cultures pour créer une musique d’une beauté époustouflante, profonde mais prête à aller au club, brute mais raffinée, et dotée d’une capacité distincte à définir les tendances plutôt que de suivre la foule. Rime Salmi est une artiste unique en voie de devenir une révolution dans le monde. - Feeling Dakar
Video Interview in French - Voodoo Rendez-Vous
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The song is the meeting of Nigerian-American artist Meaku and afro pop sound.
February 19, 2019 · Artist,Feature
The song is the meeting of Nigerian-American artist Meaku and his afro pop sounds and Moroccan-Canadian artist, Rime Salmi and her north-African vocals and rhythms.
A beautiful mixing of their heritage and celebration of the beauty of African music, sounds, and culture. The song is about a forbidden love that prevails. Sounding like a love song at first, it was actually written about their love of music and desire to pursue their passion, even against the traditional cultural pressure that come from being from a strict African background (what do you mean you're gonna be a singer? not a doctor, not a lawyer? non-sense!) It's about choosing to follow your heart even if it means losing the support, temporarily, of the ones you love the most. - Nam Radio
What: R&B, Pop
Where: Montreal, QC
Visit: www.rimesalmi.com
Boasting an irresistible blend of pop and R&B, Montreal’s Rime Salmi brings a universal approach to making music. Born to Moroccan parents but raised in Canada, Salmi writes and performs songs in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic, earning the artist airplay in Canada, Japan, and the Middle East, where her 2009 collaboration with Karl Wolf, “Yalla Habibi,” topped the charts. Following the success of subsequent singles “Stop” and “Crazy Times,” Salmi released her debut EP, Flaw’d, in 2014. Most recently, Salmi dropped a three-part short film for Flaw’d track “Made It,” which has already racked up thousands of views. - Canadian Musician
Rime Salmi – Made It (vidéo) (partie 1 sur 3)
Rime Salmi vient de dévoiler la première partie de son nouveau clip intitulé « Made It ».
Bon visionnement ! - Le Journal du Hip Hop
April 19, 2016
By Bree Noble
"Made It", is not just a music video. It is an artistic expression through film and music. Rime Salmi's dramatic personal style as singer, songwriter and performer sparkles in this picturesque and riveting music video. The video was created in collaboration with U.P. Records.
Rime Salmi is a global Pop and R&B artist who has recorded and performed songs in different languages. She has topped the music charts in Japan, Canada and the Middle East. She is influenced by diverse cultures which have strongly shaped her artistic vision - having been raised by Moroccan parents while living in Canada. - Women of Substance
Photos - Montreal.tv
The article in page 41 - Altas Media
I might be biased, but it appears to me that nobody has more fun than the Canadians at Midem in Cannes, France. And for three nights Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the passion and talent of Canada is front and center at Morrison’s Pub where the Canadian Blast has been held for the last seven years.
The Friday lineup included Montreal born singer/songwriter Rime Salmi and B.C’s David Morin. Rime Salmi is a little bit R&B a little bit pop and a whole lot of talented. In October 2014, Rime Salmi released her new EP named Flaw’d, to which her single ‘’Just Cuz I Can’’ played in over 20 radio stations in Canada. Full of her experience life, her album is styled and painted with her exotic touch. Rime is currently working on her second EP, that will be released this spring and that, combined with the first EP, will become a full album. Charismatic and playful, Rime Salmi is a beautiful, enchanting artist that will move you in ways that only Rime can and she put on a great performance and the Canadian Blast. - Cashbox Canada
Midem is nothing if not eclectic. Two shows on the opening night caught my attention. Canadian Blast has proven itself to be a good source of talent over the years. Morrison’s is again the venue this year.
Rime Salmi was first noticed in a Moroccan talent show with an audience of 20 million in 2006. Since then she has had a hit in Canada and Japan with “Yalla Habibi”. Signed to UP Records, she plays a tight R&B with a hint of Mediterranean vibes. She was appearing in semi-playback with two dancers. Someone mentioned Beyonce in the audience. It’s true Salmi is pretty and goes at her shows with incredible gusto, with everything choreographed to perfection. The Mediterranean pop vibe is huge in places like Lebanon but has yet to register elsewhere. God knows why, as it is very infectious. I’d recommend that Salmi add more of this, to lift her away from other R&B singers.
Executive summary: Great singing and dancing. If Salmi strengthens the Mediterranean vibe she could be the queen of her own genre. Could be great in Europe. - Cannes or Bust
La chanteuse Rime, connue pour sa précédente collaboration avec Karl Wolf, lancera son tout premier opus, intitulé Flaw'd le 25 novembre prochain dès 17h30, au Cinq situé au 1234 de la Montagne à Montréal. Cet opus offrira six pièces mariant un son pop exotique à une écriture sincère et assumée.
Rime présentera le fruit de sa création sous forme d'un spectacle haut en couleurs, spectacle monté sous la direction artistique d'Angelo Cadet, un nom déjà bien établi de la communauté artistique au Québec. Des célébrités québécoises seront également présentes pour l'occasion.
QUOI : Lancement de l'opus Flaw'd
Opportunité d'entrevue avec Rime et son équipe
QUI : La chanteuse Rime
Le directeur artistique Angelo Cadet
Autres célébrités québécoises sur place
QUAND : Mardi 25 novembre 2014 de 17h30 à 20h00, avec une prestation à 18h00
Opportunité d'entrevues en studios les 26-27-28 novembre 2014
OÙ : Le Cinq, 1234 de la Montagne, Montréal.
À Propos de RIME
Rime est une auteure-compositrice-interprète canadienne d'origine marocaine. Musicienne depuis sa plus tendre enfance, Rime est animée par le désir de s'exprimer et de toucher les gens. Exposée au multiculturalisme de Montréal auquel elle adhère intuitivement, Rime est influencée par de multiples sons et tendances. Dans le passé, elle a collaboré sur des hits internationaux, notamment sur la chanson Yalla Habibi avec le chanteur Karl Wolf qui lui a valu la mention Disque D'Or. Sa collaboration avec le chanteur européen TomE, Crazy Times, s'est également positionnée au top 10 de plus d'une vingtaine de stations de radio européennes.
Site web : www.rimenow.ca
Facebook: facebook.com/Rimenow
Twitter: twitter.com/Rimenow
YouTube: youtube.com/user/rimemusik - La Presse
La chanteuse Rime, connue pour sa précédente collaboration avec Karl Wolf, lancera son tout premier opus, intitulé Flaw’d le 25 novembre prochain dès 17h30, au Cinq situé au 1234 de la Montagne à Montréal. Cet opus offrira six pièces mariant un son pop exotique à une écriture sincère et assumée.
Rime présentera le fruit de sa création sous forme d’un spectacle haut en couleurs, spectacle monté sous la direction artistique d’Angelo Cadet, un nom déjà bien établi de la communauté artistique au Québec. Des célébrités québécoises seront également présentes pour l’occasion.
À Propos de RIME
Rime est une auteure-compositrice-interprète canadienne d’origine marocaine. Musicienne depuis sa plus tendre enfance, Rime est animée par le désir de s’exprimer et de toucher les gens. Exposée au multiculturalisme de Montréal auquel elle adhère intuitivement, Rime est influencée par de multiples sons et tendances. Dans le passé, elle a collaboré sur des hits internationaux, notamment sur la chanson Yalla Habibi avec le chanteur Karl Wolf qui lui a valu la mention Disque D’Or. Sa collaboration avec le chanteur européen TomE, Crazy Times, s’est également positionnée au top 10 de plus d’une vingtaine de stations de radio européennes. - Nightlife.ca
Artist: Rime Salmi, “Just Cuz I Can”
Album: Flaw’d
A beautiful voice with something a little different from the usual.
Sounds like: A little jag off the mainstream - A Journal of Musical Things
The single "Made It" of Rime Salmi is still playing on Le Rapologue Radio. The singer from Montreal reveals her new beautiful music video for that single. It's the first part of 3. A must see! - Le Rapologue
"My song with Karl Wolf that was awarded a gold record and the amazing video shoot experience is definitely top. But outside of the public eye, my proudest moments and the ones that bring me continuous joy are when I write a song as honestly as I can ..."
BANDWIDTH DAILY: Rime Salmi is on the rise! How'd you get into music? Rime Salmi: The oldest memory I have of myself as a creator is when I started writing poetry when I was 6 years old, and I rewrote the songs I heard on the radio to have them reflect the oh-so complex reality of my 6 year old self (lol).
BANDWIDTH DAILY: The music biz is a roller coaster, what are some of your proudest moments? Rime Salmi: My song with Karl Wolf that was awarded a gold record and the amazing video shoot experience is definitely top. But outside of the public eye, my proudest moments and the ones that bring me continuous joy are when I write a song as honestly as I can push myself to and find that it deeply touches someone, even just one person. Those are the little ongoing victories that help me get through the rougher patches and keep me going :) The 6 year old songwriter in me feels very validated in her decision to pursue writing and art lol.
BANDWIDTH DAILY: Building and keeping momentum is key to success, what new music or events are on the way? Rime Salmi: We have a series of short films coming up, a 3-part movie with the next singles as the sound track (music video but with acting only, no lipsync) I am very proud and excited to present this project - Bandwidth Daily
La chanteuse Rime, ça vous dit quelque chose? La Montréalaise avait collaboré au hit Yalla Habibi de Karl Wolf en 2009 et avait eu beaucoup de succès… mais cette époque semble bien loin déjà. Aujourd’hui, Rime revient à l’attaque avec un tout nouveau single, doublé d’un vidéoclip, pour la chanson #JustCuzICan. C’est d’ailleurs Angelo Cadet, qu’on aperçoit dans le clip, qui signe la direction artistique du vidéoclip de #JustCuzICan.
« Pendant le tournage, il s’est passé tellement de choses qu’on avait pas planifiées et elles étaient les plus excitantes! Comme l’araignée: le plan c’était que je la promène avec une laisse (comme tous les matins…), il pleuvait et on ne voulait pas la laisser marcher par terre. Mon équipe me demande: Rime est-ce que tu serais d’accord pour mettre l’araignée sur ton épaule? Je n’ai même pas hésité une seconde: ON LE FAIT! Elle était tellement grosse qu’on aurait dit un bébé hamster! Elle était vraiment cute! Peu importe ce qu’on me suggérait de faire, je disais GO, on le fait! JUST CUZ WE CAN!!! La chanson parle de l’ablation des limites et c’était EXACTEMENT le mood global du tournage! Aucune limite! C’était vraiment l’fun », nous confie Rime. - Hollywood PQ
« Yalla Habibi (Ft. Karl Wolf & Kaz Money) » distributed by EMI Canada and EMI Arabia, Top 20 in Canada, No 1 in the Middle East, no 4 in Japan for several weeks.
« STOP » tops 100 and top 50 on over 25 radio stations in Canada.
« Crazy Times (Ft. UBI & TomE) » distributed by the Italian label Dance and Love Records, top 10 of more than 20 Italian, Romanian, Russian and Korean radios stations.

Born to Moroccan parents and raised in Canada, Rime (pronounced ‘’Reem’’) Salmi grew up a child of many cultures. Her music became a way for her to channel the challenges in being torn between two identities: her traditional Moroccan heritage and her western upbringing. The result? Imagine the catchy pop sound of Rihanna, the soulful voice of Dua Lupa on an afrobeat, with touches of derbouka, aoud and ney... A truly unique and festive sound combined with an exotic and unparalleled personal style. Rime is poised to take over the world in her own new lane of afro-pop.
With rhythms as joyful as her high-energy personality, Rime's charisma and craft truly shine through when she is on stage. Her live performance is one that combines belly dancing, afrobeat dancing and powerful vocals.
Rime has crafted and performed songs in French, English, Spanish and Arabic. After her songs “Stop” and “Crazy Times” made waves by gaining airplay in over five countries (including Canada and Italy), Rime released her debut EP Flaw’d in 2014. The first single, “Just Cuz I Can”, was featured on a who’s-who list of major Canadian stations across her home country.
In the beginning of 2018, she released her single ''Don't Wanna Hear it'' featuring Nigerian-American artist Meaku, which accumulated over 380K plays on Spotify.
Rime has recently released her new single, ''La2’’ (meaning ‘’no’’ in arabic) which has gotten traction on Canadian commercial radio stations as well as on radio stations in Nigeria, Namibia and Senegal. The song is produced by Ghanaian super producer Willisbeats and is a fun afro-pop summer jam on the importance trusting our own instincts, vision and dreams despite what people say we should or shouldn’t do.
2020 is promising to be a year full of new music and exciting collaborations for Rime Salmi!
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