Chattanooga, TN | Established. Jan 01, 2008 | SELF
On "Street Lights," they sound like the greatest radio rock band you've never heard while still making their own way through the resulting detritus of hard rock's storied lineage. Turn the volume up and roll the windows down—I'm pretty sure that's mandatory.”
Josh Pickard
Nooga.com 8/4/15 - Nooga.com
Displaying a wide variety of stylistic twists and turns, PLVNET’s “Mvke BeLIEve” shows off a band with its own unique voice.
Beach Sloth
SkopeMag.com 8/3/15 - SkopeMag.com
Local band PLVNET is working on a fireworks display of a release
PLVNET (that’s “planet” to you and me) is a band I’ve been trying to write about for a couple of months now. I say “trying,” because despite my best intentions something always seems to interfere (illness, shifting deadline, time-sensitive material, etc.). The band has been very patient with these setbacks, while I have started wondering whether or not fate decreed this article wasn’t to be.
Even now I have to wonder if maybe the battery in my laptop is going to explode before I can finish typing. On the other hand, maybe it isn’t that fate didn’t want me to write about PLVNET so much as it wanted me to wait just a little while longer.
In the interim, the band has completed a grueling East Coast tour and started recording some hot new tracks that may form the basis of their next album. In other words, I was going to write about a good band—now I get to write about a great band.
The band clearly has a wide variety of influences, both individual artists and genres, but my first impression was that the Foo Fighters DNA has left the most recognizable mark. That’s high praise, by the way. A band could do much worse than have some similarities to the Foo Fighters. “Similarities” is a key here; the band is not a clone of, cover of or tribute to FF, they just happen to have some similarities.
I was fortunate enough to be given three new tracks to evaluate. Their first album is damn fine, but the new tracks reflect some changes in line up (and in the maturity and songwriting ability of the band). Of these three new tracks only one, “Street Lights,” has been dubbed fit for human consumption yet. The other two tracks are works in progress, although to my ear they sound ready to go.
“Street Lights” opens with a semi-fuzzed bit of noodling that without warning gives way to a glorious wall of sound and soaring vocals. Just as swiftly, it falls back to the verse where the instrumentation becomes subdued and the vocals are more “matter of fact”—at least until the next chorus, when it all explodes again.
This “tension and release” dynamic seems to be a staple of the band. They use it to great effect, making what are already very well-written songs even more audibly interesting. One gets the impression that the band is exercising a great deal of restraint, only letting slip precisely as much they mean to at any given moment. Even the guitar solo is gloriously minimalist.
The takeaway from this is that while many bands are often described as having “raw talent,” PLVNET is a powerhouse of refined talent. Not a big surprise there, either, as at least a few of the fellas are alumni of bands like Downstream and Crank Sanatra.
Wes Hartman’s vocal style and ability is perfectly suited to the band, as are the guitars of Nathanimal Luttrell and Will Martin. Bassist Abe Watson and drummer Michael “Red” Souther provide the solid rhythm background that allows the rest of the band to explore the space, vocally and instrumentally.
PLVNET just came off of a grueling tour, covering 5,300 miles in 20 days and bringing back a great deal more experience and inspiration than they started with. See it for yourself on Thursday, Dec. 17 at the Revelry Room with special guests Divided We Stand from Knoxville.
In the meantime, PLVNET’s current catalog can be found in all the usual online haunts and I highly recommend having a listen. Besides the new single, “Sleeping with Thieves” is a personal favorite. If the work they’ve done is any indication, their new album (due next spring) is going to be magnificent.
by Marc Michael
December 9, 2015 - Chattanooga Pulse
PLVNET consists of six guys who call Chattanooga their hometown and create a certain bombastic alt rock sound that's equal part grunge and glam. With each person drawing from a communal well of influences, the band is a melting pot of ideas and musical perspectives. The music is often loud and forceful but doesn't forsake the importance of melody and concise arrangements. Exploring these sounds in an expansive and unfettered manner, the band touches on all aspects of rock from the past couple of decades—from Foo Fighters to Queens of the Stone Age to Alice in Chains.
And on their latest single, "Street Lights," they pull all these influences together into a succinct yet sweeping display of rock prowess. Guitars bellow, voices howl, and drums tear away at your eardrums. And while this may seem like par for the course for PLVNET, they manage to instill an immediacy and weight to the music that sets them apart from the mass of generic rock bands littering the musical landscape. On "Street Lights," they sound like the greatest radio rock band you've never heard while still making their own way through the resulting detritus of hard rock's storied lineage. Turn the volume up and roll the windows down—I'm pretty sure that's mandatory. - Nooga.com
'Syzygy' dwells in equilibrium between alt-rock gravitas and its reflected pop inclinations in the modern audience for music - somehow bridging the distance without leaving orbit on tidal urges to self-indulgence.' - The Akademia
The Weird and the Wonderful (EP 2008)
Phoenix, N/A (Single) May 2011
Currently getting airplay in Nashville(The Buzz), Knoxville (99X), and Atlanta Movement Radio. Also, featured on more than a dozen internet radio stations. Available on iTunes.
"Mvke BeLIEve" Full Length Record to be released August 2012. To Be Grammy Selected 2013.
"Evolver" EP (Late Summer 2015)

PLVNET's core may be firmly rooted in Rock given its molten core of driving guitars, but it takes more than that to build a habitable world. Layered above that fiery center, listeners can find traces of Classical, Jazz and Blues influence making up the crust. Like their name sake, a diverse cross-section of cultural flavors can be heard dotting the 'soundscapes'. Some of the sounds of PLVNET can be earthy, primal and archaic while other regions are show a more modern electronic edge. If you add all that together and top it with an atmosphere that can quickly turn from airy and calm to thunderous and turbulent like the weather, then you are beginning to understand what this PLVNET is about.
Band Members