Muy Cansado
Watertown, Massachusetts, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF
Muy Cansado might be known around town for the upbeat grooves that defy the English translation of their moniker, but the Boston trio have stripped things down for their latest video, “Acquaintances.” The final track off January’s Let It Go LP is an acoustic number that finds singer/guitarist Chris Mulvey and singer/bassist Lisa Libera trade off dual harmonies while newcomer drummer Reyna Herrera holds down the xylophone.
In the video, which we’re premiering today on Vanyaland, the trio is up in a wooden attic, and the sunlight space serves as a nice backdrop that allows the song to take front and center. - Vanyaland
Ignore the sleepy Spanish name, Boston’s Muy Cansado is full of energy.
Usually a roaring power pop-meets-noise band, the trio went acoustic in a video shoot last week at the Herald. Not really one for the unplugged thing, Muy Cansado figured out how to chill its music down nicely.
Ahead of the band’s show at Friday at Church, I present Chris Mulvey, Lisa Libera and new drummer Reyna Herrera without the usually pulsing amps, pedal boards and full drum kit. Check out the locals'new LP “Let It Go" to the power of a fully operational Muy Cansado. - Boston Herald
Some bands revolve around a frontman. Some have two personalities that complement each other to equally lead the charge. That’s the case with Muy Cansado, where singer/guitarist Chris Mulvey and singer/bassist Lisa Libera practically interlock with contrasting stage styles. Mulvey strikes a rigid pose, keeping close to his pedals while he dishes out choppy, rhythmic guitar. Libera plays the free spirit, her body swaying to the pulse of her elastic bass as she answers Mulvey’s vocals with arcing harmonies.
“We like things that complement each other naturally,” says Libera, who acknowledges influences in the Pixies, Radiohead and especially Talking Heads. “I never complain with going in that direction,” adds the David Byrne-ish Mulvey. “Stop Making Sense is a cornerstone of my life and my artistic personality.”
Muy Cansado means “very tired” in Spanish, a phrase that runs counter to the band’s perky, danceable rock, which hews closest to early Talking Heads since Muy Cansado’s only a trio—with a Spinal Tap-ish track record for changing drummers. But the group found a prize in the Mexican-born Reyna Herrera, who received a master’s in percussive performance from Boston Conservatory. She may have experience in the classical and avant-garde worlds, but she churns rock beats with subtle precision.
Herrera fits seamlessly on gems like “Predisposed” and “Giant” from 2013’s Let It Go as well as new tunes. “I’m on a pretty big songwriting kick,” says Mulvey, who recently took opera lessons and compares the band’s new direction to Abbey Road-era Beatles. It’s all hinged on Mulvey and Libera’s offbeat vocal interplay. “At times we’ll butt heads,” he says. “She’s always for the weird thing.” Libera counters, “I’m very comfortable with dissonance. It’s more exciting to my ears to hear something a little unexpected.” - Improper Bostonian
Finally! Muy Cansado has been working on their latest, Let It Go, for what seems like ages. This will actually be a sort of pre-release party, as the album doesn’t technically come out until January. They couldn’t wait any longer though, and anyone attending the show at the Middle East upstairs tonight will have a chance to purchase a physical copy before anyone else. The album is more of the same from Muy Cansado, which is to say that it’s built around incredible songwriting, big, beefy bass lines, and hooky indie rock guitars. It’s more of the same, but improved, and saying things like “definitely worth the wait” may seem cliche, but it is. - Boston Band Crush
Muy Cansado seem in a rush to play a hometown CD release show for their second full-length, "Let It Go." The official national release isn't until January, but with the Boston-based pop-rock trio's last album coming out so long ago -- their debut "Stars & Garters," was issued in 2008 -- they're quite ready to air their wares.
"We wanted to just get it out," admits singer and guitarist Chris Mulvey. "These songs took a while. We began recording in March of 2011. The first five songs were the most challenging we've ever done. There were parts of the recording process that were super-smooth and easy. Then there was a time when we just couldn't do it because of everyone's schedule."
But Mulvey says there was no pulling of hair or anxiety.
"We didn't want to start rushing and not get what we wanted. We thought about releasing the five songs as another EP but decided to go full-length."
A couple of older songs were added before they recorded two new songs and found themselves in new sonic territory.
"The title track is significantly different. Before we were writing very Bob Dylan-y," says Mulvey. "But with 'Let It Go,' we thought we could make it disjointed and dance-y. Once we got cooking, we got really excited. It took us out of our normal element. It was kind of a trip."
Then it was time to let it go and get it out.
"It did feel drawn out," Mulvey says of the process, "but it never felt exhausting. Getting it done sometimes just takes time."
The beat goes on
After Friday’s gig, drummer Jon Ulman will be replaced by Reyna Herrera. “Jon was a huge part of the CD,” says Mulvey. “When you’re in a trio, everybody plays a real big part. He moved us toward the more dance-oriented sound. He had to play the CD release show.” - Boston Metro
This trio couldn’t be more opposite than what their band name translates to (Muy Cansado is “very tired” in Spanish for those unfamiliar). On the contrary Muy Cansado’s music is bright, alert, rousing—so much so that listening now makes me want to jump up and dance around with a big smile on my face! I’m impressed with their dynamics and catchy indie pop flare. This super trio is Chris Mulvey, Lisa Libera, and Jon Ulman—a combination of musicians who create a beautifully layered sound that you would expect with a larger ensemble. For example, one of their tunes reminded me a bit of Arcade Fire—a seven-piece group as opposed to this three-piece. But it’s not about the quantity of performers but rather the songwriting and these songs are all stellar; plus Chris and Lisa’s harmonies are simply magical. I was going to call out the songs that I loved, but in all honesty I loved every track—and a special thank you to the band for their song “Let It Go,” which I happened to hear EXACTLY when I needed to. See—they’re magical. Muy Cansado you’ve got yourself another new fan! - The Noise
If one record-release party is enough to get our attention, a double record-release party is enough to get its own Playlist. This Friday, November 9, at the Middle East in Cambridge the smooth dance-able rock of trio MUY CANSADO and the bouncy alt-rock of NAKED ON ROLLER SKATES team up to drop buckets of new jams on Cambridge. Muy Cansado may be Spanish for “very tired,” but their new album Let It Go is anything but, with \"Not For Nothing\" the WFNX Boston Accents Song of the Day for 11.08.12. Meanwhile the Skates’ new EP, Songs from a Wooden Box, recalls the guitar-mad glory days of Central Square’s ’90s heyday and once again highlights the vocal talents of Leesa Coyne. Rounding out the mix are two seasoned tracks repping the rest of the night’s bill, an atmospheric number from SARAH RABDAU & SELF-EMPLOYED ASSASSINS and a close-out contribution from Dan Nicklin\'s merry band of soul misfits, OLDJACK. - Boston Phoenix
Forget your 11th grade Spanish, Muy Cansado is a happy band. It should be. The locals release second LP “Let It Go” tonight in the Middle East’s upstairs room. Lead single “Not For Nothing” is a little slice of rock ’n’ roll heaven. “It’s like Radiohead by the way of Prince in terms of the production,” singer/guitarist Chris Mulvey said. “An airy, roomy sound from the guitar, but capturing the tight drum sound of dance music” Yeah, that about sums it up. But don’t take his word for it. Head to the Middle East and see the band with Naked on Roller Skates, Sarah Rabdau and the Self-Employed Assassins and OldJack for $10. - Boston Herald
Yo La Tengo had the grace and ability to demonstrate that even a band from central New Jersey founded by a bunch of white guys could pull off a Spanish name. Though it certainly helped that their name (”I have it”) derived from the all-American game of baseball, the translated phrase of “very tired” for the up-and-coming trio Muy Cansado remains to be an aspect that we can all universally relate to: exhaustion. We all get it, especially this time of year. Mid-terms looming, the shopping rush, cold weather, holiday commercialization… the list goes on and on. Though the name does not roll off the tongue as smoothly as Yo La Tengo, Muy Cansado’s music is just as enjoyably accessible. Ironically enough, the Massachusetts-based trio capitalizes on similar strengths to their bilingually named predecessors. With a knack for glimmering guitar hooks, dreamy melodies, and snarling vocals with ostensible angst, one might be reminded more of the Pixies when listening to Muy Cansado. Suitably enough, their MySpace lists their hometown as “Future City”. Though their influences from the past are shown aplenty, Muy Cansado’s contemporary methods of production remain very noteworthy. If this is what the future sounds like, I’m in.
Like many bands I have come across, the three members in Muy Cansado met while studying at the same university. The two founding members, David Fine and Lisa Libera, ran into each other at the University of Massachussetts and immediately became best friends over a mutual love for music. As familiar as that seems, it often seems the formula for success. Bands founded by a natural bond for music is, in most cases, a resounding success. Wonder why boy bands only last a few months at most? Apart from generic songwriting, they are all bounded financially and chosen by top-tier executives. Natural pairing is what music was made for. It is always nice to see this ideology stay alive; it is one of the reasons why indie music continues to dominate in terms of innovation. As for the rest of Muy Cansado, the two ran into the third member, Chris Mulvey, when they made the move to Somerville (”Future City”?). Mulvey was a veteran of the Boston music scene and had plenty of experience to share with Fine and Libera, not to mention him being an impressive lead guitarist and vocalist. With Mulvey on guitar and vocals, Libera on bass and occasional vocals, and Fine handling the percussion, Muy Cansado’s adept lineup was solidified last year.
Occasionally, when writing about a new artist, I find myself in a dilemma when attempting to choose which songs I should post. Considering that I never post something that I personally find to be lacking in quality, this is always a delightful situation. It applies to Muy Cansado; from their available songs, all are of equal complacency. Though the trio has yet to release an album or even an EP, they have five songs available as a free download on their web site. The band states that the songs available are merely demos and that they are now in the studio working on final versions for the majority of them. They are in the midst of a selection process for their currently untitled debut album, choosing which songs to include and improve upon. Judging by the consistency of their eight available songs (3 more are available on their MySpace), Muy Cansado’s debut could be something special. Though I consider “Riding High”, “The Other Night”, and “Erased” to be the cream of the crop, “Couldn’t Have Said it Better” and “Soul Song” are equally as good (both available exclusively via MySpace). Those two songs, “The Other Night”, and “Kiss the World” were included on a sampler collection, Amuses Bouche, that serves as an anticipation for their big full-length debut in 2008. Their band name is in Spanish and their releases (so far) are in French; it makes sense that their music is as open-minded as their global outlook.
To keep things somewhat straightforward, I usually post three songs per post. I had to make an exception with Muy Cansado though; I wanted to expose their cumulative stylistic diversity in three songs but it proved impossible. Though they stray on similar grounds of late ’80s and early ’90s college-rock and alternative, the influences are merely one of many factors as the vocal, rhythmic, and melodic presentations differ significantly in substance. The diversity is a breath of fresh air, especially with each song being of near equal quality. “Riding High” is definitely my favorite out of the bunch, with Pixies comparisons ringing prominently and proudly. Mulvey has a similar tone of snarling angst to Frank Black, with the tone and emotional output being eerily similar. Though it may sound bold, he pulls it off just as well. The chorus-led hook of the song is driven by a series of pulsating guitar riffs that are followed by an impressive solo, much like a more repetitive version of Sonic Youth or Yo La Tengo. In comparison, the catchy “The Other Night” is led by Mulvey’s vocal melody and Libera’s enthralling bass line. The guitar progression is touched with tinges of ska and reggae, though the Sublime comparisons are found primarily in the guitar’s rhythmic pattern alone.
“Soul Song” is a very impressive effort, with the duet between Mulvey and Libera in the chorus serving as one of Muy Cansado’s most touching moments. “You’ve got your soul and I ain’t got no,” they sing over an acoustic and electric guitar clashing simultaneously, with Mulvey letting out a perfectly timed melodic yelp as the bridge between the chorus and verse. Libera’s vocal ability is further demonstrated in the woozy “Erased”. Though she ocassionally reaches an awkward off-key moment, her ardent clamors and howls during the song’s chorus are excellent displays of her potential. It is nice to see Muy Cansado utilize the vocal collaboration between her and Mulvey. They are both quite talented in both their instrumental and vocal aspects, reminding me of the great Frank Black-Kim Deal duo in numerous ways. Let’s not forget David Fine either; his percussion work in every song thus far is precise and near flawless. If Muy Cansado calls songs of these quality demos, I can’t wait to hear the final versions. If they stay true to their tested approach, Muy Cansado’s upcoming album should be outstanding. - Obscure Sound - Mike Mineo
HOT NEW PROJECT: My High School Spanish tells me muy cansado means very tired, but there's nothing remotely worn out at all about Boston's Muy Cansado. The threesome have released one hell of a debut album in Stars + Garters (highly recommended) released just last week. The album is rife with great guitars, counter basslines and strong drums. In other words it's just damn good rock!
Muy Cansado are David Fine (Drums), Lisa Libera (Bass Guitar and Vocals), and Chris Mulvey (Insane Vocals and Guitar.)
THE BAND: Chris Mulvey's locals on this record are pretty insane - calling to mind vintage Frank Black. His notes elongate into a stage scream while bassist Lisa Libera's harmony softens the blow. All the while, drummer David Fine sharply punctuates the beat. I am soooo glad that this one appeared in my mailbox - seriously one of the better debut albums we have heard for some time! Our 4.0 Score is the second highest ranking we have given a band in '08 for their first full-length LP! (We hear a lot of new music. This is a serious compliment.) Maybe we can get them to play an RSL show sometime? We'll see!
Stars + Garters is on sale now - pick it up here through CD Baby. Muy Cansado is now on the road and kicking up some dirt - check 'em out. - Ryan's Smashing Life
When I caught Muy Cansado at The Rosebud, I commented that their sound had “echoes of Boston bands gone by.” I stick by that assessment with their latest single,* “Not For Nothing”. Muy Cansado manages to evoke thoughts of The Pixies, Permafrost and Trona without ever sounding like any of those bands. The song’s signature is a danceable groove offsetting a cool, reverb-drenched guitar riff. Throw in some boy/girl harmonies and you’ve got the makings of a pretty great indie rock tune. If only it had a fantastic breakdown in the middle with cool backwards-masked sounds to put it over the top. Oh wait, it does… - Daykamp Music
Muy Cansado are on a roll. Hot on the heels of the fantastic “Not For Nothing” single, the band recently debuted “Predisposed.” It’s another gem. This one opens with call-and-response vocals filling the gaps between sparse guitar chords. The tension builds into some tight harmonies before busting into a laid back indie-meets-disco groove. Muy Cansado have a knack for marrying disparate musical styles into unique, cohesive songs. “Predisposed” is no exception. - Daykamp Music
There are some things that we will admit we expect from Muy Cansado. The past few years have taught us to expect a certain degree of madness and gleefully energized havoc from the power trio. “Not For Nothing” does capture the energetic essence of the not-really-Spanish band, but it focuses the energy in a newly shaped package, something more streamlined and fuel efficient.
“Not For Nothing” has a traveling tempo that traverses the landscape in long strides and boucy bounds. The interplay between the bass is, as we expected, superb. The guitar is the semi-surprise here, locking into the rhythm as established by the bass and drums and working with it instead of pitching wild fits. And we enjoyed the wild fits, but we really dig this too.
While there aren’t any scratchy edges to this track, it admirably retains its edge, present in the potent finish and the the inertia behind each beat. “Not For Nothing” boosts Muy Cansado’s already-adequate property values, and we can only assume the neighborhood only gets nicer from here. - Boston Band Crush
PGB Favorites Muy Cansado played the Goodnight Records showcase at Spike Hill on Thursday afternoon, attracting a very respectable crowd for an early time slot. They were spot-on as always with their harmonies and instrumentation, and this time I thought the drummer’s performance was particularly inspired. They mixed in a few unreleased tracks into their set – they are going to blow you away when they lay them down on a record, no question! The new songs have a little more of a dancey feel to them, with enough aggression to keep even the most rock-minded critics (yeah, I guess I’m one of them) happy. - Playground Boston
Boston band Muy Cansado's name means "very tired" in Spanish, but don't take that to mean Chris Mulvey (vocals, guitar), Lisa Libera (vocals, bass) and Jon Ulman (drums) are a bunch of whiny slackers. On the contrary, this wily trio specializes in effervescent pop-rock with a punky undercurrent that practically demands repeated spins.
Muy Cansado's new EP, "Love and Fear," was released Sept. 14 by Brooklyn-based Goodnight Records. The four new songs expand and improve on the Pixies-inspired template established on the group's 2008 full-length "Stars & Garters."
"We've been playing since 2006 so I think a lot of it is just that Lisa and I continued to play and grow," Mulvey said. "We wanted to make some different sounds than we'd made before. On the previous LP there's a decent amount of aggressive vocal stuff. On this EP there's some shouty stuff but there's not really any screaming."
The EP is Muy Cansado's first release with Ulman, who replaced original drummer Dave Fine in mid-2009.
"Having a new drummer definitely changed us some," Mulvey said. "We're a trio, so every member in the band has a pretty big imprint on it."
Ulman is working from a broader rhythmic palette, which offers more dynamic opportunities for the band. Some of the punk edges also have been polished, and there is a greater emphasis on melodies, but Muy Cansado hasn't radically changed its sound on the new EP.
"So far, the feedback has been pretty positive," Mulvey said. "Even big fans of the previous album, for the most part, have liked the new stuff a lot. I think for now we're in a good spot. We've had a real good time with the band thus far and we continue to have a good time. We're really excited for getting this EP out there and getting back out on the road."
Muy Cansado performs at South Park Tavern on Tuesday, Oct. 5.
"I'd heard good things about South Park Tavern before we booked it so I was pretty excited we ended up playing there," Mulvey said. "It wasn't necessarily planned. We had someone booking the tour for us so I was excitedly surprised to see that date and club pop up on there. Literally two weeks before that someone I met from Dayton was telling me it was a great place.
"They said if we played there a bunch of people would come out," he added. "Hopefully they were right and everyone comes out and has a good time." - Dayton Daily News
Muy Cansado's "Love and Fear" is a wonderful EP of indie rock gems. The kickoff track, "Giant," has a winding verse with unique timing that slaloms towards an idyllic, Pixies-esque dual vocal chorus. Despite the grand aspirations of the song's driving rhythms and chord progression, Chris Mulvey pushes the lead vocals hard, lending the song a palpable immediacy. There are two separate guitar solos here, too, and at under three minutes, the song is a lesson in making every second count - as is the entire EP, actually. The songs march on with driving rhythms and snaky bass lines; the vocals push against the danceable verse groove of "Not About a Girl" and lend an organic, raw depth. The rhythms are rock solid, the guitar work interesting or appropriately supportive, the bass lines undeniably fun, and the vocals always infectious (check out the title track). The cream on the cake are the little things, though, like the quick funky jive of a guitar at the end of the "Not About a Girl" chorus or the one long backup vocal note in the chorus of "Sharpshooter," and they really fill out the songs and make this EP a pleasure to revisit. - The Deli New England
Boston indie band Muy Cansado have returned with this vibrant four song EP that brings the same live rich sound found on their debut Stars & Garters [2008]. Chris Mulvey has a strong Black Francis type of vocal that drives each track here, with an ability to change ranges on a dime, while Lisa Libera consistently chimes in and gives them depth plus rounds out the edges. What makes the Love And Fear EP succeed and Muy Cansado stand out, is that the group has a raw rock approach that just pops out of your speakers with energy, enthusiasm and pure unpolished talent that simply will gear you up for their forthcoming sophomore full length and keep you coming back to this EP for more! - Fire Note Drills
For a three-piece guitar, bass and drum outfit, Muy Cansado pretty much have the biggest sound one could ask for. Singer/guitarist Chris Mulvey belts his often heavy-hearted lyrics, teetering on the edge of a scream, while chugging along with a '90s rock 'n' roll guitar style. Bassist Lisa Libera complements the music with her in-the-pocket performance and spot-on vocal harmonies. Jon Ulman on the drums adds the tight backbone, completing the sound all while making the straight-ahead rock vibe easily danceable. Their imminent release Love and Fear is, simply put, a solid effort. - Boston Band Crush
"Love and Fear" starts out in a comfortable yet hard-to-find middle gear. It's got energy, but it's not full throttle. It's calm, but it's not sedated. We don't mean to make this middle ground sound like some form of energetic purgatory; in fact its elusiveness makes it even more of a remarkable thing when someone hits the mark and is able to stay on target as Muy Cansado has done in this track.
The pacing of this song allows a degree of accessibility that all-out musical madness does not. This song is like a locomotive, but it is moving at just the right tempo to allow us to hitch a ride. Make no mistake - "Love and Fear" is accessible, but it possesses an undeniable inertia, so if you jump on, you damned well better be ready to hang on.
The movement in "Love and Fear" comes from the band's concentration on the rhythm. Bass, guitar and drums combine to chug this song along, as vocalists Chris Mulvey (ONB '09) and Lisa Libera (ONB '10) keen out overhead like steam coming out of the whistle. The whole experience is just that - a whole experience. While the Muy Cansado sound remains on the edge, it has a good grip on that edge and seems rather comfortable. - Boston Band Crush Feature: CD on Songs
Muy Cansado - Love and Fear
One of our favorite Boston bands has returned with a most-worthy new offering of music today. This evening at the Middle East, Muy Cansado will unleash their new 4-track EP Love & Fear. The ambitious tracks see the band's songwriting advance a great deal. So while there's still a blue-collar ethos to the band, but they are clearly not simply the Pixies-esque rock band we came to know and love. (I really love those songs too - never stop playing them.) The band has surrounded itself in change this time around and in doing so what has been birthed has been a challenge with some pretty startling rewards. This band proves they are dedicated to moving forward in music. Chris Mulvey on guitar & vocals, Lisa Libera on bass guitar & vocals, and the newly added John Ulman on drums - have proved up to the challenge.
Muy Cansado - Not About A Girl
While I love Mulvey's singing and his two part harmonies with Libera on Not About A Girl - a song about frustration and realization (but not about a girl)... I think that the star on the track might be Libera's work on bass. Ulman is tight with his new bandmates on drums, as well. It's a nice little showcase of the EP.
Muy Cansado - Giant
Giant could be my favorite song on the EP for Mulvey's vocals. To my knowledge he has never opened up like this on any recording. I think they maybe could have explored this just a little further. I guess this is me saying the recording feels a bit subdued but the levels do help the opposing harmonies and layered guitar on this track. Overall, it's a hypnotic number and perhaps amongst the band's best recorded material to date. You tell me what the song is about.
Muy Cansado - Sharpshooter
No, I take that back! Can I change my mind? Sharpshooter is the best song on the album. It's an ace effort from all members and a statement on how well the three integrated musically during the album effort. Probably the tightest effort on the record. Ok, fine - this one's my favorite. So you see, that's the way it is with this album. One unit, four flavors. All pretty damn good and well worth your time. - Ryan's Smashing Life
After submitting to the Half-Nelsons, the Bulfinch Yacht Club crowd had a wholly different holiday present sitting under the two foot tall tree on the bar: the three members of Muy Cansado. Displaying an almost eerie calm Chris Mulvey, Lisa Libera, and David Fine took their places on the small stage; Fine behind The Half-Nelsons drum kit, Libera to the right side with her bass and Mulvey on the left on guitar. Mulvey is a normal looking fellow with an extraordinary voice—a strong and forceful call that seems to have its own built in reverb effect. He often closed his eyes tilted his head back and crooned effortlessly into the mic. In the end, Muy Cansado provided a satisfying payoff, transforming a downtown club into a dusty saloon. - Northeast Performer
Muy Cansado’s new EP Amuses Bouche starts with a display of guitar artillery that sounds like no less than 17 guitars rattling off the non-standard-yet-familiar chord changes of “Kiss the World.” Lead vocalist and guitarist Chris Mulvey rails on the microphone like a modern day, not-so-stoned Bob Dylan and bassist Lisa Libera chimes in with a decidedly more melodic counterpoint on back-up vocals.
The back-up vocals are an item of interest on Amuses Bouche; sometimes lead vocalist Mulvey is not singing a melody so much as hinting at one. Libera, on the other hand, has a highly musical voice and often finds herself acting as the song’s melodic centerpiece. This vocal interplay creates an interesting vocal juxtaposition that teeters on the edge of harmony and discord. It is a fun exercise, switching listening concentration back and forth between the point/counterpoint of this wonderfully melodic record.
While Mulvey and Libera fuss back and forth on the vocals, drummer David Fine makes a non-vocal contribution to the record in the way of solid beats that keep things going. The trio really hits its stride on songs such as “The Other Night,” a bumping one-two semi-shuffle; Fine rumbles along and keeps things interesting on the percussive side, while Mulvey stretches his voice to new lengths for the occasional refrain. The entire deal is also permeated - as is every other song - by the articulate bass work of Libera, a four-stringed force to be reckoned with. Her bass lines drive more than a few of the songs on Amuses Bouche, as the guitar performance is mainly centered on roiling chords. Libera’s bass provides a stable main riff over the distorted churn of Mulvey’s guitar. The EP ends with “Soul Song,” a standout vocal performance by Mulvey demonstating his talent for writing subtly evocative lyrics and singing them with just the right amount of dynamic gusto. With an EP this good, one has to wonder what a full-length would sound like. - Northeast Performer
Cansado? Muy Cansado! The concept of the band's name has branched out in the infinite complexity from the time it was simply selected from a patch of graffiti in their practice space. The relentless and necessary recording of their debut CD, Stars & Garters, and ever-evolving effort of intense creation and performance; a passion-driven, whirlwind, almost sleepless two week tour that immersed Muy Cansado in the very lives of their growing fan base across the country; an there is nothing very tired or wavering about the music or the members of Muy Cansado. Sleep deprived, yes, but showing no signs of slowing down - physically or creatively. . . .
The Songs on Stars & Garters play with ease, but reflect a lot of intense care in the creation and an importance to the development. This is an album worth purchasing no matter what sub-genre of rock you're into. There's something for everyone from catchy hooks and sweet vocals to aggressive riffs and eclectic raw vocal treatments. As much as the CD listening experience is a ncessity, you have to check out Muy Cansado live.
- The Metronome
Muy Cansado isn’t offering any quick or easy hints into their sound. The group’s name hints at some form of multi-nationalism; an odd play for a mostly Boston-based band. While the band’s sound occasionally wanders down dusty roads and past cacti and tumbleweeds, they are perfectly average-looking people completely opening themselves on the stage.
Vocalist/guitarist Chris Mulvey is one figurehead of the three-pronged attack, with his big, and seemingly never falling out of shape coif. Mulvey’s laid back, gentle and generally affable demeanor changes however as he picks up the guitar and steps up the microphone. He closes his eyes, tilts his head slightly to the side and doesn’t so much sing, as he lets the sound somehow escape his body. Mulvey’s vocals, sometimes tortured, sometimes violent, sometimes beaten-down, always begs the question “What’s going on with these people?”
Theatrical vocals and scattershot guitar aside, Muy Cansado is rounded out with bassist Lisa Libera and drummer Dave Fine. Libera has the girl-next-door look down pat. One might expect her to have an excellent record collection or somehow know everyone on her block. It’s obvious, however, that she works the bass guitar with such proficiency and style as to be possibly one of the best bassists in town. Libera’s expressive bass parts often state the melody of the song and with melodies so thoughtful and expressive as any “lead” instrument could sound. The real highlight of Libera’s playing is not her technical wizardry, but her near-angelic smile that crosses her face as her fingers spider out seemingly impossible sounding bass parts. Watching her play bass could make the entire world want to play bass.
Dave Fine, formerly Libera’s roommate, moved to New York City, a move that usually spells band death. This would seem like a crushing blow for Muy Cansado, a band that dodged a bullet when Mulvey moved to Los Angeles for a few months. “We made him come back,” affirms Fine. While carving out a niche for himself in New York as a soundman, he still finds the time to come back to Boston for band practice or a show. “It averages out to about once every one and a half weeks,” he explains, barely batting an eyelash at the trip. Fine’s unique geographical situation enables the band to plant a foot in both major markets of New York and Boston. Sometimes Fine shuttles to Boston, sometimes Libera and Mulvey pack up and drive to New York. “We were concentrating on the recording for a while,” says Mulvey, “But now we’re ready to play.”
“It’s all right there, man,” shrugs Mulvey. “There,” according to Mulvey, is the group’s newest record, Stars and Garters, a follow-up to the late 2007 EP Amuses Bouche. “This has the songs from Amuses Bouche,” explains Mulvey, slightly stumbling over the term before Libera swoops in with the proper pronunciation (“A Moose-Boosh”). The songs are mostly the same between Amuses Bouche and Stars and Garters, but the production value has skyrocketed. Not content to simply recycle prior recordings, the trio went to Boston’s esteemed Q Division studio and re-recorded everything, lending new breath to songs such as “Soul Song” and “Stockholm Syndrome.”
Having spent the past autumn and winter in the studio, the trio looks forward to a spring and summer on the road and on the stage. Muy Cansado is here to play and only asks that everyone listen. - Northeast Performer
I was introduced to Lisa Libera as the guy who was afraid of Dave. Dave is the drummer of Muy Cansado who sports chest length dreads and sometimes plays sans shirt and shoes. I'm not sure I would describe my feeling prior to my first Muy Cansado show as scared, but anxious. Appearance is often the first variable used when forming a first impression and given the fact artists so often fall into the stereotypical image of the music they play - indie poppers with skinny jeans and tight shirts, DJs with clean vibrant tees and straight billed hats, and jam bands with long dreaded hair and no shirts or shoes - I had reason to be anxious. It's startling how bands sprint to fit into the previously sculpted image of a particular genre. I'm most surprised by a band's look when they have none - when their shirts are practical, when they wear shorts on stage that aren't cut off and when they are entirely plain.
But, in the case of Muy Cansado I was treated to simple but fun guitar driven rock. At that time they only had a four song EP, but since then they've compiled an additional seven songs to create their first full length, Stars & Garters. The album is more of the same in part because the band has identified a style and allowed particular influences to guide them more heavily than others (read: Pixies), but it's also more of the same because just about every song had already been posted via their myspace or earlier EP. If you've been following the band that may be a bit of a disappointment, otherwise it's frivolous commentary.
The album as a whole is an exciting debut from a local band. It's not incredibly intricate, or unnecessarily complex - just straight forward guitar rock. Even when songs don't seem immediately engrossing the band manages to throw in a hook, background vocal, or a catchy bass line to grab your attention.....
Now, in an effort to gain some exposure, sell some records, and play music in front of people the band is embarking on a tour that will stretch out as far as Texas. The tour kicks off tomorrow in Somerville at the Abbey Lounge. The show will also be their record release party so there will be plenty of opportunity to pick up a copy of Stars & Garters. - Enough Cowbell
Muy Cansado thrives on the dueling vocals of Chris Mulvey and Lisa Libera making their sound very reminiscent of the Pixies. Their debut Stars & Garters is a raw rock sounding, bar ready and intense experience from beginning to end. It is full of straight ahead indie punk explosions that will take you by surprise and reaching for the repeat button when it's over.
Key Track: "Telemundo"
Band With Similar Fire: Pixies
Rating: 3.5 Stars - Fire Note Fire Drill
Muy Cansado! I'll be honest, I don't really know a lot about this Massachusetts trio. Their debut album, Stars & Garters, showed up in my mailbox a month or so ago, and I finally got around to giving it a spin. However, I can say that it is an exciting and impressive debut of driving rock filled with hook after hook. Personally, I hear a lot of different influences, but you really should judge for yourself. - Visions & Revisions
In case your Spanish is rusty, the band’s name means Very Tired. Don’t believe it. This Boston based garage group’s debut album is full of more energy and fun than you can jangle a guitar at. The band cites the alt-rock scene of the late 90s as their main influence, and there are traces of The Pixies and Letters to Cleo here. But what they really mind me of, with their driving guitars, mutability, and penchant for shout-singing, is The Aquabats. (especially if, through some rock and roll miracle, Kim Deal was sitting in.) Like the playful surf-ska kings, Muy Cansado are having too much fun making music to worry about genre pigeonholes. They’re equally at ease with a rough-edged, straight up party song like the opening track "Telemundo," the playful countryish "The Other Night," or riding the line between rockabilly and surf rock on the sinuous "The Killing." If that last sounds like your cup of tea you’re in luck. Most of the tunes are scorchers, the kind of songs that by all rights should only be listened to while speeding down a desert road in a convertible. Put your sunglasses on and let’s ride. - Bay Window
Muy Cansado's new LP, Let It Go, will be released nationally January 22, 2013. It is currently streaming on their bandcamp page - http://muycansado.bandcamp.com/
Muy Cansado's EP, Love and Fear, was released on Goodnight Records in Septebmer 2010. It is available on iTunes, Amazon, goodnightrecords.com and other online retailers.
Muy Cansado's debut album, Stars & Garters, was released August 2008. It is available on CD Baby (www.cdbaby.com), Itunes, Amazon & most other online retailers.

Muy Cansado is Spanish for very tired. Initially just a derelict inscription on the wall of the Boston rehearsal space where Chris Mulvey (vocals and guitars) and Lisa Libera (vocals and bass) first started playing music together, the budding outfit formally adopted the phrase as their band name.
The band developed their sound playing venues from beaches to biker bars, and in August 2008 they self-released their debut album, "Stars & Garters," inspiring comparisons to 90s alternative acts the Pixies, Lemonheads and Letters to Cleo, as well as the occasional Bob Dylan reference. Equal parts kinetic energy and meticulous song engineering, the dynamic interplay between Mulvey and Libera on Stars and Garters earned Muy Cansado a growing local fanbase and graduated the band from dingy biker bars to Bostons better venues.
With their 2010 EP, "Love and Fear," Mulvey and Libera teamed with Jon Ulman (drums) adding an extra spring to Muy Cansado's step and tightening the screws on their increasingly polished circuitry. The four song EP was both a milestone in the band's development as well as a primer for things to come.
The new full-length album from Muy Cansado, Let It Go", is a product of the band's evolution and explores broader and richer dimensions only hinted at in previous releases. The nine song LP features melodically rich and rhythmically limber tunes. The lyrical themes are anxiety and release (letting go), but the dance and pop sensibilities prioritize body movement over lyrical scrutiny. The call and response between Mulvey and Libera in the opening tracks Falling Down and Predisposed highlights their idiosyncratic connection. Their vocal interplay is an integral element throughout the album. The Boston Herald described lead single, Not For Nothing, as a little slice of rock n roll heaven. The albums title track, Let It Go, takes the band out of its normal element into a more atmospheric, orchestral realm.
"Some bands revolve around a frontman. Some have two personalities that complement each other to equally lead the charge. Thats the case with Muy Cansado."
- The Improper Bostonian
"a little slice of rock and roll heaven."
- The Boston Herald
"effervescent pop-rock with a punky undercurrent that practically demands repeated spins."
- Dayton Daily News
2013's Let It Go charted on the College Radio CMJ Top 200 in January and February 2013
Let It Go was on the CMJ Top 20 Adds List the week is was added to rotation.
Performed at 2014 SXSW
Music featured in the independent film, Fat, which was premiered at the Toronto Film Fesival
Band Members