Saint Paul, Minnesota, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2007 | SELF
ToxicToons is some of our favorite ghoulish creepy spooky gross and kick ass art, so we sent Unkle Pigors a cd to share some of our creepy songs with him and here's a qoute direct from Unkle Pigors himself
- Eric Pigors
reccomends another band that you can check out absolutely free of
charge. Come on in for your free track from Mommy Sez No!
Mommy Sez No has pretty much everything I like in a band: a name
that suggests brain damage, an unhealthy obsession with murder and
mayhem, and a nonsensical backstory filled with topless witches and
alien abductions. Best of all, they sound sorta like the Sex Pistols
with chainsaws instead of guitars, and you can sing along to all the
songs, even the ones that are about eating your prom date. A few vital
facts: Mommy Sez No’s debut album, the shocking/awesome
HotWaterBurnBay, was recorded in five hours, and mixed in six, but the
odds are, it will scar you for a lifetime. They’re from the Twin Cities
(Minneapolis/St. Paul), which means they have partied with Prince, The
Replacements and Impaler, although not usually on the same night. They
used to be in punk bands with punk names like Magenta Lip Bomb, Buzz
Harvest, and Quincy Punx. Now they are in a punky kick-ass rock n’ roll
band with a semi-retarded name. By the way, don’t bother asking about
the name. It’s apparently none of our business.
Me: So, what did mommy say no to?
Jeff (MSN frontman): What did yours say no to?
Despite a preoccupation with songs about eating people, Jeff claims that HotWaterBurnBaby is not a concept album.
“The idea was to create a great rock n roll album,” he says, “But as far as a specific concept, no.”
That doesn’t mean that your own inflamed imagination won’t dredge up a
loopy storyline between splattery narratives like Mongo Chupa and
(ahem) Zombie Bukkake, however.
Influenced equally by shock/glam dandies like Alice Cooper, New York
Dolls and Jeff Dahl and cinematic gorefests like Return of the Living
Dead, Friday the 13th, and a slew of Troma flicks, Mommy Sez No is a
full-on destructo-rock assault on the eyes, ears, and soul. The band
claims to be merely a 1 on the Satanic scale, which is pretty
surprising, seeing as their guitar player is named Evil, and as far as
spilled fluids go, well, “It’s probably a tie between puke and blood,
though puke may be in the lead,” says Jeff.
“There’s been more puking on and offstage than blood spilled.”
Speaking of the stage, that’s where the whole Mommy Sez No concept
really comes together. Literally anything can happen when they’re
playing, and the stage is usually packed with freaks, weirdos,
monsters, zombies, even half-naked go-go girls.
”It depends on the mood we happen to be in at the time,” Jeff says.
“The half naked girls were part of a Wicked ‘XXXmas’ show we put
together. Sometimes it’s half naked aliens, psycho killer bunnies,
monsters, corpses, and an insane clown, and sometimes it’s just a
balls-out, full steam ahead show. We usually try to find some crazy
thing to throw into the shows to make it fun. I’ve always loved Alice
Cooper and Kiss’s stage shows, and had a great time at those shows, so
sometimes that carries over into our stage shows.”
Sounds nuts, right? Well, here’s the good news: Mommy Sez No are
planning a series of US tours to celebrate the releases of the album,
and have their sights set on a UK/European trip soon after. So keep
watching the skies. For now, Mommy Sex No has kindly offered up a free
download of their gut-munching anthem, Cannibal Girl, to all CR readers.
“It’s about a girl I think everyone has probably known in their life,” says Jeff.
Sure. We all know girls that eat human flesh, don’t we?
Fans of Wednesday 13, The Dwarves, and other antisocial creeps with
guitars will surely want to crawl around in the muck with these freaks.
HotWaterBurnBaby, complete with gruesome cover art, is available
directly from the band. They’ll probably sell you a severed finger or a
skull, as well. They’re nuts.
Make sure you watch some of their demented videos while you’re there.
- Sleaze
- Classic Rock Magazine
Hotwaterburnbaby: CD
There’s something psychopathically simple about Mommy Sez No’s music. When you let lunatics loose in a graveyard and give them enough time, they’ll start digging up corpses. It’s not because they’re malicious. It’s because they’re crazy. When you wander in and see them rhythmically drumming on the skulls of rotting corpses, it’s not because they disrespect the dead. It’s because they think it’s fun. If MSN’s music seems built specifically for dancing around in crowded rooms with sharp knives, it’s not because they want to hurt anyone. It’s because they want to dance. The scary part is that this disc will make you want to dance too. Just don’t get carried away listening to this stomping punk’n’roll. Blood is hard to clean up. –MP Johnson (Self-released, www.mommysezno.com) - Razorcake
Horror movies and trashy rock 'n' roll - two of my greatest pleasures. So, when the Mommy Sez No album arrived boasting songs written for the movies 'Terror Overload : Tales From Satan's Truckstop', 'Klownboy : Circus Of Gore' and 'Stamgo! (Super Tromette Action Movie Go!)' and citing influences as cool as Messrs Thunders, Cooper and Dahl, the Stones, Pistols, Dolls and Dogs, I was as close as I could get to heaven.....if that place ever existed......
A terror trio so macabre that one of their members is called Evil, Mommy Sez No play "punk 'n' roll or horror rock or whatever you wanna call it" and 'Hotwaterburnbaby' is their second release since they formed in the Summer of 2007 in St. Paul, Minneapolis.
Friend of Uber Rock Ari Lehman - frontman of the band First Jason and, of course, the very first actor to portray the legendary Jason Voorhees in the 'Friday the 13th' movie franchise - provides a mixture of lead, shared and backing vocals on the tracks 'Dinner Date', 'Mongo Chupa' and 'Ghoulette' and John Kassir, the voice of the Cryptkeeper from 'Tales From The Crypt', appears to introduce the song 'Dead Things'. These cool cameos, however, only add to the ghastly appeal of this fourteen track schlock rock extravaganza. Frontman Jeff Arndt, drummer Alex Smith and the afore-mentioned four string fearmeister Evil have fashioned a corpse-white knuckle ride of an album that is rotten to its maggot-ridden core.
Lyrically ludicrous and musically murderous, 'Hotwaterburnbaby' - wrapped, incidentally, in possibly the finest cover art of 2009 - is a garage punk masterpiece, with the garage in question housing several decaying body parts. The trash 'n' roll influences cited earlier are certainly evident music-wise, but anyone hoping for lyrical tales of heartbreak are gonna be sorely disappointed - heart eating maybe - and be honest, did 2009 produce a better song title than 'Zombie Bukkake', a song written about Joe Knetter's book of the same name?
If you love Z-grade movie escapism, gutter dirty rock 'n' roll, Rue Morgue magazine and songs sung by drowned mass murderers, then this album is for you. C'mon, there has to be somebody else out there like me?!? Black heartedly recommended.
www.myspace.com/mommysezno - uberrock.co.uk
1)Mommy Sez No - debut cd, limited to 250
2)Mommy Sez No - Hotwaterburnbaby cd release (self released) available on itunes and elsewhere
3)My America:A tribute to Quincy Punx to benefit the West Memphis Three - Mommy Sez No plays Downtown
available through Crustacean Records (crustaceanrecords.com)
4) Bubblegum Slut Zine promo cd Winter 2010/2011 Mommy Sez No song Panic
5) Mommy Sez No has also had music in the following movies:
Super Tromette Action Movie Go - The song Be My Ghoul
Terror Overload - The songs Dinner Date and Mongo Chupa
Klownboy:Circus Of Gore: the song Taking The Fun, and the band is also in the movie
Incest Death Squad 2 : The songs My Mental Problem, and Kill

MOMMY S3Z NO is a 3 piece horror,b movie, and insanity inspired punk n roll band from the Twin Cities(Read as St Paul)Minnesota consisting of Jeff Arndt-lead vocals and guitar, Alex Smith- Drums and vocals, and Thomas White on Bass and vocals, that originally formed in June of 2007.Rapidly becoming active and hitting the stage a month later, we quickly hit the studio and kept going. "Our sound is kinda trashy, plug in and play rock and roll, that's inspired by monsters, nightmares, cartoons, psychos, serial killers,horror movies, insanity,heartbreak, loss, love and everything rock n roll.
Mommy Sez No released around 250 cds of an 11 song demo, followed by the full length cd "Hotwaterburnbaby." and are currently recording songs for a new album.
Their songs have been featured in some independent b movies including
Super Tromette Action Movie Go- www.stamgo.com
Terror Overload- www.terroroverload.com
Klownboy Circus of Gore- as of yet unreleased
Incest Death Squad 2 (or IDS2)- www.incestdeathsquad.com
Mommy Sez No has been compared to the new York Dolls, Jeff Dahl, a punk rock David Bowie singing with the Angry Samoans, The Sex Pistols with chainsaws, a little Johnny Thunders, Wednesday 13, and more. If you like your rock n roll with some trash, some punk, some blues, some murder, more blood, and a monster or two, then Mommy Sez No is for you.