Cornwall, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2012 | SELF
The best kept secret in music
This band has no press
Still working on that hot first release.

The band Mihaiilin is a trio of singers and songwriters who rejects any sort of compromise and encourages the inspiration of its members. Their aim is to fill our journeys with great melodies while letting us sense the true meaning underlying their songs.
Many of us recall certain bands whose music struck a chord in our lives that somehow continues to resonate: those enduring musical bands whose unmistakable style could be recognised from the very first bars of a song, making each new album release a celebration and a happening, anticipated for months in advance.
For many years, the commercial standards in the music industry have pushed artists to produce and release at the same pace as all other industrial sectors, leaving them with no choice but to rush their writings and inhibit their inspiration. This resulted in dulling the music of many artists, whereas if they had had the time inspiration requires, their work might have been different, unique, and captivating. Mihaiilin deviated from that road, and even if they have over thirty songs to this day, none of them has had to suffer from a due date or unscrupulous influences.
Mihaiilin defines its musical style as alternative rock, with melodious quality songs, inspired by traditional pop. At times, they favour a progressive approach to their musical creations, in the sense of gradually revealing elements that may not be evident on the first hearing. In doing so, their compositions benefit from constant variations of style. With great ambitions for their music, the band works together in a spirit of fairness, humanity and social responsibility.
Band Members