Marlon Chaplin
Gig Seeker Pro

Marlon Chaplin

Toronto, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2014

Toronto, Canada
Established on Jan, 2014
Solo Rock Alternative




"Song of the day "In Stars" by Marlon Chaplin"

As Music Editor I get a lot of publicists and bands sending me links to check out new music. I have found some great under the radar stuff this way, so imagine my surprise when I get an email from an artist Manager representing Marlon Chaplin asking me to check out his music, not knowing that I actually went to high school with Marlon and had previously covered a previous band of his Broken Bricks, but had lost touch with what he was working on.

Using a technique called rotoscoping, the video’s director Karly McCloskey used over 5,000 individual paintings to create an electrifying mix of live action and animation. Drawing on influences such as the film “Waking Life” by Richard Linklater, the video perfectly captures the raw emotion behind the song. Visually arresting, this truly unique video captivated the audience at the Horseshoe Tavern.
In Stars has a country and blue grass sound, while still maintaining a rock and roll edge that Chaplin is so good at. As a folkie, I love this direction and can’t wait to hear the rest of the album that is apparently coming out in May! Visit for more information.

Your comments are important! Join the conversation on social media: - Live in Limbo

"Marlon Chaplin- Carmeline (Official Music Video)"

A Reincarnated Dead Beatle? Mr. Marlon Chaplin releases “Carmeline” today–it’s been up since midnight and if you haven’t come across it yet, it’s soon to rise to the top of the sea of awesomeness on Youtube to sit “In Stars” with the rest of his amazing new releases. “Carmeline” is just awesome. Imagine John Lennon sitting in on a session with Lynyrd Skynyrd and The Band. No kiddin’. Serious country rock dirt with lovely harmonic acoustics and some eerie fiddly violin floating around an ethereal alien landscape. WTF? Seriously–watch this video. You’ll be adding it to your playlist immediately. Marlon you had us at 5 seconds!

Marlon is releasing the single “Carmeline” live and in person tonight at Toronto’s infamous “The Piston” Here is the facebook event link: CLICK HERE>see you there! We hope he’ll play “In Stars” for us as well.

#marlon chaplin #carmeline #in stars #new releases #toronto music scene - Listen Up Indie

""In Stars" review by Across The Board"

WE ARE OBSESSED! Marlon Chaplin, one of our most favourite soulful Toronto-based independent musicians has come up with not only the catchiest tunes of the spring–reminiscent of some of the biggest hits from the era of Apocalypse Now and Yellow Submarine–but presents a unique music video that blew us away. Blend comic book cultishness with a flare for dynamic rock ‘n roll with a funky-rockabilly undertone, and we have In Stars! You’ll simply have to see this for yourselves! And you can vote for Marlon to win the Searchlight artist competition by CBC here: - Listen Up Indie

"First Tracks: Marlon Chaplin and "Wanderer By Trade""

Marlon Chaplin’s new album “Wanderer By Trade” represents the debut EP of works for one of Toronto’s most soulful singer-songwriters. Chaplin, known for his multi-instrumental skills, country-rocker vocals and mad stage moves, brings us a 6 song collection of jewels.

I’ve been obsessed with Chaplin’s lyrics from the minute we heard “Don’t You Fall” 2 years ago on set with Jessica Speziale in the Felideye shoot. “You move in like a vulture on my sepulchre you’ve inscribed a lie; where fortune meets the fabled I’m enabled to prescribe what I like; It’s my crime”– poetry far beyond the banal repetitive catch lines of today’s pop music. You can watch that video here:

“Wanderer By Trade” offers a brilliant combination of meaningful and relatable well-crafted lyrics with the catchiness of memorable pop-country/rock music. We recently reviewed “In Stars” after the initial release of the music video a few weeks ago, directed by Karly McCloskey, and found a goldmine of lyrical twists to enjoy:
“Lay me down in stars, And I will concede and forfeit at the head of the charge, I’ve been hunted and the brunt left me stunted, Sliced to ribbons, confronted, Fractured, feathered and tarred, And it all goes black”

We previously reviewed “In Stars” for Listen Up Indie! : “Marlon Chaplin, one of our most favourite soulful Toronto-based independent musicians has come up with not only the catchiest tunes of the spring–reminiscent of some of the biggest hits from the era of Apocalypse Now and Yellow Submarine–but presents a unique music video that blew us away. Blend comic book cultishness with a flare for dynamic rock ‘n roll with a funky-rockabilly undertone, and we have In Stars!“

See the video for “In Stars” here: Other songs on the EP (streamable at this week) include:
“Skeleton Key”: Chaplin carries us eastward to a dockside jam with an infectious rockabilly shuffle and a touch of maritime fiddle highlighted by a catchy yet poetic lyric and gorgeous balady breakdowns – pushing this song beyond the expected genre. Think Lumineers meets Big C unplugged at a Maritime wedding—joined by the Beatles! A highly danceable song, “Skeleton Key” is the perfect opener to this album featuring his genius combination of lyric poetry and musicianship to create what is sure to be a live crowd pleaser and the perfect driving song as listed on Chaplin’s CBC’s profile here:!/artists/Marlon-Chaplin/albums/Wanderer-By-Trade)

“Carmeline”: With Carmeline, Chaplin continues to bring a strong sultry vocal to his songs that wanders outside of the obvious melody into both fresh and refreshing territory. One of the features of Chaplin’s music that catches my attention from beat one to the end is the way in which he is able to intuitively morph the structure and melody of his songs away from what you might expect to hear. Carmeline is an excellent example of this as he breaks down post-chorus and post- verse with a waterfall of single harmonic steps–reminiscent of the Rembrandts and Collective Soul—that have me singing the hook over and over. A perfect nod to Chaplin’s unique musicality, Carmeline mixes raw highland fiddle with an ethereal synth touching ever so slightly into world music territory for a moment of distraction that keeps the listener engaged and pleasantly surprised.

“Conviction” – Chaplin takes us out to the set of a period western flick with a country tango that has me whistling to a Quentin Terantino cast as they stare each other down, hands resting on holstered pistols. The quiet snare and simple soloing electric guitar build alongside a single fiddler and saloon piano as Chaplin weaves his story of loss, love and faith with a rhythmic complexity that once again elevates his work beyond the typical 4/4 ditty into an artful composition.

“Country Shack” continues the grassroots feel of this album with a lyrical gritty swing reminiscent of the Stone’s “Sweet Virginia” from their 1972 album “Exile on Mainstreet”. Chaplin’s use of single soloing instruments and a paucity of digital effects reinforces the organic quality of this album as a whole and reflects an influence of classic tracks. One can imagine the individual musicians on the track sitting in a room playing together in place of the faceless digitized computer-generated beat-mixes- a purely musical treat.

“Family Of Three” – a Dylanesque tale with a Jaggerish twang and a Dire Straits drive is the best way to explain the gem that is “Family Of Three”. In what is fast becoming typical soul-felt Chaplin-story-telling, you’ll find no-holds emotive vocals that shine above a dramatic musical accompaniment meant simply to help deliver the story, chapter by chapter, like a novella.

Overall the album, “Wanderer By Trade”, reflects the story-teller and emotive performer that is Marlon Chaplin, against an elemental musical background of guitar, drums, piano, fiddle and the occasional synth and backing vocal. A raw, honest and unembellished body of work that is clearly and conceptually played with the heart and soul we are coming to expect from this talented multi-instrumentalist, composer, poet and producer. Kudos!

First Tracks:
Listen Up Indie Interviews Marlon Chaplin

Listen Up Indie!: Marlon, please explain “Wanderer By Trade” – your new album, where did the name come from?

Chaplin: Wanderer By Trade is a collection of songs that explore a theme of interpersonal deterioration, mainly due to an unwillingness to give one’s self over completely. It touches on notions of compromise, fear, insecurity, passive aggression and the consequences of living a relationship with one proverbial foot always out the door.

Listen Up Indie!: Who would you consider to be your musical influences?

Chaplin: My influences run deep, and are eclectic but for this record my intention was to give the material over to musicians I know and trust, who’ve had a history together in one form or another and could lend a creative ear to the process without overthinking anything. These are folk songs at their root and I booked studio time intentionally giving the band a limited window to learn the songs, the intent of which was to create something fresh and timeless, which we achieved. The bed tracks were done live off the floor, lead vocals included. Records that have been done this way that I love and that influenced this process include Bob Dylan’s Desire, Neil Young’s Tonight’s the Night. You can draw sonic similarities to Beggar’s Banquet by the Rolling Stones and certain cuts from Jack White’s two solo records.

Listen Up Indie?: What is the chronobiology of your musical journey up until now?

Chaplin: I first got turned on to the drums at nine, played obsessively throughout my teens during which I’d taught myself piano and guitar and joined several bands. Writing allowed me to explore a part of my imagination visual art had taken up until that point. I could now see landscapes and paintings in my head through creating music. I still see a song arrangement or a final mix as a painting. Balance is key. I founded a band called Broken Bricks with Luke Kuplowsky in 2007 that lasted six years and we shared the writing down the middle. We released two records and a single. Through a mutual connection our band shared, I joined Freeman Dre & the Kitchen Party two years later, began playing the Cameron House/Dakota circuit and subsequently met Ada Dahli and became her bandmate/co-writer and producer on Ada Dahli & the Pallbearer’s first album Tangents. Being involved with so many projects on a regular basis allowed me to exercise all kinds of muscle and helped me gain invaluable experience that’s contributed to the release of Wanderer By Trade.

“Wanderer By Trade” can be streamed on here:!/artists/Marlon-Chaplin/albums/Wanderer-By-Trade

Marlon Chaplin will be performing songs off the album “Wanderer By Trade” tomorrow (Sunday May 22) at The Drake Underground- 1150 Queen St. W. Toronto, ON Doors at 8 pm, Show at 9 pm $15 at door, $10 in advance

He will also be previewing his newest music video for the song “Conviction” by director Karly McCloskey—sure to be a unique experience!

For Advance Tickets Go Here:

Join Listen Up Indie and Across The Board at Marlon Chaplin’s CD DROP Party Tomorrow Night! We will be coming to you LIVE on Facebook at some point during the evening. Stay tuned or better yet, come out to The Drake Underground. - Listen Up Indie

"Interview- Marlon Chaplin"

I recently had the chance to have a chat with Toronto, ON based songwriter/musician/ producer, Marlon Chaplin about his debut EP, Wanderer By Trade which will be released tonight at The Drake Hotel Underground in Toronto. We also talked about his new video which was released today, in time for the EP release, watch it now:

First off, care to tell the readers a bit about yourself?

I’m a Toronto bred musician, producer, songwriter and avid collaborator.

When did you decide you wanted to pursue music?

When I was around twelve. I started on drums at nine. That was the spark. But it wasn’t until a little later when I discovered the Who’s Quadrophenia that things completely changed. I’d been raised on a lot of wonderful music early on – Tom Waits, Roger Miller, the Rolling Stones, etc. But I’d sort of strayed a bit. I came back around with that album and hearing Strawberry Fields Forever blaring through a set of big seventies speakers. It just happened at the right time. They were “Ah, I want to be the guy who does that” moments.

You will be releasing your debut EP, Wanderer By Trade on May 22 at The Drake Underground in Toronto, what can you tell us about the writing process behind this EP?

It was quite lengthy actually. I’m not a songwriter that sticks with one style and I go through periods of writing in which my head will be somewhere completely different than it’d been four months prior. So I wind up with a collection of songs I see as puzzle pieces. It becomes a matter of which ones will fit together for a certain project. These six happened to be the right fit aesthetically and lyrically. They follow a general theme of disconnect, exploring the consequences of consciously and unconsciously damaging relationships and an inability to communicate – the latter of which is something my generation seems to relate to.

What can someone expect from your album release show at The Drake Underground, if they have never seen you perform live?

An eclectic but cohesive, sometimes blistering display of what’s best about seeing a live show, for me. At the base of it all, has to be the songs. But that’s not enough. My favourite bands to see live are concerned with the presentation as a whole, which is something I relate to. It’s a show, treat it as such.

On top of this, you will also release the third video from the EP, “Conviction”, what made you decide to release the video the same day as the album?

Well, I’ve been experimenting with debuting music videos off of Wanderer By Trade live which has gone over quite spectacularly. It goes back to the notion of making the live show an event or an experience. Instead of just throwing the video up online, I’ve enjoyed premiering them for a live audience first. You tend to get a more visceral and tangible reaction. I’d wanted to release the EP at the Drake Underground for a long time because I love that room. It also happens that they’re equipped with a quality system to project visuals, so it all fell into place.

What can you tell us about the video for “Conviction”?

It was directed by one of my favourite artists working currently in Toronto, Karly McCloskey – who also helmed the first single’s video In Stars. One of her strong suits is stop motion animation/claymation, which is a medium I’ve held close to my heart since I was child. It’s a very dark, idiosyncratic and beautifully put together piece that works wonderfully as a visual companion to the song.

Do you have any upcoming tour dates other than the May 22 show that you could tell us about?

I’m currently in the booking process for the summer and beyond to support the EP. It’s already been getting a healthy amount of out-of-town airplay. I’ll be doing a NYC release of the record as well. It’s a town I’ve played many, many times and the community I’ve become a part of there not only treats me with the utmost respect, but my audience is ever expanding with each visit. Keep up to date on future shows, events, etc. at

What’s up next for you?

Compiling the building blocks for the next record.

Canadian Beats is all about Canadian music, who are your current favourite Canadian bands/artists?

That’s easy. Some of these might sound biased because we share a history, but I wouldn’t be working with them if I didn’t think they were the highest cut possible. New Grease Revival are probably the best live band in Toronto, Freeman Dre, the most consistently great songwriter, Ada Dahli for her insatiable desire to keep pushing herself. Jerry Leger’s last album Early Riser was my favourite record of 2014. He’ll be opening the night Sunday as well.

Here at Canadian Beats, we like to include a portion of questions that may help your fans learn something new about you, so here goes:

What was the first concert you ever attended and the first album you ever purchased?

My parents used to take me to rockabilly matinees as a kid to the Brunswick House on Bloor St., but the first big one had to have been Oasis at Maple Leaf Gardens on the Be Here Now tour. And I’ve known this question was coming for a while, but I have not the faintest clue what the first record I bought with my own money was. I remember the first two that were bought for me along with with a shiny new stereo system one Christmas; Fatboy Slim’s You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby and Miles Davis’ Birth of the Cool.

What is your favourite summer activity?

Staying out of the sun.

If you were asked to cook a meal for the Canadian Beats team, what would you choose to cook?

Any allergies I should know about?

What’s your current go-to song?

Ballad Of The Mighty I – Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds

What is one thing that your fans would be surprised to learn about you?

My athletic past.

Last but not least, is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?

Yes. Thank you.

Connect with Marlon Chaplin:
Instagram - Canadian Beats

"World Premiere: "Skeleton Key" By Marlon Chaplin"

A few months ago on we featured Marlon Chaplin’s song In Stars as a Song of the Day, and we are very pleased to have the world premiere for his latest video Skeleton Key on the site too!

Directed and shot by Justin Friesen, the video for “Skeleton Key” was filmed in Brooklyn, NYC on a day off in between 2015 CMJ showcases. Compelling black and white footage of Marlon wandering alone through the streets of New York City on an autumn day beautifully underscores the emotionally rich themes of the song.

‘Wanderer By Trade’ is Marlon Chaplin’s debut EP. It explores themes of disconnect, the inner turmoil of being your own worst enemy when it comes to matters of the heart and the dichotomy of reconciling two human desires often at odds with one another; autonomy and connection.

While genre-defying, the EP incorporates several elements. Elevated with the warmth and depth of the fiddle – which introduces a slight country bent – contrasting textures unfold including the saw, psychedelic electric guitars and ethereal female backing vocals. - Live in Limbo

"Interview: Marlon Chaplin"


Have you heard of the music of Marlon Chaplin? No? Then let me introduce you to this talented musician and I will share with you why I think you need his music in your collection. This Toronto born musician/songwriter/producer is no stranger to the world of music as he co-wrote in the pop/rock band Broken Bricks. Marlon has now decided to create his own sound by releasing his debut EP ‘Wanderer By Trade’. But before I share my thoughts on this, I want to talk a little more about Marlon Chaplin who was happy to get involved with this feature by answering some questions that I had for him. This is what he had to say:

Was there a moment or someone that inspired you to become a musician?

Hearing Strawberry Fields Forever through a big old 70’s sound system when I was about 12 was the first time I remember music moving me in a deep, deep way. It was like some awakening. That, and when I became obsessed with the Who’s Quadrophenia shortly after. Those were button moments where I knew unequivocally I wanted to do what these people had done.

Once this decision was made, were there any musicians who help influence your the music and the type of sound you have created?

I was raised on Tom Waits, The Kinks, Bob Dylan, Oasis and Roger Miller among others. You can find elements of all those artists in my music in one way or another. My sound is ever evolving. I don’t like to stick with one genre. It’s all me, but why contain yourself? People have told me it’s not smart marketing to jump around styles like I do, that to establish a solid fan base you need to carve out an identity. Well, I have enough of an identity and that way of thinking is disrespectful to the audience. It makes them sound dumb, which they’re not. I’m not Arianna Grande.

For new fans out there, what have you released so far?

As far as projects I’ve written for, I’ve released two records and a single with a former band I shared songwriting duties in called Broken Bricks and I’ve just released my debut EP Wanderer By Trade, available on iTunes, CD Baby, Google Play and Spotify.
From these releases which are your top 2 favourite songs and why?
Just for today I’ll say Skeleton Key, from Wanderer By Trade and Boom which appears on both Broken Bricks records, albeit different recordings. Skeleton Key, because I like the way it moves. It has an interesting structure and the musicians I played with murdered the session. Boom is just a well crafted, sturdy pop song. It stands up in any weather.

What is the important part to your writing process and what helps you get passed that dreaded writers block?

It’s all important. People say Bob Dylan is all about the lyrics, but Duane Eddy made an instrumental covers album of his material. If I’m sitting down writing a song, every angle, every aspect of it is important to me. It’s important that I have a spark that makes me want to see something to completion, which could just be a simple melody floating around in my head. I wrote a song recently called A Single Drop that way. In the morning I had a little music box line in my head. By that night the entire song was written and demoed. I’ve gone through periods where I don’t write for a while, it doesn’t bother me though. You just have to let it come when it comes, plus I’ve got enough material for four albums at this point. I’m like a squirrel.

What can fans expect from your shows?

Passion. Raw energy. No frills.

Talking about your shows. What are your essentials when living life on the road between shows?

A working vehicle, an abundance of music options and good company!

If there was a movie to be made about you and your music, who would you choose to play you and why?

I’d campaign to play myself, sort of like Adam West did when the Michael Keaton Batman was being made. The whole thing would be really awkward, and I’d be too old for the part and too out of touch to realize how uncomfortable I’m making everybody.

What are your future plans and goals for your music?

I want it to reach the masses because it’s good enough to. I don’t put anything out I’m not 100% behind and that’s because I owe it to the audience. If you don’t believe in your own work, you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place. Really, move over. For the immediate present, I just want every release to be moving forward, progressing, bringing something new to the table. And with the new single I have coming out, an A Side/B Side 45, I’ve done that.

Finally, is there anything you like to say to any new listeners out there or maybe to any of your fans who are reading this?

We’re just getting started. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being on the journey with me so far, but this is just the beginning.

‘Wander by Trade’ EP offers the listener a sound that is Americana meets folk with a slight indie edge which results in a very cool sound. This is all delivered by Marlon and an amazing group of musicians including Neil Quin of Zeus on electric guitar, Galen Pelley of The Treasures, and James McKie of Jerry Leger and the Situation. With so many different instruments on show it is the use of the fiddle that stands out the most for me which gives this EP a retro feel (check out the song ‘In Stars’ which is a great example of this).

Lyrically is where this release shines which Marlon says ‘explores themes of disconnect, the inner turmoil of being your own worst enemy when it comes to matters of the heart and the dichotomy of reconciling two human desires often at odds with one another; autonomy and connection‘. I love the storytelling quality he offers with each song that is shared by his unique vocal style which at times reminds me of Jack White (when he performs acoustic tracks). No song shows of this talents more than my favourite song ‘Family of Three’. This epic story takes you on a journey over 7 minutes long that changes tempo to fit each chapter of its story with a delicate vocal style that is so enthralling. I never get tired of listening to this one, its so good.

‘Wander by Trade’ is a release which each song gives you a different story but maintains an impressive songwriting standard. All I can say is give it a listen in full by visiting his Soundcloud page (click HERE). If you like what you hear and want to add the music of Marlon Chaplin to your collection then it can be purchased from the usual online stores of iTunes, Amazon and CDBaby.

Marlon has just released his latest single called ‘Annabelle + Someone’ which has a different feel from what he gave us on his debut EP. This song has more of an indie rock sound which took a few listens to appreciate as I have got used to the type of sound he offered from his EP. I am already looking forward his next release called ‘Fossils’ which is just around the corner. I advise you jump onto his social media sites (Facebook & Twitter) to find out exactly when this is due for release. These are also great places to connect with Marlon as well as find out about his upcoming shows. All this information can be found on his website at
I will be spreading the word about the music of Marlon Chaplin and if you like what you hear then you should do the same. Supporting the music that matters to us means we can help musicians like Marlon grow which means more music. It’s a win/win for us all. So go on, spread the word today! - My Random Jukebox (UK)

"Saturday Sampler October 08th"

Canadian singer-songwriter Marlon Chaplin has been more known for his work in folk and roots music. For his new single, he takes a significant departure. This isn’t a U-turn nor a detour; the Toronto-based artist travels way back into the past for inspiration. “Annabelle + Someone” is a pop tune that would have been perfect as far back as the ’60s yet could have been on the soundtrack of a coming-to-age, ’80s movie. The song is bright and warm due in large part to the smile-inducing melodies and Chaplin’s vocals.

The songwriting is also a standout. Instead of telling a personal story, Chaplin takes the role as the narrative, recanting the problems and challenges experienced by Annabelle. Sounds like the script of an ’80s movies. Instead, it’s the storyline for this little pop surprise. - The Revue

"Marlon Chaplin Wanderer By Trade EP feature and "Annabelle + Someone" premiere"

Every once in a blue moon, something wonderful lands in my inbox. All too often, it's full of music from people who obviously haven't taken a second to look at my site and what I tend to cover. This is different. This is music from Marlon Chaplin. It's different because it's unique in it's sonic personality, and it's different because I instantly loved the songs.

Marlon Chaplin is a Toronto-born musician, songwriter and producer. He released an EP called Wanderer By Trade back in May and he has a couple of new singles on the way.

Wanderer By Trade is a folk/roots album that Marlon recorded with members of Zeus, Lemon Bucket Orkestra and the Skydiggers. I hear celtic and country bits along with the overall rootsy feel and the influence of Jack White. There's strong passion in Marlon's voice and excellent songwriting. The musicians echo the emotion of the songs in their dynamic playing, and the album's energetic off-the-floor production reinforce the entire vibe.

Marlon is also releasing a couple of singles. "Annabelle + Someone" comes out tomorrow and can be heard below. It shows a shift to electric guitar but retains a familiar, organic and rootsy feel. "Fossils" comes out November 7. Both will be combined into a 45 for release in early 2017. The sonic shift represents a desire for Marlon to express different facets of his artistic vision while not being tied to a particular genre.

Check out the new song "Annabelle + Someone" and the four videos from Wanderer By Trade below. Then watch out for his live dates.

"Annabelle + Someone"

- One In Ten Words

"Marlon Chaplin Interview and premiere of new single "Fossils""

Das Soundkartell hat den kanadischen Songwriter Marlon Chaplin ein paar Fragen gestellt.

Mit „Annabelle + Someone“ habe ich einen meiner absoluten Lieblings-Tracks aus den letzten Wochen hören dürfen. Der kam von Marlon Chaplin aus Toronto, einem Songwriter, der jetzt für dieses und nächstes Jahr größere Pläne hat. Das Soundkartell stellt ihn Euch vor und hat ihm einige wichtige Fragen gestellt. Außerdem dürft ihr ganz exklusiv seinen neuen Song „Fossils“ hier hören. Die kommt nämlich eigentlich erst am 07. November raus. Gibt es aber jetzt schon hier zu streamen!

Soundkartell: You’ve recently released your new single “Annabelle + Someone”. In which way this marks a new step in developing your own sound?

Marlon Chaplin: It’s another facet of what I want to say people haven’t previously been exposed to, another tile in the mosaic.

I’m asking because I’ve listened to older songs and they sound different.

My previous EP ‘Wanderer By Trade’ had an intentional looseness to it these new singles don’t possess. The idea with the EP was to gather the most competent, fluid players who’d had a history playing together in Toronto for a while, let their fluidity sort of guide the session and hit „record“. I didn’t give the band much time to learn the songs, I wanted them on their toes. “Annabelle + Someone” comes at the process in a more nothing-left-chance way.

For a young person like you are it seems difficult to stay true for your old sound because young people as we are are always “on the run” for searching new stuff. How difficult is it for you to stay balanced and find a balance in your sound?

My favourite artists have a common thread and that is, from project to project, they manage to progress and evolve without throwing too much of a curveball at the audience to the point where they lose them entirely. I’m aware of that with my own songwriting. It’s a paradoxical place to be in sometimes, but I wouldn’t want to create a ‚Wanderer By Trade‘ pt. 2, it would seem disingenuous and I’m most inspired by the truth.

As I listened to your new single the first time I got aware of this guitar-pattern that sounds like original from The Strokes. Is this a stylistic element you are aware of too?

Nick Valensi and Albert Hammond Jr. are the best guitar weavers since Brian Jones and Keith Richards. There’s no set lead player, no set rhythm player. It’s true, the conversation between the layered guitars on “Annabelle + Someone” echoes this sentiment. There’s a certain angular trait in this song that isn’t present on my previous solo work, but the process was very different this time around.

So there are many Indie-Artists out here. How do you want to stand out?

It’s all about the songs when it comes down to it. You’re right, there are an overwhelming amount of indie artists but very few of them have the tunes. That’s where I stand out. Too much time and energy is put toward aesthetic with a lot of bands I see, but there’s a hollowness. It’s because there’s no songwriting. It’s more wrongwriting.

And what is your concrete plan for the next few months to create an outstanding Marlon Chaplin sound?

That would be like giving your war plans away. But, basically the new single, as well as the upcoming “Fossils” – both digital releases – will be my focal point. Early in the new year, I’ll be releasing them on a 45 and touring. The first weekend of November, I’ll be playing NYC promoting the new releases and look out for more shows, all of which can always be found at

You’ve decided to move on with a solo career. Where do you see for yourself the three most important advantages in producing music and spreading it to a new audience?

It’s always interesting to hear people’s feedback once you’ve put your art out into the ether. As far as advantages go, I’m doing this so the music ideally is always reaching new audiences, so that in and of itself is an advantage. More people hearing my music can only be a good thing, whatever they may think of it. The beauty of being behind your own work is, if someone doesn’t like it, it’s on them. It’s not my fault, you know? I love the production element of creating a record too, it’s one of the places I feel most stimulated and turned on. That, and performing.

Can you please give us three important personal stadiums in which a new song can be until you will go out to your audience and will present it to you listeners?

Well, that would have to be the Holy trifecta; top song, top performance, top recording. - Sound Kartell - Germany

"Spill Track Of The Day: Marlon Chaplin - "Fossils""

[SINGLE] (2016)


November 8, 2016

Toronto-born musician/songwriter/producer Marlon Chaplin ia catching fire both locally and globally through his compelling, unique vocal style and the evocative, sometimes stunningly visceral storytelling quality of his songs.

In May of 2016, he released his debut EP Wanderer By Trade which was comprised of 6 songs, exploring themes of disconnect, inner turmoil and the dichotomy of reconciling two human desires often at odds with one another; autonomy and connection.

October 7th, Marlon released a new single “Annabelle + Someone” which was a notable departure from the loose, live off the floor feel of Wanderer by Trade. Where that previous release utilized acoustic guitars, mandolin and fiddle, “Annabelle + Someone” centres around angular electric guitars, a weaving synthesizer and penetrating drums – all underscored by a sorrowful lyric of cautionary regret.

“Your wall of memories on clothes line,
Hangs in shadows and recedes,
Fossils buried in the flatlands,
Who’s next to dig it up for me?” ~ Marlon Chaplin “Fossils”

November 7th, Marlon will release an emotively stunning ballad “Fossils”. Drawing on colourful production techniques and an all encompassing, expansive sound, “Fossils” is psychedelic folk. The song was produced by Marlon Chaplin and Ewan Kay (Austra, Moon King) and engineered/mixed by the latter. Painting a sonic landscape that manages to be simultaneously mammoth and subtle; it is a natural progression from the acoustic based but more idiosyncratic EP Wanderer By Trade.

Following their digital releases, “Annabelle + Someone” and “Fossils” will available as an A side/B side 45 in the Spring of 2017.

Artist Quote

“I think of my musical output as a tapestry, one day I can stand back from it and it creates a big painting…I feel like I’m at the beginning of it still.” - The Spill Magazine

"Single Review: Marlon Chaplin - Fossils (Canada, 2016)"

After the release of his debut EP, “Wanderer By Trade”, and the single track “Annabelle + Someone”, Toronto-based songwriter, composer and producer Marlon Chaplin has just released his brand new single, “Fossils”.

Marlon’s voice suddenly catches you with its fullness and captivating warmth. He sings some rich, melancholic yet embracing melodies over a gentle strummed guitar. It may recall some of the recent works of ROME. But the air gets less oppressive here. It is actually reassuring, like that distant ray of sun gazing through the clouds after dense rain.

Fossils gets along quite nicely, generating a good sing-along moment with the chorus as well. A pleasant tune for 5 minutes of chilling out.

“I’ve got one hand in my pocket,
While the other’s roaming free,
I’m not here to preach or knock it,
It’s just always worked for me,”

Label: Self-released
Websites: Facebook | Website
Release Date: 7th November 2016
Reviewed by Matteo ‘Teo’ Gruppi - The Somber Lane (Italy)

"Marlon Chaplin Songwriter Aus Toronto"

Review of "Annabelle + Someone" and Marlon's debut EP 'Wanderer By Trade'

Das Soundkartell stellt Euch heute zum Wochenende hin den Songwriter Marlon Chaplin aus Kanada vor.

Oh mein Gott war ich eingenommen von diesem Track. Der klang wie ein Track von The Strokes. Allein diese Gitarren und deren Riffs. Das klang so nach The Strokes, dass es mich umgehauen hat. Marlon Chaplin, aus Toronto ist für den Sound verantwortlich. Mit „Wanderer By Trade“ erschien vor ein paar Monaten eine EP von ihm, die ich ebenso im Schnelldurchlauf feiere wie eben jetzt seine neue Single „Annabelle + Someone“.

Das klingt krass nach Rock’n’Roll und einem Kanadier, der seine Musik liebt und lebt. Schwungvoll, beherzigt und immer mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht. Er ist im Prinzip der Songschreiber, wie wir ihn uns wünschen. Er musiziert in seiner eigenen Nische und hat immer ein Auge für tolle leidenschaftliche Songs, die natürlich überaus durchdacht sind. Seine Vocals sind dabei immer ergreifend wie in „Family Of Three“.

Der Song nimmt nach einiger Zeit Drive auf und entpuppt sich zu einem tollen Rock’n’Roll und Folk. Sehr erdig, ehrlich und nahe am Hörer. Ein spannender Musiker, über den ich noch wenig weiß und der auch so noch nicht auf dem üblichen Blog-Radar einiger Kollegen auftaucht. Es wird allerdings so langsam aber sicher mal Zeit, um ehrlich zu sein.

Am 07. November erschien mit „Fossils“ die neue Single. Und auch da macht der Kanadier genau da weiter, wo er bei mir mit seiner ersten Single angefangen hatte. - Sound Kartell (Germany)

"(Listen) Marlon Chaplin - Fossils"

As the weather dips to colder temperatures, or the rain falls, let Marlon Chaplin’s warm voice calm you in “Fossils”. - Ride The Tempo

"Marlon Chaplin heats up Lee's Palace Stage"

Marlon Chaplin Heats Up Lee’s Palace Stage

December 15, 2016 Linda Heldman
Lee’s Palace is a Toronto music landmark. Totally dating myself here, I used to catch some of my favourite acts there in the late ’70’s and early 80’s…Yes, I’m that old! However, there was nothing old about the music being performed at the venue last Thursday night, December 8th, 2016.

Among a line-up that included Synchronized Silence, Mount Farewell and the headliner, Across The Board, Marlon Chaplin gave “one hot, sweaty 40 minute set”; as the event page stated, to an enthusiastic crowd. Having only met Chaplin earlier that evening for an interview and familiarizing myself with his music on-line, I was looking forward to hearing songs from his E.P., Wanderer By Trade, and his latest single release, “Fossils”. The set seemed to fly by but, not before I could capture some of it with my camera

Chaplin will be performing a show January 12th, 2017 at The Legendary Horseshoe Tavern. I highly recommend that if you live in the GTA, or plan on a visit there at that time, he is well worth checking out. His musical style changes from song to song; a little Folk, a little Roots, a little Rock & Roll and more. Can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for him and his music.

See more photos in our Facebook album. All Photo Credit: Linda Heldman.

Connect with Marlon Chaplin:
YouTube - Canadian Beats

"Marlon Chaplin at Lee's Palace"

(Live show photo review, music and music videos)

Toronto-born musician, songwriter and producer Marlon Chaplin released his Wanderer By Trade EP in May of this year. He followed it up with a couple of superb singles, namely "Annabelle + Someone" and "Fossils". I featured him back in October with this post and I got my chance to see his live show, and capture these images of Marlon and the band, on December 8 at Lee's Palace.

It was very cool to hear Marlon's tunes live with his solid band. Marlon's strong vocals and cool guitar playing were front and centre. You can feel and hear the passion that Marlon puts into his songs and performance. It comes across with a fun energy that ensures the audience has a great time listening to his tunes, which won't be constrained by genre. The band complimented Marlon perfectly, pulling together a strong show that kept the focus on the songs.

"Carmeline" has a strong, slow groove, cool harmonies and great hooks. "Fossils" is the new single. It's a tender acoustic tune that I can totally see a full house singing and swaying along to. "Annabelle + Someone" and last song "In Stars" continued to highlight the talent of this great singer, accomplished songwriter and overall artist to watch.

Spend some time listening to Marlon's tunes and make sure you catch his next live show. - One in Ten Words

"Marlon Chaplin (Feature and review of Wanderer By Trade)"

Marlon Chaplin

Toronto born musician/songwriter/producer Marlon Chaplin has just released his EP ‘Wanderer By Trade‘, recorded live off the floor with some of Toronto’s most adept musicians (members of Zeus, Lemon Bucket Orkestra and the Skydiggers) as contributing members. Marlon formerly shared co-writing duties in pop/rock outfit Broken Bricks, before moving on a solo career as well as joining Freeman Dre & the Kitchen Party and Ada Dahli & the Pallbearers, producing the latter.

Marlon’s 6 song EP is simply epic! Each track is unique and takes you on a transient journey, my favourite song of the EP has to be Skeleton Key. The journey this song takes you on is simply mind blowing and leaves you immersed in a musically bound place, curious as to where the next song off the EP will take you.

Marlon quick not to be standing still for too long, released ‘Fossils’ on the November 7th digitally and will be the B side of a 45 to be released in early 2017. Check it out below.

I’m sure you will agree, this is a great song from Marlon. You can search his SoundCloud page all sorts of hidden gems here. - Music Hour UK


Well it’s Christmas Eve and we here at Live in Limbo wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! To celebrate enjoy this Elvis cover by Toronto artists Marlon Chaplin and Sintja.

And when those blue snowflakes start falling/That’s when those blue memories start calling” – Marlon and Sintja’s rendition of the Christmas classic “Blue Christmas” is rich with emotionally charged, sultry harmonies and perfectly encapsulates the underlying heartbreak of a song about unrequited love and being alone at Christmas. “Blue Christmas” was written by Billy Hayes/Jay W. Johnson and performed by Elvis Presley.
Marlon has recorded the track as a demo to both celebrate the season and to thank fans and media for their support of his music over the past year which began with the release of his debut EP ‘Wanderer By Trade’ (May 22). As it is a demo, the song will be exclusively available for listening on Soundcloud and Youtube and will not be available for public purchase.

Sintja is the principle songwriter, front-woman and founder of THE NAIVE. Her debut EP, “Saw the Sun” will be released on January 25th, 2017.

Sintja has been playing alongside various Toronto acts as a multi-instrumentalist and back up vocalist, currently playing that role in Marlon Chaplin’s band. She started her own project THE NAIVE, where her music took the shape of jazz influenced pop. “Saw the Sun” is a medley of catchy upbeat hooks and mellow ballads.

Follow Marlon Chaplin on Facebook and on Twitter @MarlonChaplin.

Follow Sintja on Facebook and on Twitter @SintjaBaba. - Live in Limbo

"Covers for Christmas Eve"

While we all take the time to wind down business activities to focus on what matters during the Christmas season, we wanted to leave you with a few Christmas covers to play while you wrap gifts and gather with friends and family.

Two Canadian artists have covered the Elvis Presley classic “Blue Christmas” and we liked them both so much that we decided to include both.

Jessica Mitchell

Mitchell has made the song available for download or streaming on multiple platforms. Her song was also featured on the popular CMT One Shot, which you can check out here.

Marlon Chaplin & Sintja (THE NAIVE)

Chaplin released his emotionally charged cover of “Blue Christmas” as a way to celebrate the season and to thank his fans for their support of his music this year. You can listen to the song exclusively on SoundCloud, or you can check it out below.

Toronto indie rockers, Uforia covered two Christmas hits and made them available for viewing, which you can check out below!

Wherever your holiday plans take you, we hope you enjoy this gift of music and we want to wish our friends and fans a very Merry Christmas!

Connect with Jessica Mitchell:

Connect with Marlon Chaplin:

Connect with Uforia:
Twitter - Canadian Beats

"Listen to Marlon Chaplin & Sintja cover Elvis Presley’s ‘Blue Christmas’"

“And when those blue snowflakes start falling/That’s when those blue memories start calling”

Marlon and Sintja‘s rendition of the Christmas classic “Blue Christmas” is rich with emotionally charged, sultry harmonies and perfectly encapsulates the underlying heartbreak of a song about unrequited love and being alone at Christmas. “Blue Christmas” was written by Billy Hayes/Jay W. Johnson and performed by Elvis Presley.

Marlon has recorded the track as a demo to both celebrate the season and to thank fans and media for their support of his music over the past year. In fact, the year began with the release of his debut EP ‘Wanderer By Trade‘ (May 22). And also saw the release of two new singles “Annabelle + Someone” (October 07) and “Fossils” (November 07) -which we have reviewed some time ago, over here:

As it is a demo, the song will be exclusively available for listening on Soundcloud and Youtube and will not be available for public purchase. It may be formally recorded and officially released in the future.

Follow Marlon Chaplin on Facebook!
Follow Sintja (The Naive) on Facebook! - The Somber Lane (Italy)

"Best of: Top 50 of 2016: My favourite songs of 2016"

I loved 2016.

Lots of other people didn't. And that's okay. There was lots to get down about. Lots of aging (and not so aging) rockers that dove into the inevitability and lots of pretty shitty human behaviour, just to name a couple of things.

But there was lots to be very, very happy about. Life was pretty damn good to me, personally. I spent much of the year bathed in art. Lots of real "me time". I attended more shows and saw more bands in 2016 than I have in any other year. I spent a lot of time with a lot of very cool people. It's a concert-going record I don't think I'm going to break any time soon. Or any time at all.

And there was great music. So much great music. This year, I probably listened to less recorded music than I have in many, many years, but I made up for it with live shows. This is reflected in the fact that my favourite songs of the year came mostly from acts I saw live. Many of them I saw multiple times, giving their tunes more time to wedge themselves into my consciousness.

The bonus that comes with this post is that you're also getting a preview of my favourite albums list if you notice the number of repeat songs by certain artists that appear amongst my favourites. It'll be coming soon. And so will a post of my favourite concert photos of 2016. Which comes with a special announcement.

And so, here they are, at long last, my latest ever best of list, except for the ones for my favourite albums and favourite concert photos, which are still in progress... These are my favourite fifty tunes of 2016:

50. "Break My Heart Sweetly" John Moreland

49. "In Stars" Marlon Chaplin

48. "Radio of Lips" The Joy Formidable

47. "Blank Ribbons" Split Single

46. "We Had Everything" Broods

45. "Personal Weekend" Partner

44. "City Club" The Growlers

43. "Molotov Girls" The Zolas

42. "Voices In My Head" Bob Mould

41. "Kiss Me When I Bleed" White Lung

40. "Coo Coo" Weaves

39. "Cannonball" Yuck

38. "Fossils" Marlon Chaplin

37. "Money Money" The Balconies

36. "Easier Said" Sunflower Bean

35. "Swooner" The Zolas

34. "Beautiful Girl" Ron Hawkins

33. "Santa Fe" Wintersleep

32. "Goin' Down" Dinosaur Jr.

31. "Doing It To Death" The Kills

30. "Lemontrees" Eagulls

29. "White Bear" The Temperance Movement

28. "Miracle" The Darcys

27. "Silence" Sate

26. "Beck + Call" July Talk

25. "Swings and Waterslides" Viola Beach

24. "CV Dazzle" The Zolas

23. "Cruel Ways" Drowners

22. "DVP" Pup

21. "Pen to Paper" Modern Space

20. "Wall Watcher" Sunflower Bean

19. "Soundcheck" Catfish and The Bottlemen

18. "Ha Ha Ha Ha (Yeah)" White Denim

17. "Human" Weaves

16. "Blood In The Cut" K. Flay

15. "Give It Up" The Beaches

14. "Get Out" Frightened Rabbit

13. "It Don't Seem Right" Public Animal

12. "It's Just Us Now" Sleigh Bells

11. "Hold Me Closer" Yuck

10. "Tiny" Dinosaur Jr.

9. "The End of Things" Bob Mould

8. "Heart of a Dog" The Kills

7. "Warrior" Sate

6. "Amerika" Wintersleep

5. "Invisible" The Zolas

4. "Hearts In Motion" Yuck

3. "New Song" Warpaint

2. "Spirits" The Strumbellas

1. "Push + Pull" July Talk - One In Ten Words

"Feature: Marlon Chaplin"

In November last year, Toronto musician Marlon Chaplin released his latest single "Fossils". Although Chaplin mentions that the track was "written about two years ago", the release of the beautifully harmonious psychedelic folk single is a fantastic follow-up to his other single “Annabelle + Someone”, which had been released the month prior.

About the creation of “Annabelle + Someone” Chaplin said, "A lot of my songs begin their life when I sing an idea into my phone, or strum a sequence of chords I like. Sometimes these seven or eight second ditties, mere gibberish will sit ignored for a long time. About six or seven months ago I was going back into my phone looking for something else and accidentally came across what would be the opening chords and melody to "Annabelle + Someone". Those are happy accidents when you hear something back you've forgotten you recorded. You have fresh ears. So, it caught me off guard and I ran with it."

Both singles feature splendid guitar playing, and the piano accompaniment in "Fossils" perfectly sets the tone of the song. However, the tracks are polar opposites of one another, which creates an interesting dynamic and insight into the creative mind of Chaplin. "The character of Annabelle is a pastiche of people that have drifted in and out of my life, people who have shared a certain quality, tragic figures," Chaplain said. "They're people who don't know how to help themselves, so they help others, but to a degree that is neglectful of their own well being. This sort of pattern, I've noticed has toxic results for usually all parties involved when certain expectations aren't met. Pedestals are set up. "Annabelle + Someone" is about giving for the wrong reasons. Fossils is about not knowing how to receive. It's its companion piece for a reason, it's the other side of the coin."

Both singles will be recorded on a 45, with "Annabelle + Someone" on the A-side and "Fossils" on the B-side, and are set to be released early this year. However, both tracks are also now available digitally. And for those who want to check out more of Chaplin's music, his debut Ep "Wanderer By Trade". Check out the video below for the single "In Stars" from the EP.

Perhaps what is most striking about the difference between "In Stars" and Chaplin latest is the diversity of his sound. Chaplin seems able to shift between genres seamlessly. He has created his own sound, and this unique adaptability and enthralling sound surely means that big things will come for Chaplin.

As for what early 2017 holds for him, Chaplin said, "I'm playing two Toronto shows early in the new year, Jan. 12th at the Horseshoe Tavern and Feb. 3rd at the Drake Hotel Underground I'm very excited about. I'll also be back in the studio to record a full length as well as working on music videos for "Annabelle + Someone" and "Fossils"."

Be sure to check out Chapin on social media:
Twitter: @marlonchaplin - The Littlest Voice

"ICYMI: "Fossils" is the New Single from Marlon Chaplin"

Toronto-based singer-songwriter Marlon Chaplin got his start in the pop/rock band Broken Bricks, but now he's setting out to build a solo career and has already gained press around the world.

Not one to box himself into any one category or genre, however, the magic of Chaplin most obviously lies in his songwriting ability. This talent especially shines through on his newest single "Fossils."

“Your wall of memories on clothes line,
Hangs in shadows and recedes,
Fossils buried in the flatlands,
Who’s next to dig it up for me?” - Marlon Chaplin “Fossils”

"Fossils"'s lyrics, in conjunction with its organic yet voluminous sound, will transport you to another time and place. Produced by Chaplin along with Ewan Kay (Austra, Moon King), the psychedelic folk song serves as the follow up single to his October release "Annabelle + Someone." Whereas its predecessor is about "giving for the wrong reasons," Chaplin explained, "Fossils" talks about not knowing how to receive. "It's its companion piece for a reason," he continued. "It's the other side of the coin."

"Fossils" will be on the B side of a 45, which is set to release early this year. The track is available for purchase now via CD Baby, iTunes, and Google Play.

Follow Marlon Chaplin on social media:

Facebook: @MarlonChaplinOfficial

Twitter: @MarlonChaplin

Instagram: @MarlonChaplinOfficial - Musical Note Global

"Interview: Marlon Chaplin"


Toronto, ON - January 18, 2017

Toronto born musician/songwriter/producer, Marlon Chaplin, recently released his EP, Wanderer By Trade, but is already moving in new directions. His latest singles, Fossils and Annabelle + Someone take a step away from the acoustic EP to psychedelic folk, finding a way to be mammoth - yet subtle.

We catch up with Chaplin about what brought about this progression, undertones to his new singles, what he wants you to get from his music and much more.

Twitter: @marlonchaplin

Facebook: Visit

Youtube: Visit

Marlon's Current Playlist

1. Iggy Pop - Sunday

2. The Good, The Bad and the Queen - Nature Springs

3. Jerry Leger - All Over Again

4. George Harrison - Run of the Mill

5. THE NAIVE - Saw the Sun

6. The Beaches - Give It Up

7. Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds - Do the Damage

8. Beck - Ghettochip Malfunction

G: What brought about the progression from the acoustic based Wanderer By Trade to new singles, Fossils and Annabelle + Someone?

MC: Wanderer By Trade has a very distinct identity to it. I like to look at projects as little worlds, little bubbles. Those six songs exist that way, and at the time of recording I’d become immersed in the Cameron House/Dakota Tavern sort of scene in Toronto, which is heavily dominated by a country/roots/folk aesthetic. I found myself surrounded by intensely adept musicians specific to this style. The Band, Bob Dylan and Neil Young have always been a big part of my heart, so I wanted to do a record that honoured that while I had the opportunity to do it right. The two new singles exist outside of that EP’s world, but there’s still a link. They’re like distant cousins to that record; you can find certain parallels but it’s a different beast. Annabelle + Someone and Fossils are another side of what I have to say.

G: You mention that Annabelle + Someone is underscored by cautionary regret, can you speak more to that?

MC: The lyrics reflect the idea of somebody, a tragic figure, who gives for the wrong reasons. They have a lot to give, but they don’t give any to themselves - and the attention they give to others functions more as a distraction for the shit that exists inside they don’t want to deal with. Not that different from a drug. It’s a tale of cautionary regret because I’m saying, hey - I get it, it's ok. But stop. Look after yourself. Don’t disguise obsession with love.

G: What’s something you want your audience to get from listening to your new music and style changes?

MC: To be moved.

G: How have people been receiving the new singles?

MC: Very well. They’ve become press darlings, which I have no problem with. I took a very different approach to recording these two songs than I did with Wanderer By Trade. The EP was ragged, loose and the bed tracks were recorded in one day with a full band in a room. The singles were done pretty much the opposite way. Less musicians, meticulously constructed parts multi-tracked and a more liberal approach to production.

G: Do you have a favourite new song to play live?

MC: Right now, it’s The Circle, a new song that’s going to be a part of my next project.

G: Do you have a favourite live show you’ve played?

MC: It’s hard to pinpoint one gig. There's been a mammoth amount since I’ve started playing music, but recently my band and I were at Lee’s Palace and that show was wonderful. We got to work a lot of new material into the set and there was a certain indefinable energy coursing through the air that you just can’t plan for.

G: Where can people see you over the next few months?

MC: February 3rd The Drake Hotel Underground 1150 Queen St. W. Toronto and March 25th Cadillac Lounge 1296 Queen St. W. Toronto.

G: Finally, what are some Toronto bands people should be checking out?

MC: The Beaches. I caught them opening for Eagles of Death Metal at the Opera House last year. I didn’t know who they were. But they strutted onstage, and lit the fucking room on fire. Fan gained.

Jerry Leger. One Canada’s most underrated and prolific songwriters. He has a subtle penchant for melody and his band, the Situation, are some of the best players you can dream up.

At the risk of sounding biased, because we play together, Sintja’s band THE NAIVE. They’re releasing a new record very soon. I love music that defies genre and expectation. They do both.

G: Thank you for chatting with us! - Geyser Music

"Photo Review – Eli & The Straw Man, Barbarosa, Marlon Chaplin & Stereo Sunrise"

Who: Eli & the Straw Man, Marlon Chaplin, Stereo Sunrise & Barbarosa
When: January 12, 2017
Where: Toronto, ON
Venue: The Horseshoe Tavern

Eli & the Straw Man took over the legendary Horseshoe Tavern last week to warm our hearts with a night full of good tunes, rich harmonies, and rootsy folk jams. Joining them were the sunny alt-folk sounds of Barbarosa, soulful bluesy tunes courtesy of Marlon Chaplin and the infectious 90’s alt-rock jams of Stereo Sunrise. Canadian Beats has all the photos from the show!

- Photos -

For more photos from the show, head to our Facebook page!

Connect with Eili & the Straw Man

Connect with Barbarosa

Connect with Marlon Chaplin

Connect with Stereo Sunrise
Instagram - Canadian Beats


We had an opportunity to head to The Horseshoe Tavern to catch Marlon Chaplin, a Toronto based musician that we’ve been hearing a lot about as of late.

Performing songs off of his EP Wanderer By Trade, Marlon and his band had us all energized by his unique but familiar vibe. With a classic feel to his rock and folk sound, Marlon will reach a wide base of fans. Sometimes you get a 50’s or 60’s rock feel, to a current take on modern folk rock. With upbeat catchy tunes like In Stars, to beautifully reflective songs like Fossils, he shows his versatility and song writing abilities.

Marlon and the band are hitting up The Drake Hotel Underground on February 3rd, and it is definitely a show to catch. Pick up his EP Wanderer By Trade now and keep an eye and ear out for this guy. Another quality Canadian talent.

Written by Bianca Bernardi

Photos by Mike Highfield - Tour Bus Entertainment


"In Stars" Single released March 04, 2016
"Carmeline" Single released April 07,2016
'Wanderer By Trade' EP released May 22, 2016

"Annabelle + Someone" Single released October 07, 2016

"Fossils" Single released November 07, 2016



Following the May 2016 release of critically acclaimed debut EP 'Wanderer By Trade' (with contributing members of Zeus and Lemon Bucket Orkestra), Toronto native Marlon Chaplin continues to evolve. Moving from folk-centric roots rompers to angular rock and psychedelia akin to The Strokes and Beck, recent singles "Annabelle + Someone" and "Fossils" display a breadth of cohesive eclecticism rarely found.

Watch: Marlon Chaplin's Live Performance Reel (2017)

View live performance footage on YouTube or Vimeo. 1080p options available for both:

YouTube -

Vimeo -

Band Members