Athens, Alabama, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2014
The best kept secret in music
This band has no press
Lord of Glory by Lottie
(Verse 1)
Almighty God
To You be the glory
Praise Your holy name
The mystery revealed
Lord of glory
We praise Your name
We praise Your holy name
(Verse 2)
Glorious mystery
What man did not see
Ear did not hear
God prepared for those who trust in Him
- See more at: http://lottiepartridge.com/audio/#sthash.ljnt3tX8.dpufPhotos
The group arrived on time to set up for the morning worship. They all knew their parts and laughter characterized the interaction. PA balance was assured and they were ready to go. Prayer was offered by the Pastor entreating the presence of the Guest of Honor and asking for the equipping of the Holy Spirit for worship, then the music rang out. Lottie lead the team in singing the glories of God. After communion Lottie's team began again and wound out the service.
But that wasn't all. After a fellowship time and some lunch the musicians gravitated back to their instruments and began to jam. The musical styles of the worship band from His Place Family Worship Center (http://hisplacefamilyworshipcenter.com/) excited Lottie's musicians and vice-versa. The result was fun in the name of God.
The Women's Ministry Director at Wall Highway Baptist Church (http://www.wallhighway.com/) has hosted Lottie and her team, as well, with similar results. Lottie's moto is "Living for Him." She is director of children's ministry at The Grove Baptist Church (http://www.thegrovebaptist.com/about/staff).
Lottie is very interested in building her ministry to women's groups and bringing the music at women's conferences. Lottie is recording an album at Totally Nuclear Recordings in Athens Alabama. Lottie has written literally hundreds of Christian songs. Her style is middle of the road, so she appeals to all generations. She is planning her CD release party soon, so stay tuned. - See more at: http://lottiepartridge.com/bio/#sthash.c731NXrz.dpuf
Band Members