Miami, Florida, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2006 | SELF
...The Miami bands also impressed this year, especially Danay Suarez, Locos Por Juana and Lanzallamas. I also caught tiny bits of Telekinetic Walrus and Afrobeta, who relied more on electronics for their catchy dance grooves... - Ithaca Journal
Lanzallamas Monofonica are musical travelers bringing snippets of sound from every part of the globe, infusing Latino salsero grooves with rock and folk at the foundation to make one heck of a listening experience. The Miami-based band has long since been making people get up and dance, no matter where you’re from.
Lanzallamas performs in English, Spanish and even a bit of Portuguese and Serbian, so there’s enough there for everyone to enjoy. Make sure you get to see them at Van Dyke’s! - Miami Remezcla
The fiery musical spear-chuckers of local big band Lanzallamas Monofónica will soon take their Afro-Latin superfusion sound to the Czech Republic. They've recently lined up a three-month residency at Prague's Retrokafe, a so-called salsoteka that might be ground zero for the exploding Latin dance trend in Europe.
Lead singer Fabi Patino says, "There's just a salsa craze over there right now, like, in Sweden and especially Prague. And that's been confirmed to us by the Europeans that we've met here. People keep telling us that we need to get out there, that we could be a major success.
"We're doing three to four nights a week, and just staying open to any other possibilities that might come up. We're also playing in Munich and Berlin, and maybe we'll go to Spain or Denmark too."
While YouTube, MP3s, Zumba workout soundtracks, and television dance shows have likely triggered Europe's fascination with Latin boogie music, Patino says that seeing Lanzas live could lead to more of the 305's bands becoming international sensations. "We're kind of pioneering the new Miami sound over there," the singer insists. "There are so many great bands here that we get spoiled because we hear it all the time. The shit we are doing here is fresh, and I'm very confident that they are going to love us [in Europe]. We have a real high-energy, dance-floor-oriented vibe heavily rooted in Afro-Latin rhythms. And it's fun."
Celebrate Lanzallamas Monofónica's European tour kickoff at the Road this Friday, because the band won't be back home till September, when it plans to start recording a new album. - Miami New Times
Lanzallamas Monofónica
By Christopher Lopez
Published on March 09, 2010 at 9:54am
11 p.m. Saturday, March 13. Transit Lounge, SW First Ave., Miami. Admission is free; ages 21 and up; 305-377-4628; transitlounge.us
Lanzallamas Monofónica, Miami local music, Transit Lounge, downtown Miami, Brickell
Making up words is fun, but it rarely yields anything worth keeping (unless you count Peter Griffin's festizio). Lanzallamas Monofónica is an exception. The band name isn't entirely fabricated: If you know Spanish, you know lanzallamas to be flamethrowers. Meanwhile, monofónica refers to single-channel recording. Though the band most definitely does not limit itself to one channel, the name is dead-on, even if it comprises two otherwise mismatched words.
One listen to their music and you know exactly why they put the two terms together. Lighting up dance floors at festivals and haunts around the city, this group prides itself on delivering what it calls "Afro-Latin-America-world-beat-dance-mezcla." Another made-up word! Multi-instrumentalist Fabi Patino, vocalist Cintia Lovo, percussionist Kenneth Metzker, bassist Diogo Brown, violinist Allison Irvine, pianist Camilo Sierra, and drummer Ivan Palma have concocted the perfect blend. They take the aforementioned styles, along with many more, and synthesize them into a cohesive, all-inclusive blend. In one set, you might hear singing in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and even Serbian. And none of it sounds out of place in this auditory equivalent of a Benetton ad.
- Miami New Times
Fête de la Musique en Miami: explosión de música y energía callejera
Lanzallamas Monofonica en Miami
El grupo trae sus ritmos `afro-latin-america world beat' a la Fiesta de la Música en Miami.
• Lanzallamas Monofónica en Miami
La Fête de la Musique comenzó en Francia en 1982 con la creación de un feriado, el 21 de junio, para celebrar el comienzo oficial del verano. Hoy es un evento musical global que convoca a multitudes que salen a las calles a gozar del día más largo del año en conciertos gratuitos al aire libre. Miami lo celebra por segundo año consecutivo en una sede ideal, el moderno edificio de la Alianza Francesa de la Calle Ocho, con la presentación este domingo de grupos locales que interpretarán ritmos brasileños, africanos, caribeños, del Medio Oriente y de otras esquinas del planeta.
''Hemos producido este evento durante ocho años, pero la apertura de la Alianza Francesa le ha brindado una casa real'', dice Laura Quinlan, directora de The Rhythm Foundation.
Esta organización ha tenido a su cargo la coordinación de la fiesta, patrocinada además por el Consulado de Francia en Miami y la galería Damien B, que cubrirá de obras de arte las paredes de la Alianza.
A partir de las 5 p.m. se inician las presentaciones en el Open Stage o ''escenario abierto'', que ofrecen la oportunidad a los músicos interesados de subirse a la tarima e improvisar. ''Va a ser como un karaoke en vivo'', informa Quinlan.
A las 7 p.m. comienzan los conciertos oficiales en el Main Stage, con la llegada de Venus Rising, una tropa de 10 mujeres percusionistas y bailarinas, que domina varios instrumentos tradicionales y fusiona la música de Africa Occidental, el Caribe y el Medio Oriente.
''Somos únicas, porque todas somos mujeres'', comenta su directora Zeva Soroker, informando que se apoyan en danzas con coreografías ''excitantes'' y llenas de energía.
A las 8 p.m. llega el grupo Embalo, cuyo nombre en el portugués informal de Río de Janeiro quiere decir ''fiesta'', según el percusionista Claudio Silva. Estos brasileños residentes en Ft. Lauderdale --quienes también cuentan con un músico nativo de Alaska que toca el banjo y el tan tan-- cultivan la samba pagode, surgida en los años 80 para introducir innovaciones al ya tradicional ritmo brasileño.
Como su nombre sugiere, Lanzallamas Monofónica pretende encender el escenario con su concierto que comenzará después de las 9 p.m.
'Nuestro estilo se puede definir como `afro-latin-america world beat' '', dice Fabio Patiño sobre la mezcla de ritmos, entre los que predomina los afrocaribeños, pero también se escuchan tonadas andinas.
Esta diversidad es reflejo de los distintos orígenes de los integrantes del grupo, fundado en el 2006. Patiño, que toca la guitarra acústica, el cuatro, los timbalitos y además canta, es mexicano. Cintia Lobo, cantante y percusionista, es colombiana de Medellín. Allison Irvine, voz y violín, es norteamericana. Camilo Sierra, pianista y cantante de origen puertorriqueño, tiene el ''tumbao'' de la isla, según Patiño.
Los temas --originales del grupo-- están escritos en portugués, español e inglés y reflejan la chispa latina. Salivita, uno de los más populares entre los fans de Lanzallamas, tiene una letra optimista, que se alegra aún más con la fusión del reggae y el son.
'El coro dice: `Con un poquito de saliva se curan las heridas más profundas' '; es un tributo a los dichos tan clásicos de nuestra cultura'', dice Patiño, informando que el grupo se presenta el cuarto viernes de cada mes en el Van Dyke de Lincoln Rd., y a partir del 8 de agosto estará los segundos sábados del mes en Transit Lounge, de Brickell.
Este es precisamente uno de los clubes adonde se extenderán las celebraciones de la Fte de la Musique más allá de la Alianza, con la presentación de dos músicos llegados de Francia --Vincent Raffard y Nico Wayne Toussan-- a las 10 de la noche del domingo. Tobacco Road se une con dos representantes de Haití --B.I.C y Jean-Jean Roosevelt-- a la misma hora. Gordon Biersch tiene a la banda de latin funk Amereida a las 9:30 p.m.•
'Fte de la musique', concierto gratis, domingo de 5 a 10 p.m. en la Alianza Francesa de Miami, 618 SW 8 St. Continúa en Transit Lounge, 729 SW 1 Ave., Tobacco Road, 626 South Miami Ave. y Gordon Biersch, 1201 Brickell Ave. Información: (305) 859-8760.
- El Nuevo Herald
Bonus MP3s of the Day from Lanzallamas, Who Record New Live CD at Transit This Weekend
By Christopher Lopez in Free Music, Local Music, MP3 of the Day, Nightlife
Friday, May. 22 2009 @ 10:15AM
My Spanish language dictionary defines lanzallamas as a mechanism designed to project a stream of fire in a controlled, prolonged stream. In other words, a flamethrower. It's also a truly kickass local band, who have chosen a rather apt name.
Lanzallamas Monofonica wield a powerful weapon of their own, an unending torrent of rhythmic grooves and hardcore Latin-laced jams that light up dance floors quicker than a flame held to Lindsey Lohan's lips after a bender (don't look at me like that LiLo...you knew what this was). But though the eight-piece band has strong Latin underpinnings, theirs is more of a global vibe. They've described their sound as Afro-Latin-America-World Beat Mezcla. And if you need further proof, they feature lyrics not only in Spanish and English, but also Portuguese and even Serbian. Hence the Monofonica [monophonic] in their name. For a little taste you can download for your collection, follow the link after the jump.
And this weekend, Lanzallamas will give you a chance to go down in the annals of music history, as they record their upcoming live CD at Transit Lounge tonight and tomorrow night. That's right, you can be that guy screaming on the album at inappropriate moments! So do yourself a favor this Memorial Day weekend and avoid the beach. Motherfuckers get shot up in that bitch, you know.
MP3: Lanzallamas -- "Louder" and "Despierta (Live)"
Catch Lanzallamas Monofonica this Friday, May 22 and Saturday May 23 at 11pm at Transit Lounge (729 SW 1 Ave) for the recording of their live album. Never a cover.
- Miami New Times
Saturday Night: Lanzallamas Monofonica at Transit Lounge
By Ben Thacker in Concert Review
Tuesday, May. 26 2009 @ 8:55AM
Ben Thacker
Lanzallamas Monofonica backstage before their performance Saturday night at Transit Lounge. Click here to view the full slideshow.
Lanzallamas Monofonica
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Transit Lounge, Miami
Better than: Bourgeois Brickell
Good news Lanza fans: An album cometh. Fabio Patiño and his band of merry melody makers grooved and moved and laid down some serious tracks at Transit Lounge this Memorial Day weekend. The eight-piece "Afro-Latin-America-world beat-mezcla" delivered an impressive two-night performance, soon to be available as the band's first full-length record.
Lanzallamas Monofonica ("monophonic flamethrowers!") is the quintessential Miami band. Made up of musicians from backgrounds as diverse as the compositions they play, Lanza delves deep into the roots of Afro-Latin music, bringing back a little something for everyone. Salsa, samba, rumba, cumbia; English, Spanish, Portuguese, Serbian -- all masterfully and convincingly performed as part of their high-energy show.
Patiño, former drummer/vocalist/percussionist for Suenalo, says Lanza is a spirit, spreading the message of unity through song. And the Mexican-born Miami legend-in-the-making clearly believes in what he's singing. Band members joke about Patiño's rehearsal regiment, saying, "He likes to rehearse. A lot."
And it's evident. The band sounded super tight Friday night, as they flowed flawlessly through their first set. Sophisticated lighting cues and impeccable sound obviously helped, but the essence of the music, and the focused energy of the players is what really drove it home.
Of note musically was the "horn" section, made up of Alison Irvine on violin and Patrick Converse on trumpet. These two Frost Music School grads skillfully handled the complex rhythms and arrangements, blending their sounds beautifully.
Into the night, the eclectic crowd danced and swayed and smiled. The vibe, though distinctly contemporary Miami, was also at times somehow reminiscent of the 1970s fusion scene, particularly Chick Correa's all-star band Return to Forever. Cintia Lovo, Lanza's beautiful and talented female vocalist, paid subtle homage to Flora Purim, while Patiño channeled her genius husband Airto Moreira, another multi-discipline musical mastermind.
Critic's Notebook
Personal Bias: I'm into any bar that serves Chimay Belgian Trappist beer.
Random Detail: The Brazilian "monkey" sounds often heard in Lanza songs are traditionally played on a samba drum called the cuica. Frontman Fabi, however, impressively mimics it with his voice.
By the Way: You can catch the band every fourth Friday this year at Van Dyke on Lincoln Road. Visit www.lanzamusica.com for more info.
- Miami New Times
Lanzallamas Monofonica at Miami Science Museum September 25
A A A Comments (0) By Christopher Lopez Thursday, Sep 23 2010
Lanzallamas Monofonica
People fill the seats, their spirits bolstered by the open bar. The house lights go down, and Lanzallamas Monofónica takes the stage. As the band tears into one of its signature grooves, slowly evolving into an all-out, awe-inspiring jam, lasers fill the space. No, this isn't Transit Lounge. Nor is it upstairs at the Van Dyke. Actually, you've never seen a spectacle so huge from this seminal Miami jam band — or any other local crew for that matter.
This Saturday's Lanzallamas show at the Miami Science Museum's planetarium is a notably ambitious undertaking. In part, it's meant to help fund the completion of the band's first album, Afro-Latin America-World Beat Mezcla. But it's also intended as a gateway to the next phase of the septet's evolution.
Lanzallamas Monofonica
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Miami Science Museum
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Miami Science Museum
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Lanzallamas Monofonica: Saturday, September 25, at the Miami Science Museum, 3280 S. Miami Ave., Miami; 305-646-4200; miamisci.org. Doors open at 8 p.m. Tickets cost $21.
"This, for us, is a culmination of the music that we've been working on for the past three or four years," founder Fabi Patino explains. "And now we have an opportunity to take our audience to this other place."
Talented and boisterous Cuban drummer Ivan Palma adds, "It's also an opportunity for us to put together a theater- or an arena-style concert. And I see it as giving something back to our fans."
"It's going to be a big stepping stone for us," Patino continues. "We're taking steps now that top acts take, which are a scripted show, with cues, a concept, a story, a flow. When you go see Pink Floyd or whoever in a live show, you see that it's got that flow. And that's what we're trying to do — what we are doing — to take ourselves to that level."
But artistic evolution aside, there's that other motive: Lanzallamas needs cash to finish its debut disc, which until now has been paid in small installments.
"The album's almost finished," Palma says. "We just have a few final details to go. But that takes money. And we have no record label behind us." However, he's quick to point out, "We have got people who've been incredibly generous, though."
"People who truly believe," nods Puerto Rican keyboardist Camilo Rafael Sierra.
One such person — a very pivotal supporter — is Grammy-winning musician, composer, and producer Clay Oswald, best known for his work with Miami Sound Machine.
"You can't tell a musician like that: 'Hey, get into our project,'" Palma says. "It has to come from him, as a naturally blossoming thing. And I remember the first time we played the music for him in the studio, I saw his face, and his whole demeanor changed. To grab somebody like that, at that level, it's like, 'OK, we're in!'"
But even with big ideas and bigger backers, Lanzallamas Monofónica's success has been hard-won. The climb first began when Patino left his home in Mexico, launching a ten-year tour through Miami's musical landscape.
"My very first band was Pi y la Política del Alma," he laughs. "After that came Luz Dharma, which was another band I put together. After that was Elastika Beat."
But without U.S. citizenship or a visa, Patino found his opportunities limited. He was stuck in the States and forced to turn down frequent opportunities abroad. Instead of viewing it as a setback, though, he simply saw it as another opportunity.
"It made me focus on writing. I said, 'You know, I can't travel. I can't go outside of here right now. So let me just focus on writing music — original music. And that became my journey."
In a steady stream of consciousness, he describes his own growth as well as the expansion of our burgeoning local music scene with homegrown bands such as Suenalo, Locos por Juana, Spam Allstars, and Lanzallamas. He spins a history about the early days of this scene, circa 2000, when Monkey Village wasn't yet a collective. Back then, the Village was Nathan Greenberg's Little Havana house-turned-studio where local musicians such as Jean P Jam, Jesse Jackson, and Michelle Forman would often record.
"We'd just start these jams," Patino recalls, "and all of a sudden, it was, like, 15 people in the room playing. So Phil [Maranges] had this idea: 'Dude, why don't we just get a place and do a show?' And that was the beginning of Suenalo.
"From that Suenalo, we get the nucleus of what today is Lanzallamas, Xperimento, Locos por Juana. And it influenced the younger bands, like ArtOfficial, Bachaco, Elastic Bond."
Of course, Patino eventually left Suenalo to do his own thing, just as Itagui Correa decamped before him to focus on Locos por Juana. Linking past to present, Patino says, "Lanzallamas is the landing spot for me from that journey of ten years. And Lanzallamas has already had a couple of generations. But this one, I feel, is the one."
- Miami New Times
Lanzallamas Monofo´nica:
Fuego Vivo
Viernes 22 y Sa´bado 23 de mayo del 2009. 11:00 p.m. Miami abre sus puertas y se prepara como cada fin de semana para cobi-
jar a aquellos jo´venes sedientos de diversio´n, pero para lo que no estaba lista la ciudad era para un incendio musical de dos di´as que ocurriri´a en vivo y en directo en Transit Lounge cuando Lanzallamas Monofo´nica se trepo´ al escenario para grabar su primer disco y encender a un pu´blico integrado por amantes de la buena mu´sica, familiares, amigos y curiosos.
Liderados por ‘Fabi’ Patin~o de Me´xico en voz y tim- bales, Lanzamallas Monofo´nica es una bocanada de aire fresco, que no se evapora ni se hace humo, en un intento por reavivar la llama de la escena musical de Miami.
El objetivo de los dos di´as de concierto era ma´s que claro: que LM grabe luego de ma´s de tres an~os de carrera su primer disco. La pregunta obligada es ¿primer disco y en vivo?. Cuando miles de grupos esperan haber cosechado 3, 4 o´ a veces hasta 5 pla- cas de estudio para luego grabar su disco en vivo LM revierte la historia, no por capricho y mucho menos en un intento por querer desafiar lo que ya esta´ escrito en el famoso mundo de la mu´sica, sino simple y claramente porque la energi´a, el calor y el fuego que Lanzallamas Monofo´nica es capaz de emanar en vivo se veri´a extinguida dentro de cuatro paredes en un estudio de grabacio´n.
Con una formacio´n que podri´an integrar las Naciones Unidas de la Mu´sica, Lanzallamas com- pleta la lista de integrantes con Cintia Lovo, can- tante soprano de Medelli´n, Colombia con una voz que quema la piel; Allison Irving de Malasia y Hawai en violi´n. ¡Si´, un violi´n que le da un toque de distincio´n a este grupo!; Diogo Brown de Brasil en Bajo; Patrick Converse de Tennesse en trompeta; Camilo ‘Tumbao’ Sierra de Puerto Rico en Piano; Kenneth Metzker de Kentucky en Percusio´n; e Iva´n Palma, un cubanoamericano en Bateri´a.
Lanzallamas Monofo´nica cuenta con identidad u´nica, capaz de llevar adelante la misio´n que se han impuesto: crear un sonido monofo´nico que nos una a todos y nos ponga a cantar, bailar y sudar por una llama que vive dentro de cada uno de sus mu´sicos sin viento, agua, ni fronteras que logre apagarla.
Informacio´n extra
El disco en vivo homo´nimo de Lanzallamas Monofo´nica saldra´ al mercado a finales del mes de Agosto e incluira´ entre algunas canciones: Invisibles, Louder, Filosofi´a y Jitney.
14. Edicio´n 554 • Mayo 28 - Junio 4 de 2009 • www.elcolusa.com
Editor de televisio´n y escritor • wallasx@hotmail.com
Foto cortesi´a de Lanzallamas Monofo´nica
www.elcolusa.com • Mayo 28 - Junio 4 de 2009 • Edicio´n 554. 15 - El Colusa
Band of the hour: Lanzallamas Monfonica
They've got spirit, yes they do.
Lanzallamas Monofonica.
By Rayme Samuels
Ready for a band you can truly believe in? Lanzallamas Monofonica, a self proclaimed band of healers, brings together the powerful forces of world music that can elevate the spirit through blessings and warm even the coldest heart. With the first half of their name meaning "fire thrower" and the second half meaning "one sound," this hot Miami group isn't shy about their purpose.
While the band hails from diverse backgrounds including New Zealand, Malaysia, Puerto Rico and Mexico, they all share a common admiration for Latin American folklore, jazz, funk, classical and even experimental music. The eclectic crew includes: Fabi Patino (vocals, guitar, cuatro, timbalitos); Cintia Lovo (vocals, hand percussion); Kenneth Metzker (congas, cajon, steel pan, world percussion); Allison Irvine (5 string violin, vocals, Diogo Brown (bass); Iva Palma (drums); Camilo "Tumbao" Sierra (piano, synthesizer, vocals) and Patrick Converse (trumpet, flugel horn).
On top of a busy gig schedule in Miami, LM already has exciting summer plans, including recording a live and studio album, an east coast tour and the ubiquitous music video. Singing predominately in Spanish but reaching all audiences with their rhythms, that band has already created a repertoire of hypnotic and jazzy songs like "Rumba Chueca," "Vive" and "Louder."
"Every musician has a unique voice, but not all search for it," described band leader Patino, former lead singer, percussionist and song writer for Suenalo. Some of the best songs I've written stretch over months and even years of contention. Overall, we bring our influence and articulate our instruments to blend with one another."
Visit the band's website at www.lanzamusica.com
Published: 1/09
- Miami.com
Live at Transit Lounge EP
Mezcla EP (Produced by Lanzallamas Monofonica and Multi-Grammy-Award winner Clay Ostwald)

LANZALLAMAS..."Spreading fire from the heart."
A flow of high energy beats, focused on bringing a positive message and a good time to the audience.
LANZALLAMAS was founded by Fabi Patiño in 2006. Ever since, the music has been a wide open mix of sounds and beats from all over the globe.
Lanzallamas has shared the stage with international world music stars such as CULTURA PROFÉTICA, NOVALIMA, SIDESTEPPER, ARTURO SANDOVAL, HOT BUTTERED RUM, BÉLO, DADOU PASQUET from MAGNUM BAND, SHAMARR ALLEN from the REBIRTH BRASS BAND, LOCOS POR JUANA, and many more.
The list of festivals that LANZALLAMAS has performed at include the JVC Jazz Fest, Heineken Transatlantic Festival, Fete de la Musique, GrassRoots Festival, Miami International Film Festival, Carnival on the Mile, Calle 8 Carnaval Miami, Manifestivus, The Rhythm Explosion, Moksha Family Festival, Earthdance Festival, Afro-Roots Fest, Sleepless Night, Art Basel Miami, among others.
Lanzallamas has been involved in various theater productions including the inauguration show of South Miami-Dade Cultural Arts Center. Their participation was compelling both in the creative process as well as the performance of the piece. LANZALLAMAS often collaborates with dance companies by providing original compositions for choreographies and other programs.
Band Members