Josh Bierman Band
Tempe, AZ | Established. Jan 01, 2015 | SELF | AFM
Josh Bierman – “Little Latin Lover” – Single Review
Awww crap…Josh…you’re about to poke a hole in my armour dude…I have a real soft-spot for jams like this new single, “Little Latin Lover.” In under three-minutes Josh managed to leave me with a solid impression of what he’s up to in this vibrant rhythm & groove; but to be truthful it took less than ten-seconds for an impact & impression to be established as “Little Latin Lover” started out.
Armed with only his sharp-instincts, wild acoustic-guitar and a slight-beat/bass-line to drive this rolling-rhythm forward – Josh has truly done a lot here with very little surrounding him. That’s not to say that the music is simple…it’s more like saying that the recording itself gives him not only a ton of room in the music to sing it all out, but that also the melody is largely carried by his vocals with him way-up front in the mix. It all sounds balanced like a pop/rock acoustic-rhythm should…and while the musicianship is certainly well-played with a real authenticity to its vibe – it really is the vocals of Bierman that remain the star of the show from the moment they begin.
Coincidentally…they just happen to start-up within the first ten-seconds of the song…just sayin…
What I like is just how much happens within these three-minutes of “Little Latin Lover.” At the beginning, through the rhythm of the vocals and music combined…and really I suppose for the most part overall, it’s very comparable to some of the later tunes from Better Than Ezra. And I can’t help but love anything close to their fun, playful vibe…backed by killer song-writing…which is really what we have here with what Josh Bierman is doing on this new single. Enjoyable? Extremely. Am I mad now? Of course! How you gonna just musically blue-ball a guy with just the one song Josh? When the rhythm, production, performance and music all come together as sparkling and shiny as this does…you gotta at least send me two tracks or swear a BLOOD-OATH that there is more coming just around the corner!
Because now I want more Josh…and who knows what I’ll do in an attempt to GET more…just sayin…
But that’s what a lead-single SHOULD do isn’t it? It’s supposed to entice us in, charm our ears off of our faces and tell our brains to demand more music…and again, I think Josh has done an exceptional job of that on “Little Latin Lover.” And being fully honest…this was a book completely judged by its cover…when I saw the title I braced myself for something I thought would be entirely different than what it actually proved to be upon listening. There’s zero reason to be afraid of this track – it’s about as inviting and rhythmic as a tune can get…for you people that leave the house still these days, you might even call this danceable, by definition.
I had an awesome time grooving along to this clever tune…I think that it shows a lot of promise and raises my expectations a little for what might come from Josh in the future. I think there’s a smart song-writer here and a smooth player/vocalist that really plays well to his strengths. Hell – he plays strongly even to OTHER people’s strengths…listen to the vocal-flow at around two-minutes-thirty in that would make Anthony Kiedis beam with pride had it been him flowing that well on the microphone. Josh knows what I mean there and I’m sure he’s heard that comparison in this moment already 1000 times…so I’ll just leave that hangin’ there with the ol ‘I know he knows.’ But for the record, at least until you hear it…I’m not saying he’s ripping Kiedis off here so much as I am saying that Josh is serving his tired-ass up and helping Kiedis remember what it was once like to truly be ‘Red Hot.’ And besides…the short burst of similarity there in the lyrics is a small portion of “Little Latin Lover” as it heads towards the end of its feel-good jam and upbeat vibe…our man Josh was feelin’ the flow; you can’t fault a dude for being right there in the moment with the music and letting it all loose.
Truly sounds great and put me in a fantastic mood & mindset this morning…there’s a load of talent, rhythm and groove on “Little Latin Lover” and Josh Bierman has certainly proven his ability to write a fantastically-solid tune.
Now where’s my album Josh?
Or the blood-oath of promise…again…not trying to be a dick here brother…just sayin…
Check out what he’s up to and make sure to send him repeated messages on all our behalf demanding more music at Josh Bierman’s Facebook site here: https://www.facebook.com/joshbiermanmusic - Sleeping Bag Studios
Still working on that hot first release.

I'm an Arizona native singer songwriter. I play in a band as well as do Trio, Duo and, Solo gigs. I pride myself on crafting original music as well as creative cover music together in a high energy live performance infused with elements of Rock, Pop, and Alternative that reaches out to get the audience involved.
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