Fayleen Morrow
Lancaster, CA | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
Singer/Songwriter Fayleen Morrow
I remember the song getting to some very serious lyrics and the crowd became silent. Right as the guitar solo started her glasses slid off her face. There were a few gasps here and there, but she kept on playing. She was so lost in the moment it appeared as though she forgot she had glasses until she looked up after the song was over. Personally this made an impression on me. She was so passionate about her music that not until she saw the blurry silhouettes watching her did she remember to plop her readers back on.
We are sitting in my mother’s house; we have just finished eating avocados – my avocados. She shamelessly asked to eat them; we have only met twice before we’re practically strangers. I would be lying if I said that wasn't part of her charm; bold, shameless, and always making jokes. So it is hard to imagine how someone like her can make music that is so … despondent.
She is from California and at only twenty-four she has already released two EPs and one album.
She explains to me how her mom’s love for Spanish music, in particular she mentions Cumbia, had sparked her initial interest in singing.
“I would hear her sing all the time, just belt it out while we were in the car going to LA,” she reminisces.
She admits that she was not confident with her singing voice, that she played instruments before she ever let anyone hear her sing. Her mother pushed her to do so and finally she gained the confidence she needed to sing and soon after that she began writing her own music. She also admits to strictly playing her own songs, though a common trend amongst younger artist to do covers she refuses, but not because she feels like she is plagiarizing, but because it terrifies her to butcher another artist’s song.
She tells me that she finds her own music quiet and mellow. She put out her first EP at twenty-two, the name of it; It’s Only Temporary. Her revealing the name to me makes her giggle which leaves me to assume that she’s came along way from that first EP.
“… it’s not as sad, I guess. It’s just me dealing with anger more and I was like okay fuck it I’m going to start writing,” she speaks on It’s Only Temporary.
This EP was influenced by Bon Iver and Ride Away Great Captian. Her second EP, The Only Ones, she made when she was twenty-three.
“The Only Ones is … ,” she pauses to think, “about trying to deal with people … or trying to deal with someone without arguing … feeling bad about something … dealing with someone who made you feel bad or made you feel like shit.”
Finally, we are at her first album that she released in 2015. She wrote it based on her life while she took a trip alone to New York City. Though she was thrilled to be in the big apple misfortune struck her. Several family members became gravely ill and passed away while she was across the nation. To make matters worse she was scammed into booking a hotel that did not even exist. She played music in the airport in hopes to get some money to afford a place to stay while she was out there. She ran into a lot of interesting people that were surprisingly willing to engage in conversation and that was what inspired her to name her album just that; Conversations.
“I want to play with other artist, open for other artist … play some really cool festivals and just have fun with it … I definitely want to grow from where I’m at right now and play music for the rest of my life.” – Fayleen Morrow
Fayleen’s music is available to listen to on bandcamp.com. - VEX MAG
2014- Its only temporary Ep, The only ones Ep
February 9th 2016 Converstations album
1 speak
2 settle
3 forget
4 terrified
5 morning
6 garden
7 room
8 medicine
9 tougher/alone
The Only Ones
1 settle
2 mine
3 color
Its only Temporary
1 friends
2 city waves
3 care
4 we

Though born in Azusa Ca, Fayleen could easily consider herself to be a native to Lancaster Ca, as this is the place where her musicianship truly began to blossom.
Fayleen's interest in music first began as a child, and only developed from there. Unfortunately, she was born with heart problems, which limited her ability to perform many of the activities that other kids her age were involved with.
Ultimately, playing the acoustic guitar not only became Fayleen's passion, but a way to keep herself busy, and remain sane.
From that point on, she not only began performing songs, but writing her own music. Inevitably Fayleen put down the acoustic and picked up the electric, and this is where her musical direction really took aim. Being a solo artist easily became a huge part of who she was at that point.
However, it was once again time to expand her horizons, and Fayleen had gotten the urge to share the stage with friends, whom later became band mates. Finally, in 2014, she put out her first EP and the response was much bigger then expected, which inspired her to release another one not too long after.
The growth process felt never ending for Fayleen, and for as much fun as she had playing with a band, it was time to minimize once more. She is now currently involved in a two piece band with long time supporter and talented drummer, Jared Javier.
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