Elephant 12
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2010 | SELF
tend to check out the bands who send press over. I gotta say, Elephant 12 was a great way to start my morning off! Their latest, “Sold Out”, is “on the shelf,” and if the whole record is anything like the the first single, it should sell out in no time!
“Love Knock On Wood” totally rocks! It’s a great pop-punk tune with a catchy vocal and cool guitar riffs with deftly blended styles from around the world. Yeah Yeah! Ooh, Whoo!
Lyrics that sort of remind me of Cake or Foo Fighters fit in with raunchy staccato guitars with crazy stereo effects, and stupid cool stylistic changes keep the ears in high-alert mode all the way through. Top that off with a good mix and – damn!
Like the old Chili Peppers songs, “Love Knock On Wood” tells a story; blunt and to the point, but it’s not one that you get all of on the first listen. Yo, there’s textures and layers woven in the lyrics like the canvas they’ve been painted on.
Read more at http://www.midtnmusic.com/selling-out-fast-elephant-12s-love-knock-on-wood/#87XxhUOERTCV5piS.99 - Middle Tennessee Music
17 playing the gigs... Toronto
01:15 meeting Fishbone
01:38 the impact of NY and other tour stops on their music;
02:14 getting back to the old riffs;
2:39 American audiences and UK audiences;
03:45 missing home (or not) - a great pint
04:28 sniffing ants off the floor
05:18 food!! Home made Mexican soup and dodgy Chinese food
06:40 what else is coming for Elephant 12 - St Paul lifestyle
Elephant 12's music is unapologetic punk rock laced with a magnetic electro bassline. Not only is this group remarkable on stage, they are also well renowned for sing along anthems such as lead single 'Diet Coke' or their follow up 'Money Talks'. Having recently celebrating the offering of their long awaited EP. Expect catchy arrangements, entertaining lyrics dealing with daily realities and heartfelt emotion.
Quickly becoming the talk of the town and already generating industry buzz having been praised by the likes of Fault magazine, Just Jack Magazine and BBC 6 Introducing for their refreshing approach. With the band hitting national stages and turning heads left right and centre, it won't be long until Elephant 12 are your new favourite hype. - Fred Perry Subculture
Best described as unapologetic punk rock laced with punchy electro and a twist of indie hip hop, Elephant 12 has a little sumthin’ sumthin’ for everyone.
Their stage presence helped them gain a massive cult following in the U.K. which is looking to spread across the pond with the release of “Holiday.” Driving fans to both the dance floor and the mosh pit, the group’s sonic sound has captivated not only the U.K. Blogs but the likes of the BBC as well, being praised for their refreshing musical approach. Catchy arrangements and entertaining lyrics that touch base on love, the reality of daily life and heartfelt emotions, make up the very core of Elephant 12. - static
Rock n’ roll meets lo-fi electronica seems to be on the agenda for UK band Elephant 12. Simple but effective – rather old skool Beastie Boys as well. Listen to “Holiday” to get a good idea of what Elephant 12 is all about. Definitely worth closer investigation. - Power of Pop
Diese Review muss ich mit einem Zitat von Dr. Cox aus der Serie Scrubs beginnen: „Was zum beneidenswerten Henker von Ronald McDonald haben die sich dabei gedacht?“ Wer zum Teufel kann einen Tom Morello so plump kopieren und dann nicht mal einen funken Niveau an den Tag legen? Wie ist es eigentlich immer noch möglich, Texte mit so dermaßen wenig Sinn und Verstand zu schreiben, ohne von den eigenen Bandmitgliedern zerstückelt und gefressen zu werden? Wie kann man so viel ungreifbares/nicht vorhandenes Talent überhaupt verkennen?
ELEPHANT 12 schaffen das auf ganzer Linie. Von elektronischen Kindergarten-Arrangements über Gitarrenarbeit, die selbst der frühe Tom Delonge von BLINK 182 besser machte. Von Rap-/HipHop-/Atzen-Genöhle in bestmöglich RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE imitierender Artikulation über billiges Texten über Geld, Spaß, Partys, Drogen und weiß der Geier was Sinnbefreites noch. Das ganze mit 24/7-Beat unterlegt und schon hat man eine wahnwitzige Mischung aus dumpfbackiger Bespaßung, gänzlich unnötigen thematischen Auswüchsen und langweiligster Unkreativität.
Es gibt irgendwie nicht einmal eine Band die man mit den drei Jungs vergleichen kann. Das macht auch ihren einzigen Existenzanspruch aus – sie sind zugegebenermaßen “einzigartig“ – denn so etwas wird es auf diesem Niveau hoffentlich nur einmal geben. Beats mit Gitarren und Rap/Sprechgesang zu unterlegen können die Wenigsten und ELEPHANT 12 - Allshools Network
Diese Review muss ich mit einem Zitat von Dr. Cox aus der Serie Scrubs beginnen: „Was zum beneidenswerten Henker von Ronald McDonald haben die sich dabei gedacht?“ Wer zum Teufel kann einen Tom Morello so plump kopieren und dann nicht mal einen funken Niveau an den Tag legen? Wie ist es eigentlich immer noch möglich, Texte mit so dermaßen wenig Sinn und Verstand zu schreiben, ohne von den eigenen Bandmitgliedern zerstückelt und gefressen zu werden? Wie kann man so viel ungreifbares/nicht vorhandenes Talent überhaupt verkennen?
ELEPHANT 12 schaffen das auf ganzer Linie. Von elektronischen Kindergarten-Arrangements über Gitarrenarbeit, die selbst der frühe Tom Delonge von BLINK 182 besser machte. Von Rap-/HipHop-/Atzen-Genöhle in bestmöglich RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE imitierender Artikulation über billiges Texten über Geld, Spaß, Partys, Drogen und weiß der Geier was Sinnbefreites noch. Das ganze mit 24/7-Beat unterlegt und schon hat man eine wahnwitzige Mischung aus dumpfbackiger Bespaßung, gänzlich unnötigen thematischen Auswüchsen und langweiligster Unkreativität.
Es gibt irgendwie nicht einmal eine Band die man mit den drei Jungs vergleichen kann. Das macht auch ihren einzigen Existenzanspruch aus – sie sind zugegebenermaßen “einzigartig“ – denn so etwas wird es auf diesem Niveau hoffentlich nur einmal geben. Beats mit Gitarren und Rap/Sprechgesang zu unterlegen können die Wenigsten und ELEPHANT 12 - Allshools Network
Hard-hitting guitar riffs and an instant energy boost, good enough to sustain a smile and head nod throughout are two things to expect from Elephant 12‘s latest single ‘Holiday’! The band are here to douse the London music scene with the extra kick it needs…
They have already been acclaimed by ‘BBC Introducing’ and ‘Fault Magazine’ for their “refreshing approach”. This has in turn catapulted them straight into the melée of industry buzz, surrounding them and a number of bands throughout London.
When trying to puzzle together the sound that this act has conjured up just think of Rage Against the Machine experimenting with heavy Electro/Dance influences. Elephant 12 possess a certain vigour that in my experience has been lacking from most of the underground music scenes in London.
Their new single ‘Holiday’ hit me at full speed and I was hooked straight after the first riff dropped in. The sound they lead to keeps you refreshed after every section change, whilst boredom is left well and truly behind… You can hear the same pace and dynamism follow suit throughout the song, thus finishing with the morale of the story, “Just dance baby!”
You’ll see their name featured on numerous line ups around the country in 2012, so grasp the opportunity to see a band with enough noise for somewhere far bigger. We may even bump into each other!
Words: Teto Parvanov - Who's Jack
With a chorus like “Money talks, bullshit walks” from lead singer Jerome of british electro rock group Elephant 12, it’s hard not to think of the “Occupy” movement that is going on across the globe. With their Rage Against Machine meets K-Os like flow, the explosive single pretty much sums up a lot of people’s frustration. Bringing the virtuoso of their energetic performances and quirky fusion of punk rock and rap, the band delivers their new video from their recently released EP out now on iTunes. - Lowe Factor
"Three different influences that tangled and weaved their trademark sound, which is an amalgamation of Afropunk/Electrogroove/HipHop".
Impressive low budget Video for `Diet Coke` from the excellent East London based Elephant 12, looking forward to these guys getting a recording deal or self-release put together. Remember, there`s also other nice sugar-free carbonated drinks on the market.
"Their reinvention of Punk Rock and Electro coupled with exciting lyrics will be a trailblazer in the music scene".
- Music is What Matters
It's in a celebrative atmosphere that I'm coming in The Macbeth this night. Elephant 12, a 3 piece London based band, are launching their first EP. Maybe a small step for music industry but a big for them. Balloons are decorating this grungy venue and friends are reunited to share their happiness. It's with a small video projection that Elephant 12 are introduced.
"They're gonna give us everything", as they said; their shows are about sharing energy with the crowd. So that's how they work. Starting straight away with their funky anthem "Love Knock On Wood", the crowd gets in the mood quickly. Front man Jerome Cooke will get down literally with us and then encourage everyone dancing. Singing a song dedicated to their idol the big Public Enemy; the crowd answered their call. "Diet Coke" is already a well-known hit; with the perfect guitar line and this electro drum 'n' bass background which is perfectly mixed as to create their punk sound.
There's no doubts they'll be soon the famous revelation and if one day you have the chance to get to see them; expect going down on your knees and dancing onto their "Sexy Girl" - Lotus magma
Now I will confess from the start I really can't stand dance music, repetitive bass lines and endless 4 to the floor drum beats really do bring out a psychotic reaction in me, I have get away from it or I find I have a growing rage and an urge to physically attack the DJ or band or whatever is producing the noise. This intense dislike extends to dance/rock fusion outfits like Prodigy, Does it Offend You Yeah and Pendulum as well, so when I received this new EP from Elephant 12 and read the release blurb, I was quite prepared for the worst, and was all geared up to spit venom in the face of another bunch of rage inducing fusion merchants.
However after a couple of play troughs, the first rather tenuous and subsequent ones at louder volumes, I am glad to report there is nothing here to induce rage. Far from it, this ep is less dance/rock fusion and more hip-rock mash up; and I am partial to rap in small doses and have a lot of time for acts like King Prawn and Rage Against The Machine, who blend rock and rap and electronica; and as this is where Elephant 12 are coming from I will admit I'm beginning to get quite a liking for this ep. Nowhere does the electronica and dance drum beats ever impose on the music, they are there to kick the songs along, but it's the vocals and the guitar riffs that focus the interest just like all good rock should do.
The over all effect does sound like the aforementioned King Prawn jamming with the aforementioned RATM, melodic semi rapped vocals with a hard punk / SKA edge over laying some great metal riffage. All four tracks are great, but to me the real killer is the dark and brooding Money Talks a great little song that really does have a very infectious groove to it.
In short - a cracking little ep that's worth checking out. - The BCFM Rockshow review
There`s no reason Elephant 12 can`t draw in a huge international following with their collective interest of mixed genre melodies and catchy tunes. While the digital age rips through the heart of Rock influenced Electrolica, the London three piece, push a simple lyrical message along side an unconventional blend of musical styles and attitude, without trampling all over the key elements that make our love of music so exhilarating. Are you still overdosing on superficial radio tat ? Support real music, haphazardly constructed and enjoyed by real people! - MojoPhenia
Hailing from London, Elephant 12 are a new and refreshing band definitely set to make waves with the release of their EP on September 19th. Their overall sound has been described as an “energetic mix of punk rock mixed with magnetic electro’.
While their music has been likened to a number of bands, namely NERD, Rage Against the Machine and Does it Offend You Yeah?, there is, in this writer’s opinion, such a broad amalgamation of different sounds that they have come full circle to something quite new.
In an interview with FAULT magazine the band stated that there are only two types of music – good or bad. They don’t have any particular favourite styles or artists – just a love of music. ANY music. These are three seriously talented young music lovers who seem to look at their music as an artistic mixture, which can range from something that is hard punk rock, to rap and then some serious dubstep. Or better yet how about all combined?
Sounds a bit too busy on paper but when they all come together it’s a truly energetic explosion of sounds and vibes. Each of the band members own personality and style is very evident in both their sound and look – I really must say hats off to Robbie, a truly amazing guitarist who is not merely a lefty, but an upside down righty – amazing. His powerful guitar riffs grate perfectly with the pulsing bass sound that forms the backbone of the track and then each are sewn together through the vocals provided by Jerome.
Right now the band are touring to promote the release of their EP next month and by all accounts they are leaving a growing trail of fans in their wake. Elephant 12 are quickly becoming recognized for their ability to provided fans with an almighty experience, having looked at some video footage of their gigs on youtube.com, I can honestly say that this is a band your writer wants to see live!
There are some bands that are made for audio, others who you need to see right in front of you to get the full picture – and I have the feeling that may just be one. That said the tracks on their EP are fresh and somewhat mental with equal measure, I particularly like Diet Coke and Holiday. Holiday is definitely a favourite of mine, the unmistakable electro is balanced nicely by some very serious guitar playing and just gets your pulse racing. I think were you to see this band live you would emerge sweaty and two stone lighter, because you ain’t gonna stop moving until the music does!
Their own energy crosses over to you and will grab your attention straight off. If I were to give a complaint about the band it would be that it can be somewhat high – tempo and in your face, but you know what – that’s exactly what I like. If want something floaty and “easy listening” I wouldn’t recommend it. Otherwise, keeps a close eye on these lads.
Drop-d Rating: 8/10 - Drop-d Music Journal
More famous for its Jazz Festival, which has been in existence since 1973, this most picturesque area of Italy welcomed a host of British musicians to help launch a rock event the ambitious organisers intend to make a yearly fixture.
The setting, with a 14th century church – the Chiesa di Santa Maria – and verdant hills as backdrops, was certainly spectacular, while the stalls selling satirical magazines and bar prices 1/3 of their British festival equivalent made for a refreshing change and for the non-appearance of Basement Jaxx who pulled out of the opening night at the last minute.
Not to worry, Elephant 12 made like it was 1992 and they were Rage Against The Machine, or 1967 and they were the Jimi Hendrix Experience, which turned the presence of Hendrix producer Eddie Kramer in the busy backstage area from unexpected to appropriate. - Independent UK
Self Titled Elephant 12..
Sold Out
radio play: BBC 6, DIY radio, Gumbo Radio, Renansance FM, Alan Cross, Figure4 Radio, UnRegular Radio

With their impressive performances and songs they continually amaze the growing cult that is following them. Due to Rave reviews these Thelonious CooL and Pinnetto are quickly becoming the talk of the town. Elephant 12 has captured a new sound which is drawing the crowds to the dance floor. Elephant 12 brings a gravitating energy that hypnotizes the audience. This group has been generating industry buzz including praise from legendary producer/engineer Eddie Kramer (Jimi Hendrix), Mad Mike Banks (Underground Resistance), Canadian broadcaster Alan Cross and BBC introducing. With nods form Brooklyn's AfroPunk, Vinyl District, Pop Vultures and Fred Perry SubCulture all exclaiming Elephant 12 as a "must see band". They have been featured on Blank TV, Italian TV Rai3, Scuzz, Muzu TV.
They have performed at high velocity venues and festival bookings in London, Wales, Scotland, NYC, Toronto, Texas, Spain and Italy. Not only is the band remarkable on stage with high energetic performances of unapologetic rock fused with EDM, their catchy lyrics tantalize fans.
Band Members