Ebonie Camille
Joliet, Illinois, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2002
Check out this new joint from this Go-ILL Lady . . . Ebonie Camille
Not sure who’s on the trax, but it’s #dope! - s7nlee
In this episode of Bringing Voices To Power I talk with artist Ebonie Camille about her music and more. She's a female rapper & raidio host from Juliet/Chicago who some say does a lot but she'll tell you that she doesn't do enough. Lady "E" is the newest class act to Hip Hop. Her diverse talents in song writing, singing, and emceeing is well respected. She also host the "Ease Dropping Radio every Wednesday at 7 p.m. @: www.blogtalkradio.com/easedropping2012. When you listen to her music you can hear her soulful roots like sounds of the Jackson 5, Temptations, Marvin Gaye and Barbar Lewis when at the age of 7 her mother Marva Hutchins introduced her to Motown music. She grew popular from her work ethic and her campaign about showing class in everything you do. Ebonie Camille looks at herself as an artist and feminist. She created Ease Dropping Radio for independent artist to showcase their music online. She also launched "The LadyLike Movement in 2014 to promote women in a positive light. On Valentine's Day 2015 Ebonie released her first album titled "Penthouse 87" which was produced by B. Scott, Digital Beats, Flawless, and S Dot Fire. - Marcus Echols
Ebonie Camille is due to release Miss Camille the Mixtape this winter. To give the people a taste of what she’s been working on she released the intro to the tape "Starz". Unexpected confessions were dropped in the single "Starz". Starz shows off Ebonie Camille’s old school love with the Rose Royce sample "Wishing On A Star". Check out the video Teaser for “Starz” after the audio. - Cee Bank
Continuing her #MusicMondays series Ebonie Camille Releases her latest cut “G0oD M0rNing 4rm ThE kId,” produced by S Dot Fire. This is the second single released off Ebone’s Camille’s Miss Camille Mixtape. - Elite Muzik
Ebonie Camille releases new single Safe Haven off her unreleased mixtape "Miss Camille". Safe Haven is a smooth vibe about a secret love affair. The single features singer songwriter Tonniece. The track was produced by Atlanta's own Flawless. The Wille Hutch Mother's Theme sample from the movie soundtrack The Mack gives Ebonie Camille the soulful sound.The video was shot by Echo White Fox Productions. Ebonie Camille is due to release the visual for Safe Haven May 26, 2016 on her birthday - AMillion Magazine
S/O to Ebonie Camille She was featured on the cover of COFFEA in 2011 … Since then she has expanded Ease Dropping Radio and just dropped her new album PENTHOUSE 87 online. - COFFEA Magazine
We had the pleasure of interviewing Ebonie Camille. She is a humbled, and beautiful example of what this generation has been waiting for. If you recall Nicki Minaj’s personal documentary, she mentioned in the studio “People don’t have to rap anymore, they’re just getting by… They don’t even have to be an MC anymore, it’s crazy.” – Well Nicki, Ebonie is working from the ground up doing it old school, the best way for any talented hip-hop artist to have pursued whether it be the 90s or 2020.
It is without a doubt that because of social media and the daily increase of the infusion of pop with hip-hop
Ebonie’s single “All I Do is Work” is a playful rendition and summary depicting accurately what and who Ebonie is all about. Humbled? We call her, because she tells us what she is doing, and unlike most sets that aside in a way that emphasizes that her work more important than who she is or where she comes from (Illinois by the way).
Ebonie is currently working as a radio host on Ease Droppa Radio in Illinois. She is aiming for the stars, and let’s us know clearly that though her peers say “You work too hard, She thinks she doesn’t work Hard enough.” - Elumina Magazine
On the day of March 26th Lady “E” made a direct quote “I may not post every move I make or post every picture I take but trust I’m grinding”. In no disbelief Lady "E" has done just that in a matter of months. She was able to successfully re-launch her Ease Dropping Radio Show, with an all new cast and release a single “Oh Hell Yes” that landed on the top 50 Indie Mixtape on Coast 2 Coast. Now this! Her newest contribution to Hip Hop, single “High Life” which is set to drop July 4th. Too much surprise this will not be just your ordinary single as a mini movie based upon the single is set to drop shortly after in August. Lady “E” states “instead of shooting a music video, I am doing a film to tell the story”… - Esoteric Elegance
Taken from a direct quote of her own “I’m studying so much right now who knows what will happen with “E”, it seems as though her mind is within a constant exploration at the moment. A different approach, a profound structure of words, a person that will be within acceptance of her own depth is sure to be the outcome; will her fans be able to mature as she has? This emcee has been in the rap game for over twelve years so even when she evolves well past her own anticipation the obtained knowledge of over a decade will enable her to teach her past following. Her motivation is her future of what has yet to come thinking beyond what is current. Lady E’s hard work and sense of humor will help to embrace an audience whose interest is within constant fluctuation due to sex, drugs and money. She stands by the fact that she is more than just a mere artist but she is the voice of the people. Lady E has plans that seem even bigger then ones imagination as she states that she has ideas of generating a reliable revenue of jobs for the overall economy; this is a huge mountain to move for a Joilet, Illinois emcee. However the plan seems to already be in motion as she has managed to found an internet radio station , “ Ease Dropping Radio” http://www.blogtalkradio.com/easedroppingradio that focuses on the uplift of indie artists. Since 2008 she has managed to bring talents to the show such as Jeremih and Mulik Yosef. With no plans on ending her rap career she says that if she were not rapping then she would definitely be hosting radio and mentions that she would even sign to a major label if the opportunity presented itself. Within this entire movement of hers she keeps her sights set on representing the lady like attributes in women; wanting to make the bland girl that no one seems to notice look sexy. Can this twenty five year old really be ahead of her time or are we simply behind? Unlike the other female emcees that I have interviewed Lady E is actually surprised that the female is getting the recognition so well deserved in male dominated game. She demonstrates through her presence that life and the luxuries of the rap game are more than what is being displayed; a real peace of mind can actually be the greatest incentive if your music stems from the soul. Stay tuned to http://www.rapperladye.wordpress.com for the upcoming mixtape “Penthouse 87”, late May 2013… - Esoteric Elegance
The time that elapsed into the making process of Penthouse 87 was well worth it; the emcee took her time and presented an appreciated project. It even seems as though Lady E may have even stumbled across a thought process that she was unaware of. She was able to capture a range of different topics; presenting that old school Hip Hop feel in the process. She is able to speak exactly what is on her mind when addressing issues that she has been faced with. As her vocals will not climb enough to seem threatening her approach to those issues is one of the cutest thus far. The beat selection that was chosen helped to bring forth her soulful nature; yet she was still able to make those aware of her seductive side. As track 9 winds down a successful closure can be recognized along with the hard work that was put into Penthouse 87. So I guess there are truth to the rumors that all she does is work... - Esoteric Elegance
Ebonie Camille
Above & Beyond (2012)
The Trill Of The Chase (2013)
13 Years Of Rap (2014)
Penthouse 87 (2015)
Miss Camille (2017)

Ebonie Camille is the newest class act of Hip-Hop.Her diverse talents in song writing, emceeing and singing sets her above the bar. Ebonie Camille was born in Joliet IL May 26 1987. Growing up without her father made her ambitious to be great at a young age. Her mother Marva Hutchins introduced her to Motown music when she was seven and has been in love ever since. Ebonie Camille enjoyed the sounds of the Jackson 5, Temptations, Marvin Gaye and Barbra Lewis. When you listen to Ebonie Camille music you can hear her soulful roots. Ebonie Camille begin recording music from her home computer in 2002. She released a number of mixtapes “The Class Act”, The Class Of 2006” and “My Real Face” in her early years. Ebonie Camille wasn’t afraid to touch on sensitive issues from a female prospective such as insecurities. Ebonie Camille battled weight insecurities half her life and she aired them in her 2008 mixtape “Thrill of the Chase”. She grew popular from her work ethic and her campaign about showing class in everything you do. Ebonie Camille looks at herself as an artist and feminist. In 2009 Ebonie Camille launched new business ventures. She created Ease Dropping Radio for independent artist to showcase their music on line. She also launched The LadyLike Movement in 2014 to promote women in a positive light. Recently Ebonie Camille released her first album Penthouse 87 on Valentine’s Day 2015.The album featured her home town buddies C4, Reggie Loc, and Loc Star Dollaz. The album was produced by B.Scott, Digital Beats, Flawless, and S Dot Fire.
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