Asbury Park, New Jersey, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2013 | INDIE
New Jersey surf-rock quartet Dentist have precision and technicality that borders on math-rock, but they also know how to temper their musicality for deft variations of energy and aesthetic. They’re set to drop their sophomore effort, Ceilings, this summer. - Stereogum
Dentist make beachy guitar music sound so good you'll think it's just as easy to play. - Noisey
Dentist’s eponymous debut is a deliriously infectious collection of fuzzy, California styled, indie-pop jangle and sun-dappled, garage-rock crunch. At times it sounds like Best Coast crossed with the Ramones – other times, like a revved up Mazzy Star. Fans of Alvvays, the Drums and Wavves will feel right at home - Pandora Blog
Whether it be Emily’s ethereal, heavenly vocals that enchant me, I can’t help but feel this bit of hope resonating in this bittersweet song. For the record, I did shed a tear after listening to the beauty of “Over and Over” when the world seemed still. - Sensible Reason
On the band’s sophomore album, Dentist masters bright, California surf rock (despite being not-always-sunny New Jersey natives) and tosses in some folksy acoustic sounds (“Digging Up the Dog”), pop punk guitar solos (“Meet You There in Delaware”), and ethereal Cocteau Twins-like vocals by Bornemann. - The Le Sigh
Emily Bornemann’s vocal melody floats on a coastal breeze, it’s one that seems to have crossed the Atlantic to get to her; along with the cleanliness of Justin Bornemann’s lead-guitar lines—and the gassed-out gasp of Emily’s rhythm playing—”Meet You There” is just as reminiscent of genial British punks Male Bonding as it is the westerly surf-punk that forms the core of Dentist’s sound. - Flood Magazine
Their new single "Joel" is a promising album teaser, doused in their signature bright surf-rock, nostalgia, and fuzz. - Culture Collide
紅一点Emilyを中心に結成されたニュージャージーのサーフポップバンド、Dentistがデビュー・アルバムをリリース。Best CoastやWAVVESなどサーフポップ・ロックだけにとどまらずPixies〜BreedersのKim Dealからの影響を感じさせるところがお気に入り。なかでも日本人の歌謡魂に訴える哀愁がたまらない「I Do It Cause I Wanna」をSONG OF THE WEEKに選出。 - Power Pop Academy
Surf music has always been a curious entity in the world of popular sound. Way off to the side of the commercially acceptable ilk, this red-headed stepchild came into the world twisting and screaming. Sealed within its own embryonic cocoon of popularity, the genre formed an actual way of beach blankets and bonfire life. Passed from knowing hodad to every hang ten bunny on the beach, surf-styled music was, and is, the language of members only. From its early and rebellious beginning in the early 1960s, to its continued resurgence throughout the years, surf-inspired music is always a surprise. While most original surf was instigated via instrumental melody, the genre has evolved to mix big, brash guitar with candy-coated vocal melody from coast to tremolo coast.
This week’s Shoreworld features the frenetic pop dalliances of the group Dentist. Formed from the passionate and creative embraces of several popular Asbury Park rock bands, Dentist is the first real opportunity for Emily and Justin Bornemann to ride their wild style of tsunami pop to the Shoreworld beach. The pair had tested deeper waters in the band No Wine For Kittens, working through an experimental timeframe and learning the difficult art of noteworthy composition.
Comprised of Emily Bornemann on rhythm guitar, Justin Bornemann on lead (an interesting switch from his days of bass-playing renown), Andy Bova on drums, Nick Kaelblein on bass and Matt Maneri on keys, Dentist take influential cue from West Coast tube curlers such as Best Coast, Wavves and The Drums, to name a very select few.
The eponymous disc features 13 beach-breaking Fujiwaras that roll from choppy, pop punk kick-outs to hot-dogging groundswells of millennialism angst. Sparsely produced, the record focuses on wringing every drop of addictive melody into these musical pieces. Justin Bornemann steps up quite well as lead guitarist and sprinkles this body of work with interesting shards of jagged, tube-fueled lead work as Emily cuts wide slices of rhythmic chord brilliance over bombastic bass and drums.
With a voice that mixes the lush, echo-driven force of Kim Deal and the candy-coated delectability of Harriet Wheeler, Emily Bornemann is the quintessential singer for a band such as Dentist. She has the ability to ride high over the mix without sounding flat or tired. She also has the gift of being easily recognizable.
The record blasts off with a frenzied four-count blast on “Pretty Lady.” The band chugs along at 100 mph as Bornemann (Emily) growls and coos you into a category of punk and roll rapture as Bova and Kaelblein nail down the bottom. Middle-eight lead work is dirty; Eric Erlandson (Hole)-styled virtue and ends this song down on its banged-up knees.
“Fruit And Cake” uses spectral feedback to penetrate into its saccharine hook. Massively reverberated Fenders time bend into melodic lead tunnels before cracking the veil for Emily and her echo-saturated lyrical story. This sound is instantly congenital and takes me back to the exploratory times of 1993’s wondrous Last Splash by The Breeders.
Another compelling song is “Dolce.” It’s refreshing to see (and hear) this band’s important influence affairs through their writing directions on this project. The five members seem well-schooled in the ’90s and “Dolce” brings melodic, alt rock-infused heroes such as Throwing Muses and L7 into immediate focus.
“Retired Lifeguard” is the one traditional surf tune on the disc. Monolithic Fenders growl, howl and clang across tube-fueled valleys of plate reverb, addictive vocals and four-on-the-floor bass and drums. If there was ever a song that you could actually watch this band and think, “Yeah, that’s kind of salty,” this would be the one. Justin steers this down Spanish-influenced cul-de-sacs, firing off multi-noted banderilleros as the band pumps, turns and modulates into each arabesque section.
“No Matter” is this band’s disc hit. Its infectious influential mixture of The Cure, Foo Fighters and The Pixies inflections ensure that this heavily hooked gem will stay in your head for days and days. This is also one of the standouts for Emily, who can get lost in the mix at times. Clear, bell-like vocal tone focuses this record right on her, and it’s a song that should garner much radio love.
“Bird In The Cage” once again stresses the able support of guest guitarist James Stahon, who blasts out blitzkriegs of bar chord power and melody-based single note flourishes that remind me of some of the In Utero material from Cobain. The dynamic verses come down nice and low, allowing Emily to lay down succinct vocal sugar before the builds surge. Kudos goes to the piano work of Matt Maneri, who levels out rough edges while defining compositional boundaries.
“Bad Breath” is filled with quirky, harmonic guitar strokes, energetic rhythm designs and dazzling 1960s-styled vocal charm. I’m not sure if the producer has dropped the vocals this deep into the mix on purpose or not. Some bands go for an overall sound over the individual performance segments, but whatever the method to the madness, the band mix appears to be a tad overpowering at times when I want to hear more of the singer.
As quick as that particular feeling lands, “Koko B. Ware” dives in to give me what I want to hear. Guitars and drums rumble à la “Wipeout” as the band develops into the verse, clearing the entrance for Emily’s pristine and melodious splashdown. I’m a big fan of the balanced buildup in the closing few bars of the tune and I truly appreciate the raw and sustaining finish.
The next song that caught my consideration is called “Batman.” No, it’s not what you might think. There are no caped crusaders landing meaty KAPOWS! or BLAMMOS! Just rollercoaster dips of surprise as Dentist launch rolled drums and complicated pentatonic progressions (courtesy of Stahon) that tumble over the top of tightly-chugged bar chords. Emily’s style is laid back and sultry, highlighting her melodic skilled odyssey that makes this another surefire hit on the record.
Another captivating song is “Four Dollar Stoli.” Half-time meter pulses underneath clean waves of electric guitar. Shimmering tremolo sparkles as Emily pours her heart and soul into the verses. Her high, Dale Bozzio conveyance pushes this song into my number three positioning for “most memorable tune” on this gnarly and rambunctious record.
The band finishes off this fast-moving platter with the beautifully lonesome feel of “Dinosaur.” Emily waxes poetically over swirls of simple acoustic and synth-tinged breakers. Echoed melodies sparkle and shimmer through background nuances of scattered musical peaks and pleasant valleys on this standout tune.
Forgoing stereotypical insanity and embracing their poppy fun surf punk party, Dentist investigate a lush and extensively more elaborate direction than they’ve done with past projects, and it’s a course that should get this band riding quite high on the perfect wave of success.
To celebrate their new release (available on GoodEye Records), Dentist will be having an action-packed release party on May 9 at The Saint in Asbury Park. Special guests will include Seaside Caves, Paper Streets, Dollys and XNY.
For more information on the band, the record or the performance, head over to the site at facebook.com/dentistband. - The Aquarian
When surf-rock saviors Dentist released their debut single “No Matter” back in December, New Jersey was still on the brink of what has been one of the most bizarre winters the state has faced in recent memory. The Asbury Park natives had crafted a sun-bleached indie pop tune ripe for blasting in the car during a trip to the Shore. Being huddled in that same car waiting for the heat to kick in during sub-zero temperatures was probably not their intention.
Two months later, Dentist have built upon that foundation with a second single. Debuting on the music site Speak Into My Good Eye, “Do It Cause I Wanna” expands on their brand of indie rock with another lively offering. The candy-coated vocals and melodies conceal a certain depth and melancholy on a lyrical level, as the song details yet another encounter of heartbreak. All the same, Dentist’s music is far too fun and engaging to ever bathe in misery when it’s much more enjoyable to bathe in the ocean. Emily Bornemann (vocals, rhythm guitar) and Justin Bornemann (lead guitar) once more establish an atmosphere that will no doubt draw comparisons to LA’s Best Coast, but are beholden to East Coast sensibilities. Andy Bova’s drumbeats bob along with Nick Kaelblein’s smooth, flowing bass to make listeners dance along even if it is a tad too frigid outside to throw a beach party.
If you don’t mind waiting a while to throw said party, Dentist’s self-titled LP album will be released on May 9 via Good Eye Records. - Hobsnobbery
I like Dentist. I mean, I like them -- as people. We've had drinks together. We've talked about music, bands, coaching rec soccer. They're one of the bands I write about here with whom I've become friends. I thought about what that would mean when it came to reviewing their debut, self-titled album. "Should I give this to a guest reviewer?" I thought. Then I came to my senses. The reason I've gotten to know Dentist over the last year or so is because, whenever I could, before I ever knew their names, I would make an effort to get out to their shows. I really like Dentist's music.
Formed following the demise of popular Asbury Park indie-pop band No Wine For Kittens, Dentist take their sound into some noisier, lower-fi places while retaining the airy and ethereal vocals of Emily Bornemann. The current line-up also includes former NWFK members Justin Bornemann on lead guitar and Andy Bova (who produced) on drums along with relatively new additions Nick Kaelblein on bass and Matt Maneri on keys. Dentist combine elements of surf rock, dream pop, and punk into a reverb-laden sound that's unique among bands calling Asbury Park home.
Dentist opens with short garage rocker "Pretty Lady." The song barrels along at a breakneck clip, slowing down only briefly during a short bridge that sounds like a lazy day on the beach, before closing out on a beefy guitar solo and some frenzied Emily Bornemann vocals that ultimately break up into laughter.
"Fruit and Cake" spends almost half of its time on a surf-tinged intro and could work as an instrumental with its guitar-driven hooks. But then Emily's low-in-the-mix, forlorn vocals come in, with lyrics like "You know that I want you" and "Make me whole," smoothing some of the surf-rock edges into something dreamier.
The rest of the record is peppered -- no, more like packed -- with hit-worthy tracks that showcase Dentist's ability to craft a catchy pop song while dressing it up with interesting flourishes: The keyboard and guitar interludes that accompany Emily's sweet pining for a life as simple as her cat's on "Dolce" (See what I did there?) and her break-up announcement on "No Matter;" the straight-ahead, rumbling surf rock of "Retired Lifeguard;" the quick chord hits that precede the Pixies / Breeders-influenced chorus of "Bird in the Cage;" the surf-rock-but-not-quite of "Koko B. Ware."
Things slow down for the final two tracks, and Emily -- who has been behind several layers of noise and reverb to this point -- steps a bit more to the front. "Too late now. Too late now. I feel it in my bones," she sings as the music crests and the 50s-esque melodrama builds on "4 Dollar Stoli." She's "waiting for my world to be destroyed" on acoustic closer "Dinosaur."
You should go to Dentist's record release show this Friday and pick up their new album because they're a great group of people, and I'd love to see them succeed. More importantly, though, you should go to Dentist's record release show this Friday and pick up their new album because they're making some of the most fun and interesting music coming out of our area right now. Dentist covers a lot of musical ground that -- if you've been reading CoolDad Music for any length of time, it should be clear -- I really enjoy. And Dentist currently sits very high on my list of "Favorite Albums of 2014." - CoolDad Music
Emerging as one of the top rock bands in the local scene, 2013 saw former No Wine For Kittens members Dentist establish their new identity with a series of impressive, guitar churning live outings. Every time out was a new vote of confidence as singer/guitarist Emily Whitt and co. honed their sound and presence culminating in their latest formal release.
Single “No Matter” boils Dentist’s whip smart pop sensibilities with that garage charm set against a steady, rolling bass line. Whitt warns a wandering lover with a lyrical snarl juxtaposed against her high register. It’s a classic tell off to a deadbeat who is so inattentive that they fail to realize their partner can shred.
“No Matter” represents the first sample of what to expect when Dentist’s full length debut drops in Spring of 2014 as the initial release on Good Eye Records. Cat’s out of the bag. We’ve started a label and we are over the moon excited to have Dentist as our first LP release. Stay tuned for more news about both and stream “No Matter” below. - Speak Into My Good Eye
Bowling. It’s pretty good, and we are pretty good at it. A rather informal evening out was had by us yesterday evening despite the inevitable and somewhat-commonplace occurrence of promising several different people that we’d do several different things in several different locations, ironically all at the same time. “Oh poor you”, we hear you think with a hint of mildly-bitter sarcasm. “Must be hard being you”. Well, it fucking is. You think correctly. Anyway, we sensibly (we say that because Chloe got us a ticket and in all likelihood would have been real pissed at us if we flaked, mainly because one of her favourite things to do is have a go at us for a plethora of personal shortcomings usually pertaining to how we really don’t know what the fuck is going on most of the time) picked the social option of seeing our mate Jen rocking a suit as a member of The Suits bowling team in this play they’re doing at Rowan’s in Finsbury Park – undoubtedly known to a sizable chunk of our adoring readership as “that place where you end up off your nut and end up bowling and/or playing a number of arcade games and/or doing spicy karaoke renditions of whatever” – and it was great. A character known as striker delivered an emotive monologue at the end of the play about he generally doesn’t give a shit about what you think; he loves bowling, and bowling is legit. Ergo, it is his hot body, and he does what he wants. This ultimately led to us bowling with the cast until sometime around midnight, and we’re not so bad ourselves. We finished a respectful third on 117. Perhaps now is the right time to introduce our current Track Of The Day’ers Dentist and their aptly-named Track Of The Day I Do It Cause I Wanna, and their not-so-aptly-named No Matter. So let’s do just that. Dentist are from Asbury Park, which for some time (approximately 15 minutes or so) we thought might be in London like Finsbury Park, but turns out its a whole other park entirely in a whole other country – namely the United States of America, in a place called New Jersey. Cool. They don themselves in surf rock stylings that we find highly agreeable given the current sun-drenched-warm-ass climate we find ourselves in at present. We threw this to the A&R testbed that is Ben Soep just now as to what he reckons this sounds like. Dude came up with Best Coast, Fear Of Men and The Drums. We can get behind that, and feel somewhat inclined to chuck Ramones-sistotypes The Donnas into the mix due to the awesome vocal we’re getting here. - Killing Moon
Much has been said and written about female fronted bands, good and bad. I don’t care about all that shit. I care whether the band is good or not, whether they “rock” or not. Dentist does. There are plenty of traditional indie-pop sounds, but there are also hints of surf-rock sounds, interesting for a New Jersey band. The opener, “Pretty Lady,” is a cool surf-punk track, with bits of 50s doo-wop sounds. And, as much as I would love more tracks like that one, the others are pretty fine, too. At times, they get a little heavier, like on “Bird in the Cage,” which sounds sort of like 90s grunge, but a little lighter. Nirvana is brought to mind, to an extent. “Retired Lifeguard” is by far the most blatant surf track, both in name and sound, and it’s another winner. Yes, a woman fronts the band. So what? The music is good, and that’s all that matters. - Jersey Beat
Dentist- I Do It Cause I Wanna + No Matter
These two new songs from Asbury Park surf pop outfit Dentist is a great way to start off your weekend.
The five piece blend dreamy, saccharine pop melodies with tight rhythms and seductive guitar work. It's summertime music that avoids being overly sweet with penetrating fuzz pop riffs and bittersweet lyrics driven by the always charming singer/guitarist Emily Whitt.
These two songs are from Dentist's self-titled debut album that was released today via newly formed New Jersey label Good Eye Records. If you live in the NJ area, head out to the record release party at the Asbury Yacht Club and show this promising band some love. - Ground Floor Go
Something of a best kept secret in the re-emerging Asbury Park, NJ scene, Dentist is certainly a band to watch and their latest visual output is a testament to that.
The video for their single “Bird In A Cage” comes off of the band’s self-titled debut LP, released earlier this year. The crunchy, surf-sheen of the “Bird In A Cage” relays their NJ shore background and elicits the best of ’90s indie rock. Dentist’s neo-pop sensibilities are the product of husband and wife duo Emily Bornemann on rhythm guitar and Justin Bornemann on lead, with Andy Bova on drums, Nick Kaelblein on bass, and Matt Maneri on the keys. - The Vinyl District
The cool, surf-sheen of the “Bird In A Cage” relays their NJ shore background and the best of 90’s indie rock. The band’s neo-pop sensibilities are the product of husband and wife duo Emily Bornemann on rhythm guitar and Justin Bornemann on lead with Andy Bova on drums, Nick Kaelblein on bass and Matt Maneri on the keys. - Groundsounds
Here it is, our top 100 songs of 2016!
We’ve posted thousands of songs in 2016, and picking the top 300 songs from Daytrotter’s 11th year was so fun, albeit difficult. The #1 song of 2016 comes from the LA group Mild High Club, we seriously cannot stop listening to Tesselation.
With so many great artists stopping by our studio it’s hard to narrow it down, but we did. So here it goes. The list covers so much ground, you’ll have to listen to it again and again. Featuring tracks from: Craig Finn, SUSTO, Big Thief, Avett Brothers, Sarah Jarosz, Fantastic Negrito and so much more! (hint: the Matthew Logan Vasquez session is extra special)
2016 has been a year of loss, so many great musicians and artists have passed this year, one of the more profound of course being David Bowie, who is survived by his backing band (#5 Donny McCaslin) from his elegy, Blackstar.
Sadly, we’ve lost a favorite Daytrotter alum, Chris Porter of Porter And The Bluebonnet Rattlesnakes (#8). Chris passed away tragically in an automobile accident while on tour in the Southeast. Porter’s legacy will live on through his music. The saving grace in tumultuous times is the art and music that comes out of them, which emote like nothing else. It’s the thing that keeps up positive.
We hope you enjoy our Best Songs of 2016!
- Daytrotter - Daytrotter
Still working on that hot first release.

Dentist is a female fronted indie trio from the shores of Asbury Park, NJ. Since the beginning of 2021, Dentist has released 3 singles from their new album, Making A Scene, due in the Spring of 2022 on Cleopatra Records. The latest single, entitled "Spilled Coffee" premiered on November 11th via Under the Radar Magazine and was added to over 200 playlists including Spotify’s Fresh Finds Rock. In May of 2021, Dentist collaborated with Last Wave Brewing to create a beer to coincide with their single and first ever animated video, "Let Me Let Go."
In 2019, Dentist embarked on a month-long US tour with the band Brick + Mortar, for which they were featured in press throughout the country and were selected for the 2019 Taco Bell "Feed the Beat" program. In January 2020, Dentist visited Paste Magazine studios in NYC for a live session.
In 2018, Dentist's junior album Night Swimming made the A.V. Club's list of "Most anticipated albums of 2018," were named one of the "Top 10 bands at SXSW 2018" by the Mercury News, listed as a "favorite new musical discovery" on NPR's Sound Opinions by Jim Derogantis, and had T.V. appearances on Sound Diego NBC California and Fox 29's The Q. Night Swimming made the NACC Top 100 for college radio. Dentist completed a month-long tour following the release of the album on Cleopatra Records (The Casualties, UK Subs, Gin Blossoms) and played over 80 shows throughout the year. In March 2019, Dentist completed another three week tour, including official shows at SXSW and Treefort Music Festivals.
Band Members