Hampton, Virginia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017 | INDIE
D*Nik "Rockz and Slingshotz." Duane Smith and Nik Madry set out to make electronic pop safe for thinking adults. Taking a brief break from The Fuzz Band, the couple wanted to explore territory inhabited by the Beyoncés and Britneys of the world — while bypassing the hypersexualized image obsessions. At its best, "Rockz and Slingshotz" succeeds by blending state-of-the-art studio craft with strong melodies and a variety of drama not typically heard in poppy R&B. For example, "Crush," with its insinuating beats and synth buzzes, owes a debt to Prince, Nine Inch Nails and Nicki Minaj. Madry sings about fame and fantasies. She creates a mood of intoxication without spilling over into the sleaze zone — a neat trick. Several tracks benefit from a similar dark, spooky vibe: "Breathe," "Day & Night." The combination of Madry's glossy, nuanced vocals and the robotic clank of the beats is fun. The Broadway-style ballad "Not Perfect" delivers a sweet sentiment but isn't as interesting. More successful is the hard-rock exercise "I Hate ur Band" which attempts to beat a bad boy band at its own game. "I hate your cigarettes and nasty attitude, your beer, your chicks, your addictions, everything you do." D*Nik is at its best when it's pushing you onto the dance floor and messing with your head. It's a lethal combination.
(www.dnikmusic.com) - Daily Press

D*Nik is an Electro-POP/Indie Rock duo from Virginia. Drawing comparisons to N.E.R.D., J*Davey, Bjork, and Portishead, this songwriter/production team began officially collaborating on projects with local Virginia artists in 2006.
Duane studied jazz trumpet at LaGuardia High School and was a regular on New York's music scene and public transportation lines growing up. He shuttled back and forth between private lessons and illegal, underaged performances at various seedy nightclubs with legends like Wynton Marsalis where he learned jazz and the subtle cockiness associated with being a musician. Wanting to duplicate the opportunities he found in New York, Duane co-founded Peach Fuzz Entertainment and The Fuzz Band while attending Hampton University. Accustomed to writing and arranging pieces for traditional jazz and Big Band configurations, he began tracking musical ideas in GarageBand and Reason.
Nik was Classically trained in college, studied Jazz with her father, sang Gospel in the church choir, and head-banged with her friends at an all white high school while trying to maintain some semblance of blackness with her weekend friends from the next town over. Nik met Duane while attending Hampton University and ultimately joined The Fuzz Band as a lead vocalist. Initially tormented and somewhat confused about her vocal identity, she began penning lyrics to Duane's tracks which strangely complimented her vocal personality disorder.
Selfishly unable to part with their musical collaborations, the duo began scheming on ways to fund their own project. Duane "D*" Smith and Nakia "Nik" Madry were married in late 2011 and used their guests generosity to complete and release their debut album, Rockz and Slingshotz on January 1, 2012. Laced with musical contradictions, the 18 song compilation brings a new twist to modern pop by fusing dark undertones, clever lyrics, and dabbling in angst driven rock, power ballads, and hip-hop.
Band Members