Gig Seeker Pro


Morgantown, WV | Established. Jan 01, 2014

Morgantown, WV
Established on Jan, 2014
Duo Electronic Experimental




"Henrik the Artist – Naked (bustclub remix)"

I don’t read a lot of unsolicited emails but this one had Henrik the Artist in the subject line. bustclub did not disappoint me nor fail to capture the thought-provoking nature of Henrik’s work. - 1833


Still working on that hot first release.


Feeling a bit camera shy


bustclub is a group designed to perform research and advocacy concerning popular music and culture. Having been first hand witnesses to multiple artists career progressions, we have concluded that in order to compete in the music industry of the 21st century, we must create opportunities for ourselves. Chief among them is the analytical framework through which a we choose shows, songs and merchandise. In the past, it was fine for to simply "do what comes naturally" until you get signed to major label, at which point they would apply more rigid criteria to your operation. By starting out with the inclination to make every show a strategic expansion of our home territory we will be able to stay under the radar while amassing more loyal fans. By treating every sound that is designed in our songs to push the boundaries of what the average listener finds pleasing, we can mold the tastes of people who hear our music. By doing our own market research to find out what songs are popular in certain areas and what merchandise those people would be most willing to buy, we can set up a long term strategy for making ground breaking music without compromising enjoyability.

Band Members