Anastasia A
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | INDIE
Anastasia A has announced she’ll be releasing an EP called Something Inside You on June 16th. Pre-order the album on iTunes and check out the albums artwork and track list below! - UMUSICIANS
Toronto’s Anastasia A has released her debut (mini) album, Something Inside You, containing seven sizzling summer jams plus a radio edit of one of them. Anastasia started writing songs for others and in the last couple of years decided to begin releasing her own music. She headlined a live showcase at this year’s Canadian Music Week, and her music has been featured on Disney and Family Channel. Citing Carly Rae Jepsen’s Kiss as one influence, Something Inside You contains a pleasant blend of EDM, power pop, and love songs. iTunes - CANADIAN MUSIC BLOG
Another release for Gabesco! This time in Canada with the hot upcoming artist Anastasia A. The co-owners Gabriele Guidi and Francesco De Santi wrote the song “Something Happens” together with the awesome top Uk songwriter Rob Davis (who wrote “Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” By Kylie Minogue). The track is included in her first EP called “Something Inside You“.
Pre order at: https://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/something-inside-you/id863408021
The Making Of : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=098ktWNt6s0
Out June 16, 2014
- Gabesco Publishing - - Gabescopublishing ITALY
Anastasia A is a Canadian pop-dance singer and songwriter who is taking the Canadian music scene by storm with her hit singles like “Kiss and Tell”, “My Love” and my absolute favourite – “Sparks Fly”. Her first studio album, Something Inside You was released on June 16th, 2014 and I have to say, it is definitely a foot- tapper that’s worth a listen. She has collaborated and worked with many notable artists and producers at such a young stage of her career, including past Faze cover boy Shawn Desman, proving that she’s a hard worker. Currently experimenting with EDM music, Anastasia A hopes her upbeat and catchy singles will blast on the radios across Canada (and hopefully around the world!). Faze caught up with Anastasia A to talk about her growing success, new album and future goals.
You started your career by collaborating with the STEREOS, what was that experience like?
I had met the band during a filming of Disband and I had told them that I am a singer. Not too long later, their producer gave me a call and asked if I was available to come to the studio in half an hour. I ended up being on the Uncontrollable album and did a song called “Barely Breathing”. They were really cool guys and real fun to work with.
Which artists do you look towards for inspiration?
Right now I’m really inspired by Iggy Azalea. She has so many different types of looks that she can rock - it’s not something that you see all the time and it doesn’t get boring. Also, she is really brave and bold and sets some serious trends. I really love Ellie Goulding as well because she as some cool electronic-dance elements that I am really interested in.
Who would you like to collaborate with in the future?
I definitely would like to collaborate with a male artist. It would be really difficult to collaborate with a female artist because they are the power house of their own show. Working with Cody Simpson would be cool or any pop-rapper like Mike Posner. I want to go for an edgy-pop combination.
What made you gain interest in EDM Music?
About two years ago, the president of Ultra Music Canada contacted me and said that he had been scouting my music for a while now and would like to have me come in to the studio and record a song. I played some of my demos for him and he was able to connect me to a couple DJs like Steve Aoke. He invited me to go to VELD and once I was in the centre of the EDM scene and heard remixes of known songs and something had sparked in me.
What is your favourite song from Something inside You?
“Save Me” is my favorite song on the album because it has the biggest impact personally because it was about a relationship that I felt really strongly about. I feel like everyone can relate to it where you’re with someone that has broken your heart but you still want to be with them. It’s a vulnerable track for me.
How did you come up with the name “Anamaniacs”?
I really wanted to find a way to connect my supporters so one of the guys (from her marketing team) had suggested “Anamaniacs” because I’m kind of wacky, and the name just clicked.
Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I see myself writing a lot for other artists and travelling. I’ve always wanted to start a consulting program in which I can help other artists create their own path. I also want to have a grant that would help other artists that have the talent but not the means to put together an album. So overall, my goal is to give back to music community.
Check out Anastasia A’s new album -Something Inside You, and catch her performing and doing a meet-and-greet our Faze Power Up 2014 event on August 29th. - FAZE MAGAZINE -Canada's #1 student magazine
Upcoming pop singer Anastasia A will be playing for Canadian Music Week tomorrow night (May 8) at The Comfort Zone. She goes on at 10:30 p.m. so make sure to check her out! Her latest single is called “Sparks Fly” (you can watch the lyric video below). Her EP will be released soon! This isn’t her first time to CMW either after playing the performance showcase back in 2012. If you think she looks familiar, her music is in heavy rotation on Disney/Family channel along with YTV. Her other singles are “Kiss & Tell” and “My Love.” - See more at: http://www.bestfan.com/blog/2014/05/anastasia-a-playing-canadian-music-week/#sthash.FlGDlc3z.dpuf - BEST FAN
Anastasia A is a Canadian pop artist from Toronto. Originally a songwriter working behind-the-scenes, a few years ago she decided to step into the spotlight and release music that was all her own. Ever since, she’s been steadily making a name for herself, with appearances at Canadian Music Week, the Toronto International Music Summit, and the Toronto Fashion Incubator’s 25th anniversary celebration. Anastasia’s debut album, Something Inside You, is set to hit stores on June 16th and I was lucky enough to discuss it and her music with her.
You recently headlined a live showcase at this year’s Canadian Music Week. How are you feeling about it?
It’s honestly such a special moment. I have held back releasing my original music for a year while working on my brand, so this is exactly what I have been itching to do. It’s amazing to see all the supportive faces that have been with [me] along the whole way. I love the CMW showcase opportunities because there are so many industry friends all in the same city for a few days!
You originally started out working behind-the-scenes as a songwriter. What made you want to begin releasing your own music?
I gained a confidence that I don’t think I had when I was only writing behind-the-scenes. I feel like I am in a different place now, with a lot of support and love. I have always wanted to be a pop singer, but I realize now that it takes a lot of guts to drop everything and pursue this career. I am happy that I did.
There are a lot of budding Canadian acts who are starting to hit the mainstream. What makes you and your music stand out from the crowd?
I am an international artist [who] has experienced three culture shocks and speaks multiple languages. This experience and perspective has really kept me grounded and so I believe that I will continue to inspire youth through a positive influence. I stand out because I like helping others and inspiring people to follow their dreams!
You’ve stated in previous interviews that your influences include Selena Gomez and Carly Rae Jepsen. What is it about them and their music that inspires you?
I have a love affair with electronic dance music, and both Selena’s Stars Dance and Carly’s Kiss are a tantalizing mix of electronic dance and pop music. I love songs that make you dance and those girls agree with me!
How does it feel knowing that your music has been played on the likes of Family Channel (a Canadian television network) and Disney alongside your biggest influences?
I am really happy. It’s honestly been my dream since I was a little girl and I am happy to say that I have checked it off the bucket list. Now I need to go to Japan!
You’ll be releasing your debut album, Something Inside You, on June 16th. What can fans expect and how does it compare to your previous releases?
Fans can expect a mixture of summer jams with Jamaican/Egyptian pop influences, as well as a dash of power-pop anthems and some sizzling love songs! This album is much more mature than my previous releases, so I’m excited to show that side.
What was the recording process like and were there any events that inspired the album’s lyrics?
It was the best! I got to work with my dream engineers and record out of my favourite studio, Phase One! I couldn’t believe the support and love from my producers and co-writers on this project. It really showed me that people do believe in my work.
Most of the album was inspired and written about the love of my life. Also, my song “Save Me” was the first song I ever wrote seven years ago!
What is the message you’d like fans to take from your music?
Don’t focus on the crap on TV and be yourself because you don’t stand out if you fit in!
Social media is a major tool for up-and-coming artists. How has it helped the growth of yourself and your music?
The majority of my fans are younger, so having Instagram, I can really connect with them one on one – the same with Twitter. It’s amazing to just talk, share pictures, and support one another through this. I’m slowly getting over Facebook though.
Where would you like to see yourself in five years?
Writing, operating a label, creating a music grant for aspiring artists, travelling to summits, and developing a new music industry.
Is there anything else you’d like to say as we close out the interview?
Booyaka! - CULT NOISE
round 11pm, Anastasia A was up. A.A., as I and probably no one else calls her, did the longest set, which included 9 songs. I’m not going to lie; I met her before and listened to some of her songs. I’m a sucker for sappy love songs, and “My Love” was my favourite going in. It had the vibe of Justin Timberlake’s “My Love” from a few years ago but without T.I. The song also made me want to experience being in love again as my heart was stirring like an overweight lady stirring cake mix. Jokes aside, it touched my heart and made me wish I could find true love. Unfortunately, there might be plenty of fish (in the sea or online), but they aren’t enticing.Watch the video.
Anastasia’s performance was the best of the night, as she rocked the set and had great stage presence and show(wo)manship. With the help of her backup singer Taya Marquis (with who I may or may not have a crush on), these two rocked the house. Or condo, because they were performing downtown.
Anastasia A performing at the CMW.
I’m like 2Chainz, in the sense that when I talk, there is “No Lie.” I even yell “Truuuuuuu” after some statements, like “that shawarma was awesome. Truuuu.” And this showcase was truuuuly awesome.
Where was I? My point is that sometimes showcases don’t bring in much of an audience. It’s usually people passing by the venue, family, friends and fans. The Comfort Zone wasn’t at capacity between 9pm till 11. But when Anastasia went up, there was at least 150 people in the room. It’s safe to say that not only did she bring the house down, but the dwellers as well.
Ana definitely brought the triple F’s: friends, family and fans. Why was I so aware of the audience? There was a beautiful blonde women with a dress that said “I want you to look at me. I know you’re looking, and I like that you’re looking. But I don’t want you to know that the only reason I’m wearing this dress is because I like it when strangers make eye and boob contact with this form fitting fabric I have on.” The dress was so tight I thought she grabbed it from the children’s section of Forever 21. What I’m saying is that I fell in love, with this attractive stranger, but also with Canadian music.
Canadian musicians have a lot to offer and are very talented. I definitely became a fan of Dorine Levy, Jasmine Singh, Anastasia A and ByStarlight. Will I buy there music? Maybe. Will I illegally download it? Definitely not (or will I?). Now that I’m more experienced with what Canadians have to offer, and their talent level, I’ll be actively looking for Canadian musicians and relying less on Songza. - YOUR LEGACY
Pop singer Anastasia A is living her dream! She has been singing since she was a little girl, and used to record herself singing along to songs on the radio. Anastasia got started as a professional singer by writing original songs and sending them to all of the record labels she could. Eventually she got discovered! She recently released her first single and music video, "Kiss and Tell"! In November 2012, Anastasia A participated in Family's Stand Up! anti-bullying campaign, performing an original song and music video with Victoria Duffield, Tyler Medeiros, and other Family Channel stars.
Fun Facts:
Anastasia A had her first big solo performance when she was 9 years old!
Anastasia says the most important thing in her life is her family.
The first original song that she wrote and recorded was called "Try."
Her favourite Family show is Shake It Up!
- Family Channel
Toronto, Sunday February 12th 2012 – Singer and songwriter Anastasia A held auditions for her band at Rehearsal Factory on 660 Richmond Street West. Guitarists, drummers, bassists and other musicians came to Rehearsal Factory on Sunday to compete for an opportunity to join Anastasia and her band and to expand their musical career.
An interview with Anastasia A
Victoria West: Can you please tell me about today’s event and what are you doing here, what do you want to do after today’s auditions?
Anastasia: Today we are doing our official auditions, so we are auditioning band members for my tour or for my shows. I’m hoping to leave here with some amazing band members, that I’ll be taking on tour with me, and we’re just looking for a lot of different people and releasing my single on Tuesday (February 14th, 2012).
VW: For how many new members are you looking for?
A: We’re looking for a drummer, a bassist, a guitarist, a keyboard man, and one acoustic guitarist for some lighter shows – five people.
VW: When are you going to decide upon the winners?
A: It’s going to be so hard to pick, but it should take me maybe a week or two. We can’t take too long because we have to start prepping for the Canadian Music Week, and they do have to learn 5 to 6 new songs of mine; so we are definitely going to pick them within a week.
VW: How about your new single Kiss and Tell?
A: I’m so excited about it. It’s out on Tuesday February 14th, and it’s such a great song, it’s so upbeat and fun and I can’t wait for everyone to have access to it, because I’ve been talking about it for so long and no one was able to find it anywhere, so it finally will be available on Tuesday.
VW: Where can your fans buy it or listen to it?
A: They can find it on iTunes. Also, we’re doing an official remix for a radio edit, so I’m working with MC Flipside from PBR Recordings. He’s such a great DJ and house music producer, and he’s going to do a very-very nice radio edit. So, we’re getting the song on iTunes, then radio edit, and then hopefully on Much Music.
VW: What is the message you send out with this single?
A: This single is about relationships. When you meet someone new and you really like them, it would be nice not to go and tell around to everyone about it, but just enjoy the relationship and be a strong person about it. I’m saying that because I know a lot of instances when you meet a new guy, let’s say in school or out there – you meet him and you really like him, but he goes around and tells everyone!
VW: That’s not nice!
A: No, that’s not nice, not classy at all, right? So that’s my message – to not kiss and tell, and just be a good person and be confident in your relationships.
VW: Where did the inspiration for this single come from?
A: It came from my previous break-up. I had a very serious relationship go downhill a long time ago… well, last summer (giggles), and it comes from my previous relationship experience. So I want to share it with other females – you have to be strong, you have to tough it out.
VW: When did you know for the first time that you wanted to become a singer?
A: When I was born (laughs). Except I didn’t think I could do it for a while. I took school very seriously, and post-secondary education was very important in my life. When I finished that, I decided to just go forward with my music career. Now I’m just going all the way and I’m actually able to live the dream. It was hard. I would spend 8 hours a day on Internet, Facebook, MySpace and all those different social and media networks. There is lots of going on out there, I had to go out there to some scary people who were on the top and say: "Hey, I’m Anastasia, how do I get in to the circle of people who’ve made it, I want to make it, let’s do it". So it was a lot of hassle, a lot of work, a lot of interacting, but finally I’m here, and I’m really excited.
Continue reading on Examiner.com An interview with singer and songwriter Anastasia A - Toronto style | Examiner.com http://www.examiner.com/style-in-toronto/an-interview-with-singer-and-songwriter-anastasia-a#ixzz1o5XSg0jv
“KISS & TELL” is the first studio single release from artist Anastasia A to come out of the joint venture between BMMG and Universal Music Canada. “KISS &TELL’s” scheduled release is appropriately, February 14, 2012, Valentines Day. Anastasia writes and sings from her heart. Her raw talent will make you a believer. She never knows where a song will take her, but her fans are always glad they came along for the ride. You’ve seen her face on billboards and in magazines.
The singer, song writer has collaborated with many of Canada’s top recording artists, such as, Down with Webster, UMG’S STEREOS, where she sings the duet titled “barely breathing, featured on their newest album “Uncontrollable,” JD ERA’S new music video “fame and fortune,” Suzie McNeil, CHASING AMEE’S upcoming music video, and will perform live at this year’s Canadian Music Week 2012. There’s no denying it’s Anastasia’s time, so get ready for it. “KISS & TELL” will showcase the heart, spirit and strength of the multi-talented Anastasia A. - MAX MUZIK
CANADA (Sasha Stoltz Publicity): This coming Sunday, singer-songwriter Anastasia A and her management group will have "Kick-off" auditions for "KISS & TELL", her first single from the collaboration between BMMG and Universal Music Canada. The auditions will be held in Toronto at the Rehearsal Factory (660 Richmond Street West) starting at 4pm on Sunday.
Already on her way to becoming a star, Anastasia A has worked with Canadian artists such as Down with Webster and Suzie McNeil. She dueted with UMG'S STEREOS on "Barely Breathing" from their latest album Uncontrollable, and appeared in JD ERA's newest music video "Fame and Fortune".
Anastasia A is set to perform live at this year's Canadian Music Week 2012. "KISS & TELL" is set to be released this Valentine's Day.
You can find out more about Anastasia A on either Facebook and/or Twitter.
Anastasia and her management group will be holding band auditions and the "kick-off" for "KISS &TELL,"
WHEN: Sunday February 12,
WHERE: Rehearsal Factory, 660 Richmond Street West, Toronto - NewBlaze
Canada is home to many emerging recording artists; we’re churning them out almost as rapidly as hockey players and supplying the world with great music. We do what we can to stay warm. If we can’t handle a puck, we play musical instruments and sing. A few days ago, we introduced a new singer from Toronto named Michala Todd. And today, we introduce another talented, beautiful young woman from that city. Her name is Anastasia A.
After some contributions to works by Suzie McNeil and Down With Webster, Anastasia released her own first single this past Valentine’s Day, called “Kiss & Tell” (Black Market Music Group / Universal). A music video is forthcoming. But for now, you can listen to the song HERE and if you like it, the iTunes link is HERE. As you can tell, it’s a piano-driven upbeat tune with some electronic elements. Anastasia’s team includes Vince Degiorgio and Derek Brin. Her vision for song is that it is a tool to spread positive messages. - CANADIAN MUSIC BLOG
by Jamie Bertolini
Anastasia A. is a 26-year-old singer/songwriter who just released her first single, Kiss & Tell, last Valentine’s Day. This very passionate and young artist recently took time out of her busy schedule to speak to Lithium Magazine about her earlier song writing career and her quick success with singing and becoming a recording artist.
Jamie: How long have you been in the music business?
Anastasia: Well, I’ve always been behind the scenes of the music business as a songwriter, but I just came out as an artist about a few months ago so just this summer - very brand new at this scene.
Jamie: Your first single was released on Valentine’s Day; has it been doing well?
Anastasia: Yeah, it’s been doing very well. We’ve had lots of positive feedback and lots people are buying it and writing their reviews on iTunes, so it’s been really exciting.
Jamie: Can you tell me about the song?
Anastasia: Yeah, sure. It’s called Kiss & Tell and it’s pretty much about when you meet a guy and you don’t want him to go and you don’t want him to go and say, “Oh, I’m seeing her…” blah, blah, blah. You just kind of want the relationship to develop. It’s kind of about just having empowerment of the woman and standing your ground. And it’s also just turned into a fun, pop song.
Jamie: Where did you come up with the idea for this song?
Anastasia: I was just sitting at home and listening to all of the beats that producers had sent me and I kind of liked how it sounded. It was a good beat, it was summertime and I just started writing to it and it turned into a full song. I sent it in as a demo and one of my engineers, he’s like, “You should come and record this.” So I went in and I recorded it full on, and then when my manager heard it in my samples of all my songs when I was trying to get signed, he was like “You should definitely make this your single, it’s a good song.” So, yeah it kind of just happened.
Jamie: That’s exciting!
Anastasia: Yeah, it was very exciting!
Jamie: What was the most memorable part of producing your single Kiss & Tell?
Anastasia: The most memorable part of producing it probably was when I was out in B.C. and our producer had pretty much just played me the track and I knew that I loved it, and then when I flew back down to Toronto, I didn’t know that I was going to end up writing to it that it was going to be a single of mine. So, I think the most exciting thing was watching it develop from just a song I heard out in B.C. and then it turned out to be the beginning of my career.
Jamie: How long have you been involved in songwriting?
Anastasia: I’ve been writing songs since I was little, but professionally I’ve been writing songs for about, I would say a couple years. I’ve been very lucky to be put on very big, large production teams and all kinds of famous people’s tracks and stuff like that. So, good times!
Jamie: I understand you went to school for Neuropsychology, what was it that made you switch to a career in music?
Anastasia: Well, I feel like I’ve never really switched to a career in music. It’s always been a big part of my life - music, but I’ve always wanted to go to school for Neuropsychology so that later in life I can open up a clinic and do therapy. My dreams have always been to be a musician or singer, but there are other aspirations in terms of opening up a clinic later down the road.
Jamie: So it’s definitely a long-term plan or goal that you think you’ll pursue later?
Anastasia: Yeah, of course! I mean, I’m a recording artist now but that doesn’t last forever and I’m not closing my mind to that. I know that eventually I’ll get older and I’ll be able to really enjoy my song writing career forever, but later on in my 40s or 50s I definitely cannot be a crazy recording artist out there touring and stuff. So that’s when I’ll settle down and open up a clinic for sure.
Jamie: Who are your biggest influences?
Anastasia: Right now, in Canada, I would say Carly Rae Jepson and in America it would probably be Selena Gomez. I just love both those girls, they’re just so positive and upbeat and they send out good messages. I don’t know; I just love their stuff. I’ll always jam out in my room while I’m getting ready. I don’t know, there’s just something about them that’s truthful and honest and I like that.
Jamie: Other than from other artists, where do you get your inspiration from?
Anastasia: I probably pull it in from previous relationships and a few years after college and university a lot of things in my songs write now are pulled in from that. I’ve had just the craziest 5-6 years of my life so a lot of my inspiration comes from the experiences of my past and relationships I’ve had in the past few years.
Jamie: You’ve collaborated with numerous artists including Stereos and Down with Webster and been featured in a few music videos; - Lithium Magazine
"KISS & TELL" is the first studio single release from artist Anastasia A to come out of the joint venture between BMMG and Universal Music Canada. "KISS &TELL's" scheduled release is appropriately, February 14, 2012, Valentine’s Day. Anastasia writes and sings from her heart. Her raw talent will make you a believer. She never knows where a song will take her, but her fans are always glad they came along for the ride. You've seen her face on billboards and in magazines. The singer, song writer has collaborated with many of Canada's top recording artists, such as, Down with Webster, UMG'S STEREOS, where she sings the duet titled "barely breathing, featured on their newest album "Uncontrollable," JD ERA'S new music video "fame and fortune," Suzie McNeil, CHASING AMEE'S upcoming music video, and will perform live at this year's Canadian Music Week 2012. There's no denying it's Anastasia's time, so get ready for it. "KISS & TELL" will showcase the heart, spirit and strength of the multi-talented Anastasia A.
Media Event: Anastasia and her management group will be holding band auditions and the "kick-off" for "KISS &TELL" - All Lights Portal
“TOP 5 moments of the 2015 MMVA’s : Singer, Anastasia A brings along designer Jordan Erin Mckay as her plus one” - MUCH MUSIC
2. How did you end up being a Star in Canada?
You are so sweet! I have a long way to go still, but I have been working in both the modeling and music industry since 2005 and have established a name for myself through my hard work and networking skills. My constant involvement in local events has kept me “in the loop”. I was able to accomplish a lot with my modeling career and have now decided to take my love for music to the next level. I started out writing for other people and now I am pushing my own material out to the public. I love growing with this industry and am excited for each and every year to come!
3. What is your Label?
Right now I am going to be Distributing through BMMG/Universal however I have to keep my options open. I am currently working independently which is allowing me to have full control of my projects and my Manager is amazing! I have some very serious A&R guys and labels waiting to hear more so I am mainly focusing on giving them just that! I am also currently a song writer, part of a production team with Jazz Feezy/Boi1da production under Interscope Records.
4. Who are you working with?
I am currently working with producer Scotty J from Vancouver, Jazz Feezy, Osama Versatile and artists such as Cpt. Hooks, Scotty James, Chase Millyunz, Phax and a few other local artists.
5. How much recording have you done in the past?
I have been recording since I was in high school however I don’t like to release much of it. I used to have 2 CDs full of music my brother and I had made but it was def exclusive! I love being in the studio, it's where I feel most comfortable. This past year I have been recording or in a studio for more than 70 percent of the year!
6. Why the switch from Modeling to Singing? Do you have plans for both?`
I was always nervous about pursuing my music dream because in the back of my mind, There was that possibility that nothing would come out of it. I was scared to lose something I am so passionate about. After completing university and gaining the right confidence and strength from Modeling, I put the fear aside and decided to go for it full force. I feel like there is nothing that I can lose.
7. How many albums do you have out?
I am putting out a summer EP “11:eleven” this fall, we are literally finishing the final touches and I’ll be ready to release it this fall. It was an unusually difficult process. I have learned so much. This EP was self produced and I don’t think I can ever go that route again. It was insane! Preproduction was very difficult because I had to explain to professional session players exactly what was in my brain in terms of sound, style and everything else. Not having a producer on board made it difficult to stay within the lines. I feel like I was crossing genres (which is not necessarily a bad thing considering it’s a mixed sound EP) but next time, I would much rather have a producer for direction and balance. My father was actually head of musical arrangements for this EP so It was very cool to work with family on this. He is such an incredible musician and is extremely professional. I don’t know what I would have done with out him because there were times where I felt so much pressure.
8. What are your songs about? What song should we listen for?
I find that most of my songs are about falling in love, emotional loss and gaining independence. Keep your eyes and ears open for my single “Kiss & Tell” which I will be releasing this fall!
9. Why is that song the special one for you?
``Save me`` is such a personal song that I am shocked that I am even releasing it. It feels like my broken heart is exposed and out there for people to hear and feel. It was really hard to play this song at shows this summer and I found that it was also difficult to record vocals as well. I don’t know, I feel like it’s a good thing that I release it and just move on. At least this song has true feelings and I am sure people will be able to understand that when they hear it.
10. Do you have anyone else on the newest album?
I do, I recently have pop singer Scotty James on one of my singles " I got you" and Cpt. Hooks and I recorded about 3 records together this summer and I have Chase Millyunz on my single "save me" which I cannot wait to release. I am looking forward to more collaboration. Some people, I am hoping to collaborate with right now are, Devon Tracey, The Cataracts, Far East Movement!
11. What are your inspirations for writing?
My life is so much fun and I meet so many people and travel to so many amazing places. All these experiences help me write but to be honest, when I hear a a piece of music the sounds usually inspire words and I basically complete a song based on how the song makes me feel. It is a really cool experience!
12. Who have you performed with in the past?
This summer I preformed next to some of my favourite artists. Scotty James and I opened for Sublime, 3 days Grace, The Trews, Hallorado, Tokyo Police Club, Street Pharmacy, The Reason, The Artist Life, Joob, Danny Fernandez to name a few.
13. Who do you want to perform with in the future?
There are so many artists that I would love to perform with but I would def want to perform at Summer Rush and MMVA`s. That is my goal.
14. Are you touring?
I currently just completed my west coast tour summer 2011. It was an incredible, very memorable time. I absolutely loved visiting Vancouver. I met with some amazing young producers and some of which are on my upcoming singles! The fans are wild there and it seemed as if many artists were out there at the same time. Rihanna, Danny Fernandes, Fefe Dobson, Kardinal Official, Captain Hooks were all there. I don’t know if I will touring again until next summer because I really need to focus on writing more now that I just completed a summer EP.
15. How far does your travels take you for your career at the moment?
So far I have only been able to do a cross Canada tour however, There are some plans in terms of visiting Europe, Thailand and I am planning to shoot a video for "Paradise" produced by The Glow Sticks some where hot and exotic. I am excited to go to Romania and Czech Republic. We have some contacts there we are going to connect with.
16. What's the biggest stage you’ve played on?
It would have to be the Brantford Hockey Fest. It was roughly a 60 foot stage and I am pretty tiny so it felt insane. It is nice to have an amazing sound crew I had a blast!
17. How has modelling treated you? What sort of shows do you do?
Modeling is the best job in the world. I modeled while completing my university studies and honestly, it was the best experience of my life. I feel like I gained so much experience in the last 5 years and have built a very versatile book. I have got to network with some of our nations hottest clients, travel, take amazing pictures and got tons of free swag! I enjoy LG fashion week every year and have been a part of some of the hottest designer shows! I think I will always have an agent for modeling just to keep me on my toes!
18. Modelling and Singing, are you going for anything else? It seems as tho you have a lot of potential.
I went to school for clinical Neuro Psych so I do plan on opening up my own clinic when I feel music has died down. I am really looking forward to helping other people, and I will start doing that with my position in music, and later as well.
19. Whats the big picture for you?
I want to go international and travel the world with my music. I am planning on developing my own organization that will utilize shows to help spread awareness on various topics through music. I plan to open up my own recording studio in Vancouver Canada where artists can get away and experience luxury! I will continue to write for major label artists but touring and playing shows will connect me wit artist on a more personal level. I feel like there is so much I can do with Music so I am going to try everything I can!!
20. Now that your an up coming star, are you a party girl or a stay at
home and play her guitar girl?
I love a good party don’t get my wrong, but I love what I do and with that comes responsibility, hard work and dedication. I have to take it easy every now and then so that I stay focused but I am a social butterfly. I love to go out and I love to party. I guess I balance both worlds because I do love to sit at home and relax, but in this industry there is always something going on and I usually end up going because I hate the thought of not being a part of everything! lol
21. Where can we find your songs?
You can find my songs at:
22. Do you have any Videos?
Yes I have a promo video for "try" on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qNpJJmepAAE
We are shooting my first Music video this Sept for my single “Kiss & Tell” and we are so excited!
23. What is your webpage?
www.facebook.com/anastasiaamusic and my current official website is www.anastasiaandranov.com
24. Anything else you want to say that I didn't ask about?
Thank you for the lovely interview and I hope you stop by and see me at the Canadian Music Week 2012 and show some love! - GameplanPros
Check out our exclusive interview with singer/songwriter, Anastasia Andranov.
For more info, visit www.WhatsGoodToronto.com
For more on Anastasia, visit www.facebook.com/AnastasiaAMusic and www.twitter.com/AnastasiaAMusic - whatsgoodToronto
“Anastasia A is a Canadian pop-dance singer and songwriter who is taking the Canadian music scene by storm..” - Faze Magazine
“Anastasia A is a determined and energetic pop singer/songwriter who is aiming to inspire the world through her music. Between playing sold out Canadian Music Week shows and working on new music, Anastasia barely has time to breathe! However, if there’s anything she knows how to make time for, it’s her friends and her fans. ” - Verve girl magazine
“Pop singer Anastasia A is living her dream! She has been singing since she was a little girl, and used to record herself singing along to songs on the radio. Anastasia has participated in Family’s Stand Up! anti-bullying campaign, performing an original song and music video with Victoria Duffield, Tyler Medeiros, and other Family Channel stars.” - Family Channel
“If you think she looks familiar, her music is in heavy rotation on Disney/Family channel along with YTV. Her other singles are “Kiss & Tell” and “My Love” , “Sparks Fly” & EP “Something inside you”.” - Best Fan
Anastasia A Try (Single) 2010
Stereos ft. Anastasia A Barely Breathing (Single) 2010 off the Uncontrollable Album (Universal Music Canada)
Anastasia A Kiss & Tell (Single) Feb 14th 2012 (BMMG/Universal Music Canada
Anastasia A My love (single) April 26th 2013 (Anastasia A Music-Family Channel- Astral
Anastasia A- Sparks Fly (single )-Nov 20th 2013 Canada Nov 26th 2013 Worldwide (AA Music)
Anastasia A- Debut EP- "Something inside you" July 2014

Anastasia’s recent performances include Faze Magazine’s Power Up Concert, Hockey Fest, Canadian Music Week, Toronto Fashion Incubator’s 25th Anniversary, ReelWorld Film Festival, Toronto International Music Summit, and Free the Children’s We Day stadium tour. She was one of the selected artists for Family Channel’s anti bullying campaign (STAND UP!) where she recorded a song alongside artists such as Victoria Duffield, Tyler Medeiros and other Disney stars.
Anastasia A is an artist who creates a path with a purpose. “My entire career revolves around giving back and inspiring others. It means something to me to be a part of a bigger picture and to do great things. Running and operating an indie label and fighting my way through has made me realize that this is worth it only if I touch, move and inspire people along the way”.
Anastasia’s career choices are driven by creating movements, inspiring youth and dedicating her platform to stand up for what truly matters to her heart. Anastasia has had the pleasure of opening and performing next to artists such as Shawn Desmond, This Kids Wear Crowns, Tyler Shaw, Neverest, 4Count, Rebel Coast, Justin Nozuka, A-Game, Three Days Grace, By Starlight, Finger Eleven, Jillea, The Trews, Catey Shaw, SUBLIME, Scotty James and Tokyo Police Club.
Anastasia independently released her first single, “Kiss & Tell” through Universal. “I think it was one of the first 3 songs I ever wrote and that single introduced me into the business. I really wanted to take the reins and learn the business myself.” She spent 2 years on the court and really feeling out what it meant to do this for a living. “I really enjoyed the thrill of contacting people, co-managing my opportunities all while finding my voice”.
In May of 2012, Anastasia won Toronto International Music Summit’s Best Pop Act contest partnered with ReverbNation. Earlier that year, she was among the top 1O artists in EMI’s national talent search (MO Artist), which later led her to establish her first publishing deal. She was also named “most talked about” upcoming artist by sponsors Hot 89.99 during the 2012 JUNO awards in Ottawa. Anastasia partnered up with dance label PBR recordings. The outcome was five remixes of her single “Kiss & Tell”, released on Beatport.
Writing lyrics and melodies is always on the agenda. Anastasia got her start through Producer Jazz Feezy (Devon Tracey, JRDN, and JOJO) of Boi-1da Productions who mentored and advised her to continue writing. She most recently collaborated internationally with pop writer-producer Francesco De Santi (Gabesco Publishing- Italy) that led her to a Rob Davis (Kylie Minogue) placement on her debut EP, Something Inside You.
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