Norfolk, Virginia, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2017
HELLO I GO BY THE NAME (BABY THUG) BORN AND RAISED IN (NORFOLK VIRGINIA) ALSO (BABY THUG) IS KNOWN FOR JUST PERFORMANCES, ENERGY, LYRICS, HOOKS AND MAKING GREAT MUSIC. (BABY THUG) IS ALSO INTO THE POLITICAL SIDE AS WELL AND PROMOTER/ MARKETER HE KEEPS IT PROFESSIONAL and through a hard life coming up (baby thug) had to make certain sacrifices to surivive in norfolk virginia being an mulatto child he went through fights, shoot outs, brawls, home avasion, bne's, selling and the list goes on but (baby thug) has made an impact in his community and other places around the globe. he made long strides in his career and just life itself but how his music career started was in his mom bedroom trying to learn how to keep on beat and rap. At first it was very scarce that (baby thug) would ever make it his mom known as (felec) (his manager) had to teach him how to keep on the metro dome and other flows. Six month's later he just got really good and from there she believed in his career like i always say WHERE TALENT LACK'S HARD WORK PAY OFF
(BABY THUG) is also known for his skateboarding he was sponsored by three shop in Norfolk Virginia (REAL DEAL) & (ZAZOO) & (Mikes Skate shop) , ZAZOO was a local black owned skate shop in Norfolk Virginia and Real Deal is an urban outfitting store that used to be located in Military Circle Mall he entered many contests and he did place 2nd sometimes 3rd but being in a world of racism & people scared of different people he also strived for greatness and one his first skate contest at Mike"s Skate shop and then got offered a sponsorship with Mike's Skate shop and even through he was hated on he kept on going and realized he had a love for music and ever sense he kept on going and (HE WONT STOP, CANT STOP, GOTTA GET IT) that is also his motto he is also a family man first and greatly believe in respect, loyalty and happiness just know (Baby Thug) is a pioneer in the making in other words.
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