Seattle, WA | Established. Jan 01, 2014 | SELF | AFTRA
There must be something in Seattle’s water. A.S.H.E.S The Chosen is yet another provocative and promising voice coming from the Seattle hip-hop scene, which is currently pumping out quality rappers like Starbucks pumps sweetener in coffee.
Ashes 1First thing to note, A.S.H.E.S (All Songs Heard Echo Solidarity) The Chosen’s new album ID, Ego, Superego is damn near half sampled sounds and tunes. I don’t know about y’all, but this is something I appreciate about hip hop. Some of the more notable samples include Paul Simon’s “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” and James Taylor’s classic “You’ve Got a Friend.”
To start we’ll look at “50 Ways,” the Paul Simon sample that gives A.S.H.E.S the platform to break love down in its many painful and joyful parts. Through the clear delivery of lyrics, A.S.H.E.S reminded me of the solace I have found in the fact “tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.” But A.S.H.E.S isn’t telling us to give up on love, he stresses the importance of fighting for love when we are blessed enough to have it. This track is intimate and deeply emotional. Best of all, I can say the same thing for most of the tracks on this album.
A.S.H.E.S raises some important issues in these songs. The track “Never Let ‘Em Break You Down” brings up the reproduction of the teen pregnancy cycle. A.S.H.E.S tells us “thirst” may be a symptom of someone in need of love looking for it in the wrong places. “Tears in Your Eyes”, the track opening and closing the album, vividly describes an abusive relationship from multiple perspectives (victim, abuser, mother of victim). Coming from a male artist, I wasn’t comfortable with this song on the first listen, but I found after a while there was an authenticity in the song and this means something deep down for A.S.H.E.S.
As for the rest of the tracks, they all come with hard hitting bass and solid production. A.S.H.E.S’s smooth and Tupac-esque flow leaves little to be desired.
An album titled in reference to Sigmund Freud’s theory of the id, the ego and the superego would have to be as conscious as this album is. The intro track “ID-Ridden” sets the stage for an introspective opportunity, I think you should take advantage.
You will hear these songs and more with THE AJ Taylor, Tuesday nights from 10-11 PM on KSSU.com. - The AJ Taylor
Music written with meaning and personal reflection will always stick with a true music lover much longer than a bubblegum pop song that is played repeatedly on mainstream radio. Real issues in song tell a story that can be very relatable to a listener. A good example of meaningful music is our latest find A.S.H.E.S the Chosen.
Hailing from the underground hip hop scene of Seattle, A.S.H.E.S the Chosen, along with his band April 12th, produces a laid back hip hop sound that shares personal stories that force the listener to hang on every word. There is a soul influence that shows its head throughout the music as well. Things are starting to blow up for A.S.H.E.S the Chosen as his music has been gaining attention reaching the #23 spot on CMJ’s Hip Hop Charts and receiving plays on iHeart Radio, as well as numerous local radio and TV networks. Hooking up with Stampede Music opened up even more doors and had A.S.H.E.S promoting around the country with performances in NYC, Los Angeles, and the SXSW Festival in Texas.
This past summer A.S.H.E.S the Chosen released his album Id, Ego, Superego for free download. The 10 track record is a complete collection of emotions and narratives that make for powerful listening. The opener “50 Ways” has a smooth jazz fell in the backbeat but A.S.H.E.S vocals bring it to a higher level of catchiness. Old Soul music shows its head on “Dear Hip Hop”. The funk drives the track with a female background hook keeping it all together. The fast paced lyrics keep you chugging along. The current lead single “Tears In Your Eyes” is the standout track as it tackles the huge issue of domestic violence. A.S.H.E.S the Chosen attacks the issue from 3 different angles and creates a full story that can be visualized like a movie. This is a powerful jam showing that there is more to this artist than just dope sounds. For the closing track “Tennis Court Freestyle” he mixes the dark alt rock of Lorde with his emotional vocals and storytelling nature to craft something bigger than its parts.
Go get a listen for yourself at: http://www.ashesthechosen.com/ - Indie Band Guru
A.S.H.E.S. the CHOSEN – ID, Ego, Superego – Album Review
First of all, let me just say, as far as writing goes, that’s the most amount of work you can possibly do in typing out an artist’s name…captials, periods, acronyms…take it easy on this old guy, I’m just waking up and can’t conceive of how I could get through this particular review without a mistake in punctuation.
There’s a lot at work here. With the combination of some well-mined-out sample use that even stumps me in a couple places, there are a lot of great hooks infused with some truly innovative choices in sound. Right as it starts out into the first chorus in the opening track “50 Ways,” you get a perfectly placed clip from Paul Simon’s brilliant track “50 Ways To Leave Your Lover;” which not even being a Paul Simon fan for the most part, you can’t deny that this is one of the best songs ever written. Using a song of that caliber can always be a risk, but it pays off completely here for A.S.H.E.S. as he demonstrates excellent skills and storytelling right away on ID, Ego, Superego.
“Never Let’Em Break You Down,” has a great bump & flow to it…I’m not completely sure about where the sample comes from here. It’s a very small, repeated clip…I’m my head I think it’s actually James Taylor’s “You’ve Got A Friend,” but IS it? Took me a couple listens to be 100% sure, if you catch the intro of the track you’ll never miss it; but again find myself impressed with the production on the A.S.H.E.S. album here and the ability to mix the old with the new in a completely relevant way that listeners are guaranteed to enjoy. A.S.H.E.S. flows through the mic with a determined, menacing and committed tone; like you can hear the ‘make or break’ moment of his life has been about pushing record and getting these songs on wax. “Dear Hip Hop,” is a perfect example of that…a true ode to the genre itself and what it all means to this gifted lyricist.
When you listen to the way he spits the rhymes on “No Apologies,” it becomes impossible to deny the talent of A.S.H.E.S. the CHOSEN as he puts his natural skills and abilities to work here. This cut is a definite highlight on what’s already been a solid album, but the conviction and flow on this track are intense enough to make even the strongest haters show love. On this cut, you get some real insight into the determined nature of A.S.H.E.S. as he rhymes about his career, life and never-give-up attitude.
Coming from Seattle, my home-away-from-home, he often uses a backing band known as April 12th to create the innovative and well-thought-out beats behind the rhymes. Much credit to the music here; the dramatics and dynamics in the sounds on these tracks are perfectly matched to the emotion and tone from A.S.H.E.S. coming back over the mic. “Tears In Your Eyes,” is a wicked example with a bright & sweet chorus juxtaposed against the harsh realities of the story behind this track. Diving deep into personal experiences and the darker moments of his life; he’s definitely not afraid to be real with us all on ID, Ego, Superego. Again – you’re going to find me applauding that decision every time; his complete lack of pretense makes this album thoroughly enjoyable to listen to.
Huge fan of the rhythm, flow and samples you can find on “Touch The Sky,” another real highlight on this album for me personally. There really is something about the way that A.S.H.E.S. approaches the mic that really comes across as confident…not ENTITLED…confident. There’s a huge difference there, and one that divides many styles within the hip-hop & rap genres. While half of the genres most famous artists would simply EXPECT you to come along for the ride on any given song, A.S.H.E.S. knows you have to WANT to be there with him; but better yet, on tracks like “Touch The Sky,” he gives you every reason to do just that. Something about his demeanor and approach to the mic…just has me rooting for this guy to find the success his talents deserve.
“A text message from my momma; like I need that shit,” is a line you’ll hear on “Pound Cake Freestyle,” another personal story from A.S.H.E.S. and one I found I could certainly relate to myself. It’s the holiday season…my mother and I haven’t spoken to each other in over two years now, but I’ll be damned if I could go through a special event from any point in the year without some sort of an explosive message or text message reminding me about just what a shitheel I am…or have been…doesn’t even matter anymore. You can hear the impact and weight of this similar situation that A.S.H.E.S. has gone through, and you can also hear the decisive action he’s taken to drive himself forward and not become lost in it all as he embraces his talent and breaks through.
I’ll totally admit…it would be REALLY tough to not love the final track, “Tennis Court Freestyle.” If you weren’t already hooked on the sound and tone of what A.S.H.E.S. the CHOSEN has put down on this record, well…what can I say…smart, smart play by adding in a Lorde sample into this last cut. YOU all love Lorde’s voice just as much as I do…if you can’t admit it, you need to want more for yourself. This is a perfect last track, bringing it full circle from the old-school to new-school throughout the entire life-cycle and pulse of this album.
Seems to me, that’s where the real strengths are here on ID, Ego, Superego…there’s a real talent for blending the old & new. The result? Ten tracks that are absolutely worth repeated listens; this is an artist who is ready to take charge of their moment and not afraid to be real every step along the way.
Find out more from his official site: www.ashesthechosen.com - Sleeping Bags Studios
A.S.H.E.S the Chosen: “Id, Ego, Superego” will amaze you with the production, the lyrical wisdom and wordplay.
Seattle-bred emcee A.S.H.E.S the Chosen, along with his band April 12th, create a soulful, Hip hop meets folk revival music mosaic. His current lead single “Tears In Your Eyes”, which tackles the issue of domestic violence through a three-part narrative, has established A.S.H.E.S as a creative and innovative songwriter, while also gaining national and international radio play the #23 record on CMJ’s Hip Hop Charts. A.S.H.E.S the Chosen has been featured on iHeart Radio, KJR FM/AM, Northwest Cable News, Seahawks Fone Zone (with Chris Egan), Komo News, King 5 News, and Evening Magazine.
For his “Id, Ego, Superego” project , A.S.H.E.S has partnered with Stampede Music (Snoop Dogg, Macy Gray, YG, Far East Movement) and embarked on a promotional tour which has included performances at The Real Radio Show in New York alongside Billy Mira, at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, and at the Red Gorilla Music Festival at South by Southwest (SXSW). Since May 1st, he has had performances at University of Southern California, University of California Santa Cruz, Sacramento State University, and at the KMUD Radio Block Party in Redway, CA.
“ID, Ego, Superego” which has been picked up and played on over 100 radio stations nationwide and internationally so far, will amaze you with the production, the lyrical wisdom, wordplay, and the kind of intense atmosphere it creates. In today’s glossy, skin-deep hip hop scene, it is decidedly rare to find rappers with the lyrical dexterity, seamless flow, poetic charm and social consciousness of A.S.H.E.S the Chosen.
Mashed-up samples from legendary songs, intertwined with hypnotic beats, provide the rhythmic backbone for most of the tracks on this album. The beats are so thoroughly unique and of high quality, with samples extracted from diverse artists such as Paul Simon and James Taylor. All this combined with A.S.H.E.S’ intelligent lyricism makes for a singularly unique mix of truly poetic raps with perfectly-rendered beats.
Though serious hip hop fans will surely love all of this album, there are a few tracks that stand out for being so perfect, that many may ask the question why A.S.H.E.S the Chosen hasn’t yet achieved megastar status. I’m talking the lead single, “Tears In Your Eyes” featuring Chantal & April 12th, produced by Charlie Patierno, which addresses abusive relationships from all angles, or “50 Ways” produced by Theophilus The Scholar, which brings attention to the fight for love.
ashes-the-chosen-400There’s “Dear Hip Hop” an eccentric 70’s-style soul-funk beat, that anyone with a respect for quality production values can appreciate. Similarly, “The Art Of Survival” and “No Apologies” are a testament to the abilities of A.S.H.E.S, to change his style and timbre several times throughout the album.
And though these all sound absolutely incredible, there is no doubt in my mind as to what the best track on the album is – “Tears In Your Eyes”, in both the original and remix versions, sampled from the incredible Chrissie Hind song, “I’ll Stand By You”, embodies the heart and soul of who A.S.H.E.S the Chosen is as a rapper and what he is capable of, artistically.
For any and all fans of true hip-hop, the truly poetical and lyrical rap that A.S.H.E.S the Chosen delivers will give listeners the chills. “Id, Ego, Superego ( the title is a titled in reference to Sigmund Freud’s theory), is a must-have album. A.S.H.E.S the Chosen is a hip hop and rap artist in the truest sense of the word. He looks not to towards the corporate mainstream establishment for false affirmation and throwaway kudos, but to feed the conscious minds of modern society. - Jamsphere
“Conformity is Over Rated…” the first track ends with a serious note as to what’s to come and it most certainly comes through on this record of great importance. Hip hop has been sewn up with a lot of mediocre rappers, and the mainstream seems to have lost the ethos of the past yet again. Then rappers come out like you hear on this record and you get a whole new hope for the future. It’s with that in mind that “Tears In Your Eyes” opens up, the storytelling that you’ve heard in the past gets a new twist with rhymes and beats that showcase the harsh realities of life, love, and more.
A.S.H.E.S The Chosen comes through with rhymes that matter, paint a picture, and beats that are connective tissue to the body of “ID, Ego, Superego”, and it’s expertly done. Every track has been carefully chosen, words presented as more than just rhymes, and something that hits you right in your mind’s eye. At times it’s bouncing, others it’s raw, but overall the words are put together to show you a larger picture, and it most certainly comes through. It’s with the tracks like “Never Let ‘Em Break You down”, “Art of Survival”, and “No Apologies”, that A.S.H.E.S The Chosen really shines, even though the rest of the record is super as well.
At the end of the day, with hip hop, it’s either hit or miss. This is one of the hits, and it comes through with a certain expertise that you don’t always get from a lot of rappers. There’s so many little things here in the beats, the way the rhymes are put together, and the entire package as a whole. There’s a lot of imagery painted here, stories, emotions, and introspection that makes this a triumph of artistry, not just music. You owe it to yourself to catch up with A.S.H.E.S The Chosen, because this won’t stay underground for long. It’s that good of a recording, and I recommend it.
Make sure that you catch up on the official A.S.H.E.S The Chosen website here, Facebook page here, follow on Twitter here, and of course instagram here. Don't miss out! - Sell Out Records
Rapper A.S.H.E.S The Chosen takes hip hop heads back to their roots with his latest project #NoMoreTears, a mini documentary to raise awareness about domestic violence.
“Hip hop started as protest music in the Bronx, [using hip hop authentically to tell a story] is what hip hop used to be about, it’s amazing how unique that seems now,” A.S.H.E.S said during a radio interview with Urban Knights Radio earlier this year.
“[Tears In Your Eyes] is about giving voice to an issue that has affected my personal life, but also addressing an issue that just needs to be voiced.”
The documentary, which comes from A.S.H.E.S’ song under the same title on his album Id, Ego, Superego, is a three part narrative which explores the perspective from a victim, witness and abuser.
“I really had to do some research on this. I didn’t want to write something that came across as corny, so I went in, did a lot of research, talked to survivors [of domestic violence], and compiled this idea.”
To fund his the Tears In Your Eyes Project, A.S.H.E.S launched a Kickstarter campaign February of this year.
“When I wanted to release the [Tears In Your Eyes] song, we didn’t have a whole lot of support, and then, we put out this Kickstarter campaign, and we were able to overfund it. I think it’s showing that there’s still an audience for this.”
For the project, A.S.H.E.S collaborated with Brynn and Sean Braxton, Shirin E, Lucy H, The Writers’ Room 412 and Green Eyed Media Determination Media Group. - Wear Your Voice
A.S.H.E.S. The CHOSEN – “#SayHerName” Featuring SaeMonae & Brynn Elyzabeth – Single Review
I love it when a message comes at you direct, on-point and with a beat like this new track from A.S.H.E.S. The CHOSEN featuring SaeMonae & Brynn Elyzabeth; we’ve been a fan of the dude’s work for a while now – but this combination of mission, music and meaning is definitely the kind of music I personally love to hear.
Let me tell you why that is exactly. I’m a big fan of people that stick up for the underdog; on “#SayHerName” both of these independent giants-of-the-genre are doing just that in a collaborative effort to shed some light on a pretty major subject that gets so very little. I’m not the most learned scholar out there…okay, busted…I’m like, nothing-scholar…but I like to think I’m educated enough in what’s happening around the world to know what the good is, versus the evil in the world. Truth is…no matter how schooled-up any person is on any subject…we’re bound to miss something; depending on your level of commitment to knowing what’s going on in the world, sometimes some of that knowledge you’re missing can be downright embarrassing. I felt that way this time around.
Here’s why…this quote is lifted entirely from the A.S.H.E.S. page at Soundcloud, but have a look…
“Sandra Bland. Tanisha Anderson. Rekia Boyd. Miriam Carey. Michelle Cusseaux. Shelly Frey. Kayla Moore. It’s not surprising if some of these names don’t sound familiar — but we find that unacceptable.”
The passion in that statement astounded me even before I heard the excellent beat, music & rhyme that clarified the point of what’s written upon the social media boards. It’s a critical statement…and I almost couldn’t believe just how RIGHT it was…I was embarrassed – I didn’t know a thing about a single name that was listed there.
I mentioned that I’m not a scholar…I’m not…I’m an average guy with a grade 12 education. Music…has ALWAYS been my educator, my mentor, my teacher…and as long as the synapses continue to fire around my brainwaves, I’m assuming after thirty-five years of knowing nothing else that this will always continue to be the case. So let me shed the embarrassment…and YOU can do the same; again – let me explain…let me tell you why I’m not embarrassed NOW…let me tell you how I picked my head up…
“#SayHerName” is designed to spark conversation surrounding the amount of police-violence against black females, and bring attention to what is overshadowed often, unfortunately, by the violence against black males. Every one of those names listed in their statement above comes with a horrific tale of injustice and brutality attached to it…I know that now because I Googled each and every one and took in tragic story after tragic story after tragic story. Every one of them was new to me…and these real-life stories were so appalling, so heinous…that to think more noise wasn’t created surrounding these ladies and the brutality they experienced is actually pretty sick. You can’t feel good in hearing the story itself…no matter how good the beat, or how well Brynn Elyzabeth, SaeMonae and A.S.H.E.S. The CHOSEN deliver their verses…it’s fucking grim.
You CAN feel good about what you choose to DO with this knowledge now. You can educate yourselves on injustices like this and be AWARE that they still continue rampantly in our PRESENT DAY…and do your best to make sure they DON’T anymore. I want to personally thank all the people involved with this track from the production, to the video, to the performance…people like Cool Kennedy & Caydolf producing…people like Brynn Elizabeth in the video…SaeMonae… A.S.H.E.S. The CHOSEN …you all deserve an incredible thank-you from people like myself, who plain straight-up didn’t know any better, but do NOW. And that’s thanks to you guys…you all made me aware of these names…knowledgeable to the point where that quote from above on your social media doesn’t apply to me anymore…because it WAS unacceptable to not know these stories; I am completely thankful you’ve brought this to a brighter light.
This pursuit is admirable – but this collaboration isn’t in it for the kudos & compliments…they put in the confident, passionate performance because this MEANS something – it’s about getting out the knowledge to the people…not taking in praise, ribbons, awards…none of that.
But I know they’ll accept a HUGE thank you for making this song; if the goal was to bring attention and awareness to the issues presented in “#SayHerName” – mission accomplished here at sleepingbagstudios, I’m hearing you. I’m extremely grateful to have people as passionate as this in our world making music that serves a REAL purpose…it’d be a much better world if we all learned a lesson from A.S.H.E.S. The CHOSEN and the incredibly insightful, talented, thoughtful people surrounding him. Trust me on that.
They’ve given you all the tools…now it’s up to YOU. Educate yourself…find out more through the official A.S.H.E.S. The CHOSEN homepage at: http://ashesthechosen.com/ - Jer @ Sleeping Bag Studios
Sexual assault and domestic violence aren’t easy to talk about.
So how can we get folks talking about these issues to drive more awareness and break down the barriers of stigma, silence and shame that keep people from seeking help and taking action before problems arise?
A number of NO MORE supporters have come up with same solution: instead of talking about sexual assault and domestic violence, sing about it.
Music is a unique medium that allows both artists and listeners to connect with difficult topics, like sexual assault and domestic violence, in very personal ways, and many people have written to us to share particular songs that have helped and inspired them.
NO MORE is proud to partner with the heavy metal supergroup HELLYEAH, which released its single “Hush” during NO MORE Week. Frontman Chad Grey wrote “Hush” about his experience growing up in a home with domestic violence, and the chilling song reminds listeners that they “are not alone.”
During Austin’s South by Southwest Music Festival, organizers of the Spontaneous Speakeasy combined the power of music and NO MORE’s message to raise funds for the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Safe Place. The daylong “Party With a Purpose” featured sets from seven artists, including JJ Essen, whose song “The Door” tells the story of his reaction and rage when hearing about a family member’s struggle with domestic violence.
Philip Nelson, an organizer of the event along with Curse Mackey, also performed his song “Up High” inspired by a friend’s words as she reached out for help in the wake of an abusive marriage. To Nelson, writing songs about these issues seems natural. “Music evokes emotion” he says. “Because Domestic Violence and sexual assault are such personal issues, it only makes sense that music would be an important way for these stories to be told and shared.”
Katy Perry’s moving rendition of “By the Grace of God” at this year’s Grammy’s, following a recorded call to action by President Obama and a powerful poem by survivor and activist Brooke Axtell, demonstrated the emerging importance of music in raising awareness around domestic violence and sexual assault.
Hearing your story in a song is a powerful way to remind those who have been isolated physically and emotionally that there are people out there who can relate to and care about them.
This Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM), we are excited to share some of the moving and downright catchy songs that people have shared with NO MORE. (Warning: Some of the lyrics in the songs and videos may be triggering to survivors.) - NOMORE.org
Johnny Mercer Songwriters Project alumnus and the White House’s “Brother’s Keeper” Program
A 2014 alumnus of the Johnny Mercer Songwriters Project at Northwestern University, John Anthony Shahor (also known as A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN), is partnering with the White House’s “Brother’s Keeper” Program to feature his song “Tears In Your Eyes.” Read more below:
SmG Music Partners with Obama White House’s “Brother’s Keeper” Program: Accepts President’s Challenge to Help Communities Keep Young People on Track
SEATTLE, WA – SmG Music and Green Eyed Media announced today that they are entering a partnership with the Obama Administration and its “My Brother’s Keeper” program, which the President announced in September, 2014. SmG, which is producing a mini-documentary based on A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN’s song “Tears In Your Eyes,” is accepting the President’s challenge of, “Helping more of our young people stay on track.”
“We believe passionately in President Obama’s leadership and voice of hope and courage in the ‘Brother’s Keeper’ program,” said Shirin of SmG Music. “SmG’s project against domestic violence is a natural fit for the White House’s ambitious objectives. We want to do our part to see his vision for a stronger community become a reality.”
President Obama issued a challenge to cities, towns, counties and tribes across the country to become “MBK Communities.” The MBK Community Challenge encourages communities (cities, rural municipalities, and tribal nations) to implement a coherent cradle-to-college-and-career strategy for improving the life outcomes of all young people to ensure that they can reach their full potential, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or the circumstances into which they are born.
SmG Music is going to be part of Seattle’s response to the President, assisting in a “Local Action Summit” to build an MBK Community. SmG is now launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund a mini-documentary based on “Tears In Your Eyes,” the first single off of A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN’s album ID, Ego, Superego. Rafael Flores, who first collaborated on the documentary “The Blank Canvas: Hip Hop’s Struggle For Representation In Seattle” will be the director. The project will include the participation of interns from both the United Roots Oakland organization and the Alliance for Boys and Men of Color.
Latest reviews of A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN’s projects:
http://bit.ly/1uaO8aV - The Johnny Mercer Foundation
The plug for the single, “#SayHerName”, by A.S.H.E.S the Chosen (feat. SaeMonae & Brynn Elyzabeth), and Prod. by Cool Kennedy & Caydolf reads: “Sandra Bland. Tanisha Anderson. Rekia Boyd. Miriam Carey. Michelle Cusseaux. Shelly Frey. Kayla Moore. It’s not surprising if some of these names don’t sound familiar — but we find that unacceptable. As national conversations around race and law enforcement have grown in recent years, the experiences black women have with police have largely been excluded. That was until now.” This once again testifies A.S.H.E.S the Chosen’s dedication to social issues in his tracks.
This video for the song, was edited by 22 year old McKinley Jordan IV, as part of his involvement in the Peace Over Violence Youth Over Violence Leadership Institute and President Obama & the White House’s “My Brother’s Keeper Initiative”.
A.S.H.E.S. The Chosen
A.S.H.E.S. The Chosen
The beat is dense and jazzy, while A.S.H.E.S the Chosen’s flow is at times aggressive and ominous. Together with rapper SaeMonae and vocalist Brynn Elyzabeth, A.S.H.E.S the Chosen has created a track reflecting the times we live in and for listeners brave enough to keep their ears open and absorb multiple listens – the depth, beauty, and truth of “#SayHerName” will slowly begin to unfold and reveal itself.
This track belongs to a newer, complex breed of socially conscious, art hip-hop, which requires the attention of the listener, in both the lyrics and the beat production. There is nothing a hip-hop lover cannot adore about this track. Musically the arrangement is amazingly sophisticated. Lyrically you can hear the mastery it takes to develop ideas and themes the way A.S.H.E.S the Chosen does. I admire how he handles spiritual and political conduct – his messages ring true and loud, without shoving it down your ears.
I could go on forever, but “#SayHerName”, by A.S.H.E.S the Chosen (feat. SaeMonae & Brynn Elyzabeth), and Prod. by Cool Kennedy & Caydolf has become a hands-down favorite of mine. If you’re still on the fence, you need to seriously investigate your priorities – not only musically, but in your day-to-day life! - Jamsphere
Video: A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN - "Tears In Your Eyes"
SmG: Since October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, it’s the perfect time to publically and tangibly make known your commitment to eradicate domestic violence. - RapReviews.com
A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN is a talented poet, lyricist, and social activist who is making a difference though his music and elevated social conscious. His chosen name is an acronym meaning All Songs Heard Echo Solidarity aimed at igniting a lasting, transformational movement.
As you listen to A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN, you'll find no desire for fame, riches, or other contemporary rap tropes. Rather A.S.H.E.S. raps about the topics that demand his attention and jolt his emotions. The passion is building fans globally.
His tour schedule and message of hope, strength, and resiliency has also attracted organizations and academics. He has formed strategic alliances with Peace Over Violence (in Los Angeles), United Roots (in Oakland), Union Gospel Mission (Seattle), and colleges including Dartmouth College (New Hampshire), the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern University (Chicago), University of San Francisco Law School, Academy of Art University (San Francisco), and Sacramento State University.
Specifically, A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN took inspiration in writing the song "Tears In Your Eyes" because of the alliances struck with the "My Brother's Keeper" program though the White House and the United Nations Women Empower Organization. "Tears in Your Eyes" is in the NFL & NoMore.Org’s “Top Ten Most Inspiring Songs About Domestic Violence”.
For A.S.H.E.S. focusing on domestic violence is a natural extension from his focus on advancing and mentoring youth since domestic violence often has deleterious effects on every member of the family--something he knows from personal experience.
His exposure and popularity continue to grow. He was the fourth most added record to college radio, while also climbing to #23 in the US on CMJ's Hip Hop Charts. He has also been featured on iHeart Radio, KJR FM/AM, Northwest Cable News, Seahawks Fone Zone (with Chris Egan), Komo News, King 5 News, and Evening Magazine.
Drawing from a seemingly unlimited well of artistic inspiration and influence, A.S.H.E.S continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in urban music. He continues to infuse his top forty style beats with lyrics that uplift, empower and bring joy to all who listen. - MTV
A.S.H.E.S. the Chosen (Seattle)
Seattle-bred emcee A.S.H.E.S the Chosen, along with his band April 12th, create a soulful, Hip hop meets folk revival music mosaic. What makes this noteworthy is that he is able to do this while simultaneously intertwining touches of Pop sentimentality through catchy choruses. Though laid back in his demeanor, A.S.H.E.S excites the crowd with an energetic and commanding stage presence, elaborate wordplay, and deep personal narratives told through his rhymes. His band, April 12th, which mixes Hip hop with Funk and Jazz, is both entertainingly nostalgic and enjoyably fresh to Hip hop heads and throwback Soul music lovers alike. His current lead single “Tears In Your Eyes”, which tackles the issue of domestic violence through a three-part narrative, has established A.S.H.E.S as a creative and innovative songwriter, while also gaining national and international radio play as one of CMJ’s Top Hip Hop Adds.
Fresh off the regional success of his most recent project, The Growth: My ENDtroduction, as well as the success of the official Seattle Seahawks’ anthem, “Loud & Proud (12th Man!)”, which he co-wrote, A.S.H.E.S the Chosen has been featured on iHeart Radio, KJR FM/AM, Northwest Cable News, Seahawks Fone Zone (with Chris Egan), Komo News, King 5 News, and Evening Magazine.
In preparation of the upcoming project Id, Ego, Superego, which is scheduled for release in this Spring, A.S.H.E.S the Chosen has embarked on a promotional tour which has included performances at The Real Radio Show in New York alongside Billy Mira, at the House of Blues in Los Angeles, and at the Red Gorilla Music Festival at South by Southwest (SXSW).
http://www.ashesthechosen.com - Chop Suey
SEATTLE, WA, Monday January 5, 2015 – SmG Music and Green Eyed Media announced today that they are launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund a mini-documentary based on A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN’s song “Tears In Your Eyes”, the first single off of A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN’s album ID, Ego, Superego. Rafael Flores, who first collaborated on the documentary “The Blank Canvas: Hip Hop’s Struggle For Representation In Seattle” will be the director.
“Having grown up in a home where domestic violence was the norm, and after his stepfather was murdered in a domestic dispute in 2004, A.S.H.E.S made a decision to use music as an outlet to confront the issue of domestic abuse,” said J. Alan Love of the University of Chicago’s Arts Incubator in Washington Park. “We have high expectations that this new mini-documentary will continue to raise public awareness of this very serious social issue.”
“Tears In Your Eyes” was released in the Spring of 2014. It was the 4th most added song to college radio, while also climbing to #23 in the U.S. on CMJ’s Hip Hop Charts for college radio. SmG Music and Green Eyed Media will be partnering with DetermiNation Media Group and the not-for-profit United Roots in the filming and editing of this project. The project will be shot in Oakland, California.
The “Tears In Your Eyes” mini-documentary is a nonprofit community-building initiative. All proceeds generated from the Kickstarter campaign will cover basic production costs, allowing for a true and accurate depiction of domestic violence. A.S.H.E.S the CHOSEN plans to donate a portion of the proceeds from the sales of “Tears In Your Eyes” towards Educating local teens about healthy relationships & early warning signs of abuse.
Directly impacting the lives of domestic violence victims as an advocate.
Providing information on child mentoring and assistance to mothers in shelter programs.
Supporting efforts to raise community awareness with public events & campaigns.
For more information, please email SmG Music at tearsinyoureyes@smgmusic.net and follow the Tears In Your Eyes Project @TearsMovement and A.S.H.E.S @ashesthechosen.
To hear the song “Tears In Your Eyes” visit: http://bit.ly/13Pgfp8
SmG Music, LLC
TEARSINYOUREYES@smgmusic.net - Press Release Nation
1. First World Problems Snippet
2. #SayHerName
3. Hear Me Cry
4. Not To Blame
5. Never Let 'Em Break You Down
6. Tears In Your Eyes feat. Brynn Elyzabeth
7. Shiny Suit Theory

ASHES the CHOSEN, eccentric and uncompromisingly passionate about his craft, spent the last few years going from promising indie-rapper to an established national act with international superstar potential. He is an important voice of his generation, a creative visionary, and a top-flight songwriter. ASHES draws from a seemingly unlimited well of artistic inspiration and influence which fuels his ability to actively push the boundaries of what is possible in urban music.
His last project, ID, Ego, Superego, climbed to #23 in the US on CMJ's Hip Hop Charts and was the fourth most added record to college radio. ASHES & SmG Music set out on a promotional tour that took them from Seattle to Poland and were featured on iHeart Radio, KJR FM/AM, Northwest Cable News, Seahawks Fone Zone with Chris Egan, Komo News, King 5 News, Evening Magazine, Generation U Radio, KSSU Radio, KUGR Radio, and The Real Radio Show alongside Billy Mira.
ASHES the CHOSEN & SmG Music performed at SXSW 2016, the RedGorilla Music Festival, and sold-out shows in Seattle and San Francisco as part of their Flyer Learning Tour. Four more shows were added to meet the steadily growing demand for a brand of hip hop ASHES calls “Raptivism.” The tour includes shows in New York, Chicago, San Diego, Pullman, Spokane, Tacoma, and San Francisco.
ASHES premieres his freshly completed mixtape A.S.H.E.S: The First Call May 12, 2016.
Band Members