amanie illfated
Toronto, Ontario, Canada | Established. Jan 01, 2017 | SELF | AFM
Amanie Illfated is a Toronto based and Sudanese born Pop singer who incorporates dynamic lyrics with an eclectic, often ethnic sound. She titles herself as a singer, writer, model, and dreamer, not to mention a website designer and author. With so many responsibilities, as soon as we connected with Amanie, one of the first questions we asked was how she juggles it all. We also asked about the special meaning behind her name as well as how her upbringing in South Sudan and immigration to Canada are reflected in her music and much more.
Carlton Boyd
Tell us about your name Amanie Illfated; what does the 'illfated' mean?
When I first started, I was having a sort of "name/identity" crisis. I finally settled on the name I was given when my family came to Canada: Amanie. it means 'peace' in Swahili, 'wishes' in Arabic and in my tribal language of Kakwa, it means 'to be hated against'. I felt that was suitable since my whole life, I felt like everything I was or did was hated against. My album was supposed to be called 'illfated', which was meant as a sarcastic statement to those who thought your future, fate and fortune will be bad, but you do it anyway. My fans started to call me "amanie illfated" despite how many times I tried to correct them, so I just stuck with it.
How would you say that your upbringing in South Sudan and immigration to Canada is reflected in your music?
Quite bluntly, it was hellish growing up being South Sudanese while also being Canadian. South Sudanese culture is very conservative, whereas Canadian culture is very liberal. My music sort of became that outlet for all the things I wasn't allowed to flaunt or say being from South Sudan - like the ups and downs of love or depression. Also, my parents pushed us (my siblings and me) to listen to a lot of African music when we were younger, so we wound up rebelling and discovering all of the "American" genres we weren't allowed to listen to. The one I loved the most was pop and electronic music.
What are you most proud of from your 'Amanie Illfated' project?
When I started my musical ventures, I was doing it slightly selfishly. I wanted to put out music just for me and I never cared too much about anything else. The moment I realized that people were listening and were affected by my music, I realized that music is so much bigger than pushing out songs. I am proud that I get to help people feel - no matter what the emotion, they are feeling something. On top of that, I am proud to be able to show other South Sudanese girls that there is a way to make it in this industry.
You wear a lot of hats, as a singer-songwriter, producer, model, author, artist, and web-designer. How do you juggle it all and is there one that brings you the most joy?
I think the big hat closet is where I find the most trouble. I'm not going to lie: it is HARD to go from singer to producer, to model to web designer to business manager and still keep the delicate, emotional artist inside. The way I juggle it is by working at a steady pace. For example, when I am in studio recording, I am a singer but for a few moments of that studio session, I will look at what I am doing through the eyes of an artist, then through the eyes of a business manager, etc. I take my time to think about it through every perspective first and then make decisions accordingly. This way, I don't stress myself out or become discouraged. I also had to learn to not be afraid to ask for help. Just because you have many hats, doesn't mean you need to wear them all at once!
The one that gives me the most joy would be being a singer in the studio. There, I can be my total self and I don't feel judged or anything.
What are your thoughts about the music scene in Toronto? Is the local population supportive of local talent?
It's a love/hate relationship with the scene here in Toronto. I love that there is so much opportunity to start no matter what. If you are business minded and music focused, you will do very well in this city. The part I don't like is that some people do try to take advantage of you and your music. So you have to be very cautious. I do like, though, that most local artists are able to drop the competitive attitude and support other local artists too.
The local population is fairly supportive of the talent in the city, but I heard someone put the Canadian population (including Toronto) into perfect perspective: Canada acts like parents: they will raise their local artists, but will want them to leave home soon. Artists will have to leave the country and become successful elsewhere and Canada will peek above the fence (border) and check in to see how their babies are doing.
What's next for you musically and when can we see you on the stage performing songs from 'Amanie Illfated'?
Currently, I'm launching a big promotion for my most recent album, so there will be a lot of shows, radio play and music videos coming out. I'm also getting to start a very big project called "Saturn & Titan", which will include brand new pop music but also reggae and AfroFusion. My next big show will be at the Gladstone Hotel in Toronto. I'll have new songs and I will be backed this amazing reggae band called Feeling the One Drop! - Dope Cause We Said - Carlton Boyd
“Amanies music is emotional and heartfelt and could even make you a little sad. However, it is in a good way. A way that makes you feel your emotions when you are all alone. Although she only has one album there have been 27 thousand downloads increasing her visibility and her popularity is growing. Her sound is rock and pop and could be compared to singers like Nelly Furtado, Gwen Stefani, Shirley Manson and Lights which are her main influences. This album follows her promotional album “lost with directions.” Ill fated is scheduled to be released in the fall of 2011. Listen to Amanies music and you will understand how unique this young woman’s music really is.” - Amber Whitman-Currier
“Come watch Amanie perform live @ AFROSENTRIK FRIDAYS MustiBoy's Birthday August 16th inside 227 lounge, 137 Cityview Dr, Toronto, Ontario M9W 1L4.” - Gbedu Tunez
“SUNshine Girl Amanie’s hobbies include music, modelling, and learning languages. She loves actor Michael Fassbender, but her most memorable meeting was with Kiss rocker Gene Simmons. Her favourite way to spend her time is work, work, more work, and then sleep” - Toronto Sun
“Amanie’s family left Sudan for Canada in 1992 fleeing from the civil war. They arrived as refugees and settled in Regina, Saskatchewan, a place Amanie describes as “pretty much the exact opposite of Sudan.” When she turned sixteen, Amanie wanted to pursue a career in music and knowing Regina was too small, she set out for the big city of Toronto. After arriving in Toronto Amanie felt as if she was visiting the entire world in one city: every culture, ethnicity, religion – all were there. Currently Amanie continues to develop her career as a singer, model and actress.” - Colin Boyd Shafer
Amanie is a young South Sudanese artist and fashion model living in Toronto, mostly known for her single “Letter to myself”. Checkout both her music and fashion below.
Radio Miraya, Capital and the rest, itakum gi istena shunu? This young talent should be playing on your stations by now “Support your own”. - The Fierce Junubiya
THE ARTIST OF THE MONTH for August 2014 is...
Amanie Illfated
With a variety of spellings and pronunciations, amanie illfated is a prominent name that exists in numerous languages and dialects around the world. definitions of the common name include 1) ‘peace’ in Swahili; 2) ‘wishes’ in Arabic and 3) ‘to be hated against’ in the tribal language of Kakwa of Sudan, Africa. Oddly enough, hate was the intended meaning behind the singer and songwriter, who has also taken on roles as a producer, model, author, web designer and creative mind. Incorporating her dynamic word combinations with an eclectic sound and intelligent executions, amanie illfated has been making her mark on the Canadian music scene and creating a growing buzz on international grounds starting with her debut album, lost with directions, and is using her past experiences to guide her through her sophomore album, illf@ted, which is presumed to be released in stores and online in 2014... - SpokenVizions.com
Music officially began after years of traditional dances for special events and even performing for Mayor Pat Fiacco at the centre of the arts. After years of toying with the idea, Amanie wrote her first song as early as 9 years old. By 12 years old, Amanie had recorded in her make-shift basement studio and performed many songs in public, began playing piano and producing and was leading the South Sudanese children’s choir. It wasn’t long before she wrote enough material to produce and put out the promotional album “lost with directions”. - James Kevin O’Connor
Amanie Illfated is a singer/songwriter and model living in Toronto.
1. Which stories do you think have made the greatest impact on you?
One of the biggest stories to impact my life was Oprah’s. Growing up, it was very hard to find successful black females to look up to and Oprah was the only one that I could find at the time, but she was the most suitable. She had a very hostile and traumatic upbringing and had made so many mistakes, yet worked so hard and always pushed to succeed. Her work ethic became mine and her story made me realize that no matter what happens to you in the past, you can still have a future so long as you don’t give up.
2. When did you realise you were a singer?
I realized that I was a singer at around 4 years old. My family had only been in Canada for a year and adapting to the country was difficult for my family and for me and, even at that age, I felt like something was missing in my life. This changed one day when my sister and my cousins were playing ‘lava’ in the living room and Celine Dion came on the CBC channel and was she was singing. My world stopped and it was almost like lightning had struck me when it dawned on me that I wanted to do what she does – singing live on stage.
3. Can you describe the process of writing a song – I know the process of writing a script or a piece of prose is often like getting blood out of a stone?
Wow! Getting blood out of a stone sounds difficult!
Strangely, for me, I don’t even realize when I am writing a song. Songs start with the music – either with my band or with a producer/songwriter. The moment a chord strikes my heart, it’s like all the words just fall from the sky, into my heart, through my hand and onto the paper. I think it has to do with being a very, very emotional person. At times, I don’t really like anything even if the song is striking a chord with my heart. Typically, that would mean I’m not emotionally ready to write that song.
4. How does your South Sudanese heritage inform your work?
I came to Canada when I was 3 years old and haven’t gone back home due to the war. My whole life, I was confused as to who I was – since I wasn’t South Sudanese enough for the South Sudanese to consider me as one of them, and I wasn’t Canadian enough to be considered Canadian. Being in Canada allowed me to be liberal and speak out, but in a South Sudanese household, I was forced to be conservative, obey all elders in their wrongdoings and even discard important pieces of education because it wasn’t suitable for South Sudanese. The songs that I was writing seem tame to North American standards, though in my culture you couldn’t talk about those things - songs like ‘Letter to Myself’ which is a suicide letter or ‘Ultimate Candy’ which is about falling in lust or even ‘Don’t Mess With Me’ which is about standing up to a man who tries to control me. Many South Sudanese refuse to address any mental health issues or suicide, they believe a woman cannot be sexual unless it is with her husband and only if he initiates it, and many woman are abused and/or under the control of men and unable to speak up against it.
Being South Sudanese was never a big factor in my work until about 2015, when I started working with Yaba Angelosi (a South Sudanese singer and producer based in Nashville). When I began working with Yaba Angelosi, I started to follow a lot of the politics discretely and the news from there began to affect me. The new album I am working on now contains many songs that are heavily influenced by my heritage including ‘The Hills’, which is a song about refugees and immigrants that successfully achieve a better life in North America but are met with racism and discrimination.
5. It is often said that writing for TV and film is one of the most collaborative forms of writing – how much collaboration goes into writing a song and putting an album together?
I would say about as much collaboration goes in to writing an album as it does writing for TV and film. You will have a producer, the band, session players (musicians that record their part but are not part of the band) and engineers. Everyone has to contribute to the feel and uphold the vision of the songs, and it’s difficult to tell someone “hey, this song is about how heartbroken I was when I broke up with this guy. Can you get the full emotion of that into your guitar?” In the writing and production phase, everyone is all over the place with input and direction and we’re all stuck in one room for 4-10 hours at a time. Sometimes it gets a little tense. Once everything is written and produced though, it is smooth sailing.
6.’Everything’s Okay’ is a wonderfully positive song – where do you get your positivity from?
‘Everything’s Okay’ was written out of a very numbing pain. My uncle, who I idolized, passed away suddenly in South Sudan, leaving 4 kids behind as orphans. He was a soldier and body guard to John Garang, who was a well-respected South Sudanese leader who was killed in a plane crash in 2005. I had only spoken to him once in my life and the only thing he had ever told in me in Arabic-Juba (one of the primary languages spoken in South Sudan) was ‘I only ask that you finish school. It doesn’t matter what you do in your life, just finish school’. It was different from the expectations of everyone else – which was along the lines of ‘go to school, become a doctor of medicine, an astronaut, a lawyer, a business mogul, the president of 7 countries, a wife and mother to 12 kids all at the exact same time’. When my uncle passed away, my aunt and I were telling everyone that everything is okay and that my uncle was in a better place, even though we were crying and upset.
In terms of positivity: in my life, I’ve been through some of the ugliest and traumatic situations and there were so many times when I thought to myself – there’s no way that I will survive this. The strange thing that has gotten me through is time. When I look at a clock, I see that it continues, even though something horrible is going on, the clock will continue and move on to the next minute as if nothing happened. Whenever something bad happened, I would start to tell myself that “that was just a bad hour, or a bad few minutes and now I’m on to the next hour, the next minute or day". Sometimes, I would tell myself "In one year from now (this bad moment), you won’t even remember that this happened". I will learn from that moment and continue knowing that I am still alive and if I am alive, I am still capable of moving on and doing bigger things.
7. In the moments when you’re not feeling positive is there a song you always listen to that picks you back up?
This will sound backwards, but whenever I am not feeling positive, I go out and find music that fits my mood. I think one thing that hurts us is always trying to keep all of our emotions positive and not allowing ourselves to really feel what it is that we’re feeling, so I always make sure to take a set amount of time to explore that feeling but not stay there long. For example, last summer I had to make the decision to end a relationship with someone I really loved after a year. I was going through every single emotion and kept playing the song ‘Wake Up’ by Eden, with the opening lyrics “cause we’ve been driving so long, I can’t remember how we got here or how we survived so long”. The song made me cry for hours and hours until I couldn’t cry any more.
Once I got over it, I started to play the songs that pump me up: ‘Paper Planes’ by M.I.A, ‘All I Do Is Win’ by DJ Khaled, ‘Underestimated’ by Maestro Fresh, ‘Bigger The Better’ by Nelly Furtado and ‘Bittersweet Symphony’ by the Verve.
8. Who is/are your favourite singer/s and songwriter/s and why?
Right now, it is Phantogram , FKA Twigs and M.I.A.
I fell head over heels in love with Phantogram about 5 years ago after hearing ‘When I Am Small’, a daunting song that can be interpreted in many ways. What struck me was the vulnerability in the words “show me love; you’ve got your hands on a button now”, which I interpreted as giving your heart to someone who could destroy you at any minute. Their lyrics are so poetic and the music is this amazing cross between rock, hip hop and electronic. Since hearing them, I believe I’ve listened to all their albums on repeat about 150 times each and my Spotify playlist pretty much contains only their music.
FKA Twigs stole my heart a few years ago. I was listening to what was known before as Songza and ‘Two Weeks’ came up. Her soft, smooth vocals mixed with a few F-bombs and precise lyrics shocked me. She also had vulnerability in many of her lyrics like in ‘Water Me’, where she says “he won’t make love to me now” or in ‘Video Girl’, where she asks “is she the girl from the video? Stop, stop talking to me.” Her bold lyrics about love and female sexuality really pushed the envelope for me and helped open me up.
Lastly M.I.A. really put who I was into perspective. On TV, the only black people I grew up seeing were ghetto/gangster or gospel. It was rare to see a foreigner who knew about war, ate different types of food, whose first language wasn’t English and who saw the world in a completely different light. Her music was so different and what she spoke about was what I either faced or what I saw happening around me. Her stance on fighting for peace and equality and speaking on issues like immigration and border barriers was something unprecedented.
9. What was the last song you heard that took your breath away?
The one song that stole not only breath but my heart as well is ‘Blame’ by Zeds Dead & Diplo featuring Elliphant. There is something about the production and Elliphant’s voice and the way she sings the song really hit me hard. Although the lyrics didn’t really suit the situation (since it is about being someone that always strays away and is a free soul), the song was the final push that allowed me to forgive someone who had cheated on me almost 10 years previously.
10. How did your collaboration with Yaba Angelosi come about and what have you taken away from the experience?
The collaboration with Yaba Angelosi was almost 4 years in the making. I don’t recall exactly how we got connected, but we started talking about working on a song on Facebook. He is based in Nashville and I am based in Toronto, so we were negotiating whether it would be better for him to come to Canada and we record here, or I go to Nashville and record there. I was waiting for my citizenship confirmation and passport which took nearly 2 and half years to finally get. I worked on my lyrics in Canada and then I decided to go to Nashville to record since I had never been outside the country. Working with Yaba Angelosi in the studio was great. We recorded in a very inconspicuous studio (it had a t-shirt production facility at the front of the building and a nice, high grade studio hidden in the back). Yaba Angelosi mixed the song that night since we were so excited with the results. There were so many production issues that the release of the song took a year. I got to learn a lot about the inner workings of the industry and how different it is to release music in other countries.
11. Are there any other artists you’d like to work with and why?
Phantogram would be one of the top artists that I would like to work with. I love their raw approach to recording (they started out recording on a farm in upstate New York) and their absolute passion for music. You can feel their energy through the music. I also love that they are open to so many different genres and experiment with many instruments.
12. You’re currently working on a book – how did that come about?
I attended a workshop back in January called My Life Is Art. It was created by Emmanuel Jal, who is a South Sudanese former child soldier turned rapper, entrepreneur and activist. One thing that the workshop taught me is to think larger, demolish any road blocks and to share your experiences in life in as many forms as you can. Writing was something that I’ve always loved to do next to music and I’ve already written novels, so it seemed like the natural thing to do.
13. What other forms of writing – theatre, TV, film or poetry – would you like to try?
I’ve dabbled in poetry and I like it but I tend to go off on tangents which makes one poem the size of a dictionary…
I’ve never really tried theatre or TV, but down the road, I would love to experiment with film and write empowering dramatic thrillers like ‘Girl; Interrupted’ and ‘Lost in Translation’ and even a foreign film like ‘The Dreamers’ and ‘Gegen Die Wand’.
14. What single piece of advice would you give to someone who is just starting out?
There are actually 2 pieces of advice I always tell people:
Just start. I always get asked “where do I start” in the music or modelling industry or “what did you do to get started” and my only response is “just start”. It doesn’t matter where you begin. Just find somewhere and start. For example, for me, I started doing traditional African dancing when I was 6 years old. That was the start of really getting involved in music for me. That opportunity led to working with a choir, which led to me leading the choir, which led to me learning how to sing better and write and understand music and live performance, which led to bigger opportunities. There’s no real right or wrong place to start since you will find your place no matter if you jump on a massive stage or pick up a guitar and start a band or if you write a song – regardless, you just have to start.
Do one thing a day. There’s always the dilemma of having a demanding day job or having kids or feeling depressed or any issue that seems to drain your time and energy. I always advise that no matter what day of the week it is or how you feel or how much time/energy you have, do one thing towards your goal. Send one demo or email to an important person, arrange one part of a future show, make one advertisement for your music, practice for even 10 minutes; no matter what, just do one thing a day. It will all add up. One thing a day, makes 30 things done towards your goal in a month, which is better than not doing a single thing because you are overwhelmed.
15. Where will you be in ten years time?
In ten years time, I picture myself sitting outside of my house that is next to the beach in the Caribbean holding my child in one arm and iPod in the other hand. It will be after successfully release 3 albums, completing a world tour and launching a successful company that has an initiative to sponsor refugee children from South Sudan and surrounding countries that have been devastated by war.
Listen to Amanie Illfated on Spotify or on Youtube. - Ray Grewal - Scriptplay.co.uk
Her music provides thought-provoking lyrics that coincide with moody synths and euphonious Reggae/Afrobeat inspired drums. At her live shows, the audience is bound to experience an energetic and captivating aura, along with charismatic dance segments. - Chilled Magazine
Raised in Saskatchewan, South Sudanese-born artist, Amanie Illfated is back with a brand new video for her single, “The Hills”, which is a catchy, dark indie-pop track with a strong, meaningful message. The song, which was written by Amanie Illfated and produced by Brampton’s Santam Singh Chatha of 5 Rivers Entertainment is now available on all streaming services including Spotify, Apple Music and Tidal. - Canadian Beats - Jenna Melanson
To honour the celebration of International Women's Day, we had a chance to interview a few of our BOSS LADIES in the fashion & entertainment industry. Here is our highlight story of the African Entertainment Award Canada nominee artist/ entrepreneur Amanie Illfated. - Neecee Lexy
Amanie lives in Toronto now, but she grew up in Regina after arriving here in 1992 with her family from what is now South Sudan. She honed her singing and dancing chops in numerous local choirs and dance troupes, and left for Toronto at age 16 to pursue a music career. In August, the R&B, reggae and Afropop artist released her debut album Saturn. The first single, “The Hills”, has been getting international airplay, and on Nov. 23 Amanie is performing at The Owl at the University of Regina. Here are six songs she considers favourites.
-Gregory Beatty - Planet S Magazine/Prairie Dog Magazine - Gregory Beatty
Amanie Illfated is a South Sudanese born, Toronto based singer/songwriter working in a dynamic fusion of R&B, Reggae, Afrobeat and Trap. She was born in what is now known as South Sudan and immigrated to Saskatchewan with her family as refugees in 1992. At the age of 16, she left her family to pursue music in Toronto. Her highly acclaimed single ‘The Hills’ was released in August 2018 from her album called ‘SATURN’ which was released on October 19, 2019. Amanie joined us to talk about her writing process and working with producers.
- Michael Proudfoot - Songtalk Radio - Michael Proudfoot
Host Deardra Shuler talks with singer/songwriter/model Amanie Illfated. Amanie Illfated is a 2-time nominated South Sudanese singer who is based in Toronto and carries the additional titles of producer, model, and activist. Her music consists of thought-provoking lyrics that are mixed with moody synths and fused with rhythmic, Reggae/Afrobeat inspired drums. She is known for her thrilling, energetic and captivating live shows; each consisting of charismatic dance segments and plenty of audience interaction. Amanie has been making her mark on the Canadian music scene and creating a sensational buzz in the United States, England, Scotland, Australia, Sweden and Denmark with her 2015 self-titled EP and her upcoming EP, ‘SATURN’. Her lead single from the EP, ‘The Hills’, has been well received by fans and music critics internationally.
-Deardra Shuler - Topically Yours - Deardra Shuler
What’s the most rebellious thing you’ve ever done?
I would say there are 2 things:
The first would be doing a demonstration in the cold in traditional South Sudanese wear in one of Toronto's busiest intersections to build awareness of the atrocities that women and children in the South Sudan face on a day to day basis.
The second was leaving home at 16 to pursue music despite my parents, friends and teachers being completely against it, but I saw the bigger vision and managed to survive with little help. - The Rebel Buzz
Say hello to Amanie Illfated this Sunday on New Music.
This indie pop fusion singer, songwriter and model was born in South Sudan, was raised in Saskatchewan and now live in Toronto.
Amanie chatted with Allen Bell in preparation for this week’s New Music Show and you can hear the full interview on Sunday night at 10 PM. - Phuket FM Radio - Allen Bell
In 1992, Amanie’s family fled the war torn country of what is now known as South Sudan and settled in the frequently frigid city of Regina, Saskatchewan as refugees. Within the first few months of life Canada, she heard Celine Dion on CBC Radio and made the decision to become a singer. She began her journey in the entertainment industry as a traditional South Sudanese dancer and quickly gained the confidence to perform in local choirs. Amanie produced and recorded in her make-shift basement studio at 12 and performed many songs in public. She began playing piano and producing and was leading the South Sudanese children’s choir. It wasn’t long before she wrote enough material to put out the promotional album ‘lost with directions’. At 16 years old, Amanie sought bigger opportunities and left her friends and family behind to move to Toronto, Ontario, where she enrolled in a digital music production class at SATEC @ W.A. Porter Collegiate. - Chicago Music Guide
Ebony Expressions is back for another inspiring evening of fashion, art, food and music!
Look for performances by Fire Up Dance, Sure-D, Amanie Illfated, Empress Ghadafi and more. - She Does The City
Last night I attended a concert by Sudanese-Canadian singer Amanie Illfated. She had an unshakable command of the stage. We had an engaging conversation prior to the show.... - The Black Eskimo Podcast - David B. Dacosta
Rencontre avec une artiste jeune, talentueuse et francophile. - CHOQ FM 105.1
Amanie Illfated, now a Toronto resident but originally from Regina, visits the Queen City - CTV Regina
Past Performances:
RAW Artists Levitate 2024 | Orange Country & San Diego, USA
Afrofest South Africa 2023 | Capetown, South Africa
Afrofest Toronto 2023 | Toronto, Canada
AFRIMMA Awards Show | Dallas, Texas
Kilkilu Ana Comedy Show | Juba, South Sudan
Music Africa Black History Month | Toronto, Canada
Afrofest Africa @ Bagamoyo Festival | Bagamoyo, Tanzania
Northern Touch Music Festival 2022 | Virtual
Music Africa Black History Month | Virtual
RAW Artists GENERATE Showcase | Toronto, Canada
Afrofest Toronto 2022 | Toronto, Canada
Winnipeg Fringe Festival | Winnipeg, Canada
Afrofest 2021 Virtual Festival
African Decent Festival | Vancouver Canada
Ruka Festival by Dynamq | Juba, South Sudan
UofT211 South Sudan Art Expo | University of Toronto | Toronto
UNITY ONE Faces of Change 2020 | Hamilton
AfroEssence Ball 2020 | Toronto
Virtualtainment July Virtual Music Festival
South Sudan Unite 2020 Virtual SudoLink
The Immigrant Hustle Podcast
Habari Africa Virtual Music Festival by Batuki Music
Neecee Lexy Official Podcast
Mondo NYC 2020 Virtual Music Festival
Virtualtainment November Virtual Music Festival
UNITY ONE Faces of Change | Sam’s Hotel & Tavern | Hamilton
EBEX 2019: Black History | The Vault | Toronto
Open Tuning Festival 2019 | Toronto
Sound Of Music Festival 2019 | Burlington
Afrofest by Music Africa 2019 | Woodbine Park | Toronto
Saturday Night Live With Gene King | Wayla Bar | Toronto
South Sudan Unite 2019 | Minneapolis, USA
We The Champs | Basso Lounge | Toronto
Hollywood North Toronto 5th Annual TIFF Gala | Pick 6ix | Toronto
SATURN: EP Release Concert | Spadina Theater | Toronto
Francophonie En Fete | Distillery District | Toronto
TDOT Fest 2018 | Yonge Dundas Square | Toronto
RAW:Toronto Artist Showcase | Mod Club | Toronto
Inkdigenous Anniversary Party | Inkdigenous Tattoo Parlour | Toronto
Canada Music Festival | Mel Lastman Square | North York
Carassauga | Hershey Center | Mississauga
People For Education With Margaret Atwood | Crow's Nest Theater | Toronto
Congress of Black Women Lunch | Chris Gibson Recreation Center | Brampton
Nuit d'Afrique | Francophonie En Fete | Randolph Academy | Toronto
Francophonie En Fete | Distillery District | Toronto
A World Away Concert by Emerging Young Artists | Daniels Spectrum | Toronto
TDots Records Presents 'Sounds of The City' | Supermarket | Toronto
Afro-Carib Festival | Scarborough
Music On Main Festival | Markham BIA | Markham
UNHCR Stop Famine In South Sudan Fundraiser | Ottawa
Music in the Garden | Matthew House | Toronto
AfroFest by Music Africa | Woodbine Park | Toronto
South Sudan Fundraiser With Kikijiko | Small World Music Theater | Toronto
Open Tuning Festival | Seaton Village | Toronto
Carl Henry III CD Release Party | Cadillac Lounge | Toronto
Sounds of the City | T Dots Records | Toronto
Feeling The One Drop Album Release Party | Cameron House | Toronto
Men 101 Talk Show | Rogers TV | Toronto
Pinktober Breast Cancer Awareness | Hard Rock Café | Toronto
Harvest Moon Neil Young Tribute | Gladstone Hotel | Toronto
Tropical Vibes with Feeling The One Drop | The Central
Canadian Musician Magazine Showcase Feature | Canada
Karibuni Radio Show – CIUT 89.5 FM | Toronto
Dharmonic Podcast With Kevin O’Conner | New York
Anthem Entertainment’s International Music Festival | Toronto
Indie Night! Featuring amanie illfated | Hard Rock Cafe | Toronto
amanie illfated Official Album Release Party | Cavern Bar | Toronto
Artists Supporting Artists Showcase | Hamilton
Galbraith Building | NSBE Black History | Toronto
International Student's Festival | David Pecaut Square | Toronto
Melody Bar | Halftime show for Kobo Town | Toronto
Ricoh Coliseum | Opened for Nigerian Artists P.Square | Toronto
We Are One - South Sudan Showcase | Hosted by Batuki Music Society | Toronto

Amanie Illfated (pronounced: ah-MAH-nee eel-fay-ted) is an award winning South Sudanese born international recording artist. Her music consists of thought-provoking multilingual tracks mixed with a dynamic blend of Afropop and R&B, all combined with her signature, sweet-toned vocals. She incorporates her personal experiences including growing up as a refugee in Canada to deliver inspirational messages of empowerment, healing, diversity and fun. She has been described as the “African M.I.A.”.
The massive shock of having to adapt to two different cultures simultaneously caused Amanie to turn to music as a way of expressing herself. It was a path that caused many, including her parents, to doubt her success. After continuous threats of her music ‘thing’ not working out, Amanie embraced the concept and added Illfated to her stage name. “At some point I said, I guess I’m just going to have a bad future, cause I’m not leaving music,” she asserts.
Amanie won Best R&B Artist of the Year at the 2021 South Sudan Music Awards. She has also received 2 nominations by African Entertainment Awards for Best Female Artist and Musician of the Year by South Sudanese ACE Awards. She has worked with Juno award winning producers Taabu and James Bryan (The Philosopher Kings & Prozzäk).
She released her genre bending album ‘SATURN’ in October 2019 containing multilingual tracks like ‘The Hills’ and ‘You Will Never Know’. Her music has been played on various international radio shows including CBC’s Fresh Air and she has performed on Rogers TV for talk show 'Men 101' and on CTV Morning Regina. Amanie has been showcased and interviewed in numerous magazines such as Canadian Musician and Bustle Magazine as part of PUMA’s She Moves Us Campaign.
Additionally, she has performed internationally at notable festivals and venues such as Bagamoyo International Arts Festival in Tanzania (with attendance of Vice President Philip Mpango), Afrofest Toronto, TDotFest at Yonge & Dundas Square, African Descent Festival in Vancouver, South Sudan Unite 2019 in Minneapolis (held by former NBA Player Luol Deng) and RUKAFest in Juba, South Sudan.
In January 2022, Amanie partnered with former refugee Sudan Warchild to sponsor 5 children from a refugee camp in Uganda to go to school in Kampala. She hopes to create more opportunities for young refugees to take control of their own futures.
Amanie released her sophomore album DIVINE on July 9, 2023.
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