Durango, Colorado, United States | Established. Jan 01, 2011 | INDIE
The black metal band Aetranok was spawned in the high desert of New Mexico in the small town of Aztec, but from the sound of their music you’d think they dwell in one of the lower levels of Hell. Their second album, Kingdoms of The Black Sepulcher, is set for release on April 26th by Symbol of Domination (Belarus) and Death Portal Studio (U.S.), and today we present the premiere of a lyric video for the song “Ov Precipice and Bestial Purity“.
The lyrics of the song proclaim that “the mantra of ruined angels vibrates the heavens to rubble,” and they celebrate the advent of an immaculate oblivion. “Here lies the abyss,” the vocalist shrieks in scorching tones, and the music matches all these words.
A martial snare pattern and the moaning of deep horns announces the coming of Aetranok’s sonic oblivion, and then it arrives in a fury, with bursts of heavy rampaging riffs, militaristic drum blasting, and those incinerating vocals. The torrent is marked by writhing, dissonant guitar flurries and groaning, distorted bass detonations, and an ominous keyboard melody rises up and slowly heaves across the maelstrom-like storm of sound. It’s a breathtaking assault, and a chilling one as well.
One more track from the album — “Signum Eios Barathrum” — is available for listening now on Bandcamp, where you can also pre-order this devastating album. - No Clean Singing
Today's exclusive Metalunderground.com premiere comes from U.S. black metal band Aetranok. "Infernal Vestiges" is a brand new song off of the band's upcoming album, "Kingdoms Of The Black Sepulcher," due out April 26, 2018 as a co-release from Satanath Records' sub-label Symbol Of Domination (Belarus) and Death Portal Studio (USA). You can pre-order the album as well as download/preview another song, "Signum Eios Barathrum," on bandcamp.com. - Metal Underground
Pełnowymiarowy debiut tego black metalowego zespołu został wydany w 2014 roku. Drugi krążek zatytułowany jest „Kingdoms of the Black Sepulcher” . Znalazło się na nim 7 utworów. Materiał ten można nabyć na CD (12-stronicowa książeczka). Za jego wydanie odpowiada Symbol of Domination Prod. i Death Portal Studio. - Chaos Vault Webzine
Satanath Records ha pubblicato in streaming 'Towers Ov Arezura', song degli Aetranok tratta dal loro nuovo album "Kingdoms of the Black Sepulcher", in uscita il prossimo 26 aprile: - True Metal
Friedhof Magazine en colaboración con Symbol Of Domination Prod., estrenamos en exclusiva el sencillo "Towers Ov Arezura" de Aetranok.
"Towers Ov Arezura" estará incluido en el nuevo álbum de la banda, titulado "Kingdoms Of The Black Sepulcher ", que estará disponible el próximo día 26 de abril a través del sello bielorruso y de Death Portal Studio (USA).
Puedes hacerte con tu copia de "Kingdoms Of The Black Sepulcher", en el siguiente enlace.
El listado de canciones será el siguiente:
1. Ov Precipice And Bestial Purity
2. Signum Eios Barathrum
3. Kingdoms Of The Black Sepulcher
4. The Lament Of Seraphs
5. Towers Of Arezura
6. Infernal Vestiges
7. Liber Khao Ad Veritas - Friedhof Magazine
Still working on that hot first release.

A black metal band based in Colorado, Aetranok has seen significant changes in their early years. Cycling through various former members, a line-up was solidified prior to the release of their second LP, and consists of five members, including the band's founder and songwriter, Apophis (guitar / vocals), Draka (vocals / guitar), Tenebros (keyboards), Thoros (bass), and Xamot (drums / percussion).
The band uses a wide arsenal of musical methods to bring their creations to life, such as classical music ideology, complex percussion patterns, diverse lyrical placement, and instrumental transitions.
Even in the early years of the band's first album (Grand Invokation), these elements can be heard, shaping the band's musical direction into their second album (Kingdoms of the Black Sepulcher).
Aetranok expanded their influence from performing small local shows to travelling out of their native state for larger events, such as South Dakota's Stygian Rites.
Initially covered by local newspapers with the release of their first demo, this expansion was not limited to their live performances, as their second LP and derived videos were released / promoted with the cooperation of labels in two countries (Satanath/Symbol of Domination, Death Portal), spreading the band's music over half of the globe as well as catching the attention of widespread internet sources such as the music page "No Clean Singing."
Aetranok continued to apply disciplined musical techniques in their writing and performance as they set their sights on the creation of several videos, such as the title track, "Kingdoms of the Black Sepulcher," and other tracks from the album of the same name, all of which deliver the full impact of the band's aggressive musical approach.
Band Members